Found Deceased VA - Nicole Clardy Mittendorff, 31, Woodbridge, 13 April 2016 - #1

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I haven't posted until now but I have been reading all the posts and the great information given by locals.

I don't know why but this case reminded me of the young woman who went hiking alone in the Georgia mountains a few years back. I feel terrible but at this moment I cant remember her name or even the name of the man who murdered her. I think his first name may have been Gary. But he turned out to be a serial killer and happened to be in the woods when he spotted her alone.

I have seen young women myself jogging/running alone in remote areas and it worried me every time I saw them making me worry for their safety.

I don't believe her husband is involved. I think he is as devastated as the rest who loves and admires her who wants her home.

Now she could have committed suicide but you would think if that was so they would have located her by now.

So that makes me wonder if she isn't in that area at all and if abducted she was taken completely out of the area elsewhere.

We also have seen cases where upstanding women have just disappeared and left their family behind including their children. Mary Beth Smith seem to vanish into thin air and for months they searched for her. Her husband was a Pastor and many speculated he had killed her since the children were left behind too. That didn't turnout to be the case. She freely walked out on her own and was found a few months later alive and well.

So did she set this up for them to think she was there by parking her vehicle where it was located? She sure sounds like a solid citizen and greatly admired by her community but one never really knows what is in someone's mind. I really don't think this is what has happened to her and its just something I have pondered.

I just pray they find her soon and no matter how it turns out at least her family/husband will know what happened to her.

Meredith Emerson. She was murdered by Gary Michael Hilton.

Also the lack of information surrounding the case reminds me of Leanne Hecht Bearden. The family had an idea that she was suicidal but never said anything, however they didn't seem to be looking for a suspect. The article says her family says she would often go to Shenandoah National Park to run, but the reporter says the family said she used to go to the park and run. The reporter says from the facebook posts of the Dad there were a series of text messages Weds, he's edited that post taken off his original comments, because frankly that would be part of the investigation, maybe he was asked to take it off.
Here's the cache we previously posted at the beginning...
Here's how it is now...

Her sister speaks in the video on the phone and she seems guarded in what she says, maybe they don't know what to think. So it appears to me this has become more of an investigation of what happened, than just finding her. I'd really like to know the exact location of the car, and where the dogs picked up her scent. Did they track from the car to a trail?

When you check the cached link that reveals the name of the person commenting in light grey colour. From my experience that particular colour reveals that the person is no longer a member of the group. I would suggest that all is not cool in Denmark. IMO of course.
Yes, the police and media prefer not to give coverage to suicide. That could explain not much info from police, with the family trying to keep faith.

That is exactly the way it was when Dr. Teleka Patrick went missing. Because police were saying very little most believed she had been murdered by a Pastor she had been stalking but they finally found her body in a body of water close to where she had abandoned her vehicle and she had not been murdered by anyone. She was having serious mental issues at the time of her death. It took them sometime to find her body though.
This was in response to this question in a former Post:

Your post prompted a question I have. As I don't hike, run, or cross train, for someone as fit as NM, what would a likely workout scenario be? Does one run for an hour, climb rocks for an hour? What exactly is the purpose/benefit for exercising on one of these trails?

I am a hiker/runner (female) who spends significant time training for extreme trail running events. By extreme I mean events where the distance is anywhere from 16 - 32 miles of treacherous rocky terrain with significant elevation gains. When training for a big event I typically try to get in at least one long run a week, and several weeks out from a big race I try to get in a run that is around 2/3 of the distance of the actual race... (ex. 26 mile race, I try to get in an 18 mile training run several weeks out to allow for recovery).

With that said, because of the terrain these types of runs are typically run / hikes so I may spend an average of 4 - 6 hours on a typical long training when you can run, hike when you have to.... The purpose / benefit is to build endurance and strength for the actual event. We also use it to assess our gear and "fueling" needs (hydration, food, etc...) Simulating the actual event makes all the difference in success.

That is why it is hard for me to believe she would have attempted to hike one of these trails "unprepared". She was an athlete who completed and knew her body and "limits". Runners are also extremely anal about "tracking" every step, mile, hour.. and monitoring the overall progress. That is how we determine how to adjust and tweak our training. So, I cannot believe she wouldn't have had proper gear. Also, she probably would have left things in her car for after her workout (change of clothes, extra water/food, etc...)
Meredith Emerson. She was murdered by Gary Michael Hilton.

Also the lack of information surrounding the case reminds me of Leanne Hecht Bearden. The family had an idea that she was suicidal but never said anything, however they didn't seem to be looking for a suspect.

Thank you so much.:)
Newbie here! I've tried to read everyone's posts - please excuse repeated questions.

Who was watching their child on Wednesday? Also, is there anymore info on here driving thru Warrenton? I went to JMU and I remember making stops in Warrenton before heading over the mountains to Harrisonburg. Pit stop at McDonalds, maybe?
Newbie here! I've tried to read everyone's posts - please excuse repeated questions.

Who was watching their child on Wednesday? Also, is there anymore info on here driving thru Warrenton? I went to JMU and I remember making stops in Warrenton before heading over the mountains to Harrisonburg. Pit stop at McDonalds, maybe?

Who said they have a child? I know they have 2 dogs is all I could find from photos.
Newbie here! I've tried to read everyone's posts - please excuse repeated questions.

Who was watching their child on Wednesday? Also, is there anymore info on here driving thru Warrenton? I went to JMU and I remember making stops in Warrenton before heading over the mountains to Harrisonburg. Pit stop at McDonalds, maybe?

Welcome snibbie. :)

I think as this goes on there will be questions raised about the status of her relationship and what led to the separation between her and her husband. I think the bullying/claims online may have drove her to a dark place especially if there was any truth to them and what the implications could mean. Sounds more like someone trying to get away from a situation IMO. Whatever the case I hope she is somewhere safe and sound. I would be shocked if this was a random abduction type situation.
I think I have said this before, but my first impression was the car was left there as a red herring. If the trail is not as difficult and she was super fit she might have never gotten to the park. Maybe she was a victim of foul play somewhere else.

JMO. As for suicide, I am not picking that. However, I am still hoping for a happy ending (maybe she needed time off to sort her head and is somewhere, safe).
"“Expanding the search is a natural progression,” Corinne Geller, spokeswoman for the Virginia State Police, told WTOP. “The park is huge — it’s a mountain.”

Approximately 100 federal, state and volunteer search and rescue teams have been searching for Mittendorff in a section of the park that lies more than 70 miles from her Woodbridge, Virginia, home.

Geller said the Mini Cooper, which was located by a park ranger, has been removed “and is being processed for potential evidence about what brought her to the park.”

Geller would not say whether anything found in Mittendorff’s car would indicate where she was heading or what could*have happened to her.

“There is still no evidence to indicate anything suspicious about Mittendorff’s disappearance,” Geller said. “This is a missing person investigation.”

Steve Mittendorff, choking back emotion, spoke to reporters for the first time since his wife was reported missing last week."

Search widens for missing Woodbridge woman in Shenandoah National Park
Newbie here! I've tried to read everyone's posts - please excuse repeated questions.

Who was watching their child on Wednesday? Also, is there anymore info on here driving thru Warrenton? I went to JMU and I remember making stops in Warrenton before heading over the mountains to Harrisonburg. Pit stop at McDonalds, maybe?

She doesn't have any children. The baby registry looks like it was never filled out. And it's in her maiden name so probably quite old. Possibly a scare or loss in the past

No news about stops. Possible she did stop to send the 10:50 texts but it's unknown, could be texting while driving.

This case is more about what we don't know right now, barely any info being released
“I ask that you not focus on the face of a worried husband or family members, but that you focus on broadcasting her picture, and telling her story, so that someone who has not seen the coverage, will,” he said."

Kind of a weird statement. If my fiancé goes missing I would be on tv 24/7; with his picture of course. I just would not ask people not to focus on my face. My face would be on tv (and so would his). Interesting.

My first big case I followed was Laci Peterson. Hence the paranoia.

IF foul play is involved LE always look closets to victim. We have all followed enough cases to know and seen enough instances where someone closest to victim is responsible.

One could also take his statement as a subtle acknowledgment that there are rumors on social media and he is requesting people focus on spreading her image rather than focus on the rumor mill.
Above bbm

The problem within that is we don't know her story. Is there a story that needs to be known?
Sadly, that statement gave me the slight impression she is deceased and he wants viewers to know why.

I also think his statement strikes me as odd.
The rumor mill is running full steam on social media. Those rumors have no place here. Please leave them at the door. I do not want to see Nicole's thread shut down for review or cleanup.

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When she first went missing I came across a baby registry for her and her husband. Do they have a child?
The pictures of her that have been circulated reflect some fairly significant changes in appearance. Hair color, style, and length vary considerably. Complexion and facial fullness appears to vary as well. We all change over time, but if I wasn't told that the pictures were the same person, I may have concluded otherwise.

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Newbie here! I've tried to read everyone's posts - please excuse repeated questions.

Who was watching their child on Wednesday? Also, is there anymore info on here driving thru Warrenton? I went to JMU and I remember making stops in Warrenton before heading over the mountains to Harrisonburg. Pit stop at McDonalds, maybe?

It appears she had some kind of relationship with Crossfit Warrenton so maybe she knew people in that area or visited there regularly for workouts etc.?
Posting this from VSP for reference, I think this is within TOS since it's from LE? If not my apologies, please delete. I couldn't find a text version of the full release...



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When she first went missing I came across a baby registry for her and her husband. Do they have a child?
No. Most are speculating that they were planning to, or had possibly lost a baby, but the registry looks pretty old and they don't have any children.
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