Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

DNA Solves
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It's really scary to think that the guy who attacked the woman in the DC area and who appears to have a DNA tie to Morgan's case is walking free out there. I just don't know what to think about that. He might be dead, as someone mentioned, that would probably be the best scenario because at least he wouldn't be out there harming anyone. I don't think he's incarcerated because his DNA would be on file (I think) where ever he is incarcerated and then they could match it with that. If he is alive, then it makes me think that maybe some other victims did not come forward and do a report, etc. I just can't believe there are no other victims out there aside from Morgan and the DC girl.
That is true, carbuff. I almost forgot about evidence that is backlogged. Hopefully, it will not take 20 years or something and other dozens of victims to solve this case.
It's really scary to think that the guy who attacked the woman in the DC area and who appears to have a DNA tie to Morgan's case is walking free out there. I just don't know what to think about that. He might be dead, as someone mentioned, that would probably be the best scenario because at least he wouldn't be out there harming anyone. I don't think he's incarcerated because his DNA would be on file (I think) where ever he is incarcerated and then they could match it with that. If he is alive, then it makes me think that maybe some other victims did not come forward and do a report, etc. I just can't believe there are no other victims out there aside from Morgan and the DC girl.
Perhaps he is lying low, because of all the attention Morgan's case received? Unfortunately, make no mistake, he will strike again. He has to be stopped.
If he is incarcerated, is there a good chance his DNA would be in a database? They won't search database for a match because of costs? Am I in a dreamworld?
If he is incarcerated, is there a good chance his DNA would be in a database? They won't search database for a match because of costs? Am I in a dreamworld?

lol I feel like I've been dreaming too because I've always thought that would be the easiest and quickest way to match someone, based on them already being in the system. Maybe I've watched too many episodes of Forensic Files.

I guess he could have gotten in trouble for lesser offenses like theft or something where maybe no dna submission was required. That is assuming he's been caught for anything. Look at how long BTK, Gary Ridgway and a ton of them were just out there living "normal" lives.
I got chills when I heard this on the news. I really want this killer caught.

According to a Pennsylvania news report - a bounty hunter claims the suspect wanted for Morgan's murder may be tied to the disappearance of a woman in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.

This report revolves around a young woman, named Kortne Stouffer, who has been missing for six months.

It tells of a bounty hunter working that case, in part, by distributing a picture of the same suspect wanted in Morgan's disappearance

Why would the bounty hunter be distributing the sketch of Morgan's murderer? How do they know that he is involved in the disappearance of a girl in Pennsylvania? Need more details because this doesn't make any sense!

David Arnold (the County DA) had the following to say:

"Frankly, I find it offensive. The author not only does not have information to substantiate his claims, a number of things that he claims are false. Nothing positive will come from it."

Seems this bounty hunter got his info from a person in prison since 2005 and LE is saying most of his claims are false. It's good to get the sketch out to people. But may be bad narrowing the victim down to someone it's not in Kortne's case.

Especially since Kortne disappeared in the middle of the night. There was a disturbance call at her home and the police came, she was there at that time. Another one came in at about 4am and no one answered the door. And a man that was staying the night with her woke up at 7:30am and she had just vanished. Seems this guys might be the one to look at. No clue how they think it's Morgan's killer.
Since when does a bounty hunter get involved in missing person and murder and rape cases? I thought they hunted people down that they had court orders for?

He said there were army national guard aviation units at each location of the girls that went missing. There are a lot of these units, even one in my home town. Here's a website of locations linked below. Morgan went missing in Charlottesville and the closest unit is in Richmond which is an hour and 20 minutes away. Also I'm under the impression that the people that work at these units live around the area of the unit and don't transfer to other units often like he's implying. I am no national guard expert though. Also we know two confirmed attacks by this man and they have all been in the northern VA area. So why does he connect it with the other missing persons in different states? By national guard units that are located in every state I could link all missing person cases! But I guess it's cause these girls have blonde hair??? He links the holly bobo case to this man. does he forget the person seen with holly was a white man not black?? He says he knows the guys name and who he is. How? He admits their is no physical evidence. And he's going to track him down. Well I hope he has a good lead but I pray for the poor man if he is innocent. I'm starting to believe this bounty hunter is delusional and possibly has a mental disorder!!!
He links him to Kelli broudreaux missing from Fayetteville NC. The closest unit is 2 hours away. Really reaching there.
I really hope this bounty hunter is right, and that the LE follows his tip. I would give bounty hunters more credit than you might think. They have to be pretty smart to track down whoever they are after. I don't think that bounty hunters are limited as to who they track down, but am not sure. Anyway I hope he is correct and this solves a bunch of cases and gets a rather bad man locked up.
Since when does a bounty hunter get involved in missing person and murder and rape cases? I thought they hunted people down that they had court orders for?

He said there were army national guard aviation units at each location of the girls that went missing. There are a lot of these units, even one in my home town. Here's a website of locations linked below. Morgan went missing in Charlottesville and the closest unit is in Richmond which is an hour and 20 minutes away. Also I'm under the impression that the people that work at these units live around the area of the unit and don't transfer to other units often like he's implying. I am no national guard expert though. Also we know two confirmed attacks by this man and they have all been in the northern VA area. So why does he connect it with the other missing persons in different states? By national guard units that are located in every state I could link all missing person cases! But I guess it's cause these girls have blonde hair??? He links the holly bobo case to this man. does he forget the person seen with holly was a white man not black?? He says he knows the guys name and who he is. How? He admits their is no physical evidence. And he's going to track him down. Well I hope he has a good lead but I pray for the poor man if he is innocent. I'm starting to believe this bounty hunter is delusional and possibly has a mental disorder!!!

Bolded by me.
Yeah, that's my understanding of it as well, though I'm no Nat'l Guard expert either. I do have two friends who have been (full-time, not reservists) in the Air Nat'l Guard for 10+ years and who always refer to it as either "the Guard" or say "I'm in the Louisiana National Guard." They have gone away for a few weeks or months at a time periodically for tech school in another state when they first joined, one went to Germany for a few months, and the other one went to Quatar for a few months. But neither have ever been sent to live/work at another base (both live on base or nearby) for an extended period or relocated out of state. My impression is that Nat'l Guard members don't generally get sent/stationed all around the country the way other military members do. That has made me discount this theory (among other things). But I could be wrong about the Guard. (maybe the "Aviation Unit" is somehow different in this regard?)

I think it's easy to get excited about the possibility of one killer stalking & killing all of these similar-looking girls because that's a better option than there being multiple perps to look for. If it's just one perp, then that's only one guy we need to identify, look out for, & catch instead of multiple scary unknown guys (I'm gonna go ahead & assume most of these ladies were "disappeared" by guys for now until I find any evidence otherwise, not that I'm saying it's impossible).

I think it's easy to want to believe or hope that it's only one guy we need to catch to bring justice for these ladies and only one perp out there rather than several perps on the loose.

While I think Morgan's killer has probably attacked and killed others that we don't know about, I'm not so sure he's involved in these other ladies' disappearances, particularly the ones where there are obvious POIs among the persons close to them.
I really hope this bounty hunter is right, and that the LE follows his tip. I would give bounty hunters more credit than you might think. They have to be pretty smart to track down whoever they are after. I don't think that bounty hunters are limited as to who they track down, but am not sure. Anyway I hope he is correct and this solves a bunch of cases and gets a rather bad man locked up.

They are good at tracking people down. However, they have no experience in missing person, rape, and murder cases, have no inside info from LE about the cases, no evidence. Just a thought that they are linked. He may have informants but really what criminal is going to tell a bounty hunter info? Usually bounty hunters and criminals aren't friends. I just can't see a bounty hunter being able to put the pieces together in multiple cases without any info, give his though process to LE, and LE think he's "insulting" and his claims are false and made up. It's nice to hope but I think he's really reaching here. The benefit is that Morgan's perps sketch has again been on the news and in articles as well as being passed around. That is only good.
:bump: for Morgan and the Harringtons. :heartbeat:


The civil lawsuit paints a new timeline of how a bystander described they encountered a bloodied Morgan Harrington the night of the Metallica concert. According to the suit, the bystander says they saw Harrington in a bathroom at the arena with a two to three inch cut on her chin. They say Harrington was bleeding substantially and acting erratically, but the bystander says they did not smell alcohol on Harrington.

The suit says Harrington passed through the front door of the arena - passing in plain view of event staff. The suit further states "she had an obvious wound on her face and RMC staff could see Morgan was incapacitated."

Harrington's parents are suing Regional Marketing Concepts, Inc. for negligence and breach of contract. They are seeking a total of $3.9 million.

The Harrington family also pointed out a series of 40 assaults at or within a half mile of the arena between 2004 and 2009, leading up to Harrington's death.
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