Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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i really think it was planted. the killer obviously didn't have the smarts to burn the t-shirt. instead they ditched it, which in itself is odd since they went through so much trouble to hide morgan's body. even got lime.
that the t-shirt was found in a specific area, i would think the killer was trying to distract attention away from something. otherwise why ditch the shirt when they could have just burned it?

The most likely explanation would be that they didn't have a place to burn it. Either it would attract too much notice or they'd cause fire alarms to go off or something like that.

Where did you get the bit about the lime? I hadn't heard that.
per Dr. Harrington, on the findmorgan forum, she had never been to AF, nor as far as he knew, had ties to anyone that had.

morgan had been to events at the farm in the past
----respectfully snipped for length-----

Morgan seems to have been pretty exotic for the part of the country she's in, but when I walk around Boston past the univesities and art and music schools, I'll run into a dozen girls just like her without even trying.

----respectfully snipped for length-------

I was surprised when I moved to Charlottesville's totally a granola/exploratory place. I'm from Miami and the cultural offerings/environment here are pretty wide - I am still intrigued by the dynamics in this area. It's not a "college town" persay IMO.
per Dr. Harrington, on the findmorgan forum, she had never been to AF, nor as far as he knew, had ties to anyone that had.

That's what I thought.

I remember that while she was still missing, somebody posted some photos of a party on a farm that wasn't further identified -- that's the only thing I could think of that was similar.
i really think it was planted. the killer obviously didn't have the smarts to burn the t-shirt. instead they ditched it, which in itself is odd since they went through so much trouble to hide morgan's body. even got lime.
that the t-shirt was found in a specific area, i would think the killer was trying to distract attention away from something. otherwise why ditch the shirt when they could have just burned it?

If the perps knew AF so intimately, wouldn't they know that the grasses would get matted down by the snow? They seem to have been an odd combo of very clever and very dumb. Maybe they only frequented the area during mushroom season?
this was no accidental type murder, imo. it was cold an calculated by likely someone who had an infatuation with her.

i really don't think this has anything to do with rituals or hindu or asian religions, imo

I agree that it was premeditated. JMO: At least one of the perps had some type of infatuation/obsession with Morgan. Jealousy was also a factor. They saw her as being different from themselves. Therefore, JMO the perps were not from wealthy or successful backgrounds.

That particular date (10/17/09) had ritual significance & could have been used to lure Morgan into a trap.
I agree that it was premeditated. JMO: At least one of the perps had some type of infatuation/obsession with Morgan. Jealousy was also a factor. They saw her as being different from themselves. Therefore, JMO the perps were not from wealthy or successful backgrounds.

That particular date (10/17/09) had ritual significance & could have been used to lure Morgan into a trap.

When people say this (and this is just the most recent example - there have been others), do they mean that they believe the perp/s was/were infatuated with Morgan specifically? As in, they knew her before the attack? Because that I don't find likely. What are the chances that Morgan would be hitchhiking on a bridge at the exact same time that someone who had an existing obsession with her drove by? That would have been a really lucky/coincidental break for her stalker.
The most likely explanation would be that they didn't have a place to burn it. Either it would attract too much notice or they'd cause fire alarms to go off or something like that.

Where did you get the bit about the lime? I hadn't heard that.

morgan i believe had attended a music event at the farm, it's all the way back in the locked threads. from the earlier threads on the case.

as for burning a shirt, all they had to do was drive to an isolated area, there's a lot of them around or mountains even to burn the shirt. it's a shirt, it won't make too much smoke or attract attention in an isolated area imo.

the lime also was mentioned in the early locked threads of the past. possibly on the forums which are now closed, i am sorry i can't help more with that.
If the perps knew AF so intimately, wouldn't they know that the grasses would get matted down by the snow? They seem to have been an odd combo of very clever and very dumb. Maybe they only frequented the area during mushroom season?

if they also knew it was an area which was frequented by people, they'd know that it would be found right away. otherwise why didn't they bury it underneath the snow?

while jealousy could have been a factor, i don't see how that has anything to do with them seeing morgan as different from themselves. to say that the perps aren't from wealthy or successful backgrounds? what type of logic are you using to come to that equation?
jealousy doesn't discriminate. while the perps could be poor, they also could be wealthy or somewhere in between. we just don't know.

walker, what do you personally think of morgan?
When people say this (and this is just the most recent example - there have been others), do they mean that they believe the perp/s was/were infatuated with Morgan specifically? As in, they knew her before the attack? Because that I don't find likely. What are the chances that Morgan would be hitchhiking on a bridge at the exact same time that someone who had an existing obsession with her drove by? That would have been a really lucky/coincidental break for her stalker.

hi goldie, when i mention it, i really believe that morgan had someone who was obsessed with her prior to her murder.
the obsession likely escalated to the point where the killer was stalking her.
nowadays with everyone updating what they are doing online it makes it easier for a stalker.
imo, i believe the stalker knew her prior to the attack.

if the killer was stalking morgan, he would know she would be at the concert that night. if she had any plans for after the concert, he may likely know or might not know, depending on how severe he stalked her.

if you have a stalker following your every move, the bridge just proved the perfect opportunity for her stalker to grab her unfortunately.

there also could have been elements that we have no idea about that escalated the stalker's behavior. (for example, say he was rejected by other girls around the time of morgan's murder and that angered him more so he focused his obsessive anger at morgan).
AF photos:

Photo #33 looks very similar to the location shown in the various photos related to Morgan's parents & VSP's visit to AF on 1/25/11 (the one-year anniversary of the finding of Morgan's body). The vegetation is similar, and the distance to the tree line seems similar. The grass was quite high in the JC photos. Maybe someone could walk by and not see anything suspicious.

Also, maybe they had some clue (rumors?) that Morgan had come to harm somewhere in the area; even if they were not consciously searching for her, perhaps Morgan was on their minds.


I also noticed the similarity of the location in the pictures to the news video.

Thanks for pointing this out !
imho i am not sure what role that suspect sketch guy and his dna played.
dan harrington has been qouted as saying that familial dna can catch morgan's killers.

"Dan Harrington believes landmark DNA technology could help investigators connect the dots in the search for his daughter’s murderer...

Police have linked DNA from her body to an unsolved sexual assault that happened in Fairfax five years ago. But so far, investigators have been unable to match the sample to a name.

That’s where familial DNA could help."

also morgan's swarovski necklace is still missing and hasn't turned up. imo, i think the killer took it as a "trophy".

going back to the suspect in fairfax, one usually doesn't escalate to rape to murder overnight. where are his other victims? where is he?
What gets me the most..... is how so many people knew that Morgan was not her self or acting normal. How tragic.... I do not know if i agree with the killer most likely did not drive by the houses. This is a person who with his first victim took her in a ver populated area "by a grocery store" and took her to a playground close to an apartment building????? If he was willing to do that IMO why not drive down a farm driveway at night?????JMO

this is a great point, the fairfax suspect took a women boldly in a populated area. morgan's crime is the opposite. we have no witnesses that seen morgan being taken. it's almost as if the fairfax suspect had help or wasn't there.
he seems to be a bold type of rapist. also why hasn't he been found yet? has he left the country? he seems to have followed that victim on foot then.
morgan's body was found 10 miles away, someone had to have a car.

special agent cappuzzo says:

"We're extremely confident he's still in this community," says Cappuzzo, citing multiple behavioral specialists who specialize in geographic profiling. All, he said, agreed "this person has been here before."

special agent thinks the killer(s) are still in the area.

even though morgan's behavior that night has been described as "bizarre" she still got into a vehicle that evening. police think she did so willingly. that would elude to that morgan knew her killer. however vaguely, i don't know, yet none the less knew her killer(s). how she would know this guy from fairfax is beyond me. that's why i think others were involved.

"Either way, Cappuzzo says, police are convinced that Morgan got into a vehicle somewhere on or near the bridge, and very likely did so willingly."

the harringtons have described morgan's killer as being sadistic, a monster, violent. the article below states she was brutally murdered. this was no accident. these killers are sick monsters who will kill again if they aren't caught. imo, i have faith le will catch them with the familial dna.

"Her parents desperately wish it weren't so, but they say they're convinced: Morgan Harrington suffered before she was killed."

""A monster walks among you," Gil Harrington says, calling her daughter's killer a "violent, sadistic and dangerous man."
even though morgan's behavior that night has been described as "bizarre" she still got into a vehicle that evening. police think she did so willingly. that would elude to that morgan knew her killer. however vaguely, i don't know, yet none the less knew her killer(s). how she would know this guy from fairfax is beyond me. that's why i think others were involved.


But, Morgan didn't know the basketball players or the man she kicked, and she asked them for rides. I don't think the fact that she got in the car meant she knew the people. The dad who saw her on the bridge said she had her thumb up and was hitchhiking, which implies that she was just looking for a ride. She wouldn't have any reason to believe someone she knew would come along. Her behavior ever since getting stuck outside at the concert indicated that she was looking for rides from strangers.
if they also knew it was an area which was frequented by people, they'd know that it would be found right away. otherwise why didn't they bury it underneath the snow?

Not sure. Maybe they were afraid. Suspect the main killer left the US. The accomplices maybe didn't realize the error.

while jealousy could have been a factor, i don't see how that has anything to do with them seeing morgan as different from themselves. to say that the perps aren't from wealthy or successful backgrounds? what type of logic are you using to come to that equation?

They may have been jealous of the Harrington family's success. People are jealous of what they lack.

jealousy doesn't discriminate.

But there are different types of jealousy.

while the perps could be poor, they also could be wealthy or somewhere in between. we just don't know.

Did the perps hate her for being (in their eyes) a rich girl? Is that why they were so heartless?

walker, what do you personally think of morgan?

A lot depends on whether my theories turn out to be true or perhaps even partly true, but JMO this case points to a lot of serious social problems that we have today. Further discussion of the implications of this case would go off-topic, but the whole concept of college (for example) needs to be rethought.

Morgan was basically a girl-next-door type.
morgan i believe had attended a music event at the farm, it's all the way back in the locked threads. from the earlier threads on the case.

As far as the public has been told, there is no link between Morgan and AF.
She is not known to have attended any AF event.

the lime also was mentioned in the early locked threads of the past. possibly on the forums which are now closed, i am sorry i can't help more with that.

Lime would have destroyed her jewelry. Her mother now wears the silver bracelet. The gold ring was withheld by the police.
morgan i believe had attended a music event at the farm, it's all the way back in the locked threads. from the earlier threads on the case.

as for burning a shirt, all they had to do was drive to an isolated area, there's a lot of them around or mountains e:seeya:ven to burn the shirt. it's a shirt, it won't make too much smoke or attract attention in an isolated area imo.

the lime also was mentioned in the early locked threads of the past. possibly on the forums which are now closed, i am sorry i can't help more with that.

So the music event at the farm, and the lime, are both unsubstantiated rumors.

Have you ever tried to burn a cotton t-shirt? Cotton has a very high burning point. That's why they use it for potholders and such. I once had to burn the clothes I used to bury a dead animal. In a large firepit, with a gallon of gasoline poured on, there were still portions of the t-shirt remaining after an hour. And the stink was pretty amazing.
Just because the rape was committed in Fairfax doesn't mean the guy is FROM Fairfax. He's just as likely to be a Charlottesville guy who was in Fairfax for some reason. There are at least three universities in Fairfax -- VIA, George Mason, and Fairfax U -- so attending a concert there is a possibility. The Patriot Center is only a couple of miles from where the rape took place. Has anybody seen an exact date for when the Fairfax rape took place? Everything I can find this morning says, "October 2005" but nothing more specific. The date on the sketch is 26-October, but it could have been done a few days later.
Just because the rape was committed in Fairfax doesn't mean the guy is FROM Fairfax. He's just as likely to be a Charlottesville guy who was in Fairfax for some reason. There are at least three universities in Fairfax -- VIA, George Mason, and Fairfax U -- so attending a concert there is a possibility. The Patriot Center is only a couple of miles from where the rape took place. Has anybody seen an exact date for when the Fairfax rape took place? Everything I can find this morning says, "October 2005" but nothing more specific. The date on the sketch is 26-October, but it could have been done a few days later.

I found this article that says the Fairfax rape happened in September 2005:

"According to a Sept. 27, 2005 article in the Washington Post, the Fairfax case involved a 26-year-old woman who was sexually assaulted as she walked home from a nearby grocery store."
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