Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I would think that LE has done a DNA comparison between the east coast rapist and the oxford row rapist (the one that is linked to Morgan's case). There seem to be some similarities between all of these cases....or at least that's my opinion.

The following gives some information on the ethnicity of the rape victim in 2005...

“We both noticed marks around her neck,” says Jenkins, who says the woman told them her assailant had choked her until she lost consciousness. “She thought she was going to die, then all of a sudden, she came to, and he wasn’t there,” says Jenkins, mentioning the passerby who scared the attacker away— perhaps in the nick of time.

Jenkins says her son returned with a man and a woman who comforted the victim, and the three communicated in what she believes was Urdu— a language primarily spoken by Muslims in India and Pakistan. The young woman “felt more comfortable speaking in her language,” says Jenkins, who says she never saw the young woman again but heard she had moved in with family somewhere nearby.

Yes, the fact that the victim is foreign, and not 100% familiar with American English, may mean the perp in this case may not have been an African-American, but rather a person of African appearance from a foreign nation. We cannot exclude either possibility.

Plus, the fact that she might be an Pakistani or Indian immigrant may have something to do with why the perp chose her as the victim. Maybe they could do a racial test on his DNA to see his likely country of origin.

Also, the people who spoke to the victim assumed that she was speaking in Urdu, but maybe she was speaking some other language. Would be interesting to know if they were both from the same country.

Or, foreign, was the victim simply chosen randomly as she was walking through an area which any American woman would sense as too dangerous?

A foreigner perp might lack an understanding of DNA evidence, since esp. in poorer countries, law enforcement is not as well-established as here. That could explain the flaunting of the tee shirt.

Apparently, he did understand pings. So maybe he is a foreigner here to do some technical work like an H1B.

But the tee shirt also seems to make the crime personal somehow: the perp's flag of success at committing a vicious murder with total impunity? Maybe someone saw MH as a threat in some way?
Yes, how much DNA could one find on the back of the seat where MH sat in the JPJ arena? Or what if MH washed her clothes in a public laundramat? Plus, the suspect could have been framed.

Still, the coincidence is very strong. Even if the suspect were framed, he might know who was trying to frame him --- which makes me wonder if he isn't already dead.

Could LE do DNA tests on murder victims meeting the criteria cited in the "wanted" poster who were killed during the time period (for example) 10/17/09 - 11/11/09, when the tee appeared?

They could. I don't know about Virginia, but in many states, the database search is automatic and that would already have been done. That's probably how this match turned up, too.

The coincidence is very strong, i agree, but it's not enough to make an arrest on.
I have been trying to look at the differant crimes occuring in Virginia with similarities to Morgan's case. First the composite drawing released for the attacker in 2005, who is now linked to Morgan, looks very similar to some of the composites for the east coast rapist. Second, the times and days for these attacks are similar (many of them occured on a weekend night). As you know Morgan was abducted on a saturday night, the woman in Fairax (2005) was attacked on a saturday night as well (Sept 24, 2005). The east coast rapist's latest attack was on Halloween 2009, a saturday night as well. The victims were teenage girls trick or treating in Dale City, Va. Dale City is in Prince William County, which neighbors Fairfax County. Before this attack, the east coast rapist attacked in Fair Haven, CT on 21 Jan 2007 (this was a sunday). I haven't looked at all of the dates for the east coast rapist's attacks, but a link that lists them is below...

On the other hand, there is no released information linking the east coast rapist to a murder. He could have escalated or he might have nothing to do with Morgan's case.

At any rate, this guy should be getting more media attention (espescially in this area). A billboard with his picture and info would be great. I have seen nothing of the sort and this makes me angry.
What do you think about the "Colonial Highway" murders -- do you think he could be associated with any of them?
"And police know so much about this man. They even have his DNA."

I have been trying to look at the differant crimes occuring in Virginia with similarities to Morgan's case. First the composite drawing released for the attacker in 2005, who is now linked to Morgan, looks very similar to some of the composites for the east coast rapist. Second, the times and days for these attacks are similar (many of them occured on a weekend night). As you know Morgan was abducted on a saturday night, the woman in Fairax (2005) was attacked on a saturday night as well (Sept 24, 2005). The east coast rapist's latest attack was on Halloween 2009, a saturday night as well. The victims were teenage girls trick or treating in Dale City, Va. Dale City is in Prince William County, which neighbors Fairfax County. Before this attack, the east coast rapist attacked in Fair Haven, CT on 21 Jan 2007 (this was a sunday). I haven't looked at all of the dates for the east coast rapist's attacks, but a link that lists them is below...

On the other hand, there is no released information linking the east coast rapist to a murder. He could have escalated or he might have nothing to do with Morgan's case.

At any rate, this guy should be getting more media attention (espescially in this area). A billboard with his picture and info would be great. I have seen nothing of the sort and this makes me angry.
The recon picture does make him appear to be of mixed descent -- but the blood test indicated African American. Oh yeah, he'll kill again, and I think he's responsible for other missing women up and down the east coast. Alas if we can't locate these remains no testing can be done. He's a cunning SOB, and confident in his ability to catch his prey either without others seeing and/or in getting away before police can catch him. Dangerous, evil and wicked.

Was there actually a blood test done to determine his likely country of origin? Do you have a link?
What do you think about the "Colonial Highway" murders -- do you think he could be associated with any of them?

Wouldn't he be a bit too young for the older murders? And don't they have descriptions of a white guy?
You know, I'm going to need to go back and re-read some of the articles, but I *thought* I read that testing from the 2005 assault indicated the perpetrator was of African American descent. Did anyone else see this? Also, was the victim able to guess at his age? He could be too young for the Colonial Hwy/Route 29 -- and yes, I think you're right -- I believe that person was identified as being Caucasian. Just looking for other assaults in the Virginia area (and beyond) for which he could be responsible.

He's a bold fellow-- bold and incredibly savage. I wonder if he's on meth or something else. How does he support himself? Did someone here mention the possibility that he might deal drugs? What was he doing in that area -- close to the UVA environs. His 2005 assault took place less than four miles from George Mason University I believe. Just thoughts...
You know, I'm going to need to go back and re-read some of the articles, but I *thought* I read that testing from the 2005 assault indicated the perpetrator was of African American descent.

The articles which I have seen did not clarify how they determined that he was an African-American. While the victim described a person of African-American appearance, since she was foreign, she may not have been able to tell his nationality.

Did someone here mention the possibility that he might deal drugs? What was he doing in that area -- close to the UVA environs. His 2005 assault took place less than four miles from George Mason University I believe. Just thoughts...

I agree. Something brought him to university setting.
The image found of the Anchorage Farm scroll may have been a depiction of MH as the Hindu deity Tara, rather than the Buddhist variant. Holding the sword, and having a gash in the leg would not be inconsistent with Hindu iconography. The victim in 2005 was described as speaking Urdu, and living with a Muslim family. However, this identification of the language & religion could be incorrect as well; but perhaps the perp has some tie to or hatred for some specific foreign community. The intention of the drawing may have been to ridicule certain Asian religions (and MH), and the intention of the 2005 attack was to kill an (apparently) Indian/Pakistani woman. The photo was uploaded on the same day that the tee shirt was discovered. Of course, if these facts are correct, this association could still be just a coincidence.
I say VA residents rally and offer money to any AA's that will voluntarily give their DNA...maybe we could get a family match like the Grim Sleeper...I know logistically that sounds awful, but I bet people would pitch in to do it.
Are there any who flaunt the victims' tee shirts or other possessions?
The only cases I have found, where the victim's shirt was mentioned (besides Morgan's), are two cases related to the East Coast rapist. Part of the article is below.

When she returned, he pushed her into the bedroom and onto the floor. Threatening her with an orange-handled Phillips head screwdriver, he bound her hands over her head with shoelaces he brought with him. He was chewing something, maybe gum or a toothpick that poked out the corner of his mouth. He covered her face with her shirt.

The tip of the knife dug into the left side of her neck. When they reached a nearby apartment complex, he forced her to the mulch, lifted her clothes over her face, and pulled off one of her shoes and one leg of her jeans.
I say VA residents rally and offer money to any AA's that will voluntarily give their DNA...maybe we could get a family match like the Grim Sleeper...I know logistically that sounds awful, but I bet people would pitch in to do it.

The guy in the sketch is not necessarily African-American, though.

Hook Link:

At Oxford Row, residents were so frightened after the 2005 attack that they prevailed upon the neighborhood association to install increased lighting in the parking areas.
Diane Jenkins, mother of the young man who opened the door to the victim, remembers all too well the terror she witnessed in the young woman who she says was visiting neighbors the night of the attack.
“You could tell she’d been assaulted immediately,” she says, recalling the woman’s disheveled clothing, hair matted with sticks, and the blood on her face. Although the young, dark-haired woman was dazed, she had gathered some of her groceries, which she was carrying when she reached the door.
“She was very disoriented,” says Jenkins. “She didn’t realize she was knocking on our door— she thought she was knocking on someone else’s door that she knew.”
Jenkins sent her teenaged son to summon the devout Muslim family the young woman was visiting, as she and her husband spoke with the woman so frightened that she refused to come inside the strangers’ home and instead accepted their offer of a chair on the front steps.
“She told us she’d been coming back from Giant, had been walking along a back path along different apartments,” says Jenkins, who then recalls perhaps the most chilling detail of all— particularly in retrospect, since it may offer some hint of Morgan Harrington’s fate.
“We both noticed marks around her neck,” says Jenkins, who says the woman told them her assailant had choked her until she lost consciousness. “She thought she was going to die, then all of a sudden, she came to, and he wasn’t there,” says Jenkins, mentioning the passerby who scared the attacker away— perhaps in the nick of time.
Jenkins says her son returned with a man and a woman who comforted the victim, and the three communicated in what she believes was Urdu— a language primarily spoken by Muslims in India and Pakistan. The young woman “felt more comfortable speaking in her language,” says Jenkins, who says she never saw the young woman again but heard she had moved in with family somewhere nearby.

A chance acquaintance could determine that the language they were speaking was specifically Urdu? Maybe it was some other language.

And, the attacker is more likely the same nationality as the victim. Since she was foreign, maybe she was too terrified to tell the police who the attacker was, or at least what she knew about him.

A DNA test might tell the suspect's country of origin.

No innocent person's DNA should be collected, since DNA can easily be used to frame people. The true perps could just wipe a soda can with the victim's tee shirt, and hang it out on bush, for example.
The guy in the sketch is not necessarily African-American, though.

Hook Link:

A chance acquaintance could determine that the language they were speaking was specifically Urdu? Maybe it was some other language.

And, the attacker is more likely the same nationality as the victim. Since she was foreign, maybe she was too terrified to tell the police who the attacker was, or at least what she knew about him.

A DNA test might tell the suspect's country of origin.

No innocent person's DNA should be collected, since DNA can easily be used to frame people. The true perps could just wipe a soda can with the victim's tee shirt, and hang it out on bush, for example.

Yes, I agree there's no knowing whether the perp is AA or not, but I think it's worth a shot. I meant these innocent people would prob. volunteer their DNA for a price....or for free to help. I don't think this perp thought this through....JMO
"Since the story went national, we have received 75 credible tips from portions of the state and the country," said Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller.

In addition to traditional sources of media, police credit bloggers with helping to publicize this latest break in the case.

The suspect is said to be between 25 and 35 years old, 6 feet tall with a medium build, black hair with a beard and mustache with scratches on his face. Police warned he could have tried to change his appearance since the 2005 assault.

Bloggers are helping :) and the guy has scratches on his face... it doesn't say African American.
I keep seeing "forensic evidence" on all of the official releases. Would someone please post a link - LAW ENFORCEMENT LINK - where they state DNA? Only her parents and millions of posters have said DNA. Who made that leap? Is it really DNA?

When one media outlet asked Corrine Geller, she stated that she could not comment.

I don't think DNA links these cases. Forensic evidence could be anything ~
You are correct Sally. Only her parents, and bloggers have said 'dna". LE has just said forensic evidence.

I keep seeing "forensic evidence" on all of the official releases. Would someone please post a link - LAW ENFORCEMENT LINK - where they state DNA? Only her parents and millions of posters have said DNA. Who made that leap? Is it really DNA?

When one media outlet asked Corrine Geller, she stated that she could not comment.

I don't think DNA links these cases. Forensic evidence could be anything ~
I keep seeing "forensic evidence" on all of the official releases. Would someone please post a link - LAW ENFORCEMENT LINK - where they state DNA? Only her parents and millions of posters have said DNA. Who made that leap? Is it really DNA?

When one media outlet asked Corrine Geller, she stated that she could not comment.

I don't think DNA links these cases. Forensic evidence could be anything ~

What else could it be but DNA? I don't understand. If they are linking the cases it has to be some solid evidence such as DNA.
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