Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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Ok fine "The Nine"(+ someones "boyfriend") arent talking to media-I hope to God they are talking to LE!!!

I don't have time to dig up the links but it has been made abundantly clear on multiple occasions than that they are fully cooperating with LE. So I would not worry about that.

Also even though we all, myself included, would like to hear more information from them to satisfy our curiosity the have a way to get anything important out. If I was one of them there is no way in hell I would talk to the media it can whip up into a firestorm so quickly and this among other things can detract from talking about finding the victim. Just looking at various message boards and you hear about these whack jobs that are contacting ppl who are her MySpace/facebook friends b/c they think they look 'suspicious' etc. and that’s just a few message boards if your name gets put out in the national media it’s going to be that x 100.
How could LE have let the checking of her phone go until this week??? Seems unbelievable!!

Just b/c it was not reported until today what was know about the phone I do not think that means the did not check the phone until this week. I think this is just when they decide to make it public.

IF there is somewhere else where it says for sure they did not check it until this week then I apologize. but if we are just going on the fact that they did not make this public till today I would not assume that it means they just checked.
Based on the timeline, I find it odd that Morgan would walk towards the railroad tracks.
But it is possible. Intoxicated and without a ticket, with a predator observing all this seems likely, I think LE is on it.

I agree!! Looking at the map and the numbered places where MH was spotted... it seems she was almost wandering aimlessly. I wonder if she possibly got angry with her friends and was like "Fine, I will just find a ride with some OTHER friends from C'ville". Then after she said it, maybe she couldn't get in touch with any of her C'ville friends. (Being a Saturday night, they were probably out of town or partying etc.) At that point, she probably felt like she couldn't call her VT/JMU friends and tell them she needed a ride after all... she might have been too embarassed.

Sidebar: After hearing the press conference and looking at the map, I am just getting a sinking feeling about this one. I was holding out hope, but it's hard with the terrible lack of info.
from FB

8:20-8:30pm was outside enterance, 8:30-8:48pm outside arena on side facing UHall, spoke to friends about finding a ride home rom friends in c-ville at 8:48. 8:48-9pm witnesses observed her in the area on the exterior. No indications she reentered. Up to 9:10pm walking through UHall parking area, no one can confirm if ...she was alone but there were other people around. 9:10-9:20pm was in lanigan field parking area, next to coakley street bridge, limited interactions. 9:20pm those who encountered her left, no idication she left with them.Read more


"8:30 to 8:48 pm outside arena on side facing UHall, spoke to friends about finding a ride home rom friends in c-ville at 8:48."

Thanks. What time did Metallica go on? And how long did they play (what time did they finish, I mean?)

8:48 it's almost 9 oclock. Why scrounge up a random ride or even one with someone you know when your friends who you came with will be out by..... when?

Also, why wouldn't one of the friends go out and be with her? There'll be other concerts. Im sorry I just dont get it. IF they were as dear friends as everyone is saying, the only thing that makes sense is that they KNOW she was choosing to be with someone and were cool wiht it. That would explain no alarm from the friends into the next morning. IDK.

Also, FWIW, I think the parents are doing their best not to alientate the friends by saying anything that could be construed as negative in these tv interviews b/c the friends are likely the only key they're gonna have, except for anyunforseen luck coming upon some video footage somehow, somewhere. And even witness sightings arent ironclad imo. (better than nothing.... if they're telling the truth.)
I might have a bit of insight.
Geographical information:
- It is speculated that she walked towards Ivy Road, based on sightings and the fact that her purse was found near the Bridge. If she knew the area at all (and we suspect that she did since her brother attended UVA), she would know that, while walking in this direction can ultimately get her to campus if she follows Ivy Road, she would also know that this path is EXTREMELY dark and not necessarily the greatest part of town. I used to work at the strip mall near the location where her purse was found and did not feel safe taking the garbage out at night when it was dark. Ironically, a division of the UVA Police Department is located on Ivy road, but she probably did not know that and was not headed there.
- Now, having said that, there is 1 parking garage that has an entrance located on Ivy Road. But, it doesn't sound like they were parked here.
- If she knew the area at all and was headed towards campus, she would know that it is MUCH safer to walk to Emmet and head to campus or the Corner that way. Emmet is much more populated and well lit than Ivy Road is. She would also know that the Corner is probably hopping on a Saturday night and she could at least find a place to hang out until the show was done.
- Even if she didn't know the area, if she paid attention to the town as they arrived at the concert, she would know that rt 29 is well lit, populated and has many businesses that are open and places she could go for help. She should have realized this regardless of the route they took to get to their parking spot.

Now, regarding the concert venue:
- I have been to several shows at this venue. Security, parking officials, etc generally have their hands full with all of the show related responsibilities, and I would assume that a Metallica show is no exception.
- I have never felt unsafe at or around this venue.
- I think they sell alcohol there, but I also recall that it must be purchased and consumed in this one "lounge" area and that you can't see the stage well from that "lounge." I would say that it might be hard to conceal underage drinking or sharing of alcohol since this is a segregated area from the rest of the concert venue.
- There are MANY MANY MANY bathrooms in this place, so there would be no reason to go outside for bathroom purposes.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to hear a text message or carry on or hear a cell phone conversation while a band is playing and you are in the seat area. It is almost equally as hard to hear or make a cell call when in the common area.
- The door guards are pretty good at informing you that you can't come back in once you have left, ticket stub or not.

Now, my thoughts:
- I absolutely think that she was given or took a mind altering substance that was too intense for her and really needed to go outside to be away from the crowd. She figured she would worry about getting back in when the time came. Her judgment was definitely impaired.
- I think that her friends were most likely recreationally using drugs and/or drinking as well, so no of them were on their A game as far as decision making goes.
- She formulates what sounds like a good plan so that he friends don't have to miss the show since she can't get back in. Or, it is possible she doesn't want to go back in because the experience is too overwhelming for her.
- She may have had a conversation with friends on the phone, but I am guessing there was a lot of miss-communication and/or hearing problems.
- Because the friends were probably impaired too and thought that all was well after the phone conversation, they just left without her when the show was over.
- I think they were all impaired because there is no reason for someone to go outside during a show, knowing that she can't get back in, unless she just really had the need for "fresh air." No friends would just accept that she was ok outside for the rest of the show or that she was going to find someone to get back to JMU (which is over an hour away) with unless their judgment was also impaired. No friend would leave someone behind that they didn't make contact with before they left.
- SOMEONE or SOMEONES are definitely lying and/or withholding information from the public and/or LE. I think the picture that her parents are painting of her is not entirely accurate, especially if you look at the changes in her face from the older pictures to the more recent pictures. I think, without a doubt, her friends know WAY more than they are disclosing. There is a piece of this puzzle missing and the key to that probably lies with the friends that were with her that night.
can you see the RV area from those dorms, near #6?

Normally, someone would know the shortcuts to the dorms, if thats where she's heading? right? So why head towards the shopping plaza first?

Was she hungry? did she need to use the bathroom again? Did she just miscalculate and go back?

Where was the cell phone found? in the bag/ with the bag? near the bag? When was its last ping?

It doesnt look like she was that far from the dorms at all, so it would be very risky for someone to pull up and nab her on the bridge.[here i must say that i think more than one person is involved]

And more and more, it looks like the purse was a plant. If there had been cell pings that take her past 6, then they might know.

Whats at the shopping center? Do they have video of people near / purchasing goods and services at that time frame?

I suspect there was at least one vehicle in the RV lot that was there when she supposedly went in that area and out of that area (and LE says so far no indication she left with them, lol, what does that mean?). Maybe they went onto Copley road after her?

Is it safe to walk on the bridge--is there a shoulder there?

I'm starting to think that maybe she made it to the dorms (or whatever those buildings are, that look residential from the sat photos), and someone, who took her from that area, dropped her purse there. We still have no info about the ATM card (what about attempted usage?).

And I havent heard about the paperlady followup. Yeah, her timeline might not match, but that doesnt exactly mean she did not see her. Get a sketch and take it to the so-called friends, to see if they recognize anyone.

I'm sure they already checked her facebook friends, but I think they need to go and get the backup version of her page from like the 16th/OCt at the latest (I said this before). I think maybe someone has deleted themselves from her friend list, kwim?

Otherwise, they need to check all RSOs, with even tangential MOs , from within a reasonable driving distance. Or even students who were tried or charged with rape but never convicted. If its an RSO, chances are he got caught last time b/c of an eyewitness, so would be careful. Maybe he and another RSO know each other thru their PO? Maybe the person isnt even on the RSO, b/c he got to plead out to lesser charges?

Also, I agree with the father. I think the cIA can help--avoid certain legal red tape, and use certain eavsdropping equipment.

Back to the dogs- they got nothing past the copley bridge?? Were they recently trained dogs?

I think the part about her checking account being overdrafted--that might be misinformation. Plus, how much cash did she have on her?

Someone said she got 6 tickets? and how many people showed? were there extra tickets or did someone not show? or say they werent going to be ontime for the show?

Just as a note, if you look at pics from the concert, most likely before metallica went on, the stage was empty. When LOG and Gojira were on, it was extremely noisy. This may have been when the friend called MH, to see where was she?
We still have not heard about why she left, and then wasnt even calling back on her own?

They really need to interview everyone for #5 and #6, because I think maybe one could be fake?? I think the amount of time it takes to go from 4 to 5, is about the same as it takes to go from 5-6?
So, i ask again, why didnt she go from 4 to 6 if that was the b-line to the housing complexes--was the car closer to 5? And why did she apparently wait around for some time near the arena if she had decided to hitch a ride back to H-burg? Did they sweep the dorms? Was there a party there that night?

The friends said they waited for her for several hours? But they didn't drive around?

Oh yeah, if she was on a mind altering substance, then being in 40 weather, for like 1/2hr or more would probably have chased off some of the stupor, imho.

I also think someone is lying, or maybe it's LE that's lying to the public, waiting to see who comes forward with info that they know to be true, which may even contradict details of what theyve told us?
Now, my thoughts:
- I absolutely think that she was given or took a mind altering substance that was too intense for her and really needed to go outside to be away from the crowd. She figured she would worry about getting back in when the time came. Her judgment was definitely impaired.
- I think that her friends were most likely recreationally using drugs and/or drinking as well, so no of them were on their A game as far as decision making goes.
- She formulates what sounds like a good plan so that he friends don't have to miss the show since she can't get back in. Or, it is possible she doesn't want to go back in because the experience is too overwhelming for her.
- She may have had a conversation with friends on the phone, but I am guessing there was a lot of miss-communication and/or hearing problems.
- Because the friends were probably impaired too and thought that all was well after the phone conversation, they just left without her when the show was over.
- I think they were all impaired because there is no reason for someone to go outside during a show, knowing that she can't get back in, unless she just really had the need for "fresh air." No friends would just accept that she was ok outside for the rest of the show or that she was going to find someone to get back to JMU (which is over an hour away) with unless their judgment was also impaired. No friend would leave someone behind that they didn't make contact with before they left.

I think this is the most plausible possible explaination of event I have heard. I would guess either extasy or lsd was involve (this are the two primary things I can think of the would cause you to feel like 'I have to get out of here right now'). Also while I would agree that she probibly was now angel she doesn't look like she is out there real real bad and these two drugs are commonly used by college students that are not hardcore drug addicts.

EDIT (hit post to soon):I think the lack of forth coming information on how good she is, is in part parents never knowing everything. But I also suspect part of it is intentional, if it was one of my family members I would want to down play that stuff. I would do this not out of embarrassment, I would do it because unfortunately in today’s world if people hear a lot about drugs and a girl dressed in black at a heavy metal concert they are less likely to care or take interest or want to get involved. People also are more likely to blame the victim or say she brought in on herself. I do not like that things are this way and I don't think it’s right, but I do think it is the way things are.
Can anyone get anything right on this case?!? Number 1 says that she was told that she couldn't reenter the arena without a ticket stub, even though this has been corrected ad nausum!!! Arrrrgh!
I know right? We dont have that much and what we do have we get 15 different versions of. (OK maybe not 15 - but too many)


Question: (*oh groan)

See the large circular white "university Hall" bldg, see the "artifical turf field " sort of to our right of the white circle bldg. The road markers there say, "29" and "Emmet St N" See the two blue and white little thingys there, by Massie Rd and Emmet St N? ? What are those?

And does anyone know if call help boxes are numerous and easy to spot? Or are they few and you'd have to know them to find them?

So with the little red marker #5 we have a sighting at RV grassy place parking where she had "limted interaction" with "people who saw her." This is where her purse was found. Was the grassy area empty? Or did it have RVs parked there?

A little odd (to me) that her purse is in the grassy area, yet she is spotted on the bridge, ( * assuming she is walking in the direction away from the arena) So that suggests maybe a couple of things.

Well, for one, the sighting could be a mistake, but if LE is counting it credible, they must have a reason.

Someone stopped her or she stopped for someone somewhere after the number 6 marker on the bridge at 9:20/9:30 and they/he took her (lured her, invited her) and her purse her back to the RV area. Again, can we find out if RVs were there? But that likely means he has a car and an RV? so there's more than one person. (?) Unless the car is pulled. but IDK about that.

Also, a lone abandoned purse (especially one belonging to a missing woman) sends up a red flag, so maybe SHE deliberately tossed it. Why would the perp want to telegraph his moves (or whereabouts) by leaving a purse where it could be found in the very area where a woman went missing? (Unless he is trying to point the focus elsewhere)

OR Someone got her after the last sighting, tossed her purse at some unknown X place, someone else randomly came across it at X place, picked up the purse for money, etc got what they wanted (or not) and re-tossed it, placing it at the RV grassy area... where yet a different person found it and turned it in.

OR unless she simply dropped her purse, it was taken from her; but she was not taken at the time the purse was taken.... (or accidently dropped, as the case maybe; (But frankly, I find that to be a stretch too - espeically since it had a strap) I just add that b/c of the implication - in light of the report that she was spotted walking alone on the bridge. (She's walking alone right? It didnt say.) Iow there was a purse snatcher separate from the abductor. But that sounds like a stretch.

Also, with the timeline little red markers - on number 6, the Copeley Rd bridge, that Copeley road winds all the way around, passes JPJ arena and arena parking, thru the wooded area, and meets at the right (our right) at Emmet St N....

The phone rang and now I forgot what my point was. OK it's official; Im definitely losin it.

Between 9:10 and 9:20 we can confirm that someone matching M.H.'s description was in the Lannigan (?) Field parking area.

At 9:20, the individuals who encountered M.H. in the Lannigan Field parking area left in vehicles. Currently, there is no information that she left with them. We believe that there are other people in the vicinity either parking or on foot who should have seen M.H. and we need them to step forward.
I wonder if the individuals in Lannigan Field actually spoke to her. An encounter sounds more than just seeing her walking around. And the comment that, currently, there is no information that she left with them sounds like they need to investigate further, or have some possible question about her leaving with them. If LE was sure she didn't leave with them, why use the word "currently."
I wonder if the individuals in Lannigan Field actually spoke to her. An encounter sounds more than just seeing her walking around. And the comment that, currently, there is no information that she left with them sounds like they need to investigate further, or have some possible question about her leaving with them. If LE was sure she didn't leave with them, why use the word "currently."

I was typing that as I was concurrently listening to the press conference online, and while I recall that "currently" was the word used, I wouldn't stake my reputation or memory on it :).
Just b/c it was not reported until today what was know about the phone I do not think that means the did not check the phone until this week. I think this is just when they decide to make it public.

IF there is somewhere else where it says for sure they did not check it until this week then I apologize. but if we are just going on the fact that they did not make this public till today I would not assume that it means they just checked.

Hi, a reporter contact of a FB page person said that LE only got the OK for phone records on Tuesday (yesterday) -this having something to do with the nature of the investigation. It was credible info-I will look for link again
Has anyone on this board examined the angle of her wanting an "out" from her lifestyle? Is this plausible? JMO

TIA :)
I am new to Websleuths!

I live in Virginia and am very familiar with this area...

Just a thought but...what if she did accept a ride from Lanigan Field...once in the car she realized her mistake and that she needed to get out. So she got out of the car and walked back towards the lot and near people. When she got back to the lot, the perp and his car pull up...she was snatched back in, taking her purse, removing the battery from the phone, and whisking her off somewhere.

We don't know when he cell phone lost contact with the tower. We also don't know which direction she was walking on the Copley Bridge.

I once accepted a ride from a "good samaritan" and after a minute and a half, he started touching my legs. I FLIPPED OUT, started screaming, and as soon as he slowed down near a stop sign I JUMPED OUT! The creep followed me a few blocks, luckliy this happened in a high traffic area, so I was able to get away. I was 20, and very trusting!!!

If something similar happened to Morgan, the perp could have gotten angry when she jumped out of the car..and followed her to snatch her back, waiting to make his move until they were in a secluded lot.

It's just an idea..JMO.
Has anyone on this board examined the angle of her wanting an "out" from her lifestyle? Is this plausible? JMO

TIA :)

Welcome pjgrrrl!

anything is plausible, personally I don't think so in any way but a couple more people have raised this possibility...
I am new to Websleuths!

I live in Virginia and am very familiar with this area...

Just a thought but...what if she did accept a ride from Lanigan Field...once in the car she realized her mistake and that she needed to get out. So she got out of the car and walked back towards the lot and near people. When she got back to the lot, the perp and his car pull up...she was snatched back in, taking her purse, removing the battery from the phone, and whisking her off somewhere.

We don't know when he cell phone lost contact with the tower. We also don't know which direction she was walking on the Copley Bridge.

I once accepted a ride from a "good samaritan" and after a minute and a half, he started touching my legs. I FLIPPED OUT, started screaming, and as soon as he slowed down near a stop sign I JUMPED OUT! The creep followed me a few blocks, luckliy this happened in a high traffic area, so I was able to get away. I was 20, and very trusting!!!

If something similar happened to Morgan, the perp could have gotten angry when she jumped out of the car..and followed her to snatch her back, waiting to make his move until they were in a secluded lot.

It's just an idea..JMO.

Welcome Virginia Doll!

Great post, and yes your idea makes a lot of sense with what we have to go on.

This is all so sad and frustrating not knowing what on earth happened to the poor girl

I'm sorry about your creepy ordeal and glad you got out of it! The "what if" afterwards must have been terrible for you. I too took a ride with a stranger when I was 19 -everything was OK in the end but a bit off and I later thought what a complete naive idiot I had been-I was too ashamed to tell a soul but these are the things we sometimes do at that age
I might have a bit of insight.
Geographical information:
- It is speculated that she walked towards Ivy Road, based on sightings and the fact that her purse was found near the Bridge. If she knew the area at all (and we suspect that she did since her brother attended UVA), she would know that, while walking in this direction can ultimately get her to campus if she follows Ivy Road, she would also know that this path is EXTREMELY dark and not necessarily the greatest part of town. I used to work at the strip mall near the location where her purse was found and did not feel safe taking the garbage out at night when it was dark. Ironically, a division of the UVA Police Department is located on Ivy road, but she probably did not know that and was not headed there.
- Now, having said that, there is 1 parking garage that has an entrance located on Ivy Road. But, it doesn't sound like they were parked here.
- If she knew the area at all and was headed towards campus, she would know that it is MUCH safer to walk to Emmet and head to campus or the Corner that way. Emmet is much more populated and well lit than Ivy Road is. She would also know that the Corner is probably hopping on a Saturday night and she could at least find a place to hang out until the show was done.
- Even if she didn't know the area, if she paid attention to the town as they arrived at the concert, she would know that rt 29 is well lit, populated and has many businesses that are open and places she could go for help. She should have realized this regardless of the route they took to get to their parking spot.

Now, regarding the concert venue:
- I have been to several shows at this venue. Security, parking officials, etc generally have their hands full with all of the show related responsibilities, and I would assume that a Metallica show is no exception.
- I have never felt unsafe at or around this venue.
- I think they sell alcohol there, but I also recall that it must be purchased and consumed in this one "lounge" area and that you can't see the stage well from that "lounge." I would say that it might be hard to conceal underage drinking or sharing of alcohol since this is a segregated area from the rest of the concert venue.
- There are MANY MANY MANY bathrooms in this place, so there would be no reason to go outside for bathroom purposes.
- It is IMPOSSIBLE to hear a text message or carry on or hear a cell phone conversation while a band is playing and you are in the seat area. It is almost equally as hard to hear or make a cell call when in the common area.
- The door guards are pretty good at informing you that you can't come back in once you have left, ticket stub or not.

Now, my thoughts:
- I absolutely think that she was given or took a mind altering substance that was too intense for her and really needed to go outside to be away from the crowd. She figured she would worry about getting back in when the time came. Her judgment was definitely impaired.
- I think that her friends were most likely recreationally using drugs and/or drinking as well, so no of them were on their A game as far as decision making goes.
- She formulates what sounds like a good plan so that he friends don't have to miss the show since she can't get back in. Or, it is possible she doesn't want to go back in because the experience is too overwhelming for her.
- She may have had a conversation with friends on the phone, but I am guessing there was a lot of miss-communication and/or hearing problems.
- Because the friends were probably impaired too and thought that all was well after the phone conversation, they just left without her when the show was over.
- I think they were all impaired because there is no reason for someone to go outside during a show, knowing that she can't get back in, unless she just really had the need for "fresh air." No friends would just accept that she was ok outside for the rest of the show or that she was going to find someone to get back to JMU (which is over an hour away) with unless their judgment was also impaired. No friend would leave someone behind that they didn't make contact with before they left.
- SOMEONE or SOMEONES are definitely lying and/or withholding information from the public and/or LE. I think the picture that her parents are painting of her is not entirely accurate, especially if you look at the changes in her face from the older pictures to the more recent pictures. I think, without a doubt, her friends know WAY more than they are disclosing. There is a piece of this puzzle missing and the key to that probably lies with the friends that were with her that night.

Great first post, and welcome to WSer's. :)

I agree with all the bold's. There are too many holes in the theory that she just was not allowed back in. 6 Tickets and she couldn't hold onto ONE! and I remember hearing early on from LE that they mentioned that they are not getting enough info from other sources...Friends don't let (especially if you know your friend is high)....just leave a venue. It just doesn't make sense and I don't buy it.
Personally, I do not think her friends had anything to do with her disapperance--IMO. As her parents have stated, these girls were part of her "core group", they have known each other since childhood, and her parents have even asked that people not try to blame them (which tends to happen on these boards)--all IMO only. (for reference go to

I am not much older than these gals, and I can tell you, if my friend was "MIA" one night, her phone was off, the last thing I would suspect is that she was abducted-IMO. I would not have called the cops that night if I were in their shoes, maybe her parents, I suppose.

IMO, Her friends are probably not talking to the media because they are shocked, devestated, feeling responsible for not coming out to be with her...I mean what a way to lose your innocence you know, they are only 20!? Morgan's mother (at even commented that her friends are trying to cope, and that it was absurd to even suggest they are involved. IMO, the girls Brittanee Drexel was with do seem like total scumbags, who didn't know her well at all, and who we can confirm had been fighting with her...we have absoloutly no indication of drama with Morgan, and this is useless speculation--JMO!

IMO, we need to focus on a true perp, and abduction- not her friends.
I just want to also say that yall are amazing people! You are working so hard and trying to help find a woman you don't even know! If I ever go missing, it makes me feel better knowing that yall woould be out there helping!
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