VA VA - Kevin Hulse, 22, Bracey, 4 May 2008 - U of Md Student

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Kevin's last known whereabouts were at the family's lakehouse in Bracey, Virginia. A neighbor confirmed seeing him there on 5/3/2008. His car was found there with his ID and wallet. The Mecklenburg sherriff's department has searched the lake extensively but has not located Kevin's remains, so we are hopeful he did not do any harm to himself and really did head west with friends.

It does look like he was having a mental breakdown, since one usually brings their wallet and ID when traveling. It also doesn't make sense for him to drop everything at that moment in his life. Did he ever complain about having trouble sleeping at night? Reason I'm asking is that I knew 2 people, who had mental breakdowns, and they both suffered with terrible insomnia before they had their breakdowns. They are fine now after treatment.
Did Kevin work as well as attend college? Did he have a part time job? Also, did he go online a lot? Perhaps to play video games. I'm trying to get an idea of his lifestyle and habits. Was he playing sports in school or belonged to clubs? Could he have been burning the candle at both ends?
Did Kevin work as well as attend college? Did he have a part time job? Also, did he go online a lot? Perhaps to play video games. I'm trying to get an idea of his lifestyle and habits. Was he playing sports in school or belonged to clubs? Could he have been burning the candle at both ends?

I can't really answer your question but as a Uni student myself I can attest that the last 2 weeks of your senior year are intense with finals and exams. A lot of people drop out or have nervous breakdowns. Knowing that this is it, you're done and going out into the world to use this degree in this economy is rather startling for people.
I am not trying to be negative, but based on the information on this thread, it appears that Kevin may have been depressed and decided to end his life. He may have contacted his family regarding his absence because he did not have the heart to tell them about ending his life, and so that the family will not think that this was an abduction, but that he would be missing by his own will. He may have gone to another location to end his life, so that he won't be found.

He might have left the area, so his body will not be found if he decided to commit suicide. Why take a life jacket when you plan on killing yourself? Someone might do this to make it seem like an accident. It is not that implausible that somebody would take a life vest to commit suicide or that someone might want to make a suicide like an accident to protect the family. I don't find it odd that somebody would want to clear their activity on the computer before their death or asked a friend to clear their activity on a computer.

If he indeed had a plan to go off with his friends, he would have taken his belongings. Something is wrong here. I would think if he went off somewhere because of an incident that occurred that he would have left a trail and somebody would have spotted him or had some type information by now.
I really think this young man will turn up alive. It would be good to know more about his upbringing and home life. That might point out predictors.
I have to agree about him being deceased. Having been suicidal or in throws of nervous breakdowns in my life - his actions are not out of the ordinary for someone suffering. I can't explain the train of thought ( I personally did some odd things that probably would have been mysterious if my plot to end my life had succeeded), it's hard to understand unless you've lived it.

When you don't want people to worry, if there's religion in play regarding suicide and afterlife, if you have kids ... you'll do things differently to maybe make it seem like you ran off or are going on vacation. This way no one tries to call and you can spiral further down without distraction. Where's the boat? Who knows. At this point he could have dragged that thing for a long while, using it as shelter in the meantime till he got far enough away he felt he could be left alone and never found. Not everyone who commits suicide wants their family to find their body. They don't want that on their family, they rather be missing and their mothers / fathers / children feel optimistic. No one during a breakdown is thinking with a full deck of cards...thoughts are distorted and hectic.
I have to agree about him being deceased. Having been suicidal or in throws of nervous breakdowns in my life - his actions are not out of the ordinary for someone suffering. I can't explain the train of thought ( I personally did some odd things that probably would have been mysterious if my plot to end my life had succeeded), it's hard to understand unless you've lived it.

When you don't want people to worry, if there's religion in play regarding suicide and afterlife, if you have kids ... you'll do things differently to maybe make it seem like you ran off or are going on vacation. This way no one tries to call and you can spiral further down without distraction. Where's the boat? Who knows. At this point he could have dragged that thing for a long while, using it as shelter in the meantime till he got far enough away he felt he could be left alone and never found. Not everyone who commits suicide wants their family to find their body. They don't want that on their family, they rather be missing and their mothers / fathers / children feel optimistic. No one during a breakdown is thinking with a full deck of cards...thoughts are distorted and hectic.

Well, you never know as everyone is so different. I'm interested in learning what type of an upbringing this young fellow had, and what type of a relationship he had with his parents. I can only think of three scenarios that would make him bolt in this manner, but I'm sure there are many others:
1. He was in some sort of trouble and had to run
2. He had a meltdown
3. Was making some lifestyle changes and wanted to be away from his family
Knowing what his family was all about and his relationship with them might help reinforce or disprove items 2 and 3. If there is a family history, we can point to 2. If he came from a strict, particularly religious family then we can point to 3 perhaps. We just don't have enough information to go on.
All this said, despite his dissapearance, there is nothing else that indicates his demise? Let's all hope his in the process of finding himself, does, and resurfaces. The big question would be what type of trouble or deep feelings of shame would drive him away?
BTW Astro - glad life improved for you. It's wonderful that you are putting your difficult days to good use by sharing here, and doing other wonderful works I'm sure! Big hug to you!
Another bump... Saw a post by Kevin Hulse's sibling on reddit, hadnt heard his name before, but knew there would be a thread here.

Come home soon, Kevin. :rose:

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