Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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Great first post, and welcome to WSer's. :)

I agree with all the bold's. There are too many holes in the theory that she just was not allowed back in. 6 Tickets and she couldn't hold onto ONE! and I remember hearing early on from LE that they mentioned that they are not getting enough info from other sources...Friends don't let (especially if you know your friend is high)....just leave a venue. It just doesn't make sense and I don't buy it.

Thanks for the welcome. I have been lurking for a while, but thought that since this one is close to home and I am familiar with the venue and area, I might have something useful to contribute.

The ONLY way that I could see that her friends might think it is acceptable that she just leave the venue is if
A) They did have impaired judgment
B) It had become a pattern with her (being that she often went to events with them and ended up finding her own way home after having to go outside). If she had successfully done it several times in the past, I could see how they wouldn't think it is a big deal.

And I definitely in no way am implicating her friends. I just think that maybe their judgment was off that night and they might know more than they claim they do or might know her patterns and tendencies at events and shows. I think they are probably devastated and would do it totally differently if they had it to do all over again.
Welcome to WSer's Virginia Doll!! That's why its so confusing....

1/On one hand we have these long time girlfriends planning this really fun night out at a rock concert and oh Gosh one of their best friends comes up missing.
2/On the other hand alot of the information we have to go by is what the conversation entailed between Morgan and the said friend on the cell phone. We know that this friend initiated the call, yet does this seem plausible to you that they would totally understand that somehow Morgan would just BAIL, and suddenly she doesn't have a ticket?

The timeline seems significant, however I believe total impairment and lack of good judgement will play out in this case. Her friends were innocent buddies out for a good time.

I guess its a lesson to be learned that women in their teens and 20's have to remain in groups because unfortunately with the way the world is with all the 's out there, taking risks and not staying together obviously is not a great choice.

If someone had stayed with Morgan, this probably wouldn't have happened. I just do not understand that she didn't have a ticket, and why her friends couldn't have just brought it to the front door? Or why she just didn't buy a new ticket...
Thanks for the welcome. I have been lurking for a while, but thought that since this one is close to home and I am familiar with the venue and area, I might have something useful to contribute.

And I definitely in no way am implicating her friends. I just think that maybe their judgment was off that night and they might know more than they claim they do or might know her patterns and tendencies at events and shows. I think they are probably devastated and would do it totally differently if they had it to do all over again.

I agree~
Scenario: Everybody in the group was so stoned out of their minds that no one really recalls anything accurately. "Uh, maybe she left. Maybe she called us. Uh, the last thing I remember is dropping acid around 730 pm." So... the friends as a source of info are totally worthless. Virginia LE, as well as Feds, have no intention of spending their valuable time on this because they, repeat, they consider it a case of a "drugged-out possible runaway, over the age of 18, who hooked up with a metal-head hardcore fan and took to the highway." Hungover witnesses + incompetent/noncaring LE = No one in authority has any motivation or ability to solve this case.
Besides, you and I and my great-uncle Charlie know that LE is reading this and other boards for their only "leads." Two days later, they sloppily regurgitate what they've "discovered" from perusing social net sites. It's a real tragedy because with the resources LE has (monetary, not brain-wise) they should have made some headway by now. My knowledge of LE in that area tells me they'd rather be out picking up hookers, abusing their wives, or beating college students who talk back during traffic stops. You can't expect incompetent cops to actually "solve" challenging puzzles. It's not their nature.
Has anyone on this board examined the angle of her wanting an "out" from her lifestyle? Is this plausible? JMO

TIA :)
Hi there are new sleuther peeps. :)

When I first heard this case - like right off the bat before we learned more about her, it flashed in my head for a second, "I wonder how her grades are" and if there were other pressures that she may consider insurmountable.

Really "good" adult sons and daughters can crack under pressure or the fear of disappointing the parents that they are so very close to. I mean, it happens. I dont' know Morgan of course, but I get a vibe from the parents' interviews and their describing her routine of choosing to spend a significant amount of time at home etc - imo she wouldn't torture her family to this extent. If we were on day one or day two right now, I'd say yeah maybe she removed herself from the situation whatever it was. But now on day 11? No. (imo) I dont see it. (I wish tho.)

I know good parents who have good kids can still not know every little thing. I get that. But I believe the parents WOULD know if she had it in her to flee with no notification to ANYONE. Also, if her only goal were to escape life and flee by choice, she could have done that without leaving her purse and phone... and ID.

But IDK. 2 cents
FYI....I am not quoting any particular post so please do not take offense, but posts which are bashing law enforcement are generally not appropriate on WS. I am not a mod or an administrator in any form, so take it as JMOO, but in the past the mods have stated clearly that this is not to be done. As far as this case goes, it seems that they have done as good a job as in many other cases so far.

Thanks KR2!

From what I gather (most of my good stuff comes from

1. There was no way she could have purchased another ticket (the box office was closed, and she didn't have access to enough cash since her account was overdrawn)
2. The friends knew she was outside and tried to give her advice for sneaking back in (we don't know why she went outside-outside since she could have smoked in a designated area, maybe she didn't read the signs..that is if she was even smoking there have been confilicting reports)

IMO, she probably didn't want to ruin her friends fun since she was the one who got stuck outside, so she said have fun, I will try to get in, if not I will either wait or find a ride. When they came out and she was gone they were probably a little worried, especially since her phone would have been going straight to voicemail if the battery was pulled...but as a girl not too much older than them, IMO...they probably figured she had found a ride, or met up with someone she knew and that her cel phone battery had died. These are smart girls, who probably assumed their smart, capable, independent friend was fine and they'd catch up and talk all about the night tomorrow! (all IMO only!) I feel like the last thing anyone would assume is abduction...

Also, IMO most college kids drink and/or smoke a little bit of pot (although pot is pretty relaxing so I wouldn't think they would want that kind of high at a Metallica concert...ha JMO!) and that COULD POSSIBLY have played a part. From reports of the guy who saw her walking in the concert, she didn't seem under the influence of, I am going to go on the basis that she was not totally inebreated! She may however have become a little bit panicked at the idea of having to sit outside for approx 2 hours, in the cold (I say approx 2 hours because Metallica hadn't taken the stage yet and most concerts last about 2 hrs)...all IMO only.

So, she's annoyed that she's locked out, she's probably cold, she is outgoing and "interacted with individuals" outside, and is walking... what LE needs to now is WHERE and WHY.

Here's what I want to know (and hopefully LE does know!):
1. What time did her cell phone lose connection to the tower? When was the last "ping"?
2. She must have had some connections at UVA...she grew up in VA! Did she contact any of them to hang out while she waited?
3. Was her very last phone call at 8:48pm? Or did she call or text anyone else?
4. Why did she seem to think she could "find a ride" back to Roanoke, which isn't close..I would think that would be tough to find.
5. Since her car was left halfway at a friends house, was she planning on getting a ride "back" to this location?

All of the above is JMO!
HLN Prime News is discussing Somer's case - which is not this thread duh, but the only reason I bring it up is that the other day it was discussd here about the public and calling in tips. And even tho this broadcast was regarding Somer, the request from LE (which can be applied to other missing/ homicide cases) is my point in bringing it up.

LE has requested info and they put it like this: (paraphrased but close)

Please call in suspicous behavior in someone acting odd such as :

1.) Missing work (or unexplained absence)

2.) Suddenly leaving town - taking off unexpectedly or with strange reason or no reason

3.) Any new/ odd injuries

4.) Sudden change in appearance.

Thanks KR2!

From what I gather (most of my good stuff comes from
yet and most concerts last about 2 hrs)...all IMO only.

So, she's annoyed that she's locked out, she's probably cold, she is outgoing and "interacted with individuals" outside, and is walking... what LE needs to now is WHERE and WHY.

Here's what I want to know (and hopefully LE does know!):
1. What time did her cell phone lose connection to the tower? When was the last "ping"?
2. She must have had some connections at UVA...she grew up in VA! Did she contact any of them to hang out while she waited?
3. Was her very last phone call at 8:48pm? Or did she call or text anyone else?
4. Why did she seem to think she could "find a ride" back to Roanoke, which isn't close..I would think that would be tough to find.
5. Since her car was left halfway at a friends house, was she planning on getting a ride "back" to this location?

All of the above is JMO!

Sounds good and let's hope that the cell pings and "witnesses" are giving accurate enough information. There was clearly a predator "out there"... unfortunately this beautiful young woman didn't realize her vulnerability~
When I saw pics of her last night on Nancy Grace my first thought was she was taken for sex trade. The comparisons of Natalee Holloway are close. here's my humble opinion on the drug use...from experience and from friends who had a little extra fun in college...

1. Acid isn't really mainstream. I know people who have "had some fun" and acid ususally isn't something that's part of the also doesn't "fit" at a heavy metal concert. In my experience, guys, not girls are usually who use/try this drug...all above is just IMO.
2. Marijuana isn't IMO, the kind of drug you'd do at Metallica...Phish, yes, but Metallica is pretty high energy...IMO. Even if they were stoned, you usually don't just FORGET what's happening, although that is the sterotype my experience, you just mellow, not totally forget! It is a pretty "light" substance. All aboveIMO, of course.
3. Cocaine would be pretty likely at a high energy event, and it is much more mainstream, IMO. Also, from what I understand, you don't "forget", in fact it is the opposite, you are more aware, your heart is racing etc. It would be easy to bring inside. All just IMO.
4. Heroin...are you serious? NO ONE does least not nice, regular kids, from an upper middle class town, who go to good schools. All IMO of course, I am sure there are exceptions.
5. Estacy is also more mainstream than we'd think. It is somewhat likely that it fits at a high energy concert, and would be easy to take once inside, since it is just a small pill. IMO

I myself have only ever tried pot..never anything else, but most of my friends have done these drugs on a regular basis at some point in college...that is where my opinion comes from.

Can someone confirm for me how often I have to say JMO, or IMO?! I am just stating my opinions and trying to help throw ideas out to help, but certainly don't want to cross any lines!
FYI....I am not quoting any particular post so please do not take offense, but posts which are bashing law enforcement are generally not appropriate on WS. I am not a mod or an administrator in any form, so take it as JMOO, but in the past the mods have stated clearly that this is not to be done. As far as this case goes, it seems that they have done as good a job as in many other cases so far.

I think most LE do the best they can do. (I know every profession has a bad apple, but that isnt the norm imo.)

About the phone records and what day LE got to it, I assumed that the phone company protects its customers' privacy and Im guessing there's some paperwork to sift thru to get access to an adult's phone records.... even if it is for the person's benefit. That's how I regard the delay anyway.
Thanks for that information, I missed it. Then I guess buying another ticket was pretty much out of the question.

Does anyone think she was walking back to the car they came in just to sit and wait?
Wonder where she was heading on foot moving away from the crowd and the arena all by herself.

Possibly .. or maybe she did get ahold of someone that agreed to give her a ride back, but they didn't want to deal with traffic at the arena due to such a big concert.

If that person is a student, ,maybe they told her they would give her a ride, but she would have to meet them at their car or close to where their car is.:waitasec:
Welcome to WSer's Virginia Doll!! That's why its so confusing....

1/On one hand we have these long time girlfriends planning this really fun night out at a rock concert and oh Gosh one of their best friends comes up missing.
2/On the other hand alot of the information we have to go by is what the conversation entailed between Morgan and the said friend on the cell phone. We know that this friend initiated the call, yet does this seem plausible to you that they would totally understand that somehow Morgan would just BAIL, and suddenly she doesn't have a ticket?

The timeline seems significant, however I believe total impairment and lack of good judgement will play out in this case. Her friends were innocent buddies out for a good time.

I guess its a lesson to be learned that women in their teens and 20's have to remain in groups because unfortunately with the way the world is with all the 's out there, taking risks and not staying together obviously is not a great choice.

If someone had stayed with Morgan, this probably wouldn't have happened. I just do not understand that she didn't have a ticket, and why her friends couldn't have just brought it to the front door? Or why she just didn't buy a new ticket...

Taking a ticket stub to her at the door/gate is not accepted.

She'd have to get a new ticket and the ticket office was closed. (from what I've gathered.)

for anyone interested Soulscape has posted a chart for the "last seen" time. in the forensic astrology forum where morgan now has her own thread.

I gotta say that i am losing hope quickly at this point and i just feel so sad for her family. i just wish someone new why she would make such a foolish decision to leave the arena. I personally dont believe that she was wasted on drugs/alcohol, but i wouldnt think that someone who felt ill would choose to go walking any sort of distance for any reason. it seems that the fastest way to get back to her car would have been to just wait for her friends rather than having to possibly tag along with people until they were ready to go such as the alleged sighting at 3:45a.m.
and as far as the purse goes maybe she left her purse as a clue ? im sure if she was taken that at some point she understood what danger she was in... it all just makes me sick:sick: here's my humble opinion on the drug use...from experience and from friends who had a little extra fun in college...

1. Acid isn't really mainstream. I know people who have "had some fun" and acid ususally isn't something that's part of the also doesn't "fit" at a heavy metal concert. In my experience, guys, not girls are usually who use/try this drug...all above is just IMO.
2. Marijuana isn't IMO, the kind of drug you'd do at Metallica...Phish, yes, but Metallica is pretty high energy...IMO. Even if they were stoned, you usually don't just FORGET what's happening, although that is the sterotype my experience, you just mellow, not totally forget! It is a pretty "light" substance. All aboveIMO, of course.
3. Cocaine would be pretty likely at a high energy event, and it is much more mainstream, IMO. Also, from what I understand, you don't "forget", in fact it is the opposite, you are more aware, your heart is racing etc. It would be easy to bring inside. All just IMO.
4. Heroin...are you serious? NO ONE does least not nice, regular kids, from an upper middle class town, who go to good schools. All IMO of course, I am sure there are exceptions.
5. Estacy is also more mainstream than we'd think. It is somewhat likely that it fits at a high energy concert, and would be easy to take once inside, since it is just a small pill. IMO

I myself have only ever tried pot..never anything else, but most of my friends have done these drugs on a regular basis at some point in college...that is where my opinion comes from.

Can someone confirm for me how often I have to say JMO, or IMO?! I am just stating my opinions and trying to help throw ideas out to help, but certainly don't want to cross any lines!

Not necessary all these posts are In Our Own Opinion :)

I was thinking more along the lines of the drug put into a drink and that possibly someone offered her that that ruffies? or ectasy? or the date rape drug? that was allegedlly given to Natalie Holloway.
I might have a bit of insight.

Now, my thoughts:
- I absolutely think that she was given or took a mind altering substance that was too intense for her and really needed to go outside to be away from the crowd. She figured she would worry about getting back in when the time came. Her judgment was definitely impaired.
- I think that her friends were most likely recreationally using drugs and/or drinking as well, so no of them were on their A game as far as decision making goes.
- She formulates what sounds like a good plan so that he friends don't have to miss the show since she can't get back in. Or, it is possible she doesn't want to go back in because the experience is too overwhelming for her.
- She may have had a conversation with friends on the phone, but I am guessing there was a lot of miss-communication and/or hearing problems.
- Because the friends were probably impaired too and thought that all was well after the phone conversation, they just left without her when the show was over.
- I think they were all impaired because there is no reason for someone to go outside during a show, knowing that she can't get back in, unless she just really had the need for "fresh air." No friends would just accept that she was ok outside for the rest of the show or that she was going to find someone to get back to JMU (which is over an hour away) with unless their judgment was also impaired. No friend would leave someone behind that they didn't make contact with before they left.
- SOMEONE or SOMEONES are definitely lying and/or withholding information from the public and/or LE. I think the picture that her parents are painting of her is not entirely accurate, especially if you look at the changes in her face from the older pictures to the more recent pictures. I think, without a doubt, her friends know WAY more than they are disclosing. There is a piece of this puzzle missing and the key to that probably lies with the friends that were with her that night.



Do you recall what pictures you're referring to? The reason I ask is that I havent seen them and I've heard this point mentioned a couple of times from people.

can you see the RV area from those dorms, near #6?
We were out there at night and I don't think you could see anything from the dorm area. In fact, I couldn't see much on the bridge from thecar as we drove past.

Normally, someone would know the shortcuts to the dorms, if thats where she's heading? right? So why head towards the shopping plaza first?
There is a bank on that corner. She might have been going there. There is a much more populated shopping center that she could have walked to if she were just looking for somewhere to wait.

Was she hungry? did she need to use the bathroom again? Did she just miscalculate and go back?
We thought about this while we were walking/driving the area. There is a Taco Bell that we could see the lights from in the parking lot area of JPJ. And there is an Italian restaurant and Chinese restaurant directly across the street from JPJ. Why walk in the dark to potty if you could go across the street in the light?

It doesnt look like she was that far from the dorms at all, so it would be very risky for someone to pull up and nab her on the bridge.[here i must say that i think more than one person is involved]
This area is VERY dark and although it is well traveled during the day when we were there at night there weren't many people there. We even saw someone walking alone on the bridge and discussed how easy it would be to get her in the car. (No we weren't stalking - just investigating) :)

And more and more, it looks like the purse was a plant. If there had been cell pings that take her past 6, then they might know.
I agree!

Whats at the shopping center? Do they have video of people near / purchasing goods and services at that time frame?
It is an old strip mall with a Pizza Hut, a couple of other restaurants, a movie store and that's about it. You would pass some other restaurants, a 7-11 and a couple of stores on the way to the shopping center on Ivy. The shopping center at Barrack's Road - in the opposite direction of where her purse was found is much larger. It has an Old Navy, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Barnes and Noble, two grocery stores, speciality stores, restaurants, etc.

Is it safe to walk on the bridge--is there a shoulder there?
Yes, there is a sidewalk there...but there is not much lighting at safe? I'm not so sure.

Respectfully snipped and quoted. Hope I helped some...
for anyone interested Soulscape has posted a chart for the "last seen" time. in the forensic astrology forum where morgan now has her own thread.

I gotta say that i am losing hope quickly at this point and i just feel so sad for her family. i just wish someone new why she would make such a foolish decision to leave the arena. I personally dont believe that she was wasted on drugs/alcohol, but i wouldnt think that someone who felt ill would choose to go walking any sort of distance for any reason. it seems that the fastest way to get back to her car would have been to just wait for her friends rather than having to possibly tag along with people until they were ready to go such as the alleged sighting at 3:45a.m.
and as far as the purse goes maybe she left her purse as a clue ? im sure if she was taken that at some point she understood what danger she was in... it all just makes me sick:sick:

Im leaning toward someone lacing her drink and basically what you said there in this post. The thing that throws me off is the call that the friends describe and that she didn't seem in distress, just barred re-entry.

Something is missing.

Out of 16,000 people SOMEONE has to have something on cell camera, video something....

Are we for sure, for sure that she got INTO the arena? OR are we left with someone's word? And does that someone/s whose word we are taking, have anything to gain (or hide) by advancing the story that she was indeed in the arena (if she, in fact, was not?) (Just hypothetical for argument's sake.)

OR she DID she really go outside on her own choice.... alone....... IDK.

I wish I could see/hear the friends talk on TV so I could sit here and say, "OMG they are so sincere. I totally believe them now." That would help (me) a lot to wrap my mind around it all. But I dont get what I want or she wouldn't be msising in the first place. so...

The delay in phone records, which usually requires a document signed by a judge, such as a subpoena or a court order, will then have to be sent to the legal dept of the company (maybe they tried hit *2 from their cellular handset? just kidding), followed by collection of the information, more retarded paperwork and then collecting the info/data itself. One businessweek may seem slow for a murder/abduction investigation (which it was not considered in the beginning, remember?), but probably not that slow otherwise-except, they could inform the cell company in advance, like they could have told them on Monday theyll need the records soon, and have the order ready on Tuesday...and kant, i agree with your 6:12pm post--but they should have been looking for weirdness from people last week, not looking for only MH last week and then this week look for suspects.

VirginiaDoll and I are asking some of the same questions, which happens to all of us WS'ers on here. But I do feel stymied by the lack of info, almost as if we had to go back to the drawing board b/c of the changes of such info.

Maybe she was walking and some dudes rolled up in a car , and were like where u goin? we just came form the concert. u need a ride? yeah, we live there--and at first they maybe intended to give her a ride to where she was going, in C-ville, but then decided other things, which got out of hand. But this might be why the father said someone local--might be students, not just post-grad residents. Anyway, in the scenario, someone might have been like-dude get rid of the pocketbook. No dont just dump it in the trash-take it somewhere, away from here--the RV lot. Imagine if the pocketbook was left there by her from the beginning, you want to tell me thousands of fans walking and driving around didnt see this purse or go through it, etc when the concert was over?

Lastly, were the friends in C-vile, her friends, her brothers, or someone from the nine, whom they don't want to name?

I think they should check the friends' fone records case a call as made to them from another fone.
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