Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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Actually if I am looking at the right one is that a backpack purse on the blondes back? Seems to have a light colored shirt on.
Regarding the basketball players ..this was put out by Virginia Tech...

This is a very frustrating "case" to watch....just no real leads...
so hard to think of this young vibrant woman just gone into thin air..

I do think that sometimes the "momentum" just drops away when there is really nothing to go on, no real suspect/s, nothing

Yes, the friends weren't the greatest to say the least...but really they have probably told LE a lot by now...and there may not be that much to tell

My own guess is that Morgan was impaired , drinking, maybe drugs..

and I think that whoever "took" her is the only one who knows (or if two or more took her, they know I should say)...and they aren't about to tell

floats and asking people to call in tips isn't going to do much that I can see

I think they need to get some massive searches going, JMO
If Morgan's friends left her at the side of the stage (as in they didn't bother to stay where the best "seats" were in the house, which would be considered the standing room right below the stage, it shows that Morgan's friends weren't into this concert as much as Morgan was. Most people who go to see a band they like will try very hard to get a good spot in front of the stage and they will stay there, otherwise they'll loose their spot. If Morgan's friends accompanied her to that spot in front (if they even accompanied her at all) that they didn't stay there shows that they weren't as interested in the concert as Morgan was, imo..

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I thought the group had seats in the 300 section. Tickets for the GA/Floor/pit are sold specifically as such, because they can only put so many people in that area. It's a safety concern and probably a fire regulation thing as well. It's possible - although really unlikely; I've never pulled it off myself or seen anyone successfully do it - to sneak in without really belonging down there, but I doubt these girls did.

Unless ... if you want another theory to throw around, maybe Morgan WAS more excited about the concert than her friends, and she scalped her 300 seat at the arena for a floor ticket and wasn't even with her friends for the night. She would have had to hand over some cash as well as her original ticket, and her friends might not have been willing or able to do the same.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I thought the group had seats in the 300 section. Tickets for the GA/Floor/pit are sold specifically as such, because they can only put so many people in that area. It's a safety concern and probably a fire regulation thing as well. It's possible - although really unlikely; I've never pulled it off myself or seen anyone successfully do it - to sneak in without really belonging down there, but I doubt these girls did.

Unless ... if you want another theory to throw around, maybe Morgan WAS more excited about the concert than her friends, and she scalped her 300 seat at the arena for a floor ticket and wasn't even with her friends for the night. She would have had to hand over some cash as well as her original ticket, and her friends might not have been willing or able to do the same.

BBM: I agree with you here. In all the concerts I've been to, it's been near impossible to get onto the floor. They have security people or venue workers at each area with a flashlight, checking tickets and telling you where your seat is. You can't go to an area that you don't have a ticket for, they will not let you. This is not to say that MH didn't attempt this (and possibly succeed somehow), but just saying that in my experience and those of others posting here, it's next to impossible to do so I would think the odds are low in this instance. Although now that I think about it, do we have any actual confirmation of where their seats were? I keep seeing section 312 or something, but haven't seen any actual confirmation.
These rumors are nothing more than over glorified gossip by people who either dislike or are jealous of MH and/or her family. Anyone remember playing "telephone" as children??? However, gossip generally has some kernel of truth but good luck finding it...

You say this with what sounds like certainty...we all need to remember here that we know pretty much nothing for certain other than a 20 year old young woman named Morgan Dana Harrington is missing. We are all here trying in some way to help do what we possibly can to bring her home.

These rumors could be true, they could be false, but they are out there and they did come from different people who have more "in" on this case than most of us here, so to use your saying above, there probably is a kernel of truth in them.

Harrington DNA Collected
Posted: Dec 09, 2009 9:22 PM EST
Updated: Dec 09, 2009 9:50 PM EST
Virginia State Police investigators have collected DNA samples from Morgan Harrington's parents.

The Virginia Tech student disappeared in Charlottesville 53 days ago.

On the website dedicated to finding Morgan, Harrington's mother Gil says that the samples were collected just after Thanksgiving.

Video: Harrington DNA Collected 0:18


its was a photo, not video.
finally found it though.

Thanks for the link. The only thing is that this person doesnt have a black shirt on and in the video it seems like the person is wearing a short sleeved black shirt. IDK....
I caught the last 20 minutes or so of Jane Velez Mitchell’s show on CNN last night. The show was called Victim’s Heartland. It was dealing with the ongoing cases of Morgan Harrington and Britanee Drexel. In the last few minutes I saw JVM gave a re-cap of the VSP timeline that puts Morgan on the bridge at 9:30 pm. JVM made the statement “according to numerous witnesses”, Morgan was last seen on the bridge hitchhiking. I don’t think I’ve ever heard VSP say just how many witnesses there were. Then JVM went to Gil Harrington who was on a phone hook-up but not in the studio. She asked for a closing thought on Morgan. Gil responded by saying that the last info they have on her was that she was seen on the bridge. She went on to say that someone had to have seen her get into a car; if they did please let LE know about it. Then she thanked JVM for having her on. That was it.

At first I thought this must be a repeat. But it wasn’t. JVM mentioned the Christmas parades that were organized by her (Morgan's) friends at the center where she volunteered, that took place last week. Two things struck me as odd. First, JVM made mention of her friends she worked with being in the parade but none of the core group. Has anyone heard exactly which friends were in the parades? Did any of that core group go? The second thing was that not long ago someone here posted a link to the Harrington’s website showing Gil for a second time, seemingly speaking to someone directly about being a hero and letting Morgan go. I thought it was strange last night when JVM gave her a minute to make a final comment, she didn’t address someone directly like she had in the past. She just said if anyone saw anything… I wonder why? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Here is the link to the show;

I caught the last 20 minutes or so of Jane Velez Mitchell’s show on CNN last night. The show was called Victim’s Heartland. It was dealing with the ongoing cases of Morgan Harrington and Britanee Drexel. In the last few minutes I saw JVM gave a re-cap of the VSP timeline that puts Morgan on the bridge at 9:30 pm. JVM made the statement “according to numerous witnesses”, Morgan was last seen on the bridge hitchhiking. I don’t think I’ve ever heard VSP say just how many witnesses there were. Then JVM went to Gil Harrington who was on a phone hook-up but not in the studio. She asked for a closing thought on Morgan. Gil responded by saying that the last info they have on her was that she was seen on the bridge. She went on to say that someone had to have seen her get into a car; if they did please let LE know about it. Then she thanked JVM for having her on. That was it.

At first I thought this must be a repeat. But it wasn’t. JVM mentioned the Christmas parades that were organized by her (Morgan's) friends at the center where she volunteered, that took place last week. Two things struck me as odd. First, JVM made mention of her friends she worked with being in the parade but none of the core group. Has anyone heard exactly which friends were in the parades? Did any of that core group go? The second thing was that not long ago someone here posted a link to the Harrington’s website showing Gil for a second time, seemingly speaking to someone directly about being a hero and letting Morgan go. I thought it was strange last night when JVM gave her a minute to make a final comment, she didn’t address someone directly like she had in the past. She just said if anyone saw anything… I wonder why? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Here is the link to the show;


sounds like something in particular is niggling at you ghostmaster, what are you thinking? i have always gotten an odd feeling about gil, not really a bad feeling but more like i cant quite tell where she is coming from. most parents and family are clearly distraught or angry or something i can recognize. im sure she is distraught but she shows it in a way that i just cant really relate to. i do think at times she has been flat out evasive in response to questions that she was asked on heraldo (or something that she was on live, cant really remember) but she had been asked some things about the friends and she didnt respond she just changed the subject without saying that she couldnt/shouldnt respond, just nothing... so, im not bashing her mom or family at all i feel horrible for them ... but gil consistently comes off as odd to me...
I caught the last 20 minutes or so of Jane Velez Mitchell’s show on CNN last night. The show was called Victim’s Heartland. It was dealing with the ongoing cases of Morgan Harrington and Britanee Drexel. In the last few minutes I saw JVM gave a re-cap of the VSP timeline that puts Morgan on the bridge at 9:30 pm. JVM made the statement “according to numerous witnesses”, Morgan was last seen on the bridge hitchhiking. I don’t think I’ve ever heard VSP say just how many witnesses there were. Then JVM went to Gil Harrington who was on a phone hook-up but not in the studio. She asked for a closing thought on Morgan. Gil responded by saying that the last info they have on her was that she was seen on the bridge. She went on to say that someone had to have seen her get into a car; if they did please let LE know about it. Then she thanked JVM for having her on. That was it.

At first I thought this must be a repeat. But it wasn’t. JVM mentioned the Christmas parades that were organized by her (Morgan's) friends at the center where she volunteered, that took place last week. Two things struck me as odd. First, JVM made mention of her friends she worked with being in the parade but none of the core group. Has anyone heard exactly which friends were in the parades? Did any of that core group go? The second thing was that not long ago someone here posted a link to the Harrington’s website showing Gil for a second time, seemingly speaking to someone directly about being a hero and letting Morgan go. I thought it was strange last night when JVM gave her a minute to make a final comment, she didn’t address someone directly like she had in the past. She just said if anyone saw anything… I wonder why? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Here is the link to the show;


My first (more optimistic) thought is that maybe LE has a POI in mind and possibly asked the Harringtons to refrain from addressing someone directly in their statements to avoid scaring them off. Gil's words did give the impression of her speaking to someone directly. Far fetched, but you never know. IMO, if LE did have a POI in mind, you'd think something would have happened by now, but again you never know.

My second and less optimistic thought is that maybe they are losing hope and it's starting to show :( If you read some of their recent blog posts, the tone of losing hope is obvious.
If (remember that's an IF) the rumor about one of the basketball players initially being a POI and later being cleared are true... it's possible that at the time of the earlier interview the mother may have known of the POI and have been appealing to him - but now with no suspects/clues she is just looking for information.

If (again, if) the police really have no suspect/POI - then IMHO it's time they put EVERYTHING they have out to the public - if she was drunk/stoned, or had some history of drug use, then spill it. If there was some sort of conflict with her friends, or a history of risky behavior (like hitchhiking), tell us. Put out a picture of exactly what she was wearing. If there is a possibility that she made it to the 7-11 and returned, then say so. Sure, it may compromise getting a guilty verdict at some point down the line - but before you can worry about getting a guilty verdict, you've got to find out what happened and who did it. Putting all the info on the table MIGHT jog someone's memory.
If (remember that's an IF) the rumor about one of the basketball players initially being a POI and later being cleared are true... it's possible that at the time of the earlier interview the mother may have known of the POI and have been appealing to him - but now with no suspects/clues she is just looking for information.

respectfully snipped

good idea, hadnt thought of it... :eek:
In the video pictures posted above the girl I am seeing has long blonde hair that is wavy and is wearing a light colored shirt with a backpack type purse. Was Morgans hair that long and that blonde? Was her shirt in fact light colored instead of black? Did she make it to the floor and not the 300 section.

If they want us to let them know if we saw a young lady getting into a car then they have to show us what the young lady looked like that night. I don't think that is asking so much.

Ghostmaster I believe the parade you are talking about was put on and Morgan represented by the group she volunteered for in the summer months. Victims of domestic violence. I saw a video and there were maybe ten marching. I will try to find that for you.

A group from Forgotten Victims, a non-profit for which Morgan Harrington used to volunteer, has organized &#8220;Let&#8217;s Bring Morgan Home for X-Mas&#8221; floats (cars) as part of upcoming holiday parades. The cars will showcase signage, fliers will be distributed, and children from the Forgotten Victims organization will carry a Find Morgan banner.

This parade was a week or so ago. I don't know if any other friends were in this parade.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I thought the group had seats in the 300 section. Tickets for the GA/Floor/pit are sold specifically as such, because they can only put so many people in that area. It's a safety concern and probably a fire regulation thing as well. It's possible - although really unlikely; I've never pulled it off myself or seen anyone successfully do it - to sneak in without really belonging down there, but I doubt these girls did.

Unless ... if you want another theory to throw around, maybe Morgan WAS more excited about the concert than her friends, and she scalped her 300 seat at the arena for a floor ticket and wasn't even with her friends for the night. She would have had to hand over some cash as well as her original ticket, and her friends might not have been willing or able to do the same.

Okay, Morgan had seats in the 312 row or around there i believe. So she paid tickets (or her dad did) for those seats in that row. However many times in concerts people want to get "better seats" so they will sneak into the floor area in front of the stage (which isn't the area they paid for, however you can see a lot better and you are right there in front of the stage). Even if there's seating in the floor area in front of the stage this still happens. It happens all the time at big concerts. There's so many people that security can't possibly keep track of people sneaking into the "better area" in front of the stage all the time. So if Morgan wanted to and was able sneak down to get down to the part right in front of the stage for a better view. Everyone is standing up or milling about, it's a sea of bodies.

She wouldn't have to scalp her ticket for a better one, it's unnecessary, IMO, all she had to do was sneak into the floor area which was better and it's free.

In my younger days i've done this myself. Sometimes they catch people, most of the time they don't. If your smart about it they won't catch you.
There's a lot more concert goers than hired security. In all fairness to the security, they can't be watching everyone the same time, they are outnumbered.

I hope this is easier to understand now =) if not just let me know and i'll try and explain better. Others might know what i'm referring to if they've been to huge concerts. Not every concert is like this, just some.
A lot of concerts may have general admission, and there are no seating arrangements. Some of them have seating arrangements, however the whole place gets up anyway and goes towards the front in front of the stage.
BBM: I agree with you here. In all the concerts I've been to, it's been near impossible to get onto the floor. They have security people or venue workers at each area with a flashlight, checking tickets and telling you where your seat is. You can't go to an area that you don't have a ticket for, they will not let you. This is not to say that MH didn't attempt this (and possibly succeed somehow), but just saying that in my experience and those of others posting here, it's next to impossible to do so I would think the odds are low in this instance. Although now that I think about it, do we have any actual confirmation of where their seats were? I keep seeing section 312 or something, but haven't seen any actual confirmation.

I've actually been to quite a few where i was able to sneak into better seating or the floor area to get a better view.
It all really varies on the place where the concert is being held, the type of crowd and music (i doubt Barry Manitlow fans would jump over railings to see him better; i.e. older crowds aren't going to try to vie for better seats in a unruly manner for example).

This sneaking into better seating usually applies to huge concerts that would cater to young people.

For example, in my younger days i was at a concert in CT with friends. There was a huge crowd of people all over the grounds (2 different stages). A riot broke out in different sections outside the main stage (when i mean riot, i mean people were making bonfires out of garbage and running and jumping over them, fights broke out, so my friends and i used this distraction to our advantage and hopped over the gate into the main stage seating area. Security gets distracted, and that's the time for people to try and grab better seats.

Anyway, i'm old now and i can't believe i'm actually telling you guys this lol.
In the video pictures posted above the girl I am seeing has long blonde hair that is wavy and is wearing a light colored shirt with a backpack type purse. Was Morgans hair that long and that blonde? Was her shirt in fact light colored instead of black? Did she make it to the floor and not the 300 section.

If they want us to let them know if we saw a young lady getting into a car then they have to show us what the young lady looked like that night. I don't think that is asking so much.

Ghostmaster I believe the parade you are talking about was put on and Morgan represented by the group she volunteered for in the summer months. Victims of domestic violence. I saw a video and there were maybe ten marching. I will try to find that for you.

A group from Forgotten Victims, a non-profit for which Morgan Harrington used to volunteer, has organized “Let’s Bring Morgan Home for X-Mas” floats (cars) as part of upcoming holiday parades. The cars will showcase signage, fliers will be distributed, and children from the Forgotten Victims organization will carry a Find Morgan banner.

This parade was a week or so ago. I don't know if any other friends were in this parade.

here is where i had fixed the image up


If (remember that's an IF) the rumor about one of the basketball players initially being a POI and later being cleared are true... it's possible that at the time of the earlier interview the mother may have known of the POI and have been appealing to him - but now with no suspects/clues she is just looking for information.

If (again, if) the police really have no suspect/POI - then IMHO it's time they put EVERYTHING they have out to the public - if she was drunk/stoned, or had some history of drug use, then spill it. If there was some sort of conflict with her friends, or a history of risky behavior (like hitchhiking), tell us. Put out a picture of exactly what she was wearing. If there is a possibility that she made it to the 7-11 and returned, then say so. Sure, it may compromise getting a guilty verdict at some point down the line - but before you can worry about getting a guilty verdict, you've got to find out what happened and who did it. Putting all the info on the table MIGHT jog someone's memory.

The facts are all jumbled up & frustrating. For example, the ripped pocketbook strap might have been a sign of struggle; but authoritative confirmation that the strap was ripped cannot be found.

Not sure that spilling Morgan's history would help much; seems like everyone and her brother are "bipolar" these days. Actual facts are what we need.

None of these new events such as AM & SS returning to C'ville Sunday am or the clearing of one athlete or the interview of the security guard who supposedly spoke to MH that night are verifiable in the more authoritative news sources.

Let's assume the worse possible scenario:

1. MH & AM drive to Harrisburg. They may have separated with plans to meet up later. MH & unknown parties meet at the dorm room or apartment of an unknown party or some other place. (Seems very unlikely that any confrontation occurred inside a dorm room at JMU, since typically dorms afford little privacy, and we would have heard all about it by now; but maybe MH was acquainted with someone who lived off-campus & a bit out-of-the-way).

2. MH leaves pocketbook, cell & car keys at this place or or else locks them in her own trunk, while taking the separate trunk key (if she had one) with her. Then, MH & unknown jealous female party get into a fight, maybe with involvement of unknown male party; that is, a love triangle. Serious harm comes to MH. She goes unconscious?

3. To protect themselves the unknown male party & the unknown female party [ ...] Later, they drive to C'ville to dump MH's pocketbook & cell.

Evidence against this scenario:

1. Security guard's testimony (which is where?);
2. BB players statement that they spoke with someone fitting her description;
3. Witnesses to hitchhiking;
4. Even if MH separated from her "bffs," they would have a pretty good idea of where she was going and with whom. We have not heard one word about what happened in H'burg.
5. Let's assume that the unknown female party is a JMU student or a college student at some other college. She would be risking her entire future by participating in any illegal cover-up or abduction ; unless she was a complete idiot, she would probably just call 911 if MH had passed out or something. However, she may have participated in an assault, or have been intimidated into silence by some other party, or so "in love" with the guy that she would do anything for him.

Can we reject this worst case scenario?
sounds like something in particular is niggling at you ghostmaster, what are you thinking? i have always gotten an odd feeling about gil, not really a bad feeling but more like i cant quite tell where she is coming from. most parents and family are clearly distraught or angry or something i can recognize. im sure she is distraught but she shows it in a way that i just cant really relate to. i do think at times she has been flat out evasive in response to questions that she was asked on heraldo (or something that she was on live, cant really remember) but she had been asked some things about the friends and she didnt respond she just changed the subject without saying that she couldnt/shouldnt respond, just nothing... so, im not bashing her mom or family at all i feel horrible for them ... but gil consistently comes off as odd to me...

IMO, this case is bothering me and i'm sure a lot of us..
Also, IMO i think there is nothing odd about Gil; Morgan's parents at all, they are classy and are handling this case very respectfully while hoping for the return of their daughter. Especially if you compare them to Cummings and Croslin, the Harringtons are saints.
I do believe that the "evasiveness" you notice from parents of missing children when they are interviewed on talk shows etc may be due to them not being allowed to give out too much info due to LE and what may potentially hurt the case.

Why do you think Gil comes off as odd? It may be just certain questions LE told them not to answer, or they feel uncomfortable about it..imo
here is where i had fixed the image up



Definitely looks like a light colored shirt. Also, if I'm not mistaken, does it look to anyone else like that guy has his arm around this girl? No idea if it could be her. If it is, she's wearing something else than we were told, though.
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