VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #3

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Just watching some of the testimony of AH's psychologist. Everything that she brings up IMO is the worst possible for JD and AH is a saint only suffering maladies inflicted upon her. AH recorded a lot but nothing where she's being attacked physically/sexually and the doctor describes several alleged instances quite graphically. The psychologist also noted that JD would leave periodically during an argument and then return to continue the abuse. So why didn't AH turn on that recorder, especially if those episodes were predictable? They're seriously over-killing their case by making it so unbelievable.
Just watching some of the testimony of AH's psychologist. Everything that she brings up IMO is the worst possible for JD and AH is a saint only suffering maladies inflicted upon her. AH recorded a lot but nothing where she's being attacked physically/sexually and the doctor describes several alleged instances quite graphically. The psychologist also noted that JD would leave periodically during an argument and then return to continue the abuse. So why didn't AH turn on that recorder, especially if those episodes were predictable? They're seriously over-killing their case by making it so unbelievable.

one of the CourtTV experts basically said the same thing you did in the 3-5pm section - that it’s very conveeeeeenient that her expert imputes all the worst, meanest motives to JD and the best to poor wee Amber (I mean, I don’t know what they were expecting from ‘her expert’; I still agree it’s an overreach).

Unfortunately for JD/Dr. Curry, those people were both male lawyers and not psychiatric experts, so who knows what the audience made of it. Today they might have someone with some narrower background to evaluate it.

Basically it seems to me, as I believe from the above it seems to you (feel free to correct me!!), that the AH expert was used as a mouthpiece to cram every scurrilous accusation of Amber’s into the public discourse on this case (she may in fact be an expert; her secondhand testimony doesn’t help to demonstrate it IMO);

and lastly… can you imagine your spouse making this as an accusation over the course of your marital dissolution, and thinking that they can still make you come crawling back to them…?!?!!
Have to say that I was not surprised by Hughes elaborating on how Heard was supposedly the victim in all of this…kind of expected it. After all, she is Heard’s paid expert in defending Depp’s $50mil suit against Heard and Herd’s $100mil suit against Depp.

What I didn’t expect is how much she went into the SAs supposedly that happened to Heard. Heard’s team have said SA happened but when did this narrative actually start coming out? It just felt like it was an added “emotion” feature of her testimony knowing how the public feels about that issue. She seemed to go into great detail about the Australian altercation where Depp had the tip of his finger sliced off, but Heard had NO visible signs of the altercation that Heard supposedly described to Hughes.

JMO, but I found Curry much more relatable in her demeanor than Hughes.

I believe her cross will be happening this morning. Another day and more drama…
Exactly, me too. If I threw something at my abuser I’d probably be dead. They are scary. She never seemed afraid of Johnny. He seemed the one wanting to get away.

well, apparently one can find an expert to testify that anything is possible in/to victims of domestic violence, as someone said upthread the AH shrink did, up to and including striking one’s abuser :rolleyes:.

Makes you wonder why anyone would ever believe in behavioral or personality evaluation, if we all might as well just throw decks of cards in the air and see how they land because any and every reaction is plausible, no?

IMO, in my equally plausible (IMO) personality evaluation ;), I think when one interacts with AH, one is getting the logical outcropping of the lifetime of a beautiful little girl being able to get into and out of anything she wants with strangers via pursing her lips up and making sad-eyed little moues at people; and the audacity that such privilege can create in the less-than-morally moored amongst their ranks.

‘Surely someone that beautiful could never be an evil amoral liar?’, and similar.
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Have to say that I was not surprised by Hughes elaborating on how Heard was supposedly the victim in all of this…kind of expected it. After all, she is Heard’s paid expert in defending Depp’s $50mil suit against Heard and Herd’s $100mil suit against Depp.

What I didn’t expect is how much she went into the SAs supposedly that happened to Heard. Heard’s team have said SA happened but when did this narrative actually start coming out? It just felt like it was an added “emotion” feature of her testimony knowing how the public feels about that issue. She seemed to go into great detail about the Australian altercation where Depp had the tip of his finger sliced off, but Heard had NO visible signs of the altercation that Heard supposedly described to Hughes.

JMO, but I found Curry much more relatable in her demeanor than Hughes.

I believe her cross will be happening this morning. Another day and more drama…

you forgot the 3-4 minor brown marks on her left forearm in that one picture. :rolleyes:

you know, the one in evidence that’s showing off her (I believe) enormous and expensive round engagement ring.

I mean, generally in my experience when I get scratched and cut by anything (I in fact have a big one on my left hip I just discovered this AM, about 1.5/2 inches long and v.mysterious in etiology), I get sewing stitch type marks and beading dark brown, almost-black scabs, and I bet many of you do too; AH looks like she leaned on something blunt which bruised her, or even a little bit like some makeup influencer drawing swatches on their arm.
Just watching some of the testimony of AH's psychologist. Everything that she brings up IMO is the worst possible for JD and AH is a saint only suffering maladies inflicted upon her. AH recorded a lot but nothing where she's being attacked physically/sexually and the doctor describes several alleged instances quite graphically. The psychologist also noted that JD would leave periodically during an argument and then return to continue the abuse. So why didn't AH turn on that recorder, especially if those episodes were predictable? They're seriously over-killing their case by making it so unbelievable.
No independent witnesses makes the story that AH is selling hard to be credibly, even rough sexual intercourse for a male would require medical attention of some type let alone lady parts, no medical physician record, no nothing, not even an air host witness when she was alledgly kicked along the plane.
No independent witnesses makes the story that AH is selling hard to be credibly, even rough sexual intercourse for a male would require medical attention of some type let alone lady parts, no medical physician record, no nothing, not even an air host witness when she was alledgly kicked along the plane.

But, but, but… he PAYS them, you see.

In exchange for performing… work… for him.

his housekeeper who had to deal with the poop in the bed has been with him since 1993… apparently her joy at cleaning up the worst of the worst messes is indefatigable, though she allegedly almost quit over this… but we’ll be expected by her counsel to believe AH’s intimidated bossed-around sister without flinching, because she of course has no reason to lie. Or something.
and lastly… can you imagine your spouse making this as an accusation over the course of your marital dissolution, and thinking that they can still make you come crawling back to them…?!?!!

Snipped for focus ... yes, and unfortunately it seems to work a lot of the time. It is so frustrating to watch. I can only image Ambers surprise when things didn't go her way in San Fransisco. She was not expecting that at all!
Still not sure of the jury only seen reports on here, but AH won't impress most men IMHO she is absolutely histrionic,,,,seen a few of her types in my life


The Michael Barisone trial had something like 10 men and 2 women on the jury. He ended up getting NG by reason of insanity for attempted murder because the woman they say he attempted to kill was such a liar and so unlikable. Men can't stand women like them.

BTW, highly recommend watching the Barisone trial. He was an Olympic level equestrian. L&C has it and it's one of the best trials I've watched.
I believe one of the side bars was in regard to Dr. Hughes wanting to constantly refer to her notes during testimony and JD's team saying those notes were not submitted into evidence during discovery.

From what I understand, the Judge allowed Dr H to keep using them, but also ordered that the defense team get a copy of all of those notes. They now have time to review this new information and use it tomorrow on cross if they find anything juicy. That's why it was a big deal.

My impression here is that she didn't sound like an expert forensic witness. She barely talked about the tests she used to assess AH, how she came to a conclusion etc. and instead kept referring to AH's reportage as facts, like she'd witnessed them herself. It was very outside of the scope of her job. In fact, she referred more to JD (and what he has supposedly done) than detailed her impressions/experience of AH. She never met with JD, she never assessed JD - how can she give an opinion on him?

I'd like to know when she did her assessment. Was it AFTER the one done with Dr. Curry? I'd like to know which tests she carried out. Did they have validity scales to account for feigning/misrepresentation like the MMPI-2? How many questions were in those tests. Because 20 vs 567 makes a difference. Did she even carry out those tests herself?

JMO, but this witness was terrible for AH's case. She basically came across as trying to enter hearsay as fact. She came across as too emotionally invested and biased against male DV victims. She even minimised JD's physical injuries as 'minor'. Many of the dynamics she described for victim and abuser lined up with JD being the victim and AH being the abuser, it was so weird to see her argue the opposite. She also opened the door for past DV incidents in AH's past where she was the aggressor. I think JD are going to have a field day with her on cross tomorrow - which is why they didn't raise that many objections yet to her very biased "Amber told me this" kind of testimony. It also allows them to shred the specific allegations while not being seen to be attacking AH on the stand. Huge advantage and an unforced error on AH's team's side, I think.

I think Dr H. gave some facts about IPV in general which are true in most cases, and what AH reported to her sounds consistent with those typical facts, but the actual evidence itself so far does not support what she's claiming - if that makes sense?

Abuse is not about who name-called who, imo. Abuse is about power dynamics. It is about someone being the aggressor/instigator, the one trying to dominate or control a victim - be that verbally, emotionally, financially, physically etc. Control is a major factor. Who was isolating the other from support mechanisms? Who was preventing de-escalation? And so on. This is important to remember when it comes to assessing such situations. All just my opinion, though, and feel free to disagree. ;)

I also am curious to know the dates for when Dr. H performed these evaluations. I agree with you that the narriative she is delivering is very general. It feels more like "if/than" statements that offer the implication of abuse based on AH's story and not rooted in anything that can be proven and/or corroborated with the evidence revealed thus far.

I can not help but see how this case parallels that of Jodi Arias/Travis Alexander. Even down to the battle of the experts with Dr. Janeen DeMarte and Dr. Richard Samuels.
DeMarte presented herself with the same class and professionalism and intelligence as Dr. Curry, and Samuels presented a more bumbling, disjointed, and hard to follow testimony. Samuels also diagnosed Arias with PTSD but was later revealed in cross that his test was administered during the timeframe when she was lying and not admitting to murdering Travis Alexander.
So it is important to know when these tests are administered.
I trust (hope?) that the jurors will determine which expert witness to believe based on which one is offering the most accurate and comprehensive assessment of what happened based on the evidence presented, and not the story that is being told via inferences by AH and team.
Cathy Russon @cathyrusson

Cross-exam of Dr. Hughes will begin this morning at 10am ET THEN we believe #AmberHeard will take the stand

Do you think that will happen today?

It might happen today. I am expecting a very long and fiery cross exam today of Dr Hughes trying to discredit her. I also am expecting many interruptions and lengthy sidebars, similar to yesterday. This may take all of the am, and even go to the after lunch hours. Then AH's team will be up to attempt to repair any damage done. This, IMO will be most of the day today.
If AH takes the stand today, it will be brief.
It might happen today. I am expecting a very long and fiery cross exam today of Dr Hughes trying to discredit her. I also am expecting many interruptions and lengthy sidebars, similar to yesterday. This may take all of the am, and even go to the after lunch hours. Then AH's team will be up to attempt to repair any damage done. This, IMO will be most of the day today.
If AH takes the stand today, it will be brief.
Those are my thoughts too.

fwiw Heard showed up in a 3 piece suit today.
Snipped for focus ... yes, and unfortunately it seems to work a lot of the time. It is so frustrating to watch. I can only image Ambers surprise when things didn't go her way in San Fransisco. She was not expecting that at all!

Don't forget the little recorded byplay about the wedding rings...

AH: If our marriage means nothing to you, why are you still wearing your wedding ring? Take it. Take it off.

*immediate clang of metal hitting deck*

AH:... "is THAT really how you feel? How little you care about our marriage?"

...! No, he doesn't mean it, lol.

You asked him a direct question; he did what you dared him to do; you didn't like it, and thus couldn't wait to backtrack and pretend like taking him at his word isn't in fact what she wanted.

Also AH... "I want couch!"

If she had said "Me" instead of "I", it would have her centered as psychically frozen in the syntax of the average toddler.

As it is, IMO she's hovering somewhere around aged 6.

This is the problem, as per the current CourtTV commenter... "if she can successfully frame it as if he is MAKING her react to things..."

That's AH entire raison d'etre! Doesn't make her correct!

This is literally what separates children/teenagers from grownups... nobody can MAKE you react angrily! It's your choice!
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