GUILTY VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Gatorgirl...what do you mean by the last part of this post? About people having babies just to get a check? I don't understand.

It's a shame that this intelligent child will no longer have a "normal" life. But it's MORE of a shame that he took another child's promising life. It makes no sense to me. I see it everyday. People just do not value life. I guess that's what happens when people have babies just to get a check.
???Hmmm??? My friend gets a check for her children from their father. She has since remarried.
I myself pray that the person/persons who committed this murder be bought to justice. That swift, out of nowhere arrest troubles me though. Seems it should have been swift from the beginning. If this kid broke in a window, wouldn't fingerprints, footprints had been evidence in itself. And the blood? Why so long? And in cases like this, don't LE look at parents, siblings, boyfriend/girlfriend 1st. I hope this kid has a hell of a lawyer. Remember the case several years ago in Hampton,
VA. To make a long story short, the detective wanted recogition and planted/called in bomb threats. This went on for quite some time. He had a young man arrested, blamed him. A smarter detective came along with the right leads. Now that 1st detective is behind bars. Don't rush to judgement. I would love to see justice served on the killer/killers, but that 6 months seemed like a long time to all of a sudden arrest anybody to bring closure? Just brainstorming? Whatever the case, I do continually pray for Meghan's family and this young man and his family.
I had question's about this too.I would also hate to think of any innocent person convicted of a crime they did not commit ..but then I thought since the kid was so young and never been in trouble with the law or in the military his dna or fingerprints would not be on any database that LE would have used to find a match Im sure they now have his dna and fingerprints to verify if he was at the crime scene... and think about it that would have taken more time since he was not in any database ....I read on the channel 3 news website that LE has interviewed over a hundred people during this investigation and this person name came up several times so I would think that is what pointed them to him..
WOW- I do have to say that this POI came from out of left field. I was reading his MS page, and I do think it was his due to the violins. Someone left this comment:

because he was kinda weird! like he wouldnt stop talking to me and meagan! you remember

There are a few other comments, but Im not sure which ones pertain to Meaghen,

BTW- To Meaghens family, I am so glad they found your babie's killer, and may she rest in peace. :blowkiss::blowkiss:

PS- Now that someone has been arrested, I still dont take back what I have said about the orig creep who we first thought it was. He hurt Meaghan in a way that they were about to go to court about it, and the fact that his wife watches kids and he has a computer full of *advertiser censored*. He is still a disgusting creep. Poor Meaghan, it was NOT her time, darn it!!

May she FINALLY rest in peace- AMEN!!!
Hello all. I have been following this case here from the beginning due to Meghan and my daughter being close friends. And I know this probably doesn't mean anything or maybe it could. But has anyone else noticed that the boy that has been charged with Meghan's murder is name Robert and the military guy the police questioned from the start name is Robert and the street Meghan lived on happens to be named Roberts. I just find this very strange but like I said it probably means nothing. Like everyone else here I'm so relieved that there has been an arrest in the case. My daughter hasn't been right since the day it happened and naturally when something hurts your child it does the same to you. That's one of the reasons I never posted any thoughts here because I get so upset when I think about how Meghan was taken away and the person or people responsible for her murder hadn't been arrested yet. I do believe the right person has been arrested but I also think that there is still more to come with this case. Justice for Meghan.
Hello all. I have been following this case here from the beginning due to Meghan and my daughter being close friends. And I know this probably doesn't mean anything or maybe it could. But has anyone else noticed that the boy that has been charged with Meghan's murder is name Robert and the military guy the police questioned from the start name is Robert and the street Meghan lived on happens to be named Roberts. I just find this very strange but like I said it probably means nothing. Like everyone else here I'm so relieved that there has been an arrest in the case. My daughter hasn't been right since the day it happened and naturally when something hurts your child it does the same to you. That's one of the reasons I never posted any thoughts here because I get so upset when I think about how Meghan was taken away and the person or people responsible for her murder hadn't been arrested yet. I do believe the right person has been arrested but I also think that there is still more to come with this case. Justice for Meghan.

Welcome to Websleuths ...did your daughter know this boy? I also live in the area and relieved that the killer has been caught I have a teenage daughter and was very concerned since she is home alone at times...but in the back of mind I always thought this was personal and it wuld be someone she knew...Sorry that your daughter lost her friend I know this had to be hard for her and all of Meghans friends and family ...from everything I've heard and read about Meghan she was a special girl and is missed..
I'm glad you decided to post. Of course we're (or at least I am) interested in what you have to say.

I feel so bad for your daughter. I know you're giving her all the support you can and though I'm sure she'll never forget Meghan and what happened to her hopefully over time the happy memories she has of her will overshadow her death and how she died.

I'm not good at "websluething" but I don't think they've arrested everyone that was involved in this. I just don't see this kid being able to do this by himself. Of course, I've been wrong many times.
Gatorgirl...what do you mean by the last part of this post? About people having babies just to get a check? I don't understand.

It's a shame that this intelligent child will no longer have a "normal" life. But it's MORE of a shame that he took another child's promising life. It makes no sense to me. I see it everyday. People just do not value life. I guess that's what happens when people have babies just to get a check.

That is in reference to people who have children and then refuse to raise or give a crap about them. And I don't mean a child support check. If you still have questions about what I mean, take a walk down Lexington Drive and watch the 2 year olds playing in the street with no adult around. It's enough to make your blood boil.

Hey Puddinpop, want to hear another coincidence? She was murdered on a Thursday and the arrest was made on a Thursday!:behindbar
Hello all. I have been following this case here from the beginning due to Meghan and my daughter being close friends. And I know this probably doesn't mean anything or maybe it could. But has anyone else noticed that the boy that has been charged with Meghan's murder is name Robert and the military guy the police questioned from the start name is Robert and the street Meghan lived on happens to be named Roberts. I just find this very strange but like I said it probably means nothing. Like everyone else here I'm so relieved that there has been an arrest in the case. My daughter hasn't been right since the day it happened and naturally when something hurts your child it does the same to you. That's one of the reasons I never posted any thoughts here because I get so upset when I think about how Meghan was taken away and the person or people responsible for her murder hadn't been arrested yet. I do believe the right person has been arrested but I also think that there is still more to come with this case. Justice for Meghan.

Thank-you for posting and sharing your thoughts. I have followed this case since Meghan was murdered. I am sorry for your daughter. I hope that having arrested the person that LE believes is responsible will give her some measure of peace.
That is in reference to people who have children and then refuse to raise or give a crap about them. And I don't mean a child support check. If you still have questions about what I mean, take a walk down Lexington Drive and watch the 2 year olds playing in the street with no adult around. It's enough to make your blood boil.

Hey Puddinpop, want to hear another coincidence? She was murdered on a Thursday and the arrest was made on a Thursday!:behindbar


Did you get that impression of Robert Barnes? I thought since he was in the magnet program and had attended the Governor's School that he might have been a child that did have an involved parent. Of course you can be involved in your child's life and there still be problems. This boy must have had some mental issues and either he was adept at hiding them or his parents were in denial. That happens.

Did you get that impression of Robert Barnes? I thought since he was in the magnet program and had attended the Governor's School that he might have been a child that did have an involved parent. Of course you can be involved in your child's life and there still be problems. This boy must have had some mental issues and either he was adept at hiding them or his parents were in denial. That happens.

I guess I just have a different and jaded view of society. It's obvious that this kid is intelligent, but there are things about him and his family that we may never know. It just baffles me that a child of his age could have done something like this.
WOW- I do have to say that this POI came from out of left field. I was reading his MS page, and I do think it was his due to the violins. Someone left this comment:

because he was kinda weird! like he wouldnt stop talking to me and meagan! you remember

There are a few other comments, but Im not sure which ones pertain to Meaghen,

BTW- To Meaghens family, I am so glad they found your babie's killer, and may she rest in peace. :blowkiss::blowkiss:

PS- Now that someone has been arrested, I still dont take back what I have said about the orig creep who we first thought it was. He hurt Meaghan in a way that they were about to go to court about it, and the fact that his wife watches kids and he has a computer full of *advertiser censored*. He is still a disgusting creep. Poor Meaghan, it was NOT her time, darn it!!

May she FINALLY rest in peace- AMEN!!!

Hi, Chico. I noticed that too. I sure would like that comment to be expanded upon. I wonder what it meant. And who was the girl that wrote it.
I guess I just have a different and jaded view of society. It's obvious that this kid is intelligent, but there are things about him and his family that we may never know. It just baffles me that a child of his age could have done something like this.

I know what you mean. There certainly is a segment of society that pops the kids out with no regard as how to raise them. Almost as if they expect their kids to raise themselves or society to deal with them (and society does end up dealing with them).

I just don't get that feeling about Robert Barnes. I think possibly his mom did everything right. I haven't heard about a dad but I raised my kids without one. Matter of fact they were better off without him in their life (their pediatrician agreed).

Some people just seem to be born with a chip missing. Doesn't matter how well you raise them, it's still there (or not there).

Do you think they'll report before the trial whether or not the DNA matched?
I know what you mean. There certainly is a segment of society that pops the kids out with no regard as how to raise them. Almost as if they expect their kids to raise themselves or society to deal with them (and society does end up dealing with them).

I just don't get that feeling about Robert Barnes. I think possibly his mom did everything right. I haven't heard about a dad but I raised my kids without one. Matter of fact they were better off without him in their life (their pediatrician agreed).

Some people just seem to be born with a chip missing. Doesn't matter how well you raise them, it's still there (or not there).

Do you think they'll report before the trial whether or not the DNA matched?
ITA LB ....look at Oprah she had a dreadful childhood but was able to flourish as we all know...From what i read in the papers his mother was by his side in court crying holding on to him and at one point laid her head on his shoulder until she was admonished by the judge,when i read that it broke my heart and I felt for her this has to be a mothers worst nightmare....and then you have Meghans parents who have lost thier beloved daughter
Hi, Chico. I noticed that too. I sure would like that comment to be expanded upon. I wonder what it meant. And who was the girl that wrote it.

i'm not sure, but this is what i think it means:

oct 13 -- from beth anne's comment on emily's page:

...and im trying to remember someone. my freshman year, when meghan landowski went to our school. there was this chinese or japanese exchange student. rode me and roberts bus and liked me and meghan.
does it ring a bell?

oct 21 -- from robert's page, it looks like he suggested to her the name was pufon, and was correct...then he wondered why she was trying to remember his name.

the rest makes sense after that...i think. :)
They have his myspace page posted on the newspaper article that mentions his arrest. And his name. I wondered the same thing about releasing minors names. Maybe that only applies when they are the victim and not the perp. I've lurked here and haven't really posted, but I've been following the case. I am SO GLAD that this jerk (I can think of other names to call him, but.....) was caught and arrested. I'll be interested to read about the how's and the why's of this. Unbelievable. RIP Meaghan! Justice will be served.

It is my understanding that when murder is involved the name of a minor can be put in the news.
It is my understanding that when murder is involved the name of a minor can be put in the news.

I thought they were able to release it because he was being tried as an adult?

Once again this morning on WVEC they said it hasn't been ruled out that someone else was involved. I wonder if he had someone waiting in the Food Lion parking lot with a car and that's how he got home without anyone noticing. I think someone else may have mentioned that it was a possibility. I hope he turns the other person in if there was another one involved.

I wasn't so scared when I thought it was the Navy guy but now that I know it was a kid in the neighborhood and that possibly another one is lurking out there I hate to even go out of the house sometimes.
I am just reading all the post. I am so glad somebody was caught. I was not surprised that it was a peer (as I have stated once or twice) because dna was so hard to come by.

I agree, it is a shame that Robert has/had such potential to become someone so great and he threw it away for whatever reason. After reading all these post, it has come to my attention that no one has noticed or maybe noticed and not mentioned that this boy was gloating about the murder on his Myspace page. Take a look at this link, this was pasted in his pics and he apparently photo shopped his picture in to look like the guy who was wanted. Even his friends thought this weird.
On the original email joke that went on about this one, the box shows a sketch of the rapist (who ultimately looks like the new reporter. However Robert photo shopped his picture to be the rapist. Pretty damn twisted.

Then look at this one, at first glance, it looks like a news article, but look at the pics on the newspaper.

Both of these were done after he killed Meghan and I guess he was feeling "safe" and "flying under the radar."

Disturbing, very disturbing. For all we know he was a genius, but he will forever be remembered as a horrible man. Yes, this child is a demon because I do not believe he is anything but. I do not feel sorry for him. I personally have had a horrible childhood, yet I am a very productive member of society and I have never harmed anyone or myself. I feel that no matter what your circumstance, you have to rise above it. So forgive me for not trying to figure out what made this guy snap. He is a monster plain and simple. After seeing his pics on Myspace gloating and boasting I have no empathy for this creature. My only hope is that he gets his soul right with the Lord before his Judgement Day!

Just my 2 cents.
I was just reading from another website: Thought I'd pass it along.


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