Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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RU Kidding, I dunno, is it even possible to overstep one's authority by enforcing a policy one has the right to enforce?

Here's another question. What if RMC had put a band aid on her chin, had let her come back in after she left, only to have her leave the arena again of her own free will, walk off the property, and come to the same untimely end? Would the Harringtons still sue security?

Not overstep ones authority....".abuse" ones authority.

.....and Thanks for clearing up those questions.I knew you could do it. LOL

Actually I am just so pleased Morgan's case is being discussed again. If the civil suit has brought renewed awareness, it's a good thing.
Follow this on and off and "guessing" friends are off limits but still don't get it... Me and my friends would have never seperated for a long period and not looked/called one another like that. Absurd to even compenhend in my mind...and always will be.
Nor left without the other unless....we knew where they were headed and that was the late 70's with no cell phones... There's alot I just don't buy to this story...starting with the concert plans...
What would that look like? A desperate Morgan begging to be let back in and a sadistic guard laughing and denying her? Or....? What's your thinking?

Yeah and he would have to be twitsting his evil little mustache!!!
Ouch! I deserved that, LOL.
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of Security" never" telling Morgan she could not get back in, and perhaps having another a" not so professional interaction with her".
Bottom Line--without security camera's where is the oversight for "security". I mean they could say or do anything they wanted and no one would be the wiser, right?
Not sure that surveillance video would ever prove whether or not a patron was informed that they could not re-enter. None of the many, many witnesses who saw her leaving the venue or walking around the lot have -- to our knowledge -- reported security having a "not so professional" interaction with her -- whatever that means. Kissing her? Killing her? What are you imagining could have happened between her and security in the middle of a concert event at a large venue with all manner of people milling about inside and outside?
....and ya gotta admit there are an abundance of those,eh?

That's for sure!!!!

Follow this on and off and "guessing" friends are off limits but still don't get it... Me and my friends would have never seperated for a long period and not looked/called one another like that. Absurd to even compenhend in my mind...and always will be.

If we are going to blame the friends, then we have to blame Morgan as well. She was a grown woman who left on her own accord and her friends were not there to babysit her.
If we are going to blame the friends, then we have to blame Morgan as well. She was a grown woman who left on her own accord and her friends were not there to babysit her.

You are absolutely right, and Morgan's actions and choices were an unfortunate contribution to her own death. Would never deny that. In fact I have often wondered if the reason her friends were off limits, was because of what they Might have to say about Morgan's interpersonal relationships. We really do not now anything about "Morgan" , but as long as LE has all the info they need, there really is no need for that.
Not sure that surveillance video would ever prove whether or not a patron was informed that they could not re-enter. None of the many, many witnesses who saw her leaving the venue or walking around the lot have -- to our knowledge -- reported security having a "not so professional" interaction with her -- whatever that means. Kissing her? Killing her? What are you imagining could have happened between her and security in the middle of a concert event at a large venue with all manner of people milling about inside and outside?

All I am saying is "without security camera's" They could have said or done anything. They were the "law" at that venue. Who knows if the door she exited by was able to be seen by "all manner of people milling about inside and outside"

Here is a scenario:

Morgan is a beautiful girl, a little drunk or high, or whatever. She had just fallen contributing to her disorientation. Security guard sees her leave and know she cannot get back in, what is to stop him from waiting until she is alone, then coming to her rescue by offering her a ride--They knew her situation and that she was totally alone and vulnerable. I cannot believe Morgan would have gotten into "any ones" car for a ride, unless she felt they were some type of authority. Especially if the composite sketch is who we are looking for, but if he were in security uniform --possible?

Guess I am one of those "crazy people" who actually believe this is a possible theory. If not security, then one of the people she walked with and spoke to.
Let's face it what are the odds she is going to get past all these interactions with security, BB players,and attendees and go free only to be picked up by the first car that comes along, and it is a psycho. That is quite a stretch, wouldn't you say?
Guess I am one of those "crazy people" who actually believe this is a possible theory. If not security, then one of the people she walked with and spoke to.
Let's face it what are the odds she is going to get past all these interactions with security, BB players,and attendees and go free only to be picked up by the first car that comes along, and it is a psycho. That is quite a stretch, wouldn't you say?

No, not a stretch at all, as it's probably exactly what happened.

Who stops for hitch hikers? Psychos, because they aren't afraid that the hitch hikers are axe murderers, like normal people assume. And that's why the normal people -- like the witnesses who saw her hitch hiking -- kept driving right on by.
I cannot believe Morgan would have gotten into "any ones" car for a ride, unless she felt they were some type of authority. Especially if the composite sketch is who we are looking for, but if he were in security uniform --possible?

Well, I didn't know the girl so couldn't possibly know what she would or would not do -- much less what she would or would not do when drunk or high. But her parents have described her as naive, as seeing only the best in people, as being "guileless" -- probably color blind, too, and she might well be insulted that we think she wouldn't get into a car with a black dude who stopped to give her a ride, especially after other people drove by without stopping.
You know my two son's back then were going to a concert. I thought they were going to this Metallica concert. I didn't pay any mind to it, but when the news came out that she was missing from the concert. I went straight to my boys to ask them if they noticed anything strange. They didn't go to that concert, they went to one in Richmond the day after or before. I forget.

At first I thought oh please let my kids be the one to bring peace to this family in that they saw something strange. I follow this case but never post about it.

It hit hard for me because my boys went to a concert. It could have been them even if they are boys!
I often thought what if one of her friends or someone there slipped her something in a drink. (Date rape) and once inside she started to feel that drug, this is why she left the concert to go outside. Could it be someone on the inside that saw her and slipped something to her, or told her it was something else and she took it.

He waits, and follows her outside.

Also not sure these days but cops off duty sometimes takes side jobs at concerts.

Also I find it strange that there wasn't a few patrol cars around the venue especially during a Metallica concert.

Heck cops usually get some good bust watching people coming and going, drunk, stoned, and then pull them over when they drive off.

I found it strange that no cops there. Only the venue security.

I only know this, that there is a killer out there, and he will kill again and probably has for all we know.

She was a very pretty girl and wonderful parents. I pray they find the person who did this.
The challenge with the date rape drug scenario is that it wouldn't necessarily have made her leave the concert or separated from her friends. And no one was seen following her.
I often thought what if one of her friends or someone there slipped her something in a drink. (Date rape) and once inside she started to feel that drug, this is why she left the concert to go outside. Could it be someone on the inside that saw her and slipped something to her, or told her it was something else and she took it.

He waits, and follows her outside.

Also not sure these days but cops off duty sometimes takes side jobs at concerts.

Also I find it strange that there wasn't a few patrol cars around the venue especially during a Metallica concert.

Heck cops usually get some good bust watching people coming and going, drunk, stoned, and then pull them over when they drive off.

I found it strange that no cops there. Only the venue security.

I only know this, that there is a killer out there, and he will kill again and probably has for all we know.

She was a very pretty girl and wonderful parents. I pray they find the person who did this.

I believe there were cops around. Morgan probably had the sense to avoid them like the plague lest she get a drunk in public charge. Probably straightened up within site of anyone in authority. She was an experienced concert-goer and I imagine an experienced partier too.
Here is my opinion on Morgan, the "hitch-hiking" sighting and her getting into a car.

As is assumed, Morgan IS a little under the influence of something, be it too much to drink, or some other substance, add in maybe a little confused from the fall (if that in fact did happen), and has just a few minutes ago, had a phone conversation with friends telling them that she couldn’t get back into the arena and that she would find her own way back home.

Morgan then starts walking away from JPJA, ends up on the Copeley Road bridge, sees a car either (completely coincidentally) identical in make and model, or extremely similar to her car coming towards her. Thinking it is her friends coming to rescue her, she willing hops in the car, not realizing till it's too late she has gotten into a car with a complete stranger.

That would explain how she was seen "hitch-hiking", something her parents have said was totally uncharacteristic for her; she was mock hitch-hiking at what she thought was her friends.

I may seem far fetched for such a coincidence, but with everything else that went awry for Morgan that night, who knows?

Morgan is a beautiful girl, a little drunk or high, or whatever. She had just fallen contributing to her disorientation. <snipped> I cannot believe Morgan would have gotten into "any ones" car for a ride, unless she felt they were some type of authority. <snipped> only to be picked up by the first car that comes along, and it is a psycho.
BBM. But, as far as I know, Morgan's ticket has never been found. If she voluntarily left the arena, and either left her ticket inside, or lost it while outside, what responsibility would the venue have to provide a "safe place" in that circumstance.

And could you imagine the insurance a venue would have to pay to maintain such a safe place? Especially if it was used for people under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

I would really like to see the Harringtons lobby for some sort of a law that says venues must provide a "safe place" for a person who has a valid ticket to an event (concert, game, etc.) who has found themselves outside of the venue. In an arena like JPJ or at a stadium, it could be an empty office-- just someplace!!
BBM. But, as far as I know, Morgan's ticket has never been found. If she voluntarily left the arena, and either left her ticket inside, or lost it while outside, what responsibility would the venue have to provide a "safe place" in that circumstance.

And could you imagine the insurance a venue would have to pay to maintain such a safe place? Especially if it was used for people under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

You know I believe your right about her ticket. Unless the friends had it and LE have not disclosed that info. Then where does that story about it being in "pieces" in the bottom of her purse come in. Wouldn't they have found it when they found her purse.......and if it was in pieces, so what, the ticket taker could have asked to see the pieces as proof, but she supposedly stopped her from retrieving the ripped ticket. Is that story even correct?
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