Found Deceased VA - Nicole Clardy Mittendorff, 31, Woodbridge, 13 April 2016 - #2

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Maybe I hold news to a higher standard of fact-based reporting than relying on what neighbors "think" vice know. But I'm an unrealistic idealist and it's probably why I'm not winning any friends here.

Several of my neighbors have gotten divorced and or separated over the years, and I have been aware of the situation. This happens either by direct conversation about it with them or simply noticing that I hadn't seen "Joe" or "Debbie" around the neighborhood for a while. If asked on the street by a reporter, and I answered the question based upon first hand knowledge or observation of the place I live, I'm not sure how that's "rumor mongering" or not good reporting. Just because you don't like certain facts doesn't mean you should disparage the people who report them.

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Good Morning Everyone,

We are all passionate about finding Nicole. It's frustrating to discuss the case with such small amounts of information. I get it. However, we have to stop the bickering.

You can't personally attack a fellow poster. Even so much as a sarcastic one liner directed at a poster is not allowed.

This discussion is not about the posters and their frustrations. It's about Nicole's case.

If someone insults you or is rude DO NOT RESPOND. See that little red and white triangle in the lower left corner of the post? That's the alert button. Look at the post you feel is going against our rules and click on that triangle. This alerts the moderators and one of them will check things out.

The last thing I want to do, especially with so many new members, is to start issuing time-outs but I will if this bickering continues.

Keep the focus on Nicole and not on other posters and everything will be fine.

Thank you,
Tricia Griffith
It's like you said - if she was going to commit suicide, why did she call into work? That makes no sense.

In regards to her calling out sick to work if she was planning on harming herself or running away, it makes perfect sense bc it gives her time to do what she wanted before going to the SNP without raising any alarms from work. If she hadn't called in sick they would have tried contacting her when she didn't show up and then would have contacted her emergency contacts or gone to her home for a wellness check if they couldn't get a hold of her. If her intent was to harm herself or runaway it makes more sense for her to have called in sick than not.

I'm not saying she definitely harmed herself but in response to that question you asked, it makes complete sense
Maybe I hold news to a higher standard of fact-based reporting than relying on what neighbors "think" vice know. But I'm an unrealistic idealist and it's probably why I'm not winning any friends here.
WJLA did not report any speculation by neighbors. I think neighbors would know first hand if she had moved out. I may not be able to give an exact date, but I know when my neighbors move.

The National Park Service has requested search assistance from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. Throughout Saturday and Sunday, 30 experienced and trained search Fire and Rescue personnel will assist in conducting a wide area search for Nicole Mittendorff in the Shenandoah National Park.

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I thought she was seen monday evening at a work out class, how would she be at work and work out class?
MSM has quoted this numerous times.

I haven't seen this on MSM, just a post from a friend on SM. Could be remembering wrong and she was actually there like Sunday night.

Also possible it was slow so she left to attend class and then returned to work

The National Park Service has requested search assistance from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. Throughout Saturday and Sunday, 30 experienced and trained search Fire and Rescue personnel will assist in conducting a wide area search for Nicole Mittendorff in the Shenandoah National Park.

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THAT, is interesting. Why Fairfax? There are many agencies between SNP and NOVA better equipped and knowledgeable about this particular area. The only thing Fairfax could possibly contribute that they can't is familiarity with Nicole. I don't see how that would be useful.
I wonder what section of the park the dogs hit on. That article said they have people repelling in the White Oak Canyon. Pray for the searchers safety.
WJLA did not report any speculation by neighbors. I think neighbors would know first hand if she had moved out. I may not be able to give an exact date, but I know when my neighbors move.

That's not always the case. If they were coming and going at odd hours due to shift work, people may not have noticed right away. I know this is going to make me sound like a terrible person but it wasn't until my neighbors started doing a lot of work on their house and the for sale sign came up that we realized we hadn't see the wife in a long time and began to speculate that they had split. Then we thought it would be rude to ask the husband (our suspicions were confirmed by the new neighbors who felt the hostility at the closing). Then when my other neighbors moved out (while we were on vacation) we weren't sure they were gone for good for a week or two more, and then it was more than a month before other neighbors began asking if they had moved.
THAT, is interesting. Why Fairfax? There are many agencies between SNP and NOVA better equipped and knowledgeable about this particular area. The only thing Fairfax could possibly contribute that they can't is familiarity with Nicole. I don't see how that would be useful.
It's large and can better handle 30 absentees and, as mentioned, these are specially trained. Might be referring to the unit that works with FEMA on natural disasters and travels all over the world. I would take them over a small town VFD, no offense.
THAT, is interesting. Why Fairfax? There are many agencies between SNP and NOVA better equipped and knowledgeable about this particular area. The only thing Fairfax could possibly contribute that they can't is familiarity with Nicole. I don't see how that would be useful.

They probably mean they are sending Virginia Task Force One, Fairfax County's search and rescue team is one of the best in the country (if not world).
The Virginia State Police missing persons site lists psychological issues as details in their profiles:

IMO, if they are sharing such details about other missing persons, then shouldn't they be forthcoming about Nicole's?

This is assuming Nicole has mental issues, and that's not something I'm comfortable doing. I've seen so many comments dismissing this case as depression/runaway/suicide which seems to assume the worst about her with no proof as of yet.

It's like you said - if she was going to commit suicide, why did she call into work? That makes no sense.

BBM - uh, no, I never said that. It makes sense to me, with my perspective on suicide.

Also I'm not seeing anyone on that VA misper list who is described as being a risk to themselves. All the psychological issues described refer to things like "needs medication", or issues that people are prepared to accept/understand - self harm is not one of those issues, and unfortunately people are more likely to shrug and turn away if they think someone is missing by their own choice.

I also completely reject the concept of "dismissing" this - or any case - just because I believe there is more pointing to it likely being suicide rather than foul play. I also object strongly to the implication that I "assume the worst about her" because of that feeling. I most certainly don't. Unlike many I am not judgemental when it comes to people choosing to end their own lives.

Nicole is still missing. I hope she's ok but I at this point it seems unlikely. And I would rather she left her life on her own terms than in terror at the hands of another.
I've seen signs for a Zumba class at my local (Fairfax county) fire department - they could have other things as well - so I suppose it's possible that she was at class while at work. I don't know if anyone ever specified where this fitness class may have been.
THAT, is interesting. Why Fairfax? There are many agencies between SNP and NOVA better equipped and knowledgeable about this particular area. The only thing Fairfax could possibly contribute that they can't is familiarity with Nicole. I don't see how that would be useful.

Honestly, Fairfax is probably the best equipped in the State to handle a complex S&R. They are regularly dispatched on natural disasters and FEMA related business.
If the terrain is so rough, is it possible that she is 'just' lost?
It's certainly possible, but too much suspicious activity I think (called off, no contact). And after a week, I doubt the result is any different sadly.
Honestly, Fairfax is probably the best equipped in the State to handle a complex S&R. They are regularly dispatched on natural disasters and FEMA related business.
Odd that an urban county with no mountains would have such resources.
If the terrain is so rough, is it possible that she is 'just' lost?

I think injured would be more likely than lost. You can always tell which direction you are going (based on the sun) and most trails at the SNP have markers.

If she got out of trail she might have fallen or become injured.
I am still trying to find anything that says when she was last seen? It isn't explicitly stated anywhere on MSM when someone last had eyes on her.

There have been SM comments about her being at her workout class Monday night- but we have figured out she was on B shift- which means she was scheduled to work- and no one has mentioned her not being at work Monday.

There have also been comments that she was at a workout class in Warrenton Wednesday- which as far as I can find hasn't been report anywhere. It has been widely reported that the last hit on her cell phone was from a Warrenton cell tower @ 10:50 Wednesday morning.

Can anyone find anything to dispute the above?
I wonder what section of the park the dogs hit on. That article said they have people repelling in the White Oak Canyon. Pray for the searchers safety.

Which article? I can't find one that says the dogs hit on something and I'd like to read that!

Also, to anyone, I keep reading here that she actually visited a gym. Is that verified or just a guess since she was assumed to be in the area of her gym? I'd think that her gym would likely be able to verify through a sign-in sheet or swipe card if she was there and when.
I just haven't seen it verified but admittedly I may have missed that in an article.

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