Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #7

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Hi everyone-I've been away from the computer for a while and just catching up.

A thought crossed my mind that maybe she was seen flagging a car she knew rather than actually hitchhiking but then there would not be multiple witnesses to it i guess.

Something doesn't seem right though. Even if very diminished you're always thinking where's my purse and you're aware that you're in a state so the last thing you do is hitchhike. It's so mysterious how she could be in the RV lot talking to guys and not ask them for a ride, then drop her purse there, then walk to the bridge and hitchhike her way out of there purseless and in a state. Mystifying. And now she could be anywhere :(
I'm sorry if this has been brought up already. But, Morgan is on the cover of People magazine this week along with other missing people.
No original source on this sighting, though, right? For what it's worth, Madison and Culpeper are both north of Charlottesville, up 29-N, and Madison is roughly 14 miles due west of Orange (with the now apparently discredited Sheetz sighting). Was there a day/time given for this (these?) sightings?

Right about no orginal source. I just looked it up and it was mention by WT regarding something he "heard".

post 16
According to the transcript from the 11/12 airing of the Dr. Phil show Morgan's friends inside the arena have said that they were holding the car keys. There is no mention as to whether or not they were Morgan's car keys, or the keys to a friend's vehicle.

Regardless, it is clear that Morgan likely had no access to the vehicle that took her to the concert. It also seems likely that she was or became intoxicated or high while inside the arena. It would explain the reported cut on her face, her inexplicable exit from the arena, and her subsequent wanderings outside the arena.

I pray for her safe return. I hope Ed Smart was able to help her parents.

I just listened to the Dr. Phil clip again to be sure that I heard things correctly yesterday and the acutally quote is that they [the friends] "were holding her keys." This led me to believe that it was Morgan's car.

You can see this in the You Tube clip at about 9:00 minutes.

Oops. I guess I was wrong. Looks like she was asking for rides on the bridge confirmed by the LE. However I still don' t think she got too far. I think someone in that immediate area picked her around that bridge or a little after.

Alright websleuthers. Wasn't there a supposed sighting of MH on the bridge leaning into the side window of a dark SUV while standing on the bridge? The woman who reportedly spotted MH said that she didn't even see them until he lights hit the SUV/Truck and then she noticed MH and the dark SUV.
Anyone remember this?

Oh boy if she was asking strangers for rides...goodness. She could be anywhere.

Nevermind..just saw the sighting back a few posts.
It could be the friends had the keys, didn't want to leave and Morgan was upset and just decided to go on her own.

Agreed. Or they knew she had a drink or two and refused to bring her the keys?
IDK but hitching IF this is true smacks of anger or defiance, don't' you think?
Maybe she's done this before and its normal and she wasn't angry?

FYI, Blink has a new article up. I agree with her thoughts posted in the comments section. I do NOT think she was hitching. It doesn't make sense. IMO, I think her last sighting was in the parking lot. I don't think she was on the bridge at all. I hope LE is looking very closely at the guys that she was talking to.

So those who last saw her at the RV lot would have set up the false statements on the bridge then? It's plausible but I think LE must know they're reliable independent sightings...
I don't know about this lead.... somehow I just can't see any halfway intelligent college girl doing something like that, especially when her car was there in the lot. I wonder how many sightings they had ?

I'm leaning towards a no way on this direction of investigation. I'd look closer to home if I were LE, meaning someone right there on that campus that night.

I agree the hitchhiking thing is ridiculous, if it was me there's no way in hell i would have done this. All safety issues aside she most likely would not have gotten back much sooner than if she had just waited. Its not like the concert was going to go on for days. Just wait by the car or in some building on campus or in a mcdonalds or starbucks or something for a few hours, I mean i'm sure its not how you wanted your concert experience or friday night to go but sometime you just gotta do what ya gotta do. Maybe if she was really really angry at not being able to get back in and she thought ill show them ill hitch hike home but still i just can't see it. I'm not saying this didn't happen I have no idea but it just seems really illogical.
I think all of us here, if we'd seen her alone in a state in the RV lot would have offered help or maybe even reported to security there was a young woman alone in trouble. If any of us here had seen such a young woman alone on that bridge hitchhiking dressed for a Saturday night I think we would have all called that in -don't you think?
I agree with you and for the first time I can see her taking the battery out of the phone.

What if her battery was low and she felt she'd need it to get in touch with her friends after the concert ended... so she took it out to conserve power and have it when she needed it.

the only question I would have about this is if this were the case it's seems to me it would make it evenmore strange that the battery was not found with her things. If she took it out for this reason I can't see her planning to hold it in her hand for a long period of time and the outfit she had on doesn't sound like it had any pockets.
Agreed. Or they knew she had a drink or two and refused to bring her the keys?
IDK but hitching IF this is true smacks of anger or defiance, don't' you think?
Maybe she's done this before and its normal and she wasn't angry?


I've believed that from the beginning...that there was something - some underlying tension between MH and at least one of the girls or the bf of a friend (mystery guy).

IMO if someone wouldn't bring MH her keys...she could have gotten mad enough to storm off...

She supposedly had attitude with one witness who she told to "F" off. Sounds like she could have been angry with 1 or more of the friends...she didn't call them to tell them she had been locked of them called her... Then perhaps she got even more angry at herself for getting locked out of the one came to wait with one brought her keys to her car...
It wasn't her car. It's been established in several sources (the hook is one of them) that Morgan's car was left in Harrisonburg and the friends took another car from there to the arena. Morgan's dad confirmed this and I think he would know for certain.

I find it interesting that the same agency who gave mistaken info about the car is also the agency "confirming" Morgan was hitchhiking.

Confirmed by whom? Did any of these witness stop and ask her what she was doing on the bridge? Do we even know for certain it was Morgan they saw?

When was this established by the hook last I heard from them they were saying that Police had come out and said for sure that it was her car and didn't the parents make some comment about why the friends had her keys which would also confirm that it was her car. And if they had not taken her car why would her friend have the keys to her car? unless something new has been released in the last few days I think it was pretty much settled that it was her car.

This article is the last place i can find that the hook commented on it:
I absolutely do not think she was hitchhiking...on the bridge or anywhere else. Whoever the so-called "witnesses" are have a reason to say what they have IMO. They are hiding facts, they are protecting themselves.

The last sighting of Morgan was in the RV lot....this I do believe. And it just so happens to be the basketball, my this is interesting. Something happened there, in the RV lot. What I don't know, but IMO she never was on the bridge and for God's sake never hitchhiked. Perhaps she rode with them in their vehicle, perhaps they walked somewhere. As for her battery, if she wanted to save power, she would have simply turned her cell off...I do this all the time if I'm out somewhere. I don't believe for a second she took the battery out of her cell. It was removed to hide evidence and this along with her purse/bag were taken back to the lot and put there "after the fact."

This whole case stinks of a cover-up and my heart goes out to the Harringtons. They have been under fire as has her brother. This infuriates the hell out of me as they have lost a daughter, sister and are grieving in ways most of us never will. IMO LE is keeping them in the dark and are not making them privy to all info.

Something happend to Morgan, yes it did. Something caused her demise and "somebody" covered it up. I only hope they find her so her family can have peace and closure. My heartfelt empathy to Dr. and Mrs. Harrington and Alex.

God bless Morgan.....May she soon be found.
From memory when I looked it up, it's about 1000 feet from JPJ to UHall, and probably 600 more to the bridge. At the other side of the bridge there's about 20 feet to the intersection at Ivy Road, and from JPJ to Ivy Road/Copeley intersection is .4 miles (1320 feet). Unless impaired, I don't think even if she had decided to hitchhike that she would have wanted to go back to JPJ (which was at most .4 miles away) where her car was parked, so what other destination going in that direction? Barracks Road shopping center? I guess Harrisonburg is generally that way. Maybe I just can't get over that she was hitchhiking...Or, as you propose, maybe even the .4 miles in the cold, wind, and rain was more than she wanted to do and she figured, hey, what can happen on UVA grounds in a couple of blocks?

Thanks for the information PT Prof. If she could see JPJ Arena from the bridge, and was sober enough to realize it, then I doubt she was trying to hitch a ride back there.
Agreed. Or they knew she had a drink or two and refused to bring her the keys?
IDK but hitching IF this is true smacks of anger or defiance, don't' you think?
Maybe she's done this before and its normal and she wasn't angry?


yes i totally agree the only way i could see her hitchhiking was if it was sort of in an angry tantrum, an i'll show them type thing. (imo this is still a stretch to me).
Oops. I guess I was wrong. Looks like she was asking for rides on the bridge confirmed by the LE. However I still don' t think she got too far. I think someone in that immediate area picked her around that bridge or a little after.

Alright websleuthers. Wasn't there a supposed sighting of MH on the bridge leaning into the side window of a dark SUV while standing on the bridge? The woman who reportedly spotted MH said that she didn't even see them until he lights hit the SUV/Truck and then she noticed MH and the dark SUV.
Anyone remember this?

Oh boy if she was asking strangers for rides...goodness. She could be anywhere.

Yes I remember reading the supposed sighting of MH on the bridge. Samething happen to me years ago. I lost sight of my friends at a football game. I also went to the bathroom and when I left I figured I would get a hotdog. I walked looking for a concession stand with a smaller line. I got lost and couldn't find them, there was so many people. I stood there and watched the game and when it was almost over, I just went to the car and waited for them in the parking lot. Why didn't she just wait by her car for them after the concert was over. It doesn't make any sense.
I've heard there is confirmation she was going back and forth from the RV lot to the bridge as someone brought up would be a possibility. This would explain how the purse could be found in the lot. Also that she appeared to be waiting for a ride. She was seen asking to borrow a phone and placing a call. To whom, no one knows. LE are looking into this.
The thought just came to me that maybe she wasn't trying to hitch a ride back to Roanoke or H'Burg but rather to the home of the guy she was texting after she couldn't get back into the arena.
Yes I remember reading the supposed sighting of MH on the bridge. Samething happen to me years ago. I lost sight of my friends at a football game. I also went to the bathroom and when I left I figured I would get a hotdog. I walked looking for a concession stand with a smaller line. I got lost and couldn't find them, there was so many people. I stood there and watched the game and when it was almost over, I just went to the car and waited for them in the parking lot. Why didn't she just wait by her car for them after the concert was over. It doesn't make any sense.

She was gone by then.

Maybe that was her intention. Maybe she intended to go some place to hang out until then.

I don't believe she was hitchhiking and I would like to know why these reports are considered confirmed.
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