Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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Sorry, I disagree. If people without floor tickets are getting onto the floor, the security is not doing their job at all. The floor should be barricaded with a couple of manned gates, and they will make you stand there and wait to get in as they check tickets. If they catch you jumping the barricade, you're usually out the door on your ear. In almost twenty years, the only way I have ever seen someone get around it is by somehow getting a wristband off someone else's arm and changing places. Scalpers make a fair amount off "trade-ins" from people who got seats and want floors.

Probably a moot point anyway, unless we have reason to think she separated from her friends to head down front one way or another. But I think it pretty much precludes her from being the girl in the LOG video.

I don't know. It wasn't too long ago, my girlfriend and I were convincing enough to be let right in. It depends on security.
If (remember that's an IF) the rumor about one of the basketball players initially being a POI and later being cleared are true... it's possible that at the time of the earlier interview the mother may have known of the POI and have been appealing to him - but now with no suspects/clues she is just looking for information.

If (again, if) the police really have no suspect/POI - then IMHO it's time they put EVERYTHING they have out to the public - if she was drunk/stoned, or had some history of drug use, then spill it. If there was some sort of conflict with her friends, or a history of risky behavior (like hitchhiking), tell us. Put out a picture of exactly what she was wearing. If there is a possibility that she made it to the 7-11 and returned, then say so. Sure, it may compromise getting a guilty verdict at some point down the line - but before you can worry about getting a guilty verdict, you've got to find out what happened and who did it. Putting all the info on the table MIGHT jog someone's memory.

respectfully the police are not there to be at your whim. They are professional who are trying to solve a crime, not put your curiosities/questions to rest. I am sure they have a good reason for handling the case the way they are.
Correct, all of the girls' tickets were for seats in the 300 section. I really don't think Morgan tried to make it down to the floor area right in front of the stage. The person in these new videos who people are saying might be Morgan looks like Greg Allman to me, at least from the back. At the very least it looks like a guy with stringy long really blonde hair wearing a whitish/yellowish shirt. Anyway, again, I don't think Morgan was even interested in getting closer to the stage. It sounds like not long after she made it into the arena, she left for whatever reason. The question continues to be not where she was exactly inside the arena anyway but what happened to her after she left.

I agree, I wish LE would release more information or some viable lead would come up or a good tip called in. I'm really starting to lean toward the lone perp theory, someone Morgan didn't know and had never met before, who somehow got her into his car and proceeded to abduct her for nefarious purposes. If her friends were involved or anyone she knew was involved, LE would have found some evidence by now. The reason LE has nothing is because the perp has no connection to her life whatsoever before that night, and apparently he's a real loner or good at keeping secrets, because it doesn't seem like he's talked. I also think this is sadly turning into a cold case, and will continue to be one unless some hiker or hunter happens to stumble across her remains.

The person in these new videos looks like a man to me. The shoulders are far too wide to be Morgan, she has a very narrow frame. And I doubt highly she would wear a white shirt.
Sorry, I disagree. If people without floor tickets are getting onto the floor, the security is not doing their job at all. The floor should be barricaded with a couple of manned gates, and they will make you stand there and wait to get in as they check tickets. If they catch you jumping the barricade, you're usually out the door on your ear. In almost twenty years, the only way I have ever seen someone get around it is by somehow getting a wristband off someone else's arm and changing places. Scalpers make a fair amount off "trade-ins" from people who got seats and want floors.

Probably a moot point anyway, unless we have reason to think she separated from her friends to head down front one way or another. But I think it pretty much precludes her from being the girl in the LOG video.

I would imagine that had Morgan attempted to get into the floor seats and was successful whe would have been removed from that section if caught (which if she got into the sectino, no one is checking tickets in the pit) I really based on personal experience doubt she would get booted from the venue all together. Friends and i have done this at all sorts of events, outdoor ampitheater concerts, indoor forum concerts, MLB games, NFl games, in fact even the Super Bowl prior to 9/11. We are also forgetting that this is not some scrubby looking long haired 45 year old man we are talking about. Morgan is a pretty girl who knows how to capitalize on it.
Mia...we think alike

I tend to think that even if her friends were on TV making pleas to find her it won't help if this is a stranger abduction. More and more that seems a strong likelihood, sad to say

I honestly think the friends were told to keep quet. Maybe LE is worried about exposing them to whoever took Morgan.
I honestly think the friends were told to keep quet. Maybe LE is worried about exposing them to whoever took Morgan.

I have thought about Morgans roommate and wondered how she might be doing. I am sure by now she has left that apartment they shared. For myself I surely would not feel safe there. I hope she is ok.

I am sure the friends all have worries of their own. This is a lot to handle for young people. I am sure they are all cried out and all talked out among themselves.
I honestly think the friends were told to keep quet. Maybe LE is worried about exposing them to whoever took Morgan.

IMO...I don't think it's LE keeping those "friends" quiet... I believe it is either that they have had advice from a lawyer or else the Harrington's have asked that they not speak to the media or a combination of both.
I have to find where I read that she specified which location she was at. I think it was at the Finding Morgan in Facebook under a discussion thread. Ill look for it in the morning.

Yes, please do try to find it. I recall that the woman initially said the Sheetz in Orange, and if you go to Sheetz website, there's only one listed. Right in town, very close to the train station, though no trains stop there from Charlottesville.

But, I recall reading something by the woman who said "the Sheetz on ______," and filled in a street that, though I can't remember it now, do recall noticing was different from what I had been searching on Google maps.

The closest one to Orange besides the one listed is some distance away, so the woman is either labeling it incorrectly as being in Orange, or there's a new-ish one that isn't on Sheetz' website.
IMO...I don't think it's LE keeping those "friends" quiet... I believe it is either that they have had advice from a lawyer or else the Harrington's have asked that they not speak to the media or a combination of both.

Regardless of the who/why as to why they aren't talking, i don't get the "silence= involvement/guilt" thing that some posters have. If it were my daughter iwould not want her name and pic blasted on Fox news.
I don't much keep up with this case unfortunately but I've read certain people are doubting whether Morgan made it into the concert or not. Because I don't follow much here I haven't formed an opinion on this one way or the other, but I do suppose that LE would pick up on any untruthfulness from the friends if Morgan didn't actually make it in.

My reason for posting, though, and pardon if this has already been mentioned, regards ticket checkers. A lot of venues I have been to check tickets electronically as you enter -- they don't just glance at your ticket, perhaps rip off the stub -- but they use a gadget to scan a bar code on the ticket.

I think that to support you folks' theory about Morgan possibly not having made it into JPJ Arena, maybe someone should look into whether or not the tickets are checked electronically. Surely there is some log of which tickets pass through and they'd have a log of Morgan coming in or not.

It is my suspicion, though, that if this IS done, LE has already looked into it and we'd know about any chance that Morgan hadn't made it in.
Regardless of the who/why as to why they aren't talking, i don't get the "silence= involvement/guilt" thing that some posters have. If it were my daughter iwould not want her name and pic blasted on Fox news.

I agree on that!
Regarding the basketball players ..this was put out by Virginia Tech...

So UVa issues a press release stating the LE has talked to players about Morgan's disappearance. I'm still looking for the statement that says any player has been cleared.

The player on leave has returned to campus, is practicing with the team but not on the bench for games. While his situation may have nothing to do with Morgan, certainly the silence around his "situation" raises some questions for me, especially if he is on campus, not injured, and not playing. If there have been no statements from U Va or LE clearing people, it may be that LE is still checking out these sightings of Morgan after she left the parking lot and that explains why everything else is in limbo for the moment. But please, anyone with a link to a statement about anyone being cleared--please post.
So UVa issues a press release stating the LE has talked to players about Morgan's disappearance. I'm still looking for the statement that says any player has been cleared.

The player on leave has returned to campus, is practicing with the team but not on the bench for games. While his situation may have nothing to do with Morgan, certainly the silence around his "situation" raises some questions for me, especially if he is on campus, not injured, and not playing. If there have been no statements from U Va or LE clearing people, it may be that LE is still checking out these sightings of Morgan after she left the parking lot and that explains why everything else is in limbo for the moment. But please, anyone with a link to a statement about anyone being cleared--please post.

There could be a lot of reasons for a player to not be dressing. One would be academic problems.
I have to find where I read that she specified which location she was at. I think it was at the Finding Morgan in Facebook under a discussion thread. Ill look for it in the morning.

Okay, so it was at the discussion forums and her name was K****55 but if you click on her username and try to read her posts, they do not come up. I guess LE took them down.
I would imagine that had Morgan attempted to get into the floor seats and was successful whe would have been removed from that section if caught (which if she got into the sectino, no one is checking tickets in the pit) I really based on personal experience doubt she would get booted from the venue all together. Friends and i have done this at all sorts of events, outdoor ampitheater concerts, indoor forum concerts, MLB games, NFl games, in fact even the Super Bowl prior to 9/11. We are also forgetting that this is not some scrubby looking long haired 45 year old man we are talking about. Morgan is a pretty girl who knows how to capitalize on it.

I have a question, during LOG there was a "mosh pit" full of standing people not seats. I wonder if there was a standing section during Metallica too? Or maybe during the early bands they let people come close to the stage and then cleared the area before Metallica took the stage. Would love for someone who went to the concert to answer that.
Yes, please do try to find it. I recall that the woman initially said the Sheetz in Orange, and if you go to Sheetz website, there's only one listed. Right in town, very close to the train station, though no trains stop there from Charlottesville.

But, I recall reading something by the woman who said "the Sheetz on ______," and filled in a street that, though I can't remember it now, do recall noticing was different from what I had been searching on Google maps.

The closest one to Orange besides the one listed is some distance away, so the woman is either labeling it incorrectly as being in Orange, or there's a new-ish one that isn't on Sheetz' website.

PTP, See my post above.
Okay, so it was at the discussion forums and her name was K****55 but if you click on her username and try to read her posts, they do not come up. I guess LE took them down.
"I saw Morgan on Sunday morning following the concert at a Sheetz's in Orange,Va. I distinctly remember her outfit she was wearing as I thought it was an odd outfit to be wearing on a Sunday morning. When I left the store I remember seeing the letters on her shirt PENT and it caught my attention as my daughter has been wanting a Pantech Matrix phone, so I looked to see if the word was Pantech, but it was Pantera! I didn't know what Pantera was, so thought no more about it until I read it in the news that she was wearing a shirt that had Pantera written on it! I immediately called the police and informed them. I was at the search today and told the investigators that I thought they should broaden their search to encompass Orange and surrounding areas. I continue to pray for her safe return."
Sheetz is a gas station and Orange and surrounding area is rural.So,if she saw her that morning,she had to have either been hanging with someone that night,maybe at one of those parties around the concert or heading to travel with someone or they lived around there.
"I saw Morgan on Sunday morning following the concert at a Sheetz's in Orange,Va. I distinctly remember her outfit she was wearing as I thought it was an odd outfit to be wearing on a Sunday morning. When I left the store I remember seeing the letters on her shirt PENT and it caught my attention as my daughter has been wanting a Pantech Matrix phone, so I looked to see if the word was Pantech, but it was Pantera! I didn't know what Pantera was, so thought no more about it until I read it in the news that she was wearing a shirt that had Pantera written on it! I immediately called the police and informed them. I was at the search today and told the investigators that I thought they should broaden their search to encompass Orange and surrounding areas. I continue to pray for her safe return."

Yes, and later she posted that LE told her they saw her (the supposed eye-witness) getting into a pickup, and she claims she was getting into her own malibu, so she thinks LE was maybe looking at the wrong portion of video, or fast-forwarded through it (since the LE person admitted he was doing so).

I also do recall the post, though I couldn't find it, where she listed a road other than the one Sheetz in Orange is listed on, opening up the possibility of there being two Sheetz's in or around Orange.

Regardless for MH to be in Orange, or near there, alone, she would have had to (as you say) get a ride with someone or be with someone from there, as it's a long-shot she would have walked there (say, on the train tracks), a distance of about 30 miles.
Can someone who knows the area comment as to whether this possible sighting in Orange would have been "on her way home", or possibly "on the way" from the arena to another destination (airport, big city, train station, etc?)
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