Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #7

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Was any other info on the friends boyfriend released? Wasn't he suppose to have gone to the concert with them? I remember reading something but never really understanding who's boyfriend he was, where he joined the group and where he ended up. It is like he was just an afterthought.
Was any other info on the friends boyfriend released? Wasn't he suppose to have gone to the concert with them? I remember reading something but never really understanding who's boyfriend he was, where he joined the group and where he ended up. It is like he was just an afterthought.

Not S's, but one of the A's boyfriend, picked up with her at JMU, I recall reading. Don't know where. One poster (on FB?) opined that maybe he's a minor, thus the silence? Also, one of the first eyewitnesses to go public, who saw MH and her group when they pulled up to park, conspicuously didn't mention a male. Four females, iirc.
Bumping these articles for reference for those who are trying to catch up on the me! :crazy:

Investigators believe Morgan Harrington was hitchhiking on the night she disappeared
November 13, 2009
Investigators now believe Morgan Harrington was hitchhiking in the area of Copeley Road Bridge in Charlottesville the night she disappeared.

Harrington went missing during a Metallica concert at the John Paul Jones Arena on the University of Virginia campus on October 17th.

Authorities are asking if anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the bridge to call or email police.

Here is the full news release:
STATE AND LOCAL POLICE STILL SEEK PUBLIC’S AID IN LOCATING MORGAN HARRINGTONRICHMOND – As the search and investigative efforts continue for missing college student Morgan Harrington, state and local investigators are now able to release additional details concerning the night of her disappearance. Miss Harrington disappeared Oct. 17, 2009, during a Metallica concert at the John Paul Jones Arena on the University of Virginia (UVA) campus in Charlottesville, Va.

During the course of the investigation, police have been able to establish a timeline of Miss Harrington’s movements once she ended up outside of the arena at approximately 8:30 p.m. After talking to her friends on her cell phone, she then walked through the parking lot of University Hall and was also seen in the Lannigan Field athlete parking lot, which is also used for RV parking. At around 9:30 p.m., she was seen walking on the Copeley Road bridge near Ivy Road.

Based on independent witness accounts, investigators are confident that Miss Harrington was hitchhiking for a ride while on the Copeley Road bridge. If anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the Copeley Road bridge, then they are asked to please contact police by phone or email. Anyone who might remember seeing a vehicle randomly stopped in the roadway on Copeley Road bridge that night is also asked to contact investigators. Investigators are also hoping to hear from anyone who might have loaned their cell phone to a young woman fitting Miss Harrington’s description to make a call that night.

In addition to Miss Harrington’s black T-shirt with the word “Pantera” spelled out in tan letters, black mini-skirt, black tights, and knee-high black boots, she was wearing a distinctive necklace. It is a Swarovski Crystal necklace made up of large crystal chain links. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 120 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes.

The search and investigation are still being actively pursued by Virginia State Police, University of Virginia Police, Charlottesville Police, Albemarle County Police and the FBI. The public has generated close to 400 leads in the case. Anyone can call the Virginia State Police Tip Line at (434) 352-3467 or email State Police at UVA Police can be reached at (434) 924-7166. Anonymous tips are welcome.

Also accepting tips is the Jefferson Area Crime Stoppers at 434-977-4000. A reward of $150,041 is available for information that leads to the location and recovery of Miss Harrington.

Morgan Harrington was wearing a distinctive necklace. It is a Swarovski Crystal necklace made up of large crystal chain links.

Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington Story Featured on 'Dr. Phil'
Posted on Nov 13th 2009 10:30AM
"We don't know if she met someone in the bathroom, if she took a wrong door, if she went out to smoke," Gil told the good doctor; Morgan had quit smoking six months ago, so that would be out of character for her. "That's why we're trying to get information, because someone saw something or has a piece that will make things click into focus for us and give the investigation new force."

The Harringtons think it's strange Morgan would say she'd find an alternate way home. "I think it's very unusual for Morgan," Dan explains. "It's very confusing to me as to why she would say that she would find another ride home," as she lived 45 minutes from the venue. "None of this makes any sense, and it doesn't seem that this is behavior that Morgan would typically do."

Meanwhile, Morgan Harrington appears on this week's cover of People magazine. The magazine will retell her story, and hopefully bring more awareness to the case.

Hitchhiking: Missing Morgan Harrington sought a ride
published 11:52am Friday Nov 13, 2009
“We now can confirm that she was hitchhiking,” says Geller, noting that Harrington, who had been stuck outside the John Paul Jones Arena after she was denied reentry and had told friends by cellphone that she’d find her own way home, was allegedly seen by multiple witnesses on both sides of the bridge.

Harrington’s purse and battery-less cell phone were found Sunday morning, October 18 in the Lannigan Field overflow parking lot, also known as the RV Lot, which is used by athletes when large events are held in the Arena.

According to several sources, members of UVA’s men’s basketball team were among the last to see Harrington in the grassy, tree-shrouded parking area. Emails sent to numerous team members were forwarded to UVA spokesperson Carol Wood, who directed the inquiry to State Police, but Geller declines comment on the identity of any witnesses.


Timeline, other new details in Harrington case
November 13, 2009
Based on independent witness accounts, investigators are confident that Miss Harrington was hitchhiking for a ride while on the Copeley Road bridge. If anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the Copeley Road bridge, then they are asked to please contact police by phone or email. Anyone who might remember seeing a vehicle randomly stopped in the roadway on Copeley Road bridge that night is also asked to contact investigators. Investigators are also hoping to hear from anyone who might have loaned their cell phone to a young woman fitting Miss Harrington’s description to make a call that night.

Morgan Harrington Featured on PEOPLE Magazine Cover
Missing VT Student Featured In Profile
Updated: 9:38 AM Nov 13, 2009
Harrington was last seen in Charlottesville on the Copeley Road Bridge after leaving the John Paul Jones Arena during a Metallica concert October 17th. Her purse was found in a grassy RV parking area near JPJ the next day.

The NCMEC’s switchboard has been reignited with tips on long-dormant cases since the news of Dugard’s return was reported, with parents of the missing continuing to chase every lead long after law enforcement teams wind down their searches. They post more fliers; they set up Web sites; they hunt for overlooked clues. “It creates a kind of suspended animation for these families,” says NCMEC president Ernie Allen. “It hovers over.'

Check out the attached documents to read the article. The magazine is on sale Friday, November 13th.

The attached pictures and articles are courtesy of PEOPLE Magazine.


VIDEO: Morgan Harrington Profiled in PEOPLE Magazine

PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons

PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons cont.



With the things that Mr. Harrington is now saying, sounds like to me he might be starting to rethink what he once believed about her friends. If her hitchhiking was out of character to her parents, don't you think that they would wonder why she would do something like this and if they know for sure I wonder if it was one of her friends who told them she was hitchhiking and why would she leave her car and have no ride of her own? Why would her friends allow this to happen and not even try to compromise and help her in anyway?
I have read about three or four pages of postings this evening. Just my opinion but when all is said and done I think LE has had enough information from the very start to know pretty confidently what happened to Morgan. And by who. God Bless Her but I think now LE is just trying to find out where she is before they can make an arrest. They move in too soon and the perp will lawyer up and we will never know where she is.
With the things that Mr. Harrington is now saying, sounds like to me he might be starting to rethink what he once believed about her friends. If her hitchhiking was out of character to her parents, don't you think that they would wonder why she would do something like this and if they know for sure I wonder if it was one of her friends who told them she was hitchhiking and why would she leave her car and have no ride of her own? Why would her friends allow this to happen and not even try to compromise and help her in anyway?

I agree. Honestly, why wouldn't one of them come down to give her car keys back so she could at least sit somewhere out of the cold. They could have met at the door even if she wasn't allowed re-entry. It just doesn't make sense that she would leave her own car to hitchhike.

Makes me think that (1) she was never on the bridge despite witness accounts (2) she went missing from the RV parking area where she lost her purse despite witness accounts. I'm suspicious of anyone who claims to be the last person(s) to see her.
It is a fact that she spoke with the players, they have admitted talking to her. But, they say they left her there, got into their cars and left after seeing her on the bridge. And I guess, now, hitchhiking. Yeah right. There was no way she was hitchhiking. She was smarter than that. I smell a cover up or either the police know what they are doing and very cleverly releasing this info for a reason.

It's sounds more and more like Natalee Holloway's story every day.
My inclination is to think that if she were hitch hiking on the bridge during the concert that she would be trying to get a ride somewhere locally. To someone's house locally, to the bus or train station (if it wouldn't have been too late for that) or to a main highway where she would catch another ride. You wouldn't think you could be able to find some random person driving over the Copeley Street bridge who was going to JMU or Roanoke or Blacksburg.
Sorry guys I didn't mean to be mysterious I just really meant with what is coming out now publicly and a couple of other little things told to me it really really looks like something it going to break, and if it doesn't it's just that they need more time to investigate and watch people. They know more than we do that's for sure

I certainly hope so because this latest info seems completely bunk in a way no other info has. I had no problem believing the friends' stories -- although a lot of people here adamantly maintained they would never have left a friend stranded outside, I can see how twenty year olds could rationalize that without being awful people -- and I had no problem believing Morgan would set out across a dark parking lot on her own rather than call her parents -- because at twenty, you do stupid things like that.

But hitchhiking? I'm sorry, I did A LOT of stupid things at twenty -- like walking through Harlem at 2AM with a friend just for the hell of it, and YES, I, too, was a pretty blonde -- but I would never, EVER hitchhike. In fact, on that extremely insanely stupid 2AM jaunt, some taxi driver slowed down and tried to convince us to get in and accept a free ride lest we get killed. And even though, at that point, we were now realizing how stupid we'd been to walk into such a dangerous neighborhood so late at night, we STILL would not take the ride from the cab driver -- that's how strong our ingrained reaction was to hitchhiking, and to strange men offering us free rides.

Obviously my judgment is not identical to anyone else's, but I do think, if Morgan grew up in the area, she had to KNOW that Charlottesville is not a crime-free area. Even more than a visitor to the area, she would be very likely to understand that it is not the sort of small-town place where you hop in with any passing car.

I realize this post is adding nothing new to the discussion, I just had to vent and add my protest of utter incredulity to everybody else. Waddles, I so hope you are right, and this information has been released as part of a calculated strategy.

And if athletes were involved... my blood will boil over. Seriously, how many women have to be victimized by college athletes before the administrations STOP inculcating these little twerps with a sense of superhuman, nearly sociopathic arrogance? Even at my university, which is known as an intellectual rather than athletic powerhouse, there were a dozen instances while I was there of abuse by athletes that got covered up by the administration for the sake of the precious teams and the donors who supported them. UGH!
I have read about three or four pages of postings this evening. Just my opinion but when all is said and done I think LE has had enough information from the very start to know pretty confidently what happened to Morgan. And by who. God Bless Her but I think now LE is just trying to find out where she is before they can make an arrest. They move in too soon and the perp will lawyer up and we will never know where she is.
In reading all the comments, I think you may be right about LE knowing what happened to her. It seems LE may have thrown out the "hitchhiking on the bridge" info because the last known persons to see her may have claimed they saw her later hitchhiking. But, LE knows it's unlikely to be confirmed by any eyewitness accounts. So, if they put that info out, asking for confirmation, and after a period of time, no one substantiates her hitchhiking, they can debunk those statements and have more reason to pursue those who were last known to see/talk to her in the RV lot. JMO.
In reading all the comments, I think you may be right about LE knowing what happened to her. It seems LE may have thrown out the "hitchhiking on the bridge" info because the last known persons to see her may have claimed they saw her later hitchhiking. But, LE knows it's unlikely to be confirmed by any eyewitness accounts. So, if they put that info out, asking for confirmation, and after a period of time, no one substantiates her hitchhiking, they can debunk those statements and have more reason to pursue those who were last known to see/talk to her in the RV lot. JMO.

I agree, and I think the same goes with LE asking if anyone let Morgan use their cell phone on the bridge.
I assume whoever is telling LE she hitched also is saying they saw her asking someone to use their cell?

Also LE specifically releasing what the necklace looks like is good. Maybe some "lucky" lady out there received a new Swarovski Crystal necklace in the last few weeks from a male, like a bf or brother.
Maybe a pawn shop will recognize it. Anything to help.
In reading all the comments, I think you may be right about LE knowing what happened to her. It seems LE may have thrown out the "hitchhiking on the bridge" info because the last known persons to see her may have claimed they saw her later hitchhiking. But, LE knows it's unlikely to be confirmed by any eyewitness accounts. So, if they put that info out, asking for confirmation, and after a period of time, no one substantiates her hitchhiking, they can debunk those statements and have more reason to pursue those who were last known to see/talk to her in the RV lot. JMO.

I believe you might be spot on my friend. JMO as well.

Seems to me in a lot of cases lately investigators are increasingly withholding info, more than they have in the past perhaps. Which I totally understand but at the same time it drives us crime watchers absolutely insane!!
I believe you might be spot on my friend. JMO as well.

Seems to me in a lot of cases lately investigators are increasingly withholding info, more than they have in the past perhaps. Which I totally understand but at the same time it drives us crime watchers absolutely insane!!

Maybe y'all are getting too darn good!
I'm puzzled as to why Morgan could not get back into the concert. Did she leave her ticket with her friends?
I'm puzzled as to why Morgan could not get back into the concert. Did she leave her ticket with her friends?

They don't allow re-entry. Doesn't matter if you have your ticket stub or not.
I certainly hope so because this latest info seems completely bunk in a way no other info has. I had no problem believing the friends' stories -- although a lot of people here adamantly maintained they would never have left a friend stranded outside, I can see how twenty year olds could rationalize that without being awful people -- and I had no problem believing Morgan would set out across a dark parking lot on her own rather than call her parents -- because at twenty, you do stupid things like that.

But hitchhiking? I'm sorry, I did A LOT of stupid things at twenty -- like walking through Harlem at 2AM with a friend just for the hell of it, and YES, I, too, was a pretty blonde -- but I would never, EVER hitchhike. In fact, on that extremely insanely stupid 2AM jaunt, some taxi driver slowed down and tried to convince us to get in and accept a free ride lest we get killed. And even though, at that point, we were now realizing how stupid we'd been to walk into such a dangerous neighborhood so late at night, we STILL would not take the ride from the cab driver -- that's how strong our ingrained reaction was to hitchhiking, and to strange men offering us free rides.

Obviously my judgment is not identical to anyone else's, but I do think, if Morgan grew up in the area, she had to KNOW that Charlottesville is not a crime-free area. Even more than a visitor to the area, she would be very likely to understand that it is not the sort of small-town place where you hop in with any passing car.

I realize this post is adding nothing new to the discussion, I just had to vent and add my protest of utter incredulity to everybody else. Waddles, I so hope you are right, and this information has been released as part of a calculated strategy.

And if athletes were involved... my blood will boil over. Seriously, how many women have to be victimized by college athletes before the administrations STOP inculcating these little twerps with a sense of superhuman, nearly sociopathic arrogance? Even at my university, which is known as an intellectual rather than athletic powerhouse, there were a dozen instances while I was there of abuse by athletes that got covered up by the administration for the sake of the precious teams and the donors who supported them. UGH!

In my early 20's i walked down the streets of Harlem with 2 of my friends (one of which was a pretty blonde girl) on the way to another friend's apartment and we were fine. It's good you didn't take the ride from the cabbie he sounds shady!

Anyhow i would never leave a friend stranded outside a huge concert, that's just wrong. We have no idea what was really said during that telephone call between Morgan and her friends. They should have been watching out for eachother. The least they could have done was had her wait outside the door and tossed her her carkeys from inside. These "friends" of hers don't really act like "friends" should act! The one in the interview isn't tore up about the whole thing. Maybe they were fighting.. or drifted apart over the years. They obviously didn't believe in the buddy system. What is more important seeing a band play that you can go see again or your friend who is stuck outside a huge arena? You can't put a price value on a life. You can't get a life back, you can go see Metallica play in concert elsewhere. Her friends leave a lot to be desired.

I am curious as to who reported her hitchhiking on that bridge. Were they friends with the basketball players she was seen talking to? Were they the same basketball players she was talking to?

It would be a stupid thing to hitchhike, it sounds like LE is trying to throw the investigation a different direction for some reason.

They need to take a good look at the BB players she talked to.

Interesting connection someone mentioned earlier about NK on FB and Basketball.

Also good point on the cell phone another mentioned, as Morgan was seen asking to use someone's phone and had her purse then the battery probably fell out by accident.

So minus her car and cell phone to focus on.. I still think it's beyond horrible that her friends couldn't even bring her her own car keys. Obviously she wasn't dressed for the weather and they had to know that. They probably just didn't care..
I'm puzzled as to why Morgan could not get back into the concert. Did she leave her ticket with her friends?

They have a no reentry policy. Even if you have a stub you can't get back inside once you leave.
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