Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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I don't understand the grounds for the lawsuit. There was a rule about not letting people in after they left the concert. Morgan left before the band she wanted to hear. She was described as intoxicated by others near the entrance. The security would be under no obligation to admit someone that was as intoxicated as we heard about Morgan. They would also not be responsible to look after her. Their job is to look after the venue, not intoxicated people trying to be admitted or accosting others near the entrance. Furthermore, she was not abducted on the venue grounds ... she was on or near the bridge crossing the train tracks in the vicinity.

What have we heard about Morgan being injured inside the building, and it was reported earlier that she stepped out to smoke ... but there was a smoking area inside the arena, so the question was more about drugs than smoking ... at the time. If she had an injury inside the arena, was it related to intoxication?

I completely agree, Otto. I have been to hundreds of concerts in many states and every venue I have been to had a no re-entry policy. It is common practice of venues. If her mother felt a lawsuit was needed, I'm not sure why she's suing the security company rather than the re-entry is the venue's rule.
I hope the Harrington's win big on their lawsuit. The so called "security" at these concerts are a joke and hopefully their win will lead to changes made by these "security" agencies. They should be held accountable for their lack of true security.

Being intoxicated is irrelevant.
As a felon, his dna would be in the Virginia system.

This Offenders DNA should be tested ASAP against the DNA in the MH case. He is spot on for the composite. Not sure how we forward these things to LE so if anyone can assist, please do! First offense was at 18, making him about 23 for the 2005 offense and approx 27 for this case.
This Offenders DNA should be tested ASAP against the DNA in the MH case. He is spot on for the composite. Not sure how we forward these things to LE so if anyone can assist, please do! First offense was at 18, making him about 23 for the 2005 offense and approx 27 for this case.

McKenzie is listed as a sex offender on the Virginia State Police Web site. He is considered violent, according to the site, and is currently on probation.

Great catch! Here is a link to the original story. The website that was linked up there is rather offensive. (quote snipped by me)
Submitted using the information in the article you provided. Thank you.

Here is his SOR page:

All freshly clean shaven. Nice new mask. I tend to lean towards the previous arrest picture of his as being the mask we are looking for. I see the progression being from full (2005 composite), medium size beard, to thin beard (arrest photo), to now clean shaven.

The worst thing anyone can do right now is assume.
Great catch! Here is a link to the original story. The website that was linked up there is rather offensive. (quote snipped by me)

I apologize as that website is very offensive. I must of been so transfixed by the mugshot that I never bothered to scroll down or even look immediately to the left, where the posters info was extremely distasteful as well. I will have to pay attention to this in the future. Thanks again for the "clean" link.

BTW....I received the "we have received your tip" email....tick tock...tick tock
Submitted using the information in the article you provided. Thank you.

Here is his SOR page:

All freshly clean shaven. Nice new mask. I tend to lean towards the previous arrest picture of his as being the mask we are looking for. I see the progression being from full (2005 composite), medium size beard, to thin beard (arrest photo), to now clean shaven.

The worst thing anyone can do right now is assume.

Good on you for calling in the tip SK Hunter! I agree about the nice new mask progression. Even tho he is now clean shaven in the 2011 SOR mug, I am still taken aback by the uncanny resemblence to the composite sketch. The mouth and nose are an exact match, IMO.

I really feel this is a viable tip and am glad LE confirmed the tip to you. Surely, LE would rather receive a tip and it lead to nothing, than to need the tip and not receive it. Hope that makes sense.

Now we wait.

Sent this in to the VA State Police tip line. Let me know what you think, I have more detailed analysis to provide. Including possible vehicle (hint..Mini Church Shuttle Bus). Attached a side by side picture of the POI and the composite. I have also attached a picture of the Church/Residence with vehicles from Google Maps.

Text of email submitted:

Has this RSO been ruled out in the Morgan Harrington case: Anthony Quinn Tucker. Seems to be a very good match for the composite. Further research would indicate he could be working as a Minister at Cluster Pine Holiness Church, which may or may not be his current address (See SOR link for address). I have attached a side by side comparison of the RSO and the known composite. I have also attached a Google map screenshot of the Church with vehicles outside. The white Shuttle like vehicle, parked at the FAR rear, would be of interest to me. Thank you for your time in this matter."

SOR Link:


  • side by side AQT.jpg
    side by side AQT.jpg
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  • church2.jpg
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Sent this in to the VA State Police tip line. Let me know what you think, I have more detailed analysis to provide. Including possible vehicle (hint..Mini Church Shuttle Bus). Attached a side by side picture of the POI and the composite. I have also attached a picture of the Church/Residence with vehicles from Google Maps.

Text of email submitted:

Has this RSO been ruled out in the Morgan Harrington case: Anthony Quinn Tucker. Seems to be a very good match for the composite. Further research would indicate he could be working as a Minister at Cluster Pine Holiness Church, which may or may not be his current address (See SOR link for address). I have attached a side by side comparison of the RSO and the known composite. I have also attached a Google map screenshot of the Church with vehicles outside. The white Shuttle like vehicle, parked at the FAR rear, would be of interest to me. Thank you for your time in this matter."

SOR Link:

Was your original offender ruled out SK? If I may say, you dont want to send in too many possibles when a comparison is in the works. LE will start to think it is the mud against the wall thing...

One of the blessings of being at WS I have found is that you can post your pool of suspects and have help ruling them in or out before you submit them. Just my :twocents:.
I don't understand the grounds for the lawsuit. There was a rule about not letting people in after they left the concert. Morgan left before the band she wanted to hear. She was described as intoxicated by others near the entrance. The security would be under no obligation to admit someone that was as intoxicated as we heard about Morgan. They would also not be responsible to look after her. Their job is to look after the venue, not intoxicated people trying to be admitted or accosting others near the entrance. Furthermore, she was not abducted on the venue grounds ... she was on or near the bridge crossing the train tracks in the vicinity.

What have we heard about Morgan being injured inside the building, and it was reported earlier that she stepped out to smoke ... but there was a smoking area inside the arena, so the question was more about drugs than smoking ... at the time. If she had an injury inside the arena, was it related to intoxication?

I completely agree. I know their daughter's death is extremely painful for them but I don't see the point of suing concert security. Morgan was intoxicated and refused offers of help. I hope at some point her parents can accept that Morgan made extremely bad choices that evening that left her in a situation that cost her her life. Laying blame on others for not babysitting an adult will not bring her back.
Was your original offender ruled out SK? If I may say, you dont want to send in too many possibles when a comparison is in the works. LE will start to think it is the mud against the wall thing...

One of the blessings of being at WS I have found is that you can post your pool of suspects and have help ruling them in or out before you submit them. Just my :twocents:.

Noted and appreciated. Orthodox, I will not be, but excitable, I will be less. And thou ruling is?

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
Leonardo da Vinci"
I'm watching "disappeared" on the ID channel right now. i remember this case vividly because I'm such a Metallica fan and i could relate to her excitement when the tix came out.
I did NOT know they found her remains!!
I'll continue to watch the documentary and then i'll read up on the case at WS.
RIP Morgan. :rose:
How such a thrilling and wonderful night has to turn into THIS I'll never understand in this case or many others. Evil lurks amongst us always. I wish we could get our teens/20 somethings to realize this! :(
I completely agree. I know their daughter's death is extremely painful for them but I don't see the point of suing concert security. Morgan was intoxicated and refused offers of help. I hope at some point her parents can accept that Morgan made extremely bad choices that evening that left her in a situation that cost her her life. Laying blame on others for not babysitting an adult will not bring her back.

Agreed... I'm sure they will realize one day but for right now they feel the need to lash out at anyone who could have helped their little girl (IMO). She will always be that.. their little girl. If the lawsuit does nothing but make the arena "up" their security for the next missing young intoxicated woman.. it has been successful.
The Morgan Harrington case was the one that brought me to Web Sleuths. For me the entire circumstances surrounding this case are incomprehensible , IMO.

However I do still follow this case in hopes of some "new" information or an actual press conference update. I have always hoped the Harrington's were privy to answers by LE to every question they may have. We the public are not entitled to that , but they most certainly are. I have often wondered why a private investigator has never been hired in view of the fact Campus Police, Local law enforcement, and Virginia state police seem to be in over their heads, to put it mildly.
The Harrington's Law suit has been questioned by some, believing they are disregarding their daughters alcohol or drug use as a possible contributing factor. I would like to believe they knew their daughter was a normal 20 year old with all the good and bad that age brings with it. It was, after all, a Metallica concert. The fact that there is a "no re-admittance" policy is not the problem as I see it. JPJ Arena brings a lot of money into that community . They have a responsibility to insure that their security is there to protect the public that subsidizes them.

Here is where I see the problem:

Yes Morgan was a 20 year old who made "choices", and yes they had a No Re-entry policy . That Policy was to ensure the safety of the public in attendance.

Why were there not enough Security cameras?
Why were the ones they did have sub-standard?
Who were their "security" provider and personnel?
......and what, if any, contingency plan was in place for those too inebriated or unruly to re-enter.

I mean, why have security in place that when called upon cannot "secure " protection?

Let's consider the Morgan Harrington Case.

Apparently from the minute Morgan left the Arena , it was not held accountable for anything that happened to her. Acceptable.......but

When she was murdered due to a course of events that began "on the property" of that "SECURE" arena, and that led to her expulsion from that Secure arena, that changes things, IMO.

IF adequate security equipment was in place, cameras would be able to "confirm" her attendance, and perhaps her injury.
IF adequate security camera's were in place we would be able to VERIFY the Venue security personnel during their interaction with Morgan.

Instead we are left with not 1 verifiable picture of Morgan in or around the Arena that night, right?

Instead we are left with "a" security guard and "ticket" takers word that Morgan was unruly, warned about re-entry, and barred from re-entry.
Who's to say HOW she was hurt? Who's to say her murderer was not the Security that banned her from re-entry ,leading to the very vulnerable victim Morgan became?

Morgan could of been strung out on 10 different drugs--but "security" should have been in place to protect her also. She was allowed to walk away into the 40 degree, rainy night, with NO protection from the elements. Don't you think they should have had a place where she could have waited for her friends?? ,......and speaking of her "FRIENDS" where the H--- were they.
Maybe if Security had half a brain they would have suggested paging them and having them bring her car keys, coat, whatever may have helped her during her time out.
I know it was said that she "refused help", really? How do we know that ?
All I am saying is this case was a mess from the beginning , and the Harrington's have every right to know exactly what transpired that night that began at JPJ arena. If legal action against JPJA will allow them full disclosure--Go for it.

Sorry!!:rant: Thanks for listeneing and I will :shutup:
Respectfully snipped by me for space--
Apparently from the minute Morgan left the Arena , it was not held accountable for anything that happened to her. Acceptable.......but
When she was murdered due to a course of events that began "on the property" of that "SECURE" arena, and that led to her expulsion from that Secure arena, that changes things, IMO.

Morgan could of been strung out on 10 different drugs--but "security" should have been in place to protect her also. She was allowed to walk away into the 40 degree, rainy night, with NO protection from the elements. Don't you think they should have had a place where she could have waited for her friends?? ,......and speaking of her "FRIENDS" where the H--- were they.
Maybe if Security had half a brain they would have suggested paging them and having them bring her car keys, coat, whatever may have helped her during her time out.

I know it was said that she "refused help", really? How do we know that ?
All I am saying is this case was a mess from the beginning , and the Harrington's have every right to know exactly what transpired that night that began at JPJ arena. If legal action against JPJA will allow them full disclosure--Go for it.

Sorry!!:rant: Thanks for listeneing and I will :shutup:

I have followed this case pretty closely but definitely not as closely as some, so if I am wrong with this, I am sure someone will correct me. I do not think Morgan was ever "expelled" from JPJ. She left the venue on her own, not because she was kicked out.

To be blunt, security is not there to babysit. There is no way that security can take the time to hold every drunk/high person's hand and help them find their friends or their lost wallet or whatever. On any given night, they see hundreds of people who are "out of it," how were they to know that Morgan's story would end so tragically? No reentry is simply a standard practice at ALL concerts-- it says that at the entrances and usually on the ticket.

As for her friends, I really hate to see people saying negative things about them....they are going to live in horror the rest of their lives. From everything we know, this was a super close-knit group who had been friends for quite some time. I know there has been a lot of speculation here as to why at least one of her friends didn't go to wait with her after they found out she couldn't get back into the venue. I have always wondered if perhaps Morgan had a history of separating herself from her friends when they went out. I have a friend who does this (still and we are in our early 30s) and she does not understand why this is dangerous. I am in no way placing blame on Morgan or her friends but I do wonder if being separated was something that was common practice for them. And, again, they weren't there to babysit either.

Morgan's mother is not suing JPJ or the venue's management company, she is suing RMC Events, the company who handles security at JPJ. From my experience, security is enforcing the venue's rules, they do not make up their own. The lawsuit doesn't make sense to me. Maybe the Harringtons simply want solid answers to what happened that night. But they aren't going to get them this way. :twocents:
Respectfully snipped by me for space--
To be blunt, security is not there to babysit. There is no way that security can take the time to hold every drunk/high person's hand and help them find their friends or their lost wallet or whatever. On any given night, they see hundreds of people who are "out of it," how were they to know that Morgan's story would end so tragically? No reentry is simply a standard practice at ALL concerts-- it says that at the entrances and usually on the ticket.

Morgan's mother is not suing JPJ or the venue's management company, she is suing RMC Events, the company who handles security at JPJ. From my experience, security is enforcing the venue's rules, they do not make up their own. The lawsuit doesn't make sense to me. Maybe the Harringtons simply want solid answers to what happened that night. But they aren't going to get them this way. :twocents:

I find it hard to understand the suit against RMC. I know many people are hopeful that they're doing it to sweat security for answers that for some reason the police couldn't get. That strikes me as wishful thinking. It's more likely that someone -- a lawyer in their community -- advised them that time was running out if they wanted to file against somebody, anybody. And perhaps a blogger with a wild imagination warped their thinking by insisting that someone in security at the event was behind her abduction and death (or a musician or a slave descendent -- lots of wild theories over there).

Mrs. Harrington is hoping to collect $3.5M, but I see a number of obstacles to that -- one being, as you noted, that it's not security's job to babysit adults. And unless RMC employs ticket takers who can see into the future, how can they be responsible for those who leave the premises and make their way to parts unknown where they later meet their demise? But the biggest obstacle is the concept of contributory negligence. Virginia follows a very strict old law that essentially says if the victim's own actions in any way contributed to whatever bad thing happened to them, no one else can be held liable. So the fact that Morgan was inebriated probably negates RMC's liability. And even if a jury finds for Morgan, the Harringtons will win $0.
To be blunt, security is not there to babysit. There is no way that security can take the time to hold every drunk/high person's hand and help them find their friends or their lost wallet or whatever. On any given night, they see hundreds of people who are "out of it," how were they to know that Morgan's story would end so tragically? No reentry is simply a standard practice at ALL concerts-- it says that at the entrances and usually on the ticket

As for her friends, I really hate to see people saying negative things about them....they are going to live in horror the rest of their lives. From everything we know, this was a super close-knit group who had been friends for quite some time. I know there has been a lot of speculation here as to why at least one of her friends didn't go to wait with her after they found out she couldn't get back into the venue. I have always wondered if perhaps Morgan had a history of separating herself from her friends when they went out. I have a friend who does this (still and we are in our early 30s) and she does not understand why this is dangerous. I am in no way placing blame on Morgan or her friends but I do wonder if being separated was something that was common practice for them. And, again, they weren't there to babysit either.

Morgan's mother is not suing JPJ or the venue's management company, she is suing RMC Events, the company who handles security at JPJ. From my experience, security is enforcing the venue's rules, they do not make up their own. The lawsuit doesn't make sense to me. Maybe the Harringtons simply want solid answers to what happened that night. But they aren't going to get them this way. :twocents:

BBM and respectfully snipped for space:

Thanks Dave, That was the "snap out of it" slap in the face I needed. lol

When this case first began I agreed with everything you just said. It is only now, years later and after much frustration that I find myself wanting some kind of closure for the Harrington's. I believe this suit may bring about some answers that have not been forthcoming.

You are absolutely right JPJA is not being sued it is RMC Events.
My feeling is that RMC is nothing more then the security extension of JPJA, and SECURITY is where I feel the problem began.

You are also correct about Morgan not being ejected by "security" , only warned when she wanted to leave. Agreed, that is what "security " stated.

Her friends, well, there is where I disagree, but I sincerely do hope they will be haunted by their lack of concern for Morgan, (considering they were such a CLOSE group) for the rest of their lives.

JPJA cannot be responsible for every druggie that they must keep out, but it is my belief there should be a contingency plan in place for those situations. They should at least have a "holding area" as an option.

.....and most importantly It is my belief that JPJA IS responsible for the arenas "security protocol"---which should involve adequate Security camera inside and out of their establishment . For me it has always been about the "security". After all wouldn't security be the logical place for someone in distress to turn to--maybe that's what Morgan did, and that was her Only mistake.

I continue to follow this case in hopes of an answer , if only for the Harrington's. Thanks for your input.:twocents:
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