VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Another thing is I know there is duck hunting around there, but is there other animals and stuff that could get to where Kelly was? If there is and Kelly was there for awhile then they would have gotten to her.

Right - there are other animals adept at swimming - beaver, muskrat, otter.

ETA: and vultures....
Right - there are other animals adept at swimming - beaver, muskrat, otter.

ETA: and vultures....
Respectfully I am lost at your answer.So would those little creatures bother her? I was thinking would there be coyotes or other types of wild animals or even insects that would tell how long she was there? If she happened to be in the water and floated to the island she would be bloated. I guess I am trying to figure out if she was just placed there or if she had been there for awhile. Surely LE could figure that out.
Respectfully I am lost at your answer.So would those little creatures bother her? I was thinking would there be coyotes or other types of wild animals or even insects that would tell how long she was there? If she happened to be in the water and floated to the island she would be bloated. I guess I am trying to figure out if she was just placed there or if she had been there for awhile. Surely LE could figure that out.

Sorry! You had mentioned something about animals being able to get to her and I was just pointing out animals that could swim. Now whether they would feed from a corpse - I find that highly unlikely - but they might go for clothing.

Yes - insects do enter ones body and that is how the ME can determine a date/time of death.

Yes - that is the question I think quite a few of us long was Kelly on that island - how long was she in the water - or was she ever in the water.
Sorry! You had mentioned something about animals being able to get to her and I was just pointing out animals that could swim. Now whether they would feed from a corpse - I find that highly unlikely - but they might go for clothing.

Yes - insects do enter ones body and that is how the ME can determine a date/time of death.

Yes - that is the question I think quite a few of us long was Kelly on that island - how long was she in the water - or was she ever in the water.
No need for sorry. Thanks for answering my question. Just hope there is a breakthrough soon. How is it that some cases are obvious, but this one stumps me? One thing I think I know for sure is that she was called out of her work somehow.
So would one of the most accessible areas be WBP? Can someone tell me what the boat ramp area is like in Winter? Does it close, stay open, hours it can be used, lots of people around the area? After reading all your posts I think it makes sense that Kelly was put in the water closer to the island she was discovered on.

One more thought came to mind and I am sorry to be so graphic (Judy and Niece), but could she have been weighed down? I know gases will enable a body to surface regardless of a heavy object, but just thinking that the water temp and being weighted could have prolonged her surfacing.
I'm very skeptical of her getting into a car, being murdered and then having her body driven to near the point where she was found. If somebody had her in a car then he or she would have likely taken her body far away from the local search area and hidden it.

As for the chance of the body floating upstream due to tides...I have worked for a long time as a scientist and have done many, many thousands of experiments and I can promise you that even in the most controlled lab setting you can get surprising results. In any case like this what we are looking at is data from what is basically a one-time experiment (and I mean no disrespect to Kelly's memory or any dehumanizing of her situation by saying that). I think to really get a feel for what happened to her you would need to put something in the water that simulates a body and see what happened to it under tidal conditions. Also, I think it would be very interesting to do some serious explorations of the trails along the river from BPA to the freeway to determine if Kelly could have walked to near the place her body was found (at least near it on the BPA side of the river).
MBLover said:
How is it that some cases are obvious, but this one stumps me? One thing I think I know for sure is that she was called out of her work somehow.

I'm stumped too, MBLover.

I'm also certain she was called away from her workplace on the pretext of an emergency, and I'm certain that she got in a car and was whisked away from Innovation/Touchstone Dr.

I don't know how long she was held by whoever took her, but Kelly was kept from the Swift Creek/Appomattox area while searches were going on. MOO.

When Kelly was returned to the Colonial Heights/Appomattox area, she was no longer living and might have been driven to White Bank Park, a car backed up to the boat ramps, and the body put on a canoe and taken to the small island.

I checked reports from when Kelly was first found in Swift Creek, and the Chesterfield police said she was found on "a small island in Swift Creek, near the Interstate 95 bridge." I cannot see any other small island near the I95 overpass, except for the one near WBP (and that one's 3X the size of the one near I95). If someone sees something else, please let me know because in my estimation, a small boat or canoe was used (perhaps at nighttime) to take Kelly to the island from WBP. Her body was found a few days later.

OR perhaps Kelly was put in the water in the marshy area behind the condom factory next to I95 that had a canoe waiting by the water's edge. (I showed that area in recent photos posted and it is represented by orange and red +'s on the images.) Joseph said that area is a very large private property, but it a very large undeveloped swampy private property and anyone could have "borrowed" the canoe if necessary to transport Kelly. I still think that might be a possibility.

JMHO, and try as I might that's one thing I always have ... an opinion.
What made Kelly run out of her workplace so fast and all of a sudden?. That's what the crucial question is. If we could figure that one out, that's where the answer would lie. Phone records or cameras in the parking lot.
What made Kelly run out of her workplace so fast and all of a sudden?. That's what the crucial question is. If we could figure that one out, that's where the answer would lie. Phone records or cameras in the parking lot.

If I remember correctly (and this is a shame), the cameras weren't working at BPA and there was nothing on the phone records that set off any alarms.
Respectfully I am lost at your answer.So would those little creatures bother her? I was thinking would there be coyotes or other types of wild animals or even insects that would tell how long she was there? If she happened to be in the water and floated to the island she would be bloated. I guess I am trying to figure out if she was just placed there or if she had been there for awhile. Surely LE could figure that out.

The final autopsy results should hopefully answer unresolved questions, big question being, was there water in Kelly's lungs or not? If there's not water in her lungs, that could be a huge break in the case because that means she didn't drown & was placed there, dying another way, other than water. (On top of the dive team who searched said there was no bidy in the water.) IF the body had been weighed down, that would likely show signes of trama by massive bruising, addition to if she was weighed down, where was the weight when she was found?
I've heard there was no trama to body, so if she would have 'jumped', "fallen, knocked unconsious" etc...there would have been obvious signs of trama.

Kelly was a extremely athletic,very strong, ran like the wind, self consious girl, well trained in marshal arts, that along with numerous other reasons, the train of logic seems to fall into the catagory of her hopping in a car with someone she knew and a possible unpleasant conversation or whatever occured and things just went south real quick...

Many of the other things above dont seem nevessarily plausible if you've followed all 3 of these long threads with over 1,000 entries, but thanks everyone for your willingness to speak up and share your thoughts. It's forums like this and people like you who make a difference!

Hopefully, LE and reporters continue to read here as well. It will take us all continuing to work together to get: JUSTICE4KELLY!!

Does anyone know a time frame of when DNA results will be back on safety glasses? That's another big deal because the safety glasses were found by a nephew the day AFTER that specific area was well searched, which would indicate some sort of body movement/foul play.

If I remember correctly (and this is a shame), the cameras weren't working at BPA and there was nothing on the phone records that set off any alarms.

You mentioned nothing on phone records that set off any alarms. Are you referring to her Verizon cell records? Please enlighten w/ specifics if possible, wasn't aware that info was made public. Is it the understanding that all incoming/outgoing calls & texts are thoroughly accounted for with absolutely not doubts or questions whatsoever??

KELLY'S FAMILY, Judy, niece - - would you mind providing any kind of feedback/communication/update from LE that you've been provided and are able and/or comfortable to share with us? Thanks!!!

If you kill someone but police are already saying from the get go that they think it is suicide, why wouldn't you take them to the area to make it look like they did just that? That to me, would make more sense than dumping the body miles and miles away from where they went missing.
You mentioned nothing on phone records that set off any alarms. Are you referring to her Verizon cell records? Please enlighten w/ specifics if possible, wasn't aware that info was made public. Is it the understanding that all incoming/outgoing calls & texts are thoroughly accounted for with absolutely not doubts or questions whatsoever??

KELLY'S FAMILY, Judy, niece - - would you mind providing any kind of feedback/communication/update from LE that you've been provided and are able and/or comfortable to share with us? Thanks!!!


No specific calls/caller names were released by LE to the public as far as I know. The info I have read on these threads is that there was nothing of note in the phone records.
***respectfully snipped***

slow moving Swift Creek.

Slow moving Swift Creek... That really stood out to me

It connotated you could paddle "upstream" because it (the creek) is slow moving. This has finally answered one of my questions - since this creek is slow moving it's not like this would be a choice place for one to go kill their self. One who is bent on self destruction would choose water that is rapid and probably deep.

With the statement of it being "slow moving" - one could also surmise that a body would not travel far in either direction - even if these are tidal waters.

This also sounds like pretty much anyone could navigate these waters with ease (from that web-site).
"Secret upriver passage ..." Mysterious. I wonder if that's the loop on the map of that link? I'll go see if I can find more. Might take a while.

That sounds really interesting too... Wonder how secret the secret upriver passage is. Looking forward to seeing what you find!
Just a thought...given Kelly's physical ability and martial arts training...

I am thinking >>> gun...


overcome with some "knockout" stuff ?? (not sure how/possible?)

any or all of the above used by someone she pretty much trusted...I think Kelly got in the car with someone...and then??

I am reminded of a local tragedy where a beloved talented martial arts school owner/master super "black belt" or whatever you call it was killed in the parking lot of his school by a coward who shot him in the back to grab his money/bank deposit bag

so even martial arts can not overcome an unsuspected bullet (or taser? etc?)

I am hoping that the autopsy will provide some much needed answers for the family
That sounds really interesting too... Wonder how secret the secret upriver passage is. Looking forward to seeing what you find!

MBL, I've searched and searched for the area, and can't find it. Here's the description again:

"Paddle with the tide toward Hopewell Marina (5 miles) or paddle up river along the slow moving Swift Creek. Look for the secret upriver passage that loops downriver of the put-in. ...:

I found Hopewell, but the "secret upriver passage that loops downriver of the put-in." What's "the put-in" mean? And I see nothing that loops downriver. The guy who wrote this description has an email address link attached to the map description. If I work up the courage, I may email him. :)
I'm guessing the "put in" is where one would put in a boat? Must be some kind of boat ramp or dock? IDK... Thanks for searching anyway!
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