Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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I followed this case at the very beginning when it happened and read a lot about it. What has always stuck with me is whoever was responsible knew that area where she was found. Based on the area, I just think the person(s) would have had to know that spot.

Regarding the Bolded items, that was one of my earlier theories too, and I think it is very possible. I was thinking along the lines of her being invited out to that area for an outdoor party for a small group of people that did not have tickets to the concert and were only in the concert area to get "supplies" if they could find them.

She may have met this group and they invited her along. Perhaps once at the land, maybe a simple argument turned into a brutal fight between Morgan and another girl, and the girl went overboard and killed her with like a rock or something. We do know Morgan was witnessed to be somewhat confrontational with the ticket takers at the concert, so I could see where maybe she could have gotten into some sort of fight with someone in her state of being upset already with how the evening was turning out.

If something like this happened, I could see where others in that small group may have been able to keep quiet all this time. Especially if it was a very small group and they all felt they could be charged. Like, lets say just a male driver and 2 other girls, and maybe 2 other girls fought with her. The driver would think he would go to jail too since he drove them all there.

From what I remember, that area near where she was found, did have some outdoor parties near there at times.

And the way the T-shirt seemed to be "planted" in town, I have always felt that was planted there to make it appear the crime was something different than what it really was, and to throw the trail back into making it look like someone in town in that area may have been involved.
Anyway, just not outruling something like this happening.

If it was a single male perp that picked her up, then I am convinced he had to at least be somewhat local because he had to have known that area.
There was much early speculation that perhaps a security type person that was evil picked her up. This type of scenerio would be my other possiblitity.

One other thing. I dont put too much into them saying her bones were all broken or something to that effect because I think its possible the people who worked that field with large tractors could have easily ran over her prior to her being found. The person who finally found her was even on his tractor when he spotted her as he was checking fences. So, we know tractors would be in that field, and they may have run her over on another prior day.

This case is really sad and I hope someday the perp(s) are brought to justice.

I don't think that Morgan was confrontational with ticket takers, but rather that she accosted a couple of very nice men that reported her to the ticket takers. I suspect that she was looking for help and was instead told to move along.

It sounds like Morgan realized that she was locked out of the concert and that she attempted to reassure her colleagues that she would be fine hitch hiking home. Understandably they did nothing, but shouldn't someone have done something simply because she was alone?

I just wanted to post that the vicinity of this guy; MD a hop skip and a jump to VA or surrounding areas...he looks like the sketch.

He also left two female victims in a similar field; IE his MO may match Morgan's case. LE if you are reading here please interview or establish his alibi for the date of the concert. Pls assure us all that he had no tickets to see the concert nor was he there to pick someone up or drop someone off....

He left two female victims in fields and this is what he wrote about himself:
"It is beautiful day, and I struggle not to kill those who are chosen," he allegedly wrote one day after Hoke's death.
One of Miles' sons, Dustin Lamier, testified about how he worked with police to try to get information about the body's location.
Pennsylvania State Police separately charged Miles with the 1995 bludgeoning death of a Waynesboro teenager. The remains of Angie Lynn Daley were found the same day as Hoke’s on a farm in southern Franklin County.
Families of Missing Girls Meet to Raise Awareness
Posted: Saturday, December 7, 2013 3:32 PM EST
By Katie Brooke


"When people are picked off and murdered, it's a loss for all of us, and it's a loss no one gets over," said Dan Harrington, whose daughter Morgan was murdered.

Dan Harrington says that since 2009, 15 girls have gone missing along the 29 corridor. The families now come together to raise awareness about their daughters and others like them.
Families of Missing Women Work Together to Save the Next Girl
Posted: Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:30 PM EST Updated: Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:34 PM EST


Gil Harrington, mother of Morgan Harrington, said, “Our tears are the same color. Our children's blood is the same color.”

Gil created Help Save the Next Girl in memory of her murdered daughter Morgan. It aims at shedding light on the 15 murdered and missing persons cases in central Virginia since 2009.

“We seem to be having a little crime spree in our part of the world and it needs to be addressed,” Gil says. “It's a problem.”

There is a video at the link as well. Direct link to video:
Call to action: Friends, family of Central Virginia victims come together after Jamisha Gilbert’s death
Courteney Stuart
12/11/13 at 12:40 PM


. . . Gil Harrington, echoing B.B. Shaver’s message of community, and mentioning each victim’s parents, siblings, friends, and children.

“These kinds of crises force us to recognize our common shared community,” she said. “We are family, bonded through the crucible of our loss to be sisters and brothers.”
I have some thoughts to share but I've shared most of what I think and I have to head out in a bit, so I'll just share one quick thought.

She was a big fan. Everything we know is consistent with this. The stuff her family described, the tickets, etc. points to that. IMO she did NOT leave the venue to go outside for a party instead. She'd be missing the show she had looked forward to so much to do something she could do on any of the other 364 days of the year.

As an aside, I think that the same reason indicates she didn't do drugs willingly. The way she was acting, if it's consistent with drugs, makes me think that it was slipped into her drink. IF she did any drugs, IMO it was because she believed the drugs were not what they were. A big fan would probably want to be more or less sober for the show, if anything just a bit drunk or stoned but not to the point where they'd be acting confused the way her actions outside the venue were described. This really makes me think that her beers (or drugs if she had any for some reason, IIRC she was described as not doing drugs) were spiked with something against her will.

Maybe the perp was sneaky and slipped drugs into her beers without her knowing anything about it. Then he could have followed her outside the venue. Does security remember anyone else leaving? I can't imagine that many people were leaving before the show began.
I have some thoughts to share but I've shared most of what I think and I have to head out in a bit, so I'll just share one quick thought.

She was a big fan. Everything we know is consistent with this. The stuff her family described, the tickets, etc. points to that. IMO she did NOT leave the venue to go outside for a party instead. She'd be missing the show she had looked forward to so much to do something she could do on any of the other 364 days of the year.

As an aside, I think that the same reason indicates she didn't do drugs willingly. The way she was acting, if it's consistent with drugs, makes me think that it was slipped into her drink. IF she did any drugs, IMO it was because she believed the drugs were not what they were. A big fan would probably want to be more or less sober for the show, if anything just a bit drunk or stoned but not to the point where they'd be acting confused the way her actions outside the venue were described. This really makes me think that her beers (or drugs if she had any for some reason, IIRC she was described as not doing drugs) were spiked with something against her will.

Maybe the perp was sneaky and slipped drugs into her beers without her knowing anything about it. Then he could have followed her outside the venue. Does security remember anyone else leaving? I can't imagine that many people were leaving before the show began.

It's hard to say why 20 year olds do a lot of the things they do. I believe fully that she didn't leave on purpose, I think she may have been looking for a place to smoke. I'm not sure I think I read somewhere that she was in the smoking area at some point, but maybe she just assumed at some point that she could slip out and burn one and then get back in with the ticket stub.

As for the drugs, like I said who knows what is going on in the mind of a 20 year old when drugs or alcohol is involved. Maybe it was a drug she had never taken before, or this time its effects were different on her than before... who knows? I know when I was younger and partying and hitting up concerts and such I wasn't shy about trying stuff (or usually in my case drinking way in excess).

I do believe though that this was a crime of opportunity, that an inebriated young lady was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It feels like a stretch for someone to have slipped her a mickey and then stalked her in the unlikely chance that she would wander outside the arena, and then bide his time while she approached numerous people waiting for her to hopefully end up alone. Not impossible, but just feels a bit unlikely.
It's hard to say why 20 year olds do a lot of the things they do. I believe fully that she didn't leave on purpose, I think she may have been looking for a place to smoke. I'm not sure I think I read somewhere that she was in the smoking area at some point, but maybe she just assumed at some point that she could slip out and burn one and then get back in with the ticket stub.

As for the drugs, like I said who knows what is going on in the mind of a 20 year old when drugs or alcohol is involved. Maybe it was a drug she had never taken before, or this time its effects were different on her than before... who knows? I know when I was younger and partying and hitting up concerts and such I wasn't shy about trying stuff (or usually in my case drinking way in excess).

I do believe though that this was a crime of opportunity, that an inebriated young lady was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It feels like a stretch for someone to have slipped her a mickey and then stalked her in the unlikely chance that she would wander outside the arena, and then bide his time while she approached numerous people waiting for her to hopefully end up alone. Not impossible, but just feels a bit unlikely.

And again, I believe that if she was on drugs, then someone lied to her about what they were, they were mixed with something, a number of things. Of course it's always possible that something intended to have another effect didn't work for her and she had a bad trip or something like that. But I don't believe she would have willingly wanted to be as disoriented as she became if we go by the accounts of the way she acted outside.

I don't know if a smoking area would be outside or if she would have needed to leave to smoke. Pretty much every concert I've been to, people smoked, drank, etc. Unless the venue had rules against it and they were strictly enforced, then I don't believe she would have just left so she could smoke.

Where did you see that people were waiting for her? I'm not trying to be offensive but I believe that hasn't been confirmed... people have speculated that she may have gone outside to meet friends but as far as I know that's a theory, not a fact.

If someone she knew, even in passing, spiked her drink on purpose then they'd probably know if nobody was waiting outside. Even a stranger who had befriended her group of friends with bad intentions, if that came up in conversation, along the lines of, are you waiting for more friends, where are they, stuff like that.

I agree it doesn't seem likely that someone would take the chance, but here the key is the group of friends she was already with, someone stalking her couldn't know that she was going to wander away from them (even for going to the bathroom, for all the stalker knew they could have gone in pairs if they did at all).

However, I don't believe a stalker would have known someone was waiting for her outside, especially as she was disoriented enough to wander outside despite the warnings that if you went out you couldn't go back in. A stalker may have guessed that was due to her being disoriented and followed.

I still believe someone who was outside the venue knows more than they're telling but I think we should consider all angles. :twocents:
Honestly I don't think it matters at this point if Morgan did or did not do drugs, which drugs she may have done, and whether or not she may have thought she was taking one drug but got another.

Drugs or alcohol likely played into Morgan's strange actions that night. Sober, she probably never would have wound up on that bridge and eventually on Archer Fams. The Harringtons have focused a lot of work through their Save the Next Girl foundation on educating young women on staying safe and taking care of friends to not allow situations like what happened to Morgan at the concert that night.

BUT we have to remember drugs & friends at the concert didn't abduct Morgan. Drugs & friends at the concert didn't assault her. Drugs & friends at the concert didn't leave her body in a rural field or plant her tshirt near campus. A murdering sexual predator did that.

Morgan's killer had raped (and perhaps was planning to kill) another young woman in another town, who from all info we have available was sober when she was attacked. If he hadn't come upon Morgan that night, he may have just attacked another girl - sober or high or drunk. We need to do what we can to focus on finding this guy.

I just feel like it comes awfully close to victim blaming or blaming friends who were at the arena that night with whom Morgan may or may not have done drugs. The friends, best I know, are not suspects. It's one thing to be a less than stellar friend; it's another thing to be a murdering sexual predator. Morgan and friends may have participated in activities that led to her weird behavior that night that ultimately made her an appealing victim. But Morgan didn't abduct and kill herself, and her friends at the concert didn't abduct or kill her either. We can criticize their possible bad decisions but it's important to remember that ultimately the killer, an unknown man who is definitely a rapsit, killed Morgan. He alone is the person responsible for murdering her.
Hey Everyone,

Dan Harrington, Morgan's dad will join us tonight on Tricia's True Crime Radio.

Mr. Harrington will be our second guest after we discuss the Teleka Patrick case.

Please CLICK HERE to listen live tonight 8 PM Eastern
Del. Ben Cline’s HB*965 received a unanimous vote in the Education Committee, with support from a Bedford County sheriff’s deputy and the mother of crime victim Morgan Harrington.

Cline described the program this way: “It permits local school boards to include as part of their physical fitness program” an eight-hour course of instruction “that will focus on how to recognize, avoid, resist and escape physical, sexual and online threats.”

Gil Harrington, whose daughter, Morgan, was found slain in an Albemarle County field in 2009, told the committee she also was testifying on behalf of Alexis Murphy of Lovingston, who disappeared in August.
And again, I believe that if she was on drugs, then someone lied to her about what they were, they were mixed with something, a number of things. Of course it's always possible that something intended to have another effect didn't work for her and she had a bad trip or something like that. But I don't believe she would have willingly wanted to be as disoriented as she became if we go by the accounts of the way she acted outside.

I don't know if a smoking area would be outside or if she would have needed to leave to smoke. Pretty much every concert I've been to, people smoked, drank, etc. Unless the venue had rules against it and they were strictly enforced, then I don't believe she would have just left so she could smoke.

Where did you see that people were waiting for her? I'm not trying to be offensive but I believe that hasn't been confirmed... people have speculated that she may have gone outside to meet friends but as far as I know that's a theory, not a fact.

If someone she knew, even in passing, spiked her drink on purpose then they'd probably know if nobody was waiting outside. Even a stranger who had befriended her group of friends with bad intentions, if that came up in conversation, along the lines of, are you waiting for more friends, where are they, stuff like that.

I agree it doesn't seem likely that someone would take the chance, but here the key is the group of friends she was already with, someone stalking her couldn't know that she was going to wander away from them (even for going to the bathroom, for all the stalker knew they could have gone in pairs if they did at all).

However, I don't believe a stalker would have known someone was waiting for her outside, especially as she was disoriented enough to wander outside despite the warnings that if you went out you couldn't go back in. A stalker may have guessed that was due to her being disoriented and followed.

I still believe someone who was outside the venue knows more than they're telling but I think we should consider all angles. :twocents:

I'm not sure where your getting I said people were waiting for her... I don't think anyone was outside waiting for her. I think she somehow accidentally ended outside, I think in her inebriated state she wondered away from the arena and I think she ended a victim of opportunity. IMO someone with bad intentions picked her up on the road when she was reported to have been trying to hitchhike. It's a horribly sad case, but I feel a pretty simple one. This guy will get arrested at some point and this case will get closure since they have his DNA.
It's scary to imagine such a random act of violence happening, especially in Charlottesville (I live in Harrisonburg, where Morgan was earlier that day at JMU and less than an hour away from Charlottesville), but it's what I think it was.

On an aside John Paul Jones arena is an indoor arena (basketball arena) so no smoking is not allowed inside, and having been to a few events at UVA, I'm sure the rules would have been strictly enforced.
Sadly, I see her killer has still not been caught. :( I find it hard to believe he just stopped raping women ... praying for justice for Morgan!
I've seen so many cases solved lately including ones that seemed to have no leads at all. I pray Morgans killer will be found just as these others have.

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I have no idea why Morgan left the concert she had been waiting to attend for so long.

I do believe her killer was somebody that saw that opportunity once she left the arena.

This was the 'perfect storm '!
Another question I would like to ask. Does anybody happen to know the kind of DNA found on Morgans remains?

I have all kinds of problems with that man being the killer.
What man??

The man that tried to rape a woman up North in VA. They have posters everywhere with his picture but they can't match up his DNA. It's not in the national register so a dead end there.

The woman he tried to rape is where they found his DNA and it was also found on Morgan.
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