Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #8

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Agree about ETOH possibly suppressing shivering as, like THC, it dilates the blood vessels as well as altering awareness. Imagine if it continued she would have wound up in an E.R. after being found unconscious. Kind of seems unlikely (not impossible but...) that she not only collapsed from hypothermia but also was found by a predator.

Quote from above link:

King [had] disappeared on April 20.

He had been in crash on Interstate 91 northbound in Enfield near Exit 48 that night but was gone by the time police arrived.

Lt. Paul Vance, of State Police, said the body was found in "a maze of drainpipe” ... The night King disappeared, he had been at Sports Haven bar in New Haven ... Two days later, K-9 teams searched the area and found personal effects that did belong to King, police said. Those, clothing and wallet, were found in a wooded area 100 yards from the highway. His cell phone was in the truck

Speculation: King had been drinking, and after the minor crash, feared losing license. Discarded clothing to throw off dogs. Hid in drain pipe to avoid police. Hypothermiated. There had been many failed searches of the area before the security guard found his body inside the pipe.

Not a likely scenario here, though.
Local pastor is concerned about gang violence in Charlottesville, including Gangster Disciples.


Denver arrests may be part of trend of gangs videotaping attacks.
[Article describes random racist attacks against Whites & Latinos by gangs, including Gangster Disciples.]

Lamaricus Davidson, who brutally raped and murdered Channon Christian and Chris Newsome, was a member of Gangster Disciples.

And, he has recently been sentenced to death.

I can't speak much about Charlottesville specifically, but there has been a fair amount of gang activity around JMU's campus.
^ Increase in frequency of gang members attending off campus parties
^ Thefts related to "Bloods" initiation
^ JMU students have been attacked by gang members...Harrisonburg ranks 3rd in the state for charges related to gang activity

I'd say gangs are alive and well in this region of the state.
I guess that they do not have any footage of her at all. Honeybun, when was this segment aired?
Can people really believe they talked to her and turns out it may have been someone else?
I wonder if LE thinks she was there bc her tix got scanned and bc her friends said she was there.
If this turns out to be true then I have no confidence in them finding her.

Oct. 22, 2009 looks like the date aired. Wish there would be something recent to clear things up a bit and put people on the right track to FIND MORGAN.
So depressing. Just add gang violence to the rest of the speculation. I'm about ready to hide under a duvet myself! Was heartbreaking to watch the video of Morgan's family today, at the bridge. How they manage to keep it together is more than I can fathom.

Your saying "How do they manage" makes me think that everything in life has something to learn or something good to come of it. Perhaps the Harrington Family has taught us all how to act with respect and dignity. They have taught us how to grieve and hope. I think everybody that has grown to know Morgan through this family and this tragic occurance wants her home with these three grieving loved ones. My prayer.
This is kind of an interesting interview with the spokesperson for the VSP . I hadn't seen it before and thought somebody else might like watching and commenting.

So, the LE says specifically that they have gone over security footage from the arena, restaurants, gas stations, hotels and 'various businesses.' But, they turned up nothing
i had read that right when she went missing there was police activity in crozet. i believe ss lives in crozet rather than harrisonburg.
267 Grayrock Dr, Crozet, VA 22932-2865
you can pull up an arial on a map.
some more pics.




news-findmorgan-rvlot-lightingUVA spokesperson Carol Wood confirms that a mobile light, like this one installed for the October 31 football game against Duke, was operating in the RV Lot during the Metallica concert.
Quote from above link:
Speculation: King had been drinking, and after the minor crash, feared losing license. Discarded clothing to throw off dogs. Hid in drain pipe to avoid police. Hypothermiated. There had been many failed searches of the area before the security guard found his body inside the pipe.

Not a likely scenario here, though.

Yes, not a likely ending here, but what a strange case in Enfield. Why did the passenger take off to get assistance when Mr. King's cell phone was at the scene? Hard to imagine someone just lying there in a drainpipe unless he crawled inside and passed out?? And if there were many searches, didn't the odor give anyone a hint?

Sorry, realize this is only marginally on topic. Hypothermia is an oft underestimated cause of death, but IMHO that is not what befell Morgan.
Your saying "How do they manage" makes me think that everything in life has something to learn or something good to come of it. Perhaps the Harrington Family has taught us all how to act with respect and dignity. They have taught us how to grieve and hope. I think everybody that has grown to know Morgan through this family and this tragic occurance wants her home with these three grieving loved ones. My prayer.

Honeybun, I so agree that this family seemingly could give lessons in graciousness, dignity and coping, not giving in to their grief in order to find their child, despite the horror of the circumstances.

You can tell how much they love Morgan and I can't see them ever giving up till she is found. Yet they appear to be a strong family, determined to not let this horrific event destroy the rest of them or their lives.

Maybe it doesn't sound right and hope y'all know what I mean when I say that 'class' seems to ooze from the Harringtons. Not superficial 'class' but a deep down, ingrained class that can't be faked. I would hazard a guess that Morgan must be as lovely as they are.
I am sorry if I mistakenly typed another name instead of Morgan, switching back and forth on threads is my only "excuse"...sorry


Is the arena indoors, heated?? would she have been "warm" in there...but not outside?

I sort of forget...I have lived in the "sub tropics" so many years...but wouldn't you normally carry a coat or jacket?? maybe others can clarify


It is sad to see this case is not getting the sort of attention that others do ... every day that goes by it seems to slip further away. I still question the fact that there are not many people (ie, friends) out there stirring interest ?? I would have expected the friends to be on Nancy search teams....etc

and what of searches?? I don't see the sort of in depth searches being done or am I missing it?? I don't know...I just hope that Morgan is found...hopefully safe...but found
I am sorry if I mistakenly typed another name instead of Morgan, switching back and forth on threads is my only "excuse"...sorry


Is the arena indoors, heated?? would she have been "warm" in there...but not outside?

I sort of forget...I have lived in the "sub tropics" so many years...but wouldn't you normally carry a coat or jacket?? maybe others can clarify


It is sad to see this case is not getting the sort of attention that others do ... every day that goes by it seems to slip further away. I still question the fact that there are not many people (ie, friends) out there stirring interest ?? I would have expected the friends to be on Nancy search teams....etc

and what of searches?? I don't see the sort of in depth searches being done or am I missing it?? I don't know...I just hope that Morgan is found...hopefully safe...but found

For some reason, as time goes by, this case seems to be more of a "missing persons case" than an abduction.

In her mothers website update today she says "Morgan Please Come Home".
That can mean many things.

I too would expect massive searches and perhaps they are looking here and there but nothing like other searchs. I would love to see them use that reward money offered, which is going nowhere and instead use it for searching.

The weather that night was Temps in the 40's and misty. If you look back through our blogs there was a big discussion on the weather, temps and conditions. The concert would be very warm I would think. Morgans mother and she agreed she should take the backpack type purse so that she could dance at the concert.

I read somewhere her coat was left in the car they drove up in which would make sense to not have to worry about carrying a coat around. But I have no link to that. I read also that they found a piece of black cloth in a stream but no identity of what it was or who it belonged to. It is on this website if you care to check this out.

I hope this helps some. It surely is a mystery.
For some reason, as time goes by, this case seems to be more of a "missing persons case" than an abduction.

In her mothers website update today she says "Morgan Please Come Home".
That can mean many things.

I too would expect massive searches and perhaps they are looking here and there but nothing like other searchs. I would love to see them use that reward money offered, which is going nowhere and instead use it for searching.

The weather that night was Temps in the 40's and misty. If you look back through our blogs there was a big discussion on the weather, temps and conditions. The concert would be very warm I would think. Morgans mother and she agreed she should take the backpack type purse so that she could dance at the concert.

I read somewhere her coat was left in the car they drove up in which would make sense to not have to worry about carrying a coat around. But I have no link to that. I read also that they found a piece of black cloth in a stream but no identity of what it was or who it belonged to. It is on this website if you care to check this out.

I hope this helps some. It surely is a mystery.

The problem with this is that the reward money in these cases is an OFFER, but it is not just given in a check and placed into a fund somewhere. It is more of a pledge type of thing where in 99% of the cases, it is NEVER paid out to anyone at all. The person making the offer just keeps their money. Unless someone comes forward with information that leads to the arrest AND CONVICTION of a POI, or the location of the victim, and unless the information comes through the channel specified in the offer, that money remains with the person or organization that made the offer in the first place. So, unless a person decides to donate money to searches specifically, neither LE or any other group can re-direct any reward money to any other purpose at all.

I agree. Wonder if we could get a description from someone who was actually there. How would the area around the arena look once Metallica started playing? Thanks to the early (and apparently discounted) eye witness report of Morgan and a guy fighting, we have been presented with a picture of at least a small crowd milling around out front of the entrance; this report was followed by similar reports of sightings of her in the company of different groups of men. But what if the whole area was actually deserted, and Morgan was roaming around looking for people, so that she could ask some nice & normal-seeming person for help?

I've seen Metallica 6 times. And I'd say the lot clears out almost completely by the time the last opening band is playing, even sooner if it the opening acts were good. These tickets arent's cheap, and it's about whats gonig on inside, not outside (as was reference with the Buffet Followers hanging out in the parking lots and not even entering the concerts).
Metallica would bring out a wide audience; including middle-aged couples who might have been more than pleased to give her a ride to a safe place. If only she had been willing to wait two hours ... Also, as far as it being cold, she could have borrowed a hoodie or something from someone, (even security might have helped her with that small request) ... people at concerts tend to be friendly.

It's not impossible that she was hypothermiating. As hypothermia advances, the subject goes into a dream-like state. They will actually feel very warm, happy and drowsy. This drowsiness is very dangerous; they might wander off, try to just lie down and take a nap (usually in snow), as if all were well, even as they continue to lose body heat. Hallucinations can occur. But MH wouldn't have had the strength to go any great distance; unless she collapsed with some people who had given her a ride, and they assumed she had OD'd from drugs, panicked, and threw her body down an unused well somewhere in the woods. This theory doesn't quite make sense, because even if she did OD, most people would just take her to the ER. JMO: Just knowing someone who OD'd would not ruin their reps or chance at grad school.

Metallica would bring out a wide audience; including middle-aged couples who might have been more than pleased to give her a ride to a safe place. If only she had been willing to wait two hours ... Also, as far as it being cold, she could have borrowed a hoodie or something from someone, (even security might have helped her with that small request) ... people at concerts tend to be friendly. That would be first.
So, the LE says specifically that they have gone over security footage from the arena, restaurants, gas stations, hotels and 'various businesses.' But, they turned up nothing

If she entered the arena- how is that possible? Did her friends show up on the footage? This is getting stranger by the moment.
i had read that right when she went missing there was police activity in crozet. i believe ss lives in crozet rather than harrisonburg.
267 Grayrock Dr, Crozet, VA 22932-2865
you can pull up an arial on a map.

She is a student at JMU. Maybe she has two addresses.

When were these pics taken?
She is a student at JMU. Maybe she has two addresses.

When were these pics taken?

What kind of police activity was it that was going on in Crozet where SS may live?

This is such an unsual case, as most evidence just points to that Morgan is missing. There's no witnesses that seen her get abducted, she had different avenues of calling for help if need be.. While anything is possible, maybe the perp is someone she felt comfortable with (at least at first) and he was able to get her away from where she would have been heard by others, etc. bringing Morgan's guard down. Then something bad happened.
After the basketball players, she was seen near where her purse was found and that was it.. Morgan approached the BB players after their practice. That was University Hall area, yet are they the same witnesses or different ones than those who saw her around Lannigan Field the RV lot where her purse was found? I wish LE would tell us what Morgan said to the BB players!
Who was the witness or witnesses that seen Morgan in sighting #5 the RV lot in Lannigan field?
The last sighting of her is on the Copeley rd bridge, which supposedly she was seen hitchhiking.
Her purse was found near where she was spotted in sighting #5. Did the last witness who seen her hitchhiking or on the bridge area, did they see her with her purse or not?
This is very important.. it would be the difference maybe between Morgan either dropping her purse herself or someone else doing it.
The only reason why someone would drop their purse and leave it behind is if they can't stay there and pick it up, which would mean danger!
When and where did Morgan meet up with someone else?
She felt comfortable outside the arena at different witness sightings to not call police or her parents, or you would think she would have done so. When she did come across people, they would surely lend her their cell phone to call 911 had she wanted. She doesn't visually look like a threat to anyone.
IMO, she felt safe until a certain point. At some point maybe her cell phone wasn't working (no service, dead zone, battery died).. that would be the only reason to ask others' to borrow their cell phones.
Call someone up to go get her.. who would she call that lives around there that she would have their number?
If she didn't know anyone around that area, i would think she would stick around the outside of JPJ arena and what was familiar until the concert finished. She walks off, somewhat familiar with the area. Possibly she met someone inside the concert with intentions to meet up with them later, she gets stuck outside the concert, if she was meeting someone they didn't show at the time they were supposed to.
So did she meet someone she had met inside the concert, or prior to the concert, or did she meet someone she had never met before she got stuck outside and couldn't get back in?

What if she was never hitchhiking and she was merely pointing and the witness got confused?
She was seen talking into the window of a black suv?

This case is baffling..
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