Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #8

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We know that MH is outside JPJ and told her friends she would get a ride. We were told that she texted a male in another city.

What if the male she texted was her brother who graduated from UVa - she tells him she is stranded outside JPJ - her brother agrees to send a friend in Charlottesville to meet her and either drive her to Harrisonburg or elsewhere - meeting place the bridge.

MH needs access to "friends" in Charlottesville, her brother is the obvious one to contact. I doubt she has an endless contact list on her phone

His physical appearance in the news video yesterday was a tad bizarre ... hair in a sumo updo topknot, leggings and a trapeze coat ... very dramatic. It also may explain why he has kept such a low profile.

I keep going back to the initial presser where the parents acted like she would show up in time for her test on Tuesday ... there were remarks that "someone" in Charlottesville had information ...

She could have met the "friend" and left the area... later that night something fatal happened. The "friend" panicked and took the purse back to JPJ to throw off suspicion. He may even be telling MH's brother that MH was gone by the time he arrived at JPJ to meet her ...

LE has continued to ask for any sightings of MH getting into a car. They may need witnesses to place MH in the friend's car ....
We know that MH is outside JPJ and told her friends she would get a ride. We were told that she texted a male in another city.

What if the male she texted was her brother who graduated from UVa - she tells him she is stranded outside JPJ - her brother agrees to send a friend in Charlottesville to meet her and either drive her to Harrisonburg or elsewhere - meeting place the bridge.

MH needs access to "friends" in Charlottesville, her brother is the obvious one to contact. I doubt she has an endless contact list on her phone

His physical appearance in the news video yesterday was a tad bizarre ... hair in a sumo updo topknot, leggings and a trapeze coat ... very dramatic. It also may explain why he has kept such a low profile.

I keep going back to the initial presser where the parents acted like she would show up in time for her test on Tuesday ... there were remarks that "someone" in Charlottesville had information ...

She could have met the "friend" and left the area... later that night something fatal happened. The "friend" panicked and took the purse back to JPJ to throw off suspicion. He may even be telling MH's brother that MH was gone by the time he arrived at JPJ to meet her ...

LE has continued to ask for any sightings of MH getting into a car. They may need witnesses to place MH in the friend's car ....

Hmm. I hadn't thought of this, but it does seem possible that the unknown male she was texting could have been her brother. This would explain why LE was quick to say he wasn't a suspect and that he was out of the Charlottesville area.
Excellent summary and questions. My responses in blue below.

respectfully snipped

After the basketball players, she was seen near where her purse was found and that was it..

Morgan approached the BB players after their practice. That was University Hall area, yet are they the same witnesses or different ones than those who saw her around Lannigan Field the RV lot where her purse was found? I wish LE would tell us what Morgan said to the BB players!
Who was the witness or witnesses that seen Morgan in sighting #5 the RV lot in Lannigan field?
Without word to the contrary, I've assumed it is the basketball players as well as possibly some other unnamed eyewitnesses. But other than athletes who were using that lot, it might have been pretty R.V. parking for concerts, only athletic events, and Metallica had already started or was about to start playing by 9:30, so fans would be inside (and not parking there anyway).
The last sighting of her is on the Copeley rd bridge, which supposedly she was seen hitchhiking.
Her purse was found near where she was spotted in sighting #5. Did the last witness who seen her hitchhiking or on the bridge area, did they see her with her purse or not? Great question...I've seen no info on this. And since the bridge is some distance from the parking lot where her purse was found...
This is very important.. it would be the difference maybe between Morgan either dropping her purse herself or someone else doing it.
The only reason why someone would drop their purse and leave it behind is if they can't stay there and pick it up, which would mean danger!Or, as others have suggested, impairment, whether something ingested on purpose or accidentally, cold, head injury...
When and where did Morgan meet up with someone else? That's the key question, and all we have is speculation and lots of theories.


This case is baffling..
Has it been confirmed that she was booted from the arena?

I tend to think that is a very plausible and likely scenario - but I thought the "official" statement was that she wasn't kicked out of the arena.

not that i'm aware of, no. i was just feeding off of someone else's suggestion that she might have been (despite the info to the contrary - after all, the rest of the info doesn't seem all that solid, so why not?)
Has it been confirmed that she was booted from the arena?

I tend to think that is a very plausible and likely scenario - but I thought the "official" statement was that she wasn't kicked out of the arena.

comment at:
"anonymous123at 10.26.2009 11:32PM

I am about 95% positive i saw this girl between 8:30 and 8:45. I was waiting with a friend by the entrance to the arena (im not sure if more than one entrance was open, we were right by the parking garage) when this girl tried to go into the show. It appeared that she didn't have a ticket. When the people working the venue searched her pocket book they pulled a bottle of prescription pills and a flask. The people gave her the pills back but kept the flask. If any of her friends know if she had a flask and pills, i think it would confirm that this was her, and at least the timeline is a little better. I also remember she was wearing black gloves, or wrist wraps of some sort. I reported this to the Charlottesville police and told them this, but they didnt seem very interested."
comment at:
"anonymous123at 10.26.2009 11:32PM

I am about 95% positive i saw this girl between 8:30 and 8:45. I was waiting with a friend by the entrance to the arena (im not sure if more than one entrance was open, we were right by the parking garage) when this girl tried to go into the show. It appeared that she didn't have a ticket. When the people working the venue searched her pocket book they pulled a bottle of prescription pills and a flask. The people gave her the pills back but kept the flask. If any of her friends know if she had a flask and pills, i think it would confirm that this was her, and at least the timeline is a little better. I also remember she was wearing black gloves, or wrist wraps of some sort. I reported this to the Charlottesville police and told them this, but they didnt seem very interested."

The gloves don't sound right, unless that is being withheld by LE, though black "scrunchies" for her hair could I suppose fit the description of "wrist wraps of some sort."

If MH had gone out to her car to get a flask (one possible reason under the general category of "she went to the car to get something assuming she could get back in" set of theories), then was denied reentry because of the flask (and/or her condition), this would explain her being stuck outside.

It also may fit with speculation that there were extra tickets (e.g., on her person or in the car) and that she really thought she'd be able to get back in (and her friends being so nonchalant at the time and possibly covering up after), only to be foiled by trying to bring alcohol in? Is that enough to deny someone admission, or do they just keep the hooch?
The gloves don't sound right, unless that is being withheld by LE, though black "scrunchies" for her hair could I suppose fit the description of "wrist wraps of some sort."

If MH had gone out to her car to get a flask (one possible reason under the general category of "she went to the car to get something assuming she could get back in" set of theories), then was denied reentry because of the flask (and/or her condition), this would explain her being stuck outside.

It also may fit with speculation that there were extra tickets (e.g., on her person or in the car) and that she really thought she'd be able to get back in (and her friends being so nonchalant at the time and possibly covering up after), only to be foiled by trying to bring alcohol in? Is that enough to deny someone admission, or do they just keep the hooch?
Well to be honest with you, I've been to a concert before with someone who ended up having marijuana in their backpack and they took the marijuana and my friend even said to the lady I'll take it back to the car and she said I can either throw it in this trash can or I can call police and of course my friend said okay you can keep it in the trash, so yeah I think it's possible for her to still have gotten in even though she once had a flask.
Personally I think after all this time...they got nothing. That is why no press conferences and nothing coming from any of them. I was really suprised when they made a statement concerning the basketball players. Perhaps some inner fighting between LE? UVA police and VSP. Maybe UVA is growing weary of the nothing too and decided to try and stop the rumors and emails and whispers.

Anyway in my humble opinion ..They got nothing.

Personally I think after all this time...they got nothing. That is why no press conferences and nothing coming from any of them. I was really suprised when they made a statement concerning the basketball players. Perhaps some inner fighting between LE? UVA police and VSP. Maybe UVA is growing weary of the nothing too and decided to try and stop the rumors and emails and whispers.

Anyway in my humble opinion ..They got nothing.


The most obvious suspect is always the BF. Why else would she leave the Metallica concert just as the band was about to start? The BF was angry, and to punish her he was wrecking up her evening. She goes running out to him despite the cold. He demands that she meet him on the bridge (rather than in front of the arena), because he knows that there are no cameras there. He either broke the blue phone or knows that it doesn't work. (He might frequent the area.) In a state of rage, he throws her pocketbook & cell out the window. He wants to get rid of her ID to make identifying the body difficult. (Maybe LE were puzzled, if a lot of cash were found & tickets still inside the wallet). Were those guys in that group photo athletes? BB players? Is the guy standing behind her the BF?
The most obvious suspect is always the BF. Why else would she leave the Metallica concert just as the band was about to start? The BF was angry, and to punish her he was wrecking up her evening. She goes running out to him despite the cold. He demands that she meet him on the bridge (rather than in front of the arena), because he knows that there are no cameras there. He either broke the blue phone or knows that it doesn't work. (He might frequent the area.) In a state of rage, he throws her pocketbook & cell out the window. He wants to get rid of her ID to make identifying the body difficult. (Maybe LE were puzzled, if a lot of cash were found & tickets still inside the wallet). Were those guys in that group photo athletes? BB players? Is the guy standing behind her the BF?

I thought from the beginning Dad said Morgan had no boyfriend? Or are you referrring to the mysterious b/f of one of the friends?

MOO the young black man standing behind Morgan looks more like a friend. I think Morgan would have gone for a big athlete or a bad boy.
His physical appearance in the news video yesterday was a tad bizarre ... hair in a sumo updo topknot, leggings and a trapeze coat ... very dramatic. It also may explain why he has kept such a low profile.

I don't think this is important at all- but I do not find his appearance is bizarre.

I am now also starting to believe LE really doesn't have anything.There may be a bunch of info.from the friends being held back(from the public) about drugs or drinking or parties before and after but I now don't think this stuff really matters- she was just whisked away by some unknown person.I'm saying, LE may know about all kinds of details- but ultimately she was out there alone for a time and none of the known characters can be tied to her whereabouts.
In my post #712 I am quoting another person saying Alex looks bizarre the quote shading didn't show up.
haven’t posted for several days as I was traveling over the holiday. I returned to Roanoke, VA where I grew up. I was expecting to see overwhelming support for the Harrington family. I was sure there would be yellow ribbons, signs and flyers posted everywhere as this was Morgan’s home. Sadly, this was not the case.

I hesitated as to whether to post this at all given Morgan’s family probably reads these forums but given that they seem to be practical folks, I suspect they already know all this. Roanoke, Salem and the surrounding cities are busy during the holiday due to many of the kids who are in college returning home to see their families. The local restaurants and bars are crowded all the time. I was in several restaurants in Roanoke that are well known gathering places for college kids with my nephew who goes to VA TECH and each one was packed. However, there were no indications anywhere that a girl was missing. No flyers on the doors or windows at all. I asked several of the managers about putting a flyer up or if they had done so in the past. Most all of them said they had not had any flyer posted at all. They all said that with the holidays coming they weren’t interested in putting one up. Didn’t want to depress people. I would like to think that there are a lot of places that do have them up and I just didn’t hit those places; but I know that’s not the case. I did find a couple of business who had put up a “missing” flyer but had taken it down because it happened, “a long time ago”. To their credit the only one I saw was at “Mac and Bob’s” in Salem, VA They had a flyer right by the door when you walked out. What is worse is that the city of Roanoke had a “Drumstick Dash” run/walk on Thanksgiving Day to raise money for the homeless. It was quite a success with over 7000 people participating. In a city the size of Roanoke, that is a HUGE crowd. You would think that people would have been out passing out flyers and that business would have had them in the windows that line the route; but there was nothing at all. I could not believe it. The local news had only a ninety second clip Thanksgiving Day about the case and showed the family in C’ville. Nothing else on TV the entire time I was there. A friend of mine that works for the Roanoke Times said that Morgan was yesterday’s news. I travelled by car to Roanoke and did not see any flyers at the local rest stops near Roanoke. There aren’t many open as lots have been closed, but nothing anywhere.

My nephew goes to VA TECH and has a roommate that used to date one of the “9”. He told me that the group was not saying a thing and that most everyone wasn’t asking them questions because they knew they couldn’t talk. That is to be expected. What was a surprise though is when I asked him what people on campus thought happened to Morgan. He just kind of shrugged and said that people didn’t know what to think. He said there was never a sense of urgency about the entire thing. A lot of kids don’t think she was taken by anyone. They don’t know quite what to think but many feel there was not a crime involved. He went on to say that although the group of her so called friends weren’t talking, they weren’t exactly acting like concerned friends either. Each has pretty much gone on with their life. Studying, going to parties, dating, which is to be expected but he said that it’s their overall attitude that is strange. Kind of like, “yea, we were there and she’s missing now, so what? What are we supposed to do about it?” A lot of students think this a strange way to act for friends that supposedly cared so much.

I have several friends there that are in LE and they were almost no help at all. Not because they didn’t want to tell me what was going on but because they didn’t know. The case is being handled by the VSP and local LE in C’ville and they just aren’t hearing anything in Roanoke. I did hear however that while some were questioning whether Morgan was at the JPJ arena that night, saying there wasn’t video of it anywhere, the authorities know she was. And the person that told me this raised a good point; If she wasn’t there, UVA and JPJ arena would have been all over the media saying that reports the Morgan was at the JPJ are false, don’t blame us, etc. and that has not been done. There is some type of evidence, more than just the word of her friends, that she was there.

Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as we go into the holiday season. I’m afraid that fewer and fewer people are these days after what I saw this week. Let’s not let Morgan become "yesterday's news".
haven’t posted for several days as I was traveling over the holiday. I returned to Roanoke, VA where I grew up. I was expecting to see overwhelming support for the Harrington family. I was sure there would be yellow ribbons, signs and flyers posted everywhere as this was Morgan’s home. Sadly, this was not the case.

I hesitated as to whether to post this at all given Morgan’s family probably reads these forums but given that they seem to be practical folks, I suspect they already know all this. Roanoke, Salem and the surrounding cities are busy during the holiday due to many of the kids who are in college returning home to see their families. The local restaurants and bars are crowded all the time. I was in several restaurants in Roanoke that are well known gathering places for college kids with my nephew who goes to VA TECH and each one was packed. However, there were no indications anywhere that a girl was missing. No flyers on the doors or windows at all. I asked several of the managers about putting a flyer up or if they had done so in the past. Most all of them said they had not had any flyer posted at all. They all said that with the holidays coming they weren’t interested in putting one up. Didn’t want to depress people. I would like to think that there are a lot of places that do have them up and I just didn’t hit those places; but I know that’s not the case. I did find a couple of business who had put up a “missing” flyer but had taken it down because it happened, “a long time ago”. To their credit the only one I saw was at “Mac and Bob’s” in Salem, VA They had a flyer right by the door when you walked out. What is worse is that the city of Roanoke had a “Drumstick Dash” run/walk on Thanksgiving Day to raise money for the homeless. It was quite a success with over 7000 people participating. In a city the size of Roanoke, that is a HUGE crowd. You would think that people would have been out passing out flyers and that business would have had them in the windows that line the route; but there was nothing at all. I could not believe it. The local news had only a ninety second clip Thanksgiving Day about the case and showed the family in C’ville. Nothing else on TV the entire time I was there. A friend of mine that works for the Roanoke Times said that Morgan was yesterday’s news. I travelled by car to Roanoke and did not see any flyers at the local rest stops near Roanoke. There aren’t many open as lots have been closed, but nothing anywhere.

My nephew goes to VA TECH and has a roommate that used to date one of the “9”. He told me that the group was not saying a thing and that most everyone wasn’t asking them questions because they knew they couldn’t talk. That is to be expected. What was a surprise though is when I asked him what people on campus thought happened to Morgan. He just kind of shrugged and said that people didn’t know what to think. He said there was never a sense of urgency about the entire thing. A lot of kids don’t think she was taken by anyone. They don’t know quite what to think but many feel there was not a crime involved. He went on to say that although the group of her so called friends weren’t talking, they weren’t exactly acting like concerned friends either. Each has pretty much gone on with their life. Studying, going to parties, dating, which is to be expected but he said that it’s their overall attitude that is strange. Kind of like, “yea, we were there and she’s missing now, so what? What are we supposed to do about it?” A lot of students think this a strange way to act for friends that supposedly cared so much.

I have several friends there that are in LE and they were almost no help at all. Not because they didn’t want to tell me what was going on but because they didn’t know. The case is being handled by the VSP and local LE in C’ville and they just aren’t hearing anything in Roanoke. I did hear however that while some were questioning whether Morgan was at the JPJ arena that night, saying there wasn’t video of it anywhere, the authorities know she was. And the person that told me this raised a good point; If she wasn’t there, UVA and JPJ arena would have been all over the media saying that reports the Morgan was at the JPJ are false, don’t blame us, etc. and that has not been done. There is some type of evidence, more than just the word of her friends, that she was there.

Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as we go into the holiday season. I’m afraid that fewer and fewer people are these days after what I saw this week. Let’s not let Morgan become "yesterday's news".

this just confirms my worst fears... so, now what? how come it is that NO ONE seems to care? what has to happen for someone to care? i dont even know her and i care how can her friends and classmates just not care?
Wow..that is depressing

I wonder sometimes if in this "brave new world" of instant media, if SOME cases will be "bottlenecked" due to fear of what has happened in the past?

for example...I remember the roommates of a guy that Casey Anthony dated (apparently casually)....they were inteviewed on tv...and they said the name of their school (a rather unusual name, school for filmmakers)...all of a sudden these guys names, their school etc were bandied about on internet forums

some people were even scoping out the school *(which had nothing to do with the case of course)...I just think of things like that

maybe the "friends" are keeping mum...for their own sakes. Not sure that they really have anything to say that would help

from the start I felt that some facts were not out there (ie, drinking, maybe drugs) "protect the innocent"

whatever Morgan's condition or her friends apparently LE doesn't feel it impacts whatever happened, whatever was said or done might "lead" to finding her....

I think of Virginia as a more "conservative" place...maybe people are not as apt to get their faces out there (unlike California where everyone wants to be a star, or Florida, where anything and everything can and will, a secretary just called in a bomb threat to delay a flight so her boss would not miss it and get her in "trouble" LOL)

Bottom line this is sad...but at some point I wonder in these cases...what would a flyer or a poster do?? the people who were at the concert or in the area are surely aware of this by now right?? They have had "tips" and as much info

the scary scenario of a very random, quick encounter with the wrong person is horrific but honestly this seems more and more likely

some random encounter with a very bad guy....taken quickly (or accept a ride) one to see, no one to know?
comment at:
"anonymous123at 10.26.2009 11:32PM

I am about 95% positive i saw this girl between 8:30 and 8:45. I was waiting with a friend by the entrance to the arena (im not sure if more than one entrance was open, we were right by the parking garage) when this girl tried to go into the show. It appeared that she didn't have a ticket. When the people working the venue searched her pocket book they pulled a bottle of prescription pills and a flask. The people gave her the pills back but kept the flask. If any of her friends know if she had a flask and pills, i think it would confirm that this was her, and at least the timeline is a little better. I also remember she was wearing black gloves, or wrist wraps of some sort. I reported this to the Charlottesville police and told them this, but they didnt seem very interested."

If possible this person really did see Morgan (amidst all the witness supposed sightings, i know..) it would seem that the prescription pills really did belong to the girl, as they were given back to her. They would have to have her name on them. However who's to say they aren't painkillers or Exstacy throw into a pill bottle as disguise? I would never bring my medication into a concert, i would take it beforehand. Not only could it get lost or stolen, there's just no need to bring a pill bottle into an event like that unless one intends to sell it, or has no where else to keep it until later (took a bus there, etc. no glove compartment).
Anyhow a mixture of a flask (most likely hard liqour) and pills can be deadly and would certainly affect someone of Morgan's height and weight, depending on how many they took. Even to take 1 or 2 pills (say they are extrastrength vicodin for example) along with alcohol is a horrible combination. I would think it would impair the individual.

I agree with Part Time Prof in that the girl could have been wearing hair scrunchies around her wrists, i've seen girls do that a lot for decades now.

The person who witnessed the girl also says that she did report what she saw to LE, who didn't seem interested. This could be taken a number of ways, maybe they had info to rule out that it was Morgan who was seen..
haven’t posted for several days as I was traveling over the holiday. I returned to Roanoke, VA where I grew up. I was expecting to see overwhelming support for the Harrington family. I was sure there would be yellow ribbons, signs and flyers posted everywhere as this was Morgan’s home. Sadly, this was not the case.

I hesitated as to whether to post this at all given Morgan’s family probably reads these forums but given that they seem to be practical folks, I suspect they already know all this. Roanoke, Salem and the surrounding cities are busy during the holiday due to many of the kids who are in college returning home to see their families. The local restaurants and bars are crowded all the time. I was in several restaurants in Roanoke that are well known gathering places for college kids with my nephew who goes to VA TECH and each one was packed. However, there were no indications anywhere that a girl was missing. No flyers on the doors or windows at all. I asked several of the managers about putting a flyer up or if they had done so in the past. Most all of them said they had not had any flyer posted at all. They all said that with the holidays coming they weren’t interested in putting one up. Didn’t want to depress people.
This is another sad but true thing. I can see where there thinking is, however i disagree with it. Hanging up at least one poster per bar or establishment isn't going to hurt anything. Nor will it be more likely to depress people. What it may have to do with is business. They want business, they are afraid that missing posters may bring in a sense of fear that it is not safe out there, a girl went missing and is not found. This false sense of security is not helpful, it's more destructive, as some fear is good for people. It's better that they be aware of things than ignorant in their bliss that nothing bad ever happens.
I would like to think that there are a lot of places that do have them up and I just didn’t hit those places; but I know that’s not the case. I did find a couple of business who had put up a “missing” flyer but had taken it down because it happened, “a long time ago”. To their credit the only one I saw was at “Mac and Bob’s” in Salem, VA They had a flyer right by the door when you walked out. What is worse is that the city of Roanoke had a “Drumstick Dash” run/walk on Thanksgiving Day to raise money for the homeless. It was quite a success with over 7000 people participating. In a city the size of Roanoke, that is a HUGE crowd. You would think that people would have been out passing out flyers and that business would have had them in the windows that line the route; but there was nothing at all. I could not believe it. The local news had only a ninety second clip Thanksgiving Day about the case and showed the family in C’ville. Nothing else on TV the entire time I was there. A friend of mine that works for the Roanoke Times said that Morgan was yesterday’s news. I travelled by car to Roanoke and did not see any flyers at the local rest stops near Roanoke. There aren’t many open as lots have been closed, but nothing anywhere.
This is very sad, and it is true with our news media, they are constantly on the hunt for better ratings, newer stories. They want whatever will sell and bring in their ratings, morals aside.
This is why i love Websleuths, we give attention to cases that the media could care less about. We stick with them. Hopefully this case will come to a resolution of some sort before becoming "yesterday's news" completely. It's very sad that we live in a society like this, where they news considers some missing people (if they get chose at all by the news to air) as given their 15 seconds of fame.
My nephew goes to VA TECH and has a roommate that used to date one of the “9”. He told me that the group was not saying a thing and that most everyone wasn’t asking them questions because they knew they couldn’t talk. That is to be expected.
That may be the problem, that no one is asking them questions. Why can't they talk? Lawyers? LE? People need to be asking these girls questions, especially since they don't act like concerned grieving guilt ridden friends. If they were involved, they actually acted concerned then there wouldn't be as much need, as they would be acting open about the whole thing, imo. These girls are a closed book. They are being silent and it's obviously working for them. That needs to change,imo.
IMO, i think they have silently hired family lawyers (especially with their backgrounds, they can afford it). I honestly don't think they have told LE everything they know, which is just my opinion. Even if they are covering up something small to them, it may be a bombshell for LE.

What was a surprise though is when I asked him what people on campus thought happened to Morgan. He just kind of shrugged and said that people didn’t know what to think. He said there was never a sense of urgency about the entire thing. A lot of kids don’t think she was taken by anyone. They don’t know quite what to think but many feel there was not a crime involved. He went on to say that although the group of her so called friends weren’t talking, they weren’t exactly acting like concerned friends either. Each has pretty much gone on with their life. Studying, going to parties, dating, which is to be expected but he said that it’s their overall attitude that is strange. Kind of like, “yea, we were there and she’s missing now, so what? What are we supposed to do about it?” A lot of students think this a strange way to act for friends that supposedly cared so much.
ITA, it is very strange that her friends would just move on (or act like they have) when one of their "9", a group supposed to be so close like that of sisters, best friends, is missing. Her friends behavior is the opposite of that of those who are grieving. What suprises me is that Morgan's parents don't knowledge this. However i do understand that it would be very hard to. These girls they had accepted into their house for years, as if they were their own children. It is hard to think that those we love dearly, almost as much as our own would do or know anything related to Morgan's disappearance. The Harringtons have fed those other girls in the 9, they've welcomed them into their home, they were friends with Morgan who so many years, they watched them grow up along with Morgan..
The silence of the "9" is deafening. If one of my close friends went missing i certainly would be outspoken about it, grieving, and trying my hardest to offer support to her family, helping LE. I would put my life on hold until there was some type of closure in this case. These girls, so called friends of Morgan, didn't do that. They continue on with their lives as if nothing is out of the normal. It's beyond a state of denial. Don't they feel any guilt at all? I know i would.. Has one of them accompanied Morgan, things most likely wouldn't have turned out the way they did. S Snead makes a statement in a video "obviously if we knew.." she sounds void of emotion.
Are the girls purposely numbing themselves and carrying on with their life as if they were never missing Morgan to begin with, in hopes this will go away? LE asked for them to help in the first press conference, they asked them to get involved. These friends do the opposite. I can't get past it.
They are actually going on with their lives. It seems very defensive of them. What are they hiding?

I have several friends there that are in LE and they were almost no help at all. Not because they didn’t want to tell me what was going on but because they didn’t know. The case is being handled by the VSP and local LE in C’ville and they just aren’t hearing anything in Roanoke. I did hear however that while some were questioning whether Morgan was at the JPJ arena that night, saying there wasn’t video of it anywhere, the authorities know she was. And the person that told me this raised a good point; If she wasn’t there, UVA and JPJ arena would have been all over the media saying that reports the Morgan was at the JPJ are false, don’t blame us, etc. and that has not been done. There is some type of evidence, more than just the word of her friends, that she was there.

Thank you Ghost, i agree that they have solid proof that Morgan was indeed at the concert that night. Hopefully this will clear it up for those who aren't sure on that fact. LE has good reason to know that Morgan was at the arena. The attention has been focused around the arena and surrounding area since the start of this case. Also many searches were done around the same area.
Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as we go into the holiday season. I’m afraid that fewer and fewer people are these days after what I saw this week. Let’s not let Morgan become "yesterday's news".

Ghost, i replied to your post in blue, as it's easier for me that way. =)
Thank you for posting what you saw, it is important. It's very sad to see know that different establishments didn't hang up any missing persons posters and that reporters may consider Morgan "yesterday's news". However, it is the truth, and the truth is what we search for here.
Well to be honest with you, I've been to a concert before with someone who ended up having marijuana in their backpack and they took the marijuana and my friend even said to the lady I'll take it back to the car and she said I can either throw it in this trash can or I can call police and of course my friend said okay you can keep it in the trash, so yeah I think it's possible for her to still have gotten in even though she once had a flask.

I agree with your post. In my younger days when we went to concerts, the guys would put the marijuana down their pants so that it would be hidden if they do a pat down search. It was always successful and they managed to get it into the concert. So if one wanted to smuggle it in, there is always a way. At all the concerts i've been to, there has always been the smell of marijuana in the air from someone. Even in inside arenas.
We know that MH is outside JPJ and told her friends she would get a ride. We were told that she texted a male in another city.

What if the male she texted was her brother who graduated from UVa - she tells him she is stranded outside JPJ - her brother agrees to send a friend in Charlottesville to meet her and either drive her to Harrisonburg or elsewhere - meeting place the bridge.

MH needs access to "friends" in Charlottesville, her brother is the obvious one to contact. I doubt she has an endless contact list on her phone

His physical appearance in the news video yesterday was a tad bizarre ... hair in a sumo updo topknot, leggings and a trapeze coat ... very dramatic. It also may explain why he has kept such a low profile.

I keep going back to the initial presser where the parents acted like she would show up in time for her test on Tuesday ... there were remarks that "someone" in Charlottesville had information ...

She could have met the "friend" and left the area... later that night something fatal happened. The "friend" panicked and took the purse back to JPJ to throw off suspicion. He may even be telling MH's brother that MH was gone by the time he arrived at JPJ to meet her ...

LE has continued to ask for any sightings of MH getting into a car. They may need witnesses to place MH in the friend's car ....

IMO, the way Morgan's brother dresses is not bizarre, neither is his sexual orientation or anything else about him. It's also irrelevant to the case.
Maybe he realizes that others may not be so openminded so he chooses to keep a low profile to keep the focus off him and staying on Morgan.
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