Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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I am watching the show now, from taping it last hour...they talked about the various sightings of Morgan that night, including the newspaper lady and the woman who said she saw her cross, somewhat wobbly, the street near the stadium with 3 men. Talked about the finding the shirt, determined it was her shirt. Poor Morgan.

PS: Nothing really new on this show, they talked about the DNA match and just said they hope to solve the case someday, would not talk about cause of death, still not being revealed. Her parents were on the show.
I really was hoping for more details on the DNA, and COD but I understand why they can't release it.
At least doing the show gets the information back out to the public again.

The show kind of made the newspaper lady's sighting out to be less than credible.
Why can't they release it? I have been away from this case since not long after the body was found.
I don't know why they won't release COD. They have DNA, so it is not as though they would need to verify COD from someone who might be giving a false confession.
That was the first I had heard about the newspaper lady. I thought they last saw her on the bridge. Makes me wonder about the 3 guys that were with her when the newspaper lady saw them. Wonder if they were College Students or locals? I often think of the earlier posts about the field parties that were held at that farm attended mainly by college students.
I watched last night...not much new..
However, I may have missed it, but did the newspaper lady who thought she saw Morgan, say that the girl was wearing a Pantera t-shirt?
This is such an odd no one saw anything about the shirt being thrown in the bush. I think that must mean the perp lives in the area, right?? I was hoping that someone would put a connection between the first attack in 2005 (northern VA) and someone possibly moving near Charlottesville area....
I have faith they will catch this know he'll attack again. Maybe this time he'll get caught and they'll have his DNA.
The newspaper lady's story wasn't given a whole lot of credibility when it first came to light last year, either.
Hello Everyone,

I watched the "Disappeared" show last night on Morgan.

I remember when she went missing, but I did not know that her body had been found :( until I read it here at WS about a week ago.

There are a few things that are "bothering" me (and some of my questions are based on my experience going to concerts "back in the day" .. in the 80's and 90's.. LOL).

Morgan was so looking forward to the "Metallica Concert" and had purchased the tickets months in advance (on the show, it was said that the tickets were on a magnet on the refrigerator at her parent's home for months).

At the concert, she goes to the "ladies room" and ends up "outside" the arena -- she cannot get back in because of the arena's "re-entry policy" (which is pretty standard for concerts -- no re-entries). If I remember correctly, Morgan called one of her friends when she could not get back into the arena and told her friend that she would get a ride ? (If this is not correct, please correct me). I am wondering if her friend may have misunderstood what Morgan said to her via the cell phone because it is very loud in those arenas. Or, could she have sent a text message because this is how many people that age communicate, or why didn't she send a text ? :banghead:

I am just NOT understanding how you go to the ladies room and end up "outside" the arena. One thing that came to mind is if you saw someone you knew but to go outside with them ? No, you'd talk to them inside so could she have been "lured" into going outside ? Did someone slip her something in her drink ? :banghead:

Another thing that puzzles me is this: is it known if Morgan TRIED to get back in the arena ? Did any of the ticket-takers recognize her as trying to get back in ? Also, if she had her "ticket stub" on her did she at least try to get back in even though there is a no re-entry policy ? :banghead:

One more thing : Did any of her friends -- that she went to the concert with -- try to call Morgan AFTER the concert to see where she was and if was okay ? :banghead:

I would immediately think something is wrong if I was at a concert with friends and my friend -- who had tickets for months for this concert -- ended up outside the arena and did not get to see the main band ! This just does NOT make any sense to me ! I definitely would have went to the front entrance and talked to a manager at the arena or someone to help my friend get back in. :banghead:

While I understand when you are at a concert, you are drinking, partying ... but if your friend does not return from the rest room and you rode with her and you do not know where she is or if she is safe or at home even though she called and said something about getting a ride home -- which makes no sense ... wouldn't you at least go the Security Dept at the arena for some help ?

Sorry for the rant ... maybe I just do not know enough facts of the case ...

I hope there will be Justice for Morgan soon !
Hello Everyone,

I watched the "Disappeared" show last night on Morgan.

I remember when she went missing, but I did not know that her body had been found :( until I read it here at WS about a week ago.

There are a few things that are "bothering" me (and some of my questions are based on my experience going to concerts "back in the day" .. in the 80's and 90's.. LOL).

Morgan was so looking forward to the "Metallica Concert" and had purchased the tickets months in advance (on the show, it was said that the tickets were on a magnet on the refrigerator at her parent's home for months).

At the concert, she goes to the "ladies room" and ends up "outside" the arena -- she cannot get back in because of the arena's "re-entry policy" (which is pretty standard for concerts -- no re-entries). If I remember correctly, Morgan called one of her friends when she could not get back into the arena and told her friend that she would get a ride ? (If this is not correct, please correct me). I am wondering if her friend may have misunderstood what Morgan said to her via the cell phone because it is very loud in those arenas. Or, could she have sent a text message because this is how many people that age communicate, or why didn't she send a text ? :banghead:

I am just NOT understanding how you go to the ladies room and end up "outside" the arena. One thing that came to mind is if you saw someone you knew but to go outside with them ? No, you'd talk to them inside so could she have been "lured" into going outside ? Did someone slip her something in her drink ? :banghead:

Another thing that puzzles me is this: is it known if Morgan TRIED to get back in the arena ? Did any of the ticket-takers recognize her as trying to get back in ? Also, if she had her "ticket stub" on her did she at least try to get back in even though there is a no re-entry policy ? :banghead:

One more thing : Did any of her friends -- that she went to the concert with -- try to call Morgan AFTER the concert to see where she was and if was okay ? :banghead:

I would immediately think something is wrong if I was at a concert with friends and my friend -- who had tickets for months for this concert -- ended up outside the arena and did not get to see the main band ! This just does NOT make any sense to me ! I definitely would have went to the front entrance and talked to a manager at the arena or someone to help my friend get back in. :banghead:

While I understand when you are at a concert, you are drinking, partying ... but if your friend does not return from the rest room and you rode with her and you do not know where she is or if she is safe or at home even though she called and said something about getting a ride home -- which makes no sense ... wouldn't you at least go the Security Dept at the arena for some help ?

Sorry for the rant ... maybe I just do not know enough facts of the case ...

I hope there will be Justice for Morgan soon !

1. I believe so
2. I think she went to every entry point and they all told her she could not get in unless she had her ticket stub which she did not (a friend had it).
3. I think they did; also I think she first went to the RR and then went outside the arena to smoke.
The show did make is sound as though it was known that she was told she could not get back in and also that she tried and/or pleaded.

I also think she probably went out for a smoke. Not sure how she got so wobbly, if she did, unless she took sips from bottles that were being passed around.

I think the news lady said she wore all black, except her legs were bare, no tights.

They put out a drawing of the suspect and he is an AA male I believe? I wonder if they did the DNA race ethnic profile, or are going off the surviving victim's description, where the DNA also matched.
1. I believe so
2. I think she went to every entry point and they all told her she could not get in unless she had her ticket stub which she did not (a friend had it).
3. I think they did; also I think she first went to the RR and then went outside the arena to smoke.

Thank You.

But -- if Morgan did not have her ticket stub and a friend had it, why didn't she call the friend or send her a text message and ask the friend to bring it to her at the entrance ?

Back in the "ole days" you could smoke in the arenas and stadiums -- but the last few arenas I have been in have a Smoking Section that you go outside to smoke and then you go right back in to the arena when finished -- no re-entry process -- just a convenience area for the smokers.

I wonder if this arena had this ?
Thank You.

But -- if Morgan did not have her ticket stub and a friend had it, why didn't she call the friend or send her a text message and ask the friend to bring it to her at the entrance ?

Back in the "ole days" you could smoke in the arenas and stadiums -- but the last few arenas I have been in have a Smoking Section that you go outside to smoke and then you go right back in to the arena when finished -- no re-entry process -- just a convenience area for the smokers.

I wonder if this arena had this ?

They did, but that's not where she went.

The arena had a no-reentry policy. It wasn't a matter of ticket stub. From the Hook article,

As the Hook first reported in the weeks after her disappearance, numerous witnesses inside the Arena reported erratic behavior. Cappuzzo says she left her friends to use the ladies room sometime after 8pm while opening act Lamb of God was on stage. While on her own, at some point, she fell and injured her chin. Cappuzzo says multiple witnesses reported seeing the injury and offering assistance-- one woman saw Morgan applying paper towels to her face to blot blood from a "minor injury." Morgan, he says, rebuffed all offers of help.

The Arena's no re-entry policy has been a source of controversy, and Cappuzzo at last addressed questions about the moment Morgan left the Arena. While some have speculated that she was lured outside, Cappuzzo revealed that a ticket taker warned Morgan about the Arena's no re-entry policy as she prepared to exit through the main doors facing Copeley Road. Morgan acknowledged the warning, Cappuzzo says, then left anyway, where she was seen emptying the contents of her purse in an apparently unsuccessful effort to find her red Kodak digital camera, which has never been recovered. Standing in front of the Arena, witnesses also reported seeing her drop her phone, then retrieve it.

When she tried to reenter through the main entrance of the Arena, says Cappuzzo, the ticket taker asked for her ticket.

"She said, 'It's in pieces in my purse,'" says Cappuzzo, who says the ticket taker stopped her when it appeared she planned to dump the contents of her purse again. Told she'd need to purchase another ticket if she wanted to return, Morgan left the Arena a second time and remained in the immediate area for as long as 10 or 15 minutes, interacting with various concertgoers--- several of whom offered her assistance, which she again declined.
I just watched the Disappeared episode (it's going to re-air next Sunday for anyone who missed it. Or if you are impatient like me, you can also download it on iTunes).

I hope that even though there wasn't much new information for those of us who have been following the case, it reached some new viewers. I still have hope this won't turn into a completely cold case.

I thought the end of the episode...closing by mentioning all the good that is being done in Morgan's name was especially touching. As always, I'm impressed with her family.
I watched the Disappeared episode last night and have been following this case since the beginning. The detective interviewed seemed very defensive and I am still bothered by how dismissive the police were with the newspaper delivery lady. She seemed quite credible to me and she wasn’t the only person to see Morgan with a group of men that night. Why were they so quick to discredit her story?

My theory/thoughts/questions:

1. I believe Morgan befriended a group of UVA students/locals in the parking lot after she couldn’t get back into the concert. I think she left with them to party/hangout. After hanging out for awhile, one of the men offered Morgan a ride home or a ride back to the arena to try to meet up with her friends after the concert. The man then took Morgan to a remote location (farm where her body was found) and harmed her. He knew of this location prior and thought it was unlikely her body would be found there.

2. I know Morgan’s friends who were with her that night have made a few public comments, but it seems like for the most part they have been pretty quiet. I have always found this a little odd and wondered if perhaps they knew she had taken some kind of drug prior to/or at the concert but didn’t want to admit it. Most concert venues do not allow drinking inside, not to mention that fact that even if alcohol was being served at the concert, Morgan wasn’t old enough to buy a drink. So how could someone have drugged/slipped something into her drink at the concert? Doesn’t really seem plausible to me.

3. Morgan’s friends admitted that she had been drinking but was not intoxicated. Where did she consume this alcohol and who supplied it?

I have faith that the perpetrator will be caught one day and justice for Morgan will be served.
After watching the Disappeared show what spooked me the most is that this perp who has done this before, just happened to come upon Morgan that night. I wonder if he was on the prowl that night, or just happened to run into her by chance. If on the prowl, just shows you how a sex offender targets their victim in such a calculated manner...if happened by chance, still, shows how he quickly took advantage of a crime of opportunity. Scary...I took some risks in college at times. Nothing too crazy, just things you do when you're younger and gaining independence, not thinking about all the freaks out there.
I think it is possible that all the witnesses were right, but that Morgan somehow ended up alone and was a target. Whoever killed her attacked the other woman way back in 2005 and that was probably not someone who would be of student age in 2009.

It sounds to me like she had taken, knowingly or not, some sort of drug. If so many people noticed her and offered her help, she must have really been stumbling around. I doubt she would be that from alcohol, as she had probably had alcohol before. It sounds more like downers or something to me.
The newspaper lady's story wasn't given a whole lot of credibility when it first came to light last year, either.

I think it's because LE is working on a theory she was nabbed at the Copley Street bridge and was mostly likely dead within a few hours.
I think the perp read about this lady's sighting too, because two weeks after Morgan's disappearance and after the area was searched Morgan's shirt turns up very visible in the bushes by the dorms. Talk about trying to throw off the police. Oy.
After Morgan left JPP at app. 8:20 pm 10/17/09:

1. According to the Hook: Morgan told the ticket taker at JPJ that her ticket was in her pack "in pieces."

2. Per the ID show (which I haven't actually seen): one of the men Morgan met outside the arena asked her if she had a ticket to get back in. She told him, yes.

3. Morgan had enough cash to just buy a new ticket to be readmitted.

4. Per the ID show: Morgan in fact did not have her ticket; a friend had it in his/her possession at that point in time.

5. Morgan's ticket was never recovered by the police.

Could someone verify statements 2 and 4 for me?

Statements 3 and 5 came from source who supposedly has inside info.

Let's assume that all the statements are true. Doesn't it sound as if Morgan was not interested in returning to the concert?

If Morgan's friend had the ticket, wouldn't this person likely deliver it to the police as evidence that Morgan had in fact attended the concert?
After Morgan left JPP at app. 8:20 pm 10/17/09:

1. According to the Hook: Morgan told the ticket taker at JPJ that her ticket was in her pack "in pieces."

2. Per the ID show (which I haven't actually seen): one of the men Morgan met outside the arena asked her if she had a ticket to get back in. She told him, yes.

3. Morgan had enough cash to just buy a new ticket to be readmitted.

4. Per the ID show: Morgan in fact did not have her ticket; a friend had it in his/her possession at that point in time.

5. Morgan's ticket was never recovered by the police.

Could someone verify statements 2 and 4 for me?

Statements 3 and 5 came from source who supposedly has inside info.

Let's assume that all the statements are true. Doesn't it sound as if Morgan was not interested in returning to the concert?
If Morgan's friend had the ticket, wouldn't this person likely deliver it to the police as evidence that Morgan had in fact attended the concert?


This is very strange because her Mother stressed how much Morgan was looking forward to the concert and how excited she was about it that day. It just doesn't make sense that she would not try to get back in. Call her friend to bring her ticket stub down to the door or something.
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