VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

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I believe that she was attacked, incapacitated, but still alive when she went into the water and that she drowned, she would have sunk once the water filled her lungs, I think she had gone quite a way from BPA to meet up with SOMEONE, an argument ensued and that was it. The person who did this was parked nearby and left, it could have taken place in minutes.

It's good we continue to talk and look at all angles/possibilities to this, but after reading all threads and posts, for me anyway, it's hard to buy into the theory of Kelly being alive when she went into the water.

Below are 'partials' of 'two' of my previous posts and I think this is more a general consensus and highly probably theory based upon some LE comments and great help from family and friends comments, feedback, and feelings.

Very likely Kelly knew who her killed her.
Total guessing here, maybe someone she met in a bar, club, dance lessons, or anywhere... maybe that person was into her, more than she was into them, maybe they showed up at her work. Or, maybe it was an Ex that she was really surprised to see, either way, she saw them and ran to their car, got in, just to say, hey look, back off, and the situation went south from there? (Please correct if I'm wrong here, but the reason I say she 'saw' was because based upon previous threads the feedback seems to be no red flags with incoming/outgoing Verizon activity. From pics I've seen of BPA, there are a lot of windows around, so for Kelly to see someone looking in at her to try and get her attention, or to maybe see a familiar car pull in, but one that's not supposed to be there, would maybe be pretty easy for her to see, casuing her to say "Be right back" or "Back in a minute" grab her keys and cell and run. We're talking a cold Jan 15th and she didn't grab a jacket or anything from my undestanding, so this was going to be an intended couple/few minutes chat.)

Also as previously noted, the final autopsy results should hopefully answer unresolved questions, big question being, was there water in Kelly's lungs or not? If there's not water in her lungs, that could be a huge break in the case because that means she didn't drown & was placed there, dying another way, other than water. (On top of the dive team who searched said there was no body in the water.) IF the body had been weighed down, that would likely show signs of trama by massive bruising, addition to if she was weighed down, where was the weighted object (s) when she was found?
I've 'heard' & 'read' there was no trama to body, but information like that is not generally given out until final autopsy is completed, so family help me out, not sure if that accurate info and official or unofficial in nature.
Final Autopsy can be VERY telling and HIGHLY detailed with time of death, DNA, etc, etc, etc, this WILL be a matter of time. Kelly is now at peace, but for the sake of her wonderful family, friends, and everyone else that loved and surrounded her, we need to continue to talk and force this issue until final results, as much closure as possible, and peace are with them as well.


Did we ever find anyone with answers to these questions:

Was DNA results performed on the work glasses and gloves that were found? DNA Results are not yet in from work glasses/safety goggles.
Was DNA results performed on her work clothes & boots?
Did dive teams search under water around the "island" after body was located to see if anything additional had been thrown in/discarded?
Were finger prints ever taken at Kelly's house of the front and back doors that was left unlocked/open?
Was anything brought to light in outside security video surveillance from any of the other surrounding buildings to BPA?
BPA security video not working that day.
Any surrounding companies security video surveillance show anything?
Do we know why BPA video was not working and was it JUST Jan 15th or do we know any additional details surrounding that?
Was any activity noted on her credit cards the day of disappearance or moving forward? Or, was there any questionable credit card activity prior to disappearance?

We have been through all of the possile scenarios, I just don't think a person would plan to kill someone where they could have been spotted. I do think that there was a pre-arranged meeting, further up the river from BPA possibly to try and rekindle an old romance on this "special" date, I think someone was rejected, violence ensued, Kelly was injured and pushed into the river, water entered her lungs and she sank to the bottom, perp. got into their car which was parked a distance from BPA and took off. The body was missed for some reason and found when the warm weather helped it to rise to the surface. JMO.
That raises a good point I had not really pondered before....would Kelly had possibly agreed to this meeting beforehand but kept it quiet, knowing that her friends and acquaintances would not be receptive to it for her sake? (Knowing it probably would not be in her best interest?)

She could have quietly agreed to meet on that date, at that place (verbally), not told anyone about said meeting because she just wanted to "keep peace", was running late, hurried off, met, it didn't go as the other had planned........

We have been through all of the possile
scenarios, I just don't think a person would plan to kill someone where they could have been spotted. I do think that there was a pre-arranged meeting, further up the river from BPA possibly to try and rekindle an old romance on this "special" date, I think someone was rejected, violence ensued, Kelly was injured and pushed into the river, water entered her lungs and she sank to the bottom, perp. got into their car which was parked a distance from BPA and took off. The body was missed for some reason and found when the warm weather helped it to rise to the surface. JMO.
"In the absence of eyewitness accounts, it is difficult if not impossible to differentiate the cases in which the victim falls into the water already dead from those in which death occurs after the fall into the water"

Wow, that's depressing and disturbing. I had hoped a body would reveal more.
Many area LE here in PA have pointed out that there is a big difference between "no signs of trauma to the body" and "no OBVIOUS signs of trauma to the body". LE in VA was quoted as saying "no OBVIOUS signs of trauma to Kelly". and I know that brings up the questions as to whether the family has been told something but NO we havent. Also NO to any new information.
Thank You all for keeping this thread going!!
Good point Niece. I think because LE made some statements early on, we are all bracing for a ruling we may not agree with. Premature speculation is never good.

I looked at Virginia ME website again today. I wondered if they had their own investigator's. Does anyone know how the ruling process works? Specifically ... If a death by drowning is one of the most difficult to detect and let's say the tox and other tests come back inconclusive, what now?
I finished reading all 3 threads this morning. First I would like to offer my condolences to the family and loved ones of Kelly - you were very lucky to have known her, I wish I could have been as blessed.
To all who contributed to these threads, you are doing some impressive work here!
I too am having trouble with the suicide scenario.

Here's a screenshot from this video:


If this really was her work station and she saw and/or heard someone she knew at that door, she might have left to meet with them. No phone calls or prearranged meetings needed. Just a thought.
Keep up the good work everyone!
Thanks for the screenshot, etc., KAE! Hope you'll stay with us here. Although only one of us has the screen name to say it, we all want "Justice4Kelly"! (Hope J4K doesn't mind me saying so!)
Thanks for the screenshot, etc., KAE! Hope you'll stay with us here. Although only one of us has the screen name to say it, we all want "Justice4Kelly"! (Hope J4K doesn't mind me saying so!)

KAE: Welcome!!
Solstice Canyon: I don't mind at all. Use that phrase as much as you or anyone else wish, let's all shout it from the roof tops: JUSTICE4KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!
Good point Niece. I think because LE made some statements early on, we are all bracing for a ruling we may not agree with. Premature speculation is never good.

I looked at Virginia ME website again today. I wondered if they had their own investigator's. Does anyone know how the ruling process works? Specifically ... If a death by drowning is one of the most difficult to detect and let's say the tox and other tests come back inconclusive, what now?

Can you give me the link to that ME website? Thank you
It would be nice to know if anything was missing from Kelly's body when she was found, phone, keys etc, or even a button that could have been ripped off during a struggle, it could lead us to where she was killed.
It would be nice to know if anything was missing from Kelly's body when she was found, phone, keys etc, or even a button that could have been ripped off during a struggle, it could lead us to where she was killed.

This is a great point and good questions. From what I've read and to my understanding, unless I'm otherwise corrected..Kelly's Verizon cell & keys were never found.
I cannot remember how long officials said the ruling would take? Are we getting close to their stated time frame? Niece has LE contacted your family with any additional questions? I am not asking for details, just a yes or no.
It would be nice to know if anything was missing from Kelly's body when she was found, phone, keys etc, or even a button that could have been ripped off during a struggle, it could lead us to where she was killed.

Just to clarify: Kelly took her car keys with her when she left BPA and they have not been found. Her house keys remained in BPA per a coworker.
That's interesting Truth...

Putting this out there... Why would Kelly only grab her car keys and not her house keys as well when leaving out of BPA?

Did she think someone was there to vandalize her vehicle? Did she believe that she would have to move her vehicle to protect it? Did she feel like if she had to she could jump in her car to be safe? Or to give chase if need be?
I cannot remember how long officials said the ruling would take? Are we getting close to their stated time frame? Niece has LE contacted your family with any additional questions? I am not asking for details, just a yes or no.

They said it would be 2-6 months. No we havent been contacted or have anymore information. We are still waiting on the ME's report.
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