VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #9

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One more thing...and sorry again but I hv to refer to the original sketch that was listed for MH's case and now Heathers. I'm still really torn on weather he is AA male or Arab. There is something about his appearance that screams Arab middle eastern to me. I'd like LE to check all student expired visa's and updated middle eastern student visa's for anyone living in a 5 mile radius of the college. I know that sounds like a lot but for a hacker with great skills it isn't a decipher. If the same person took HG that visciously murdered MH, I truly believe we are missing something very important...checking student visa's exp and not. This person lives very close to the college. This person is a rapist and has issues with approaching women when they are not intoxicated. Meaning he has some type of anti social personality; or possibly is extremely socially inept around women. I think that we need to also look into the possibility of a hate crime against women if this person I suspect, not AA but Middle eastern. Behind that philosophy..there is general hatred against esp blonde women in america...this is known in america. Isis, Isil, or any extremist groups hate blonde beautiful entitled females. I hope that the FBI and LE has checked into exp visa's for the school, and all students that are here on visa from Middle east. Someone who may have flew home out of country after morgan was murdered but has now had his visa reinstated and has killed again. Someone living in the general area...who is failing and flunking out at school and has extremist views on America. I just have to float this public in writing because i am pretty good at profiling, and reading body language and scenes. I am retired now and have lots of time on my hands. So when I look at these missing women, including Morgan's case and this case, and the sketch matching...almost to the T, I really need someone to look into exp visa's trips out of country and returning students with visa's reinstated. As well as expired visas that dropped out and are living in and near the college. This means footwork door to door, finding out exactly who is living in each home, and if anyone has knowledge of someone who is here on a visa...someone who traveled out of country after Morgan's death and has now returned to america. I just cannot go on thinking he is an African American. There is something that keeps screaming to me middle eastern about the perp in many of these cases. And not to racially profile, but I just want them to check the visa's on students who flunked out and stayed in the area. If other students could come fwd who had a roomate who fits this MO that would be most helpful for Morgans case possibly as well as this one. Not many days go by that I do not find myself remembering or thinking about Morgans case, and I will never forget her. Something is going on in VA, and someone knows something. Reaching out to the public and putting out feelers, such as these could really help. I'm not convinced the sketch is of an African American Male. JMO...and also my opinion of a possible motive behind the rapes. This is someone who is a failure. Someone who is a failure WITH WOMEN, and the only way to even "get" near one is when they are completely intoxicated. otherwise normal women would blow them off in a heart beat. He is socially inept in some way. And he has an extreme hatred of either women, or possibly Americans. I understand everyone not understanding that he lawyered up asap; if you look at the front end of his vehicle, we also need to ask of this POI, when did that damage occur and did he accidentally hit HG, as she fled his vehicle that night or was it a hit and run and he is good for this crime and put her body somewhere. Those are my ideas this morning...but my original profile in Morgans case ...nothing much has happened yet to sway me away from my theory. Someone also has Mogan's necklace...I can't see HG close enough in the video's and it looks to me that she is really lite on accessories, did she have any jewelry on at all? This needs to be put out there, exactly what her rings looked like and earrrings if she had them and necklace if wearing one that night. These are just my opinions so far...I'd lawyer up too if I was named a POI and had nothing to do with this case...I'm just not sure how accurately he even fits the sketches released in this case.

Hey Cherry Pie,

If you read the latest news, you'll see that the POI is a black make born in the UK, but has lived here in the US since he was a child (don't know if he'd refer to himself as AA as a result)....
Anyone think this case is just the strangest, all the way around?

A girl (HG) is missing under almost identical circumstances to another girl (MH), and similar but not exact circumstances to several other missing girls in the immediate and broader area as well (LS, AM, BD, SC, etc.). POI's apartment is near where they found MH's shirt, four years to the day of SC being missing, etc. Two men recorded following her. Multiple descriptions of the POI, possible police deception or something else?
Multiple sightings of HG in various places (camera and/or witnesses), none of which make sense. Two other sexual assaults right where HG texts that she is lost?!

Even the way the case has been handled, with so much footage and fact released, is just so different than many of the other cases. The way Longo was practically daring reporters to out the POI. The searches and seizures, but no arrest? Then a warrant for arrest but on driving charges?! Everything has happened so quickly.

No real point to this post I guess, but this whole thing just surprises me more and more at each turn. I would hope that the next twist would be that maybe HG is out there alive and can be rescued, though that looks less and less likely.
What's stopping CPD from calling WG in for further questioning and possibly obtaining some warrants on him, his phone, etc?

Nothing. They may have done that. I'm sure a lot has happened behind the scenes that we don't know about.
Hey Cherry Pie,

If you read the latest news, you'll see that the POI is a black make born in the UK, but has lived here in the US since he was a child (don't know if he'd refer to himself as AA as a result)....

Ummm, I don't believe that is correct
Random thought time:

Can't help but think the Police might want to investigate the two sexual assaults that occurred the same weekend that HG went missing - one of them on the same night at practically the same location where HG texted someone saying she was lost. 14th and Wertland.

Report on sexual assaults:

Strange? Police have said there is no connection. But if that's the case, then this is probably the biggest coincidence of all time. What if the 'text' sent by HG was an attempt to bait her female friends to come out looking for her. Like I said, just a thought....

Can we talk about this please?
Hey Cherry Pie,

If you read the latest news, you'll see that the POI is a black make born in the UK, but has lived here in the US since he was a child (don't know if he'd refer to himself as AA as a result)....

pretty sure all that applies to Hannah, not POI.
That video clip starts with JM walking on camera and ends with JM walking off camera. That entire clip is about JM. Police played dumb as part of their tactics but likely not only did they know exactly every movement JM had made on camera, I am sure they also already knew who he was.

If I saw a videoclip released that tracked my movements and focused on me, red flags would be flying and no way would I speak to LE from that point on without a lawyer present, even if I was 150% innocent. Especially when very shortly after my car was seized and my house was searched.

But wouldn't u get a lawyer and let that Lawyer proclaim your innocence?
Would u go on the run?
Don't you think that makes matters worse for yourself?

I understand what your saying but running wont help him. JMO
Longo must be really mad that LE allowed JM to speed off and lost him.

I have read every post on all of Hannah's threads but feel I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. I'm having a hard time with this case because it's the first case i have followed where I wasn't convinced immediately that the person named as a poi was the perpetrator. Logic tells me he most likely is involved based on the police pressers, the fact that police are saying he was the last person seen with her before she vanished, etc, but part of me believes they don't have video of Hannah getting into his car. I am also still Trying to reconcile the white male witness report that a black male with a shaved head was seen putting his arm around her and the white male witness then stopped following her because his description definitely is not what the poi looks like basically, I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. Just praying for Hannah and her family and praying she is found and justice prevails.

I'm not convinced one way or the other either. However, because the dogs lost her scent outside Tempo, I think we can assume she got in the car with him or stood there and waited for someone else to pick her up.
Why aren't we discussing at all the fact that JM is on the loose, wanted (albeit for reckless driving) and no one can find him?

Charlottesville LE has no idea where he is and now that he's left the jurisdiction, they cannot be in charge of finding him?

Is this case now in the hands of VA state police and out of CPD's hands?

I will say i know that in VA they will not spend many men or $$ on trying to extradite someone on a charge this small. His parents must know where he is as well as his lawyer. The front end damage to his car makes me wonder, if there was a hit and reckless driving...pulling out of a home whether le watching or not isn't a crime to speed off. I'm thinking hit and run charge, or a reason for that front end damage. I'm not at all 100% he is our perp in her case..and his record has no violence at all...I see too many similarities to Morgans case and cannot let go of the fact that the sketches released look possibly arab in nature not african american.

I know the FBI is busy in PA with the manhunt. But I hope in the future, who ever is detail and point person on Morgans case will do the research into the visa's, exp or not. And any travel by anyone in the surrounding student or otherwise. The sketch released doesn't really portray a younger male. To me it shows someone in their 30s or even older. then again it's just a sketch but every one has so tunnel visioned into African American Young Male....I think this is off.
On her way to Tempos she passed by several bars with a later opening time (2am) such as Rapture (danceclub), Zocalo, and Commonwealth restaurant skybar. Why go into Tempos? Did she know she would not get carded there?
But wouldn't u get a lawyer and let that Lawyer proclaim your innocence?
Would u go on the run?
Don't you think that makes matters worse for yourself?

I understand what your saying but running wont help him. JMO

Up until the reckless driving situation, it appears he tried to get a lawyer and could not retain one.
What's stopping CPD from calling WG in for further questioning and possibly obtaining some warrants on him, his phone, etc?

Nothing at all. Except that she was seen with JM last, not WG. And WG has been in and talked to them. I'm sure if they want to speak to him again then they'll contact him.
Hey Cherry Pie,

If you read the latest news, you'll see that the POI is a black make born in the UK, but has lived here in the US since he was a child (don't know if he'd refer to himself as AA as a result)....

Do you have a link to that news?

Hannah was born in the UK and came here at around age 5, but I've not read that about POI.

That said, POI is NOT Arab.
Hey Cherry Pie,

If you read the latest news, you'll see that the POI is a black make born in the UK, but has lived here in the US since he was a child (don't know if he'd refer to himself as AA as a result)....

Are you sure you aren't confusing your facts? Hannah is originally from the UK, not the POI. If you have a link stating differently, could you kindly post it? TIA
What's stopping CPD from calling WG in for further questioning and possibly obtaining some warrants on him, his phone, etc?

We don't know. It is possible that this person shows up in other video footage and can account for where he went after leaving he area. The pitfall of coming forward if you are in those videos or were in that area is that, yes, you will be questioned as to what you did after the sighting. You will have toa ccount for your movements and doings that evening. If the guy has no verification of where he went, what he did, he could also be a POI, as could anyone.

The striking thing I see about JM is that he doesn't show up on video footage after Hannah disappears off the tape. If LE could identify JM still mulling around the area, as they were searching for more Hannah sighings, he would not be under such suspicion, IMO. It's a problem if he disappeared from the scene just like Hannah did. If he had a solid alibi that worked out time wise for him as to where he was, and with whom after leaving TEmpo, he wouldn't be in this trouble. Just tell LE and they verify. That has not happened. If I were at the Mall, saw JM with Hannah and told LE and they could see me on other footage, maybe even getting my car, and family verified I came home at a time that fits the distance from the area, I'd be homefree. Otherwise, LE is going to be very interested and suspicious of my whereabout. Also most of us don't know when we are on film and when we are not, so the narrative would be fluid for those of us just telling what we did with no compunction.
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