Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

DNA Solves
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Thank you so much Hoosll. There's some new info in that article (new to me anyway).
Here's the link:

what articles have been referring to is familial dna testing (what they caught the grim sleeper serial killer with in cali). not just random dna testing of a specific ethnic group etc.

so if le has the killers dna, and he happens to have a relative that has a criminal record or dna in the system, then they got a match.

it's how they caught the grim sleeper.

what i don't understand is this guy from the fairfax rape, ok so they have his dna, yet if you want to compare the 2 different cases, it just doesn't fit.

he should have more victims. you don't usually go from rape (other victim got away) then to drastic murder and covering your tracks.

2005 he rapes someone, who gets away. the victim is of middle eastern descent. he grabs her and sexually assaults her in a nearby parking lot of a park. then in morgan's case he just up and snatches her without any witnesses, takes her to a crime scene that is not known? then dumps her on the farm.

it's about 2 hours and 15 mins distance between fairfax and charlottesville,va. what made the rapist/suspect move? no one knows this guy in the sketch; maybe the sketch is very off?

where did he learn to evolve in between 2005 and morgan? where's the victims or bodies?

you'd think the guy was studying how to be a serial killer in the meantime.

so the fairfax guy happened to be in town? does he drive? does anyone even know his name? would he actually be living in that area and familiar with the farm down to a science that he could get away with body dumping and covering up his tracks a little bit? maybe he had help from some local friends?
that would seem more likely.

maybe he is involved in some way, yet i just can't see this guy as the killer, it doesn't fit. maybe he helped the killers or knows them.

what type of his dna do they have? is it semen, or just dna from touching something?
Those are good questions.

They haven't said what kind of DNA. They only just recently confirmed that it was DNA and not fingerprints or some other evidence.

Just some thoughts on the other issues you bring up. It's possible the connection goes the other way: he's a Charlottesville native who happened to be in Fairfax for some reason. Or he could have been in Charlottesville for the same reason as Moran was, to see the concert.

Not all murderers are thrill killers or serial killers. Maybe he didn't intend to kill her, but caused her death while kidnapping or forcing her?
I believe the sketch must be way off...

This person could have been out of the public eye for a while. I would think it's possible he may have been arrested for something other and was doing time in prison...Or maybe he lived in another state for a while.

Just throwin' that out there...
Thank you so much Hoosll. There's some new info in that article (new to me anyway).
Here's the link:
From the link:
As the father and daughter traveled toward Ivy Road and over the railroad bridge, the ordinary ride suddenly took them past an unusual sight. A young woman, dressed all in black with long blond hair, was standing on the bridge with her thumb extended in the classic hitchhiking gesture.
The pair would soon learn that they were among the last to see Morgan Dana Harrington alive.

Details revealed
During a recent tour tracing Morgan's last known steps, Virginia State Police Special Agent Dino Cappuzzo shared the story of that father and daughter-- and revealed that it was their witness testimony that permitted police to pinpoint the time Morgan was likely abducted.

The father, whose identity has not been revealed, dropped his daughter off at her dorm, Cappuzzo says, a few minutes after the bridge crossing. Her electronic key was logged at 9:23pm by her dorm's security system.

On his way back to his hotel, the father stopped at the 7-11 convenience store on Ivy Road, says Cappuzzo. There, another time-stamp--- this one in the form of a register receipt--- provided police with another objective time mark around 9:30pm. When the father left the 7-11 and returned over the bridge no more than a minute or two later, Cappuzzo says, he remembered the young woman standing with short sleeves and no umbrella in the chilly drizzle. She was gone.

Within approximately 10 minutes of those two bridge crossings, two other unrelated witnesses reported to police that they'd seen a blond woman hitchhiking there. Cappuzzo says all witnesses' stories have been thoroughly vetted by police, and none are considered suspects.
When my daughter was 15 she went to a concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. I was nervous but she went with 4 friends and they promised to stay together.

The lines to get in were very long and they waited an hour to get to the front where they would be frisked and searched, right before the ticket gates.

The lines merged together at this point, and my daughter was at the end of her group of friends. A man on a loudspeaker told everyone to get their tickets out and ready before they hit the gates. My daughter was at the front of the line to be frisked, and her friends had just gone through.

She took her ticket out, just like the man said to, and suddenly, a kid ran up behind her and grabbed her ticket and took off. She was stunned. In shock, she stepped forward and stammered to the attendant that her ticket was just stolen. Move away from ther line, Get away, GO, that is what she was told.

Her friends were already in, and she called them but their phones were off. [ we found out later they had no service inside the venue.]

So, much like Morgan, my young daughter was all alone in the parking lot at night, in a
large city. She called my son immediately, who was 19, and he and his gf headed over there. But they were an hour away at least.

Anyway, things worked out, because she was able to purchase another ticket and also 2 of her friends had finally reached her by cell, and waited at the entrance for her to get back in.

My point is that something like this can happen in a split second. When I was talking to my crying daughter in the first minutes, she said ' Don't worry mom, the security guard is right here.' YIKES. that scared me even more. I asked to speak to him and he told me his name, and the company he worked for and the phone number. My husband called the number from his cell and we relaxed when we found it was a real company that had the contract to work the concert.

When I heard Morgan was missing I showed the story to my daughter and explained again how lucky she was but also how smart she was in terms of how she responded to the challenge. If she had been drunk, or if she had just walked off alone into the darkness it might have been tragic. I think that these large venues need to have a safe place for kids to wait in cases like this.

Also, being 15 my daughter was afraid. Sadly, college girls feel more confident and they do not always recognize the dangers. I am so sad about how this one ended. Bless her sweet soul.
The FBI is incompetent.

I sent my fingerprints to the FBI in early January because a clean criminal background check from the FBI is a requirement for a work visa for a job I've been offered in South Korea.

After waiting for weeks, I called the FBI yesterday to find out when I could expect the CBC to arrive (so I can make flight and other travel plans) and they informed me that they were unable to match my fingerprints I sent them to my fingerprints on file. If they couldn't tell who I am from two sets of prints of all ten fingers with my name and address on the form and envelope, how on Earth are they going to be able to match the DNA of the perp who attacked Morgan and the other lady in Virginia even if they have his DNA on record, which they may or may not have?

I hope the Harrington's have a good private detective working the case, because the FBI is just another clumsy government agency not unlike Fannie Mae, the Department of Education, the IRS, and all the rest.

i tend to disagree with your statement. maybe the fbi was too busy working on some criminal cases to get you your fingerprints for your work visa.

it also could have been an individual or the sector you sent it to; rather than the whole FBI as a whole.
Those are good questions.

They haven't said what kind of DNA. They only just recently confirmed that it was DNA and not fingerprints or some other evidence.

Just some thoughts on the other issues you bring up. It's possible the connection goes the other way: he's a Charlottesville native who happened to be in Fairfax for some reason. Or he could have been in Charlottesville for the same reason as Moran was, to see the concert.

Not all murderers are thrill killers or serial killers. Maybe he didn't intend to kill her, but caused her death while kidnapping or forcing her?

anything is possible carbuff; however i truly believe that the killer(s) intended to kill morgan. at what point their intent turned to murder i don't know; maybe they intended to kill her all along.
When my daughter was 15 she went to a concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. I was nervous but she went with 4 friends and they promised to stay together.

The lines to get in were very long and they waited an hour to get to the front where they would be frisked and searched, right before the ticket gates.

The lines merged together at this point, and my daughter was at the end of her group of friends. A man on a loudspeaker told everyone to get their tickets out and ready before they hit the gates. My daughter was at the front of the line to be frisked, and her friends had just gone through.

She took her ticket out, just like the man said to, and suddenly, a kid ran up behind her and grabbed her ticket and took off. She was stunned. In shock, she stepped forward and stammered to the attendant that her ticket was just stolen. Move away from ther line, Get away, GO, that is what she was told.

Her friends were already in, and she called them but their phones were off. [ we found out later they had no service inside the venue.]

So, much like Morgan, my young daughter was all alone in the parking lot at night, in a
large city. She called my son immediately, who was 19, and he and his gf headed over there. But they were an hour away at least.

Anyway, things worked out, because she was able to purchase another ticket and also 2 of her friends had finally reached her by cell, and waited at the entrance for her to get back in.

My point is that something like this can happen in a split second. When I was talking to my crying daughter in the first minutes, she said ' Don't worry mom, the security guard is right here.' YIKES. that scared me even more. I asked to speak to him and he told me his name, and the company he worked for and the phone number. My husband called the number from his cell and we relaxed when we found it was a real company that had the contract to work the concert.

When I heard Morgan was missing I showed the story to my daughter and explained again how lucky she was but also how smart she was in terms of how she responded to the challenge. If she had been drunk, or if she had just walked off alone into the darkness it might have been tragic. I think that these large venues need to have a safe place for kids to wait in cases like this.

Also, being 15 my daughter was afraid. Sadly, college girls feel more confident and they do not always recognize the dangers. I am so sad about how this one ended. Bless her sweet soul.

thank you for sharing your daughter's story. i too am familiar with the procedures of those who go to concerts and i can sure attest that those that work the concerts could care less about the concertgoers.

if you don't have a ticket, they don't care if it were stolen, etc.

they really need to make a national policy for girls and women who either get locked out of a concert, lose their ticket, get their ticket stolen, etc to let them back inside.

a safe place for them to wait, as you mentioned, would be ideal.
The answers to these questions won't help in the least in solving this case, but while they don't matter, they are interesting to me.

-First question is I wonder why Morgan didn't call her parents. She had her phone. Kind of a dumb question, though, because it doesn't matter. I can also kind of understand her not wanting to call them because she didn't want to get in trouble for something and may not have been thinking clearly.

-Second question, I wonder to where Morgan was trying to get a ride. Where did she ask the basketball players in the RV lot to take her? Where did she plan to ask whoever picked her up while hitchhiking to take her?

Obviously, these things don't matter, because she didn't call her parents, and she didn't end up where she asked to go, so this has nothing to do with what did end up happening to her. Obviously, it's clear that Morgan wasn't acting like herself, so I guess that's the answer to my questions.

For whatever reason, she chose to ask random people for rides instead of call her parents to come get her. Obivously, she wasn't planning on having them take her back home, or why not just call her parents? Hopefully this will serve as a cautionary tale and an example of why parents need to have the conversation with their kids, "No matter what, you can always call us if you need a ride," and MEAN IT. I'm not saying this incident was Morgan's fault at all, and I'm not saying parents should be happy with their children's choices if they've made poor ones. Of course parents need to stick to their rules, but I remember the feeling of wanting to do something ten times as stupid as I'd already done just to try to keep my parents from finding out. What I hope is that parents can use this case to illustrate to their kids that any amount of trouble they will get in at home is ALWAYS better than what happened in this case. It's never worth the risk. I hope this case has also inspired parents to come up with safety plans before their children leave for an event, and I hope it's also encouraged children to take their parents seriously. Now, I know Morgan wasn't a "child" and that she didn't live at home anymore and probably would not have gotten into any actual trouble, but I think these lessons still apply. There's no good solution to this problem, because everyone has things about them they don't want their parents to find out when they're growing up. It's sad, because I can totally relate to Morgan's decisions, but sitting here on the couch in my warm, cozy home I just wish she would have chosen something else.

Anyway... not terribly important questions. I think about this case a lot and am really hoping for a resolution.
hi goldiegirl, welcome to websleuths =)

those are good questions, and i honestly believe that the answers do matter, as every little bit is a piece to solve this puzzle of morgan's murder.

morgan was an adult, and from what i remember her friends present were meeting up afterwards, after the concert was over. i don't know if they were going to have their own shindig or what, i can't remember the details.

it's possible maybe morgan had plans of her own to go meet up with someone or go to a nearby party. it's a college town, and colleges always have parties. i know when i was in college, there were always campus parties going on.

i'm sure if she called her folks they would have came and got her, i just don't think that was her plan for the evening. her friends had her car and the keys, maybe they were going to meet up later or the next day after going to a party? by the term "party" i use this loosely to mean anywhere to a couple of friends to a full out bash.

as you mention parents stressing to their children does makes sense. however these concerts need to change their policy and as someone mentioned earlier, make a "safe zone" for those who get locked out of the concert. be it their ticket lost, stolen, etc.
that way they have a safe area to wait in and not just wander around outside.
For whatever reason, she chose to ask random people for rides instead of call her parents to come get her. Obivously, she wasn't planning on having them take her back home, or why not just call her parents?

Driving from Roanoke to Charlotteville (120 miles) would take about 2 hours; but maybe her parents could have arranged a ride since her mother had C'ville roots.

The latest Hook article suggests the following time line:

After 8:00 pm, Morgan left companions during Lamb of God performance;
time? may have gone to ladies room;
time? fell and suffered minor facial injury;
time? leaves arena, while acknowledging ticket taker's warning about the no re-admittance policy;
At exactly 8:48 pm, Morgan accepts a cell phone call from SS;
time? interaction with man waiting outside, kicking him;
At about 9:00 pm, Morgan joins a group of bb players and leaves the area walking through the parking lots towards the RV lot;
About 9:20 pm, Morgan seen on bridge by father and daughter;
At 9:30 pm, her phone goes dead. Father returning does not see her on the bridge.

Note how short the apparent time frame is. Therefore, Morgan did not spend a huge amount of time trying to get back into the concert. SS made suggestions, but Morgan left the arena area only 12 minutes after speaking to her. Many people offered their assistance, but Morgan refused their help.

Seems as though Morgan was just waiting around --- for Metallica to go on stage? At that point, all the parking lots would be deserted.

Just a theory: Maybe Morgan had it in mind to "disappear" for a little while. Was she stressed at college? Depressed?

Say some group of acquaintances encouraged her in this tentative idea to just run away for a little while -- "to get her head together" or something along those lines. Maybe they talked her into hiding out in the country.

What would be the group's plan?

Morgan could not be seen getting into anyone's car, so they needed to be sure that the parking lots were relatively vacant as they would be after the main act took the stage. They needed a meeting place --- maybe the parking lot of one of the office buildings across from the entrance of the RV lot. But perhaps Morgan had mixed feelings, and at the last moment tried to get a ride from the bb players instead. Later, on the bridge, maybe this person or group found her & she willingly accepted a ride.

Note that 241 Copeley Road is right across from that RV lot entrance according to Mapquest. "2-4-1" was Morgan's special slogan. Might they choose that landmark as their meeting place? Since it is not part of UVA (?), there might not be an increased police presence there despite the concert.

A half-hearted run-away plan would explain why Morgan did not call anyone (police could trace calls & ping their locations), why she did not persist in trying to get back into the arena, why she refused assistance, why the phone went dead at apparently the same time she may have been picked up at the bridge, why she was dressed inappropriately for a long time outside on a cold rainy night (that is, she expected the acquaintances to pick her up shortly), why she headed toward the RV lot, and also why that weird scroll painting was photographed at AF in the same week (10/24/09 date of the 7-mile Sleepover).

The scroll image of Kali (South Asian goddess) strongly resembles Morgan, and the jewelry "Kali" is wearing is similar to Morgan's jewelry. Part of the scroll also depicts the story of the young Buddha's "Renunciation" in which he runs away from his wealthy family & happy marriage to seek enlightenment. (JMO: Morgan herself drew this segment).

The fact that the killers did not take Morgan's bracelet & gold ring might indicate that they were acquaintances capable of feeling some trace level of remorse. Since Morgan was a college student at VTech, seems likely that her social circle revolved mainly around VTech, where her studies included South Asian religions. She was planning to take a trip to Nepal with her art teacher.

Also, the 2005 Fairfax victim was from South Asia, (which includes India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet ... ) according to the Hook she spoke a language similar to Urdu. Is Morgan's interest in South Asia just a coincidence? Expatriates are often preyed upon by people from their own country or part of the world.

Maybe this group (which included Sketch) had planned to kill Morgan.
One objection to the "run-away" theory is that Morgan did not need to wait until the night of the Metallica concert to disappear. She might have simply boarded a bus on any Tuesday morning, for example.

Or did that particular date have significance to the group of killers?

The date 10/17/09 corresponded to the new moon of October & an important South Asian festival, the Kali Puja.

Kali worship is sometimes associated with cults, and even in some very rare cases with human sacrifice.,9171,501020729-322673,00.html

Article: Killing for 'Mother' Kali
By Alex Perry atapur

Quote from the above link:
For the magic to work, the killing had to be done just right. If the goddess were to grant Khudu Karmakar the awesome powers he expected from a virgin's death, the victim had to be willing, had to know what was happening, watch the knife, and not stop it. But even tranquilizers couldn't lull 15-year-old Manju Kumari to her fate.
walker, honestly from what i've read and heard from my wife about this case, i doubt that morgan wanted to "disappear" for awhile. she could have easily done that at anytime and she had nothing packed with her. her car was left with her friends who had her keys. one of the friends was designated driver. who would "take off" for awhile without their car or packing anything? it just doesn't fit imo

that she was a cult ritual victim for sacrifice to the kali goddess by hindus is kind of well... absurd.

how can you say that morgan's jewelry is even remotely close to that of images of kali? the images googled all show kali wearing huge beaded type necklace(s). it's too large a leap for me to come to those conclusions. a lot of images of kali show her wearing various different necklaces anyway.

the victim in fairfax was likely "convenient" at the time for the suspect who raped her.

it's a jump to go from rape and then to murder. one would think he's had more victims in the meantime if he is the killer in morgan's case.

here's i believe an updated article:

if he was to graduate from rape to murder, then where are the other victims? have they been reported missing? have any unidentified bodies been found?

what if this guy from fairfax had some friends in charlottesville and was with them that night. combined with their extra testosterone and drugs/alcohol they picked up morgan, then the combination of disaster struck? just a theory...
while he may have raped a woman in fairfax, he still may not be the murderer. we have never heard what type of dna they found. we don't know if it's semen, or skin cells, hair etc.

not to mention the man in the sketch hasn't been found. as someone mentioned, the sketch must be very off.

did vsp ever mention for the suspect sketch is intimately familiar with the anchorage farm area?

there were rumors he was a drug dealer however they came off a bad source site, so anything is possible i guess. coupled with the parties at the farm i suppose he could have been there dealing drugs in the past.
Just to clarify: My comments relate only to the AF scroll and not any other images of Kali.

AF scroll:

Image #14. JMO: Morgan as Kali.

Image #12. JMO: Buddha leaving his beloved wife as she sleeps.

The AF photos were uploaded in late October and November 2009. They are related to an event called the "7-mile" Sleepover which took place at Anchorage Farm on Saturday, October 24, 2009: Morgan disappeared on Saturday, October 17, 2009.

walker, honestly from what i've read and heard from my wife about this case, i doubt that morgan wanted to "disappear" for awhile. she could have easily done that at anytime and she had nothing packed with her.

In the story (depicted in the AF scroll), Buddha leaves his happy home, and takes almost nothing with him. He departs in the middle of the night, while his wife and newborn son are sleeping. That he takes almost nothing with him is an important part of the story. In some traditions, he then sends even those very few belongings back home to his wife on his white horse.

Also, Morgan did take some jewelry with her which was both very expensive & of great sentimental value. Who knows what she had in her pack?

According to Morgan's father, AM kissed Morgan as she left her and their other two companions in the arena. Maybe AM intuited that she would not be seeing her friend soon again.

her car was left with her friends who had her keys. one of the friends was designated driver. who would "take off" for awhile without their car or packing anything? it just doesn't fit imo

The group of acquaintances may have talked her into hiding out in the country. College kids can be suggestible. And, maybe it all seemed harmless, like a game. Maybe they invited her to a Kali-Puja "sleepover" event, but she didn't really want to go. For some unknown reason, she seems to have felt obligated to go. Maybe one of the group had manipulated her with pity?

Note: Morgan had three major interactions after leaving her companions at the concert: 1. She apparently tried to persuade an older man to take her somewhere, and was rejected. He says that she then kicked him; 2. She asked members of bb team to give her a ride to a location which has not been disclosed by LE; 3. she tried to "hitch" a ride from another college girl and her dad. Therefore, we see a pattern of avoidance: she clearly was trying to get away from the area, but yet witnesses say that she expressed no great distress.

Other people too might have helped her; for example, the "curtsy" witnesses in the RV lot, but she never requested any type of emergency assistance.

JMO: She was only ducking the group for social reasons (i.e. they were bores) rather than fleeing what she perceived at that point as a violent threat.

that she was a cult ritual victim for sacrifice to the kali goddess by hindus is kind of well... absurd.

The group were not real Hindus, except for maybe one.

Just a guess: one Nepali/West Bengali ("Sketch") who works at VTech as an H1B/graduate student, his American gf (who is VTech student/employee), and two other American "New Age" types.

JMO: The starting place in any murder investigation should be the victim's immediate social milieu. An education major at VTech, Morgan supported the "Free Tibet" cause, and studied South Asian culture. Her dorm room & room at home were decorated with Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags, and she was planning a trip to Nepal.

Sometimes college students can be naive. Human sacrifice is practiced in remote parts of countries like Nepal. These third-world countries can be dangerous.

And VTech has a history of accepting troubled foreign students.
1. 2009 Beheading incident:,2933,482025,00.html
2. 2007 Shooting massacre:

What was the motive?

If Morgan were killed by an ex-bf, LE would have a suspect by now. Likely there would have been a history of threats.

If Morgan were killed by a drug dealer, then likely the murder would be an execution-style bullet to the back of the head. Instead her body was apparently hacked up and her bones shattered. No drug dealer would bother with placing the pack back in the RV lot or placing the tee shirt in a busy C'ville neighborhood later on.

If Morgan were killed for money, the killers would have taken her money and her jewelry, esp. a large gold ring she was wearing.

Interestingly, the abduction may have been perpetrated by a group which included one female. Therefore, the crime is less likely to have been motivated by merely the need to cover up a rape.

VSP Special Agent Dino Cappuzzo’s statement:
she got into a vehicle in Charlotteville on Copeley Road, and within a short period of time she was brought here. I feel confident that somebody out there knows that that person who allowed her to get into her vehicle or put her in their vehicle has not come forward.

how can you say that morgan's jewelry is even remotely close to that of images of kali? the images googled all show kali wearing huge beaded type necklace(s). it's too large a leap for me to come to those conclusions. a lot of images of kali show her wearing various different necklaces anyway.

In the AF scroll, the image of Kali is depicted as wearing a large cuff bracelet and a necklace. They are not identical to Morgan's jewelry, but this combination of jewelry seems an odd coincidence.

the victim in fairfax was likely "convenient" at the time for the suspect who raped her.

Possible, but expats are most often preyed upon by people who are from their same part of the world. Could she have been his ex? Was the incident bias related? Did she convert to Islam? Was she becoming "too Western"?

it's a jump to go from rape and then to murder. one would think he's had more victims in the meantime if he is the killer in morgan's case.


If the Fairfax crime were a crime of passion against a former gf, maybe not.

not to mention the man in the sketch hasn't been found. as someone mentioned, the sketch must be very off.

The victim was a foreigner in a strange country. She may have been afraid of implicating someone from her same group. Or she may have feared retaliation. The police didn't seem very confident in the sketch. Did she try to make it sound like a random street crime?

did vsp ever mention for the suspect sketch is intimately familiar with the anchorage farm area?

The perps did not need to be intimately familiar with the area. What if they were experienced in navigating rugged terrain? Military trained, maybe foreign ex-military or maybe a highly experienced backpacker? Likely, at least one perp had been to AF before, and knew the lay of the land, but they don't all have be from NG.

One possibility is that one of the perps was actually living camp-style on the farm at some point in time. He could have hitched the train up to C'ville to sell psilocybin mushrooms to UVA students in the RV lot. Might have been able to survive there undetected for a long time.

Note the "Old Campsite": ***All sizes | Morgan Harrington Path? | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

there were rumors he was a drug dealer however they came off a bad source site, so anything is possible i guess. coupled with the parties at the farm i suppose he could have been there dealing drugs in the past.

Psilocybin mushrooms grew on the farm, probably other farms in the area, too. Could they have been trading in hallucinogens?

HOWEVER, the preceding opinion is only a theory, and other explanations of the crime are possible.
So...we're back to the cult ritual theory again? Wasn't it a sort of Manson family thing last time? Now a Hindu ritual?
I think you ought to take up writing thrillers, Walker. That's a great story.
So...we're back to the cult ritual theory again? Wasn't it a sort of Manson family thing last time? Now a Hindu ritual?

The two theories are just the same. The Manson family is a prototype for a group of mentally unstable individuals who suffered delusions, abused & traded illegal drugs and killed people for no logical reason.

Note: Some people thought that I meant that Manson himself was involved; what I meant was someone like a Manson.

Remember that a random attack by a stranger would not likely include drawing a scroll painting, leaving expensive & highly identifiable jewelry on the scene or planting tee shirts on a busy public street.
I think you ought to take up writing thrillers, Walker. That's a great story.

It's a painful story because it could be true or partly true.

No matter who is responsible, it's a painful story.

No matter who the perps are, their violence was senseless, and their motives based only on delusions, ignorance and jealousy.
It's a painful story because it could be true or partly true.

No matter who is responsible, it's a painful story.

No matter who the perps are, their violence was senseless, and their motives based only on delusions, ignorance and jealousy.

I can totally agree with you on that.
An innocent college girl gets killed for no reason. In the public mind, who have been the main suspects?

Not in any particular order, partial list follows:

1. Athletes
2. Frat boys
3. childhood bffs who were like sisters
4. LE moonlighting as security guards
5. goth musicians and fans
6. drug dealers
7. rich young men who grew up in NG
8. total stranger acting alone
9. middle-aged guy waiting outside arena for gf

Now #6 is a reasonable possibility; after all, drug dealers are acting against the law, and they are therefore more likely to commit a crime. What would a drug dealer gain from killing Morgan? We would need something more to explain the involvement of drug dealers.

#8 too is reasonable; but the perp of a violent crime usually knows their victim personally, and this crime was extremely violent. And, we would need to explain (among other details) why the stranger planted the tee shirt in the busy student neighborhood instead of just burning it.

The rest of the choices are just based on silly TV stereotypes. No matter what one might think of frats, for example, they just aren't likely to murder anyone.

The most obvious question should be, Who was Morgan actually socializing with at VTech? Through her intense interest in certain foreign cultures and travel, could she have come into contact with a mentally unbalanced foreigner?

The perps did not necessarily include a foreigner; (who knows?) maybe a frat did this crime or a bb team or a goth band or police officers. But let's at least ask, Who was Morgan socializing with at VTech?
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