VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #3 *Arrests*

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Exactly, eat fruit, nuts, vegetables and oatmeal and that's your solution!!!

In a prison environment, this smacks of saying let them eat cake! However, anyone who has watched Orange is the New Black knows that kosher diets are available! I bet that even if a prison is for profit, that gluten-free diets are available for prisoners with an actual medical need.
Quote from article: "Her father said Keepers is being held in solitary confinement at the jail because she is “not street smart” and would be bullied and targeted in jail.

Her dad complained that Keepers is not getting the correct medication in jail, and that she does not have a proper mattress for her allergies."

I know this would be hard for a parent, but he will have to realize his daughter is no longer his princess. She opened a door to a world/life that she will never be able to escape from.

I am 10 pages behind and trying to get caught up. But had to comment on the above. That angers me so much! Get a clue, buddy! Your daughter is quite possibly a psychopath/sociopath/??. She planned a murder and took part in many aspects if it. At this point, I wouldn't be shocked to hear she is the one who wielded the knife.

I feel sad for DE and NK's families. But the above is just utterly ridiculous. Worrying about her allergies?! Give me a break.
I also find it odd that Keepers posted a photo on September 11, 2015 of the VT massacre memorial and said "Never forget." Hmmm, then she turns around and gets excited about participating in a murder?!
I wonder if she's a borderline ? Self injury ....

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Did they say one of the suspects showed LE to her body? I am presuming? Would she have been likely to have been ever found?? Not giving credit if they did, just wondering if they may have actually gotten away with this, if they kept their mouths shut...
They purchased the shovel prior to her murder, but do we know that Nicole was buried or discovered in a shallow grave?

I wonder if DE jumped the gun that night/early morning.

He might have just given up using the shovel as the ground may have been hard and the digging was taking alot of time.

As a side note, though it seems simple, using a shovel well and digging quickly takes practice (years ago, I worked construction labor and learned the hard way). I doubt DE has done any construction type work or commercial landscaping. My guess is that he stabbed the ground a few times, saw it was harder than it looks and going slow, then gave up.
I always wonder how the heck the topic initially even comes up. You have two seemingly normal young college students from nice backgrounds. Just how does it come up? "You know, I've always been curious about killing someone..." "REALLY?! ME, TOO!!!" I just don't see it happening like that.

I truly don't believe there is anything normal about these two and they probably never have been normal. Maybe the parents looked away, enabled, or made excuses for abnormal behavior.

These two are very creepy individuals and they didn't just become that way right out the blue. This had to have been their psychological makeup for a long while. It wouldn't surprise me if both of them had fantasies for awhile about murdering someone who was defenseless who would be unable to stop them.

Keepers makes chills run up and down my spine. Who would be 'excited' about murdering someone by cutting their throat? She sounds demonic to me and diabolical. Only a sociopath/psychopath would get 'excited' about brutally killing someone and discarding the body like trash.

This is a horrible case filled with pure evil.

My heart breaks for Nicole. They hid behind their masks all along and she never saw the real evil they both possessed until it was too late.

Also, kind of hard to buy if she was a cutter, that her parents did not know? And get her real help much earlier? Jmo...
Natalie Keepers' lawyers said she likes Swedish Fish candy and is a member of the “Disney Princess Club” – a detail that drew an audible laugh from Natalie Keepers in the courtroom.

But she silently hung her head when her father began holding back tears as he talked about how his daughter had planned to become an aerospace engineer – just like him.

Keepers fidgeted throughout the proceedings, rubbing her fingers along the edge of the defense table and rattling her handcuffs. She wiped tears from her eyes several times, as Nicole Lovell’s father, David Lovell, stared her down from across the courtroom.

This and other comments, as well as telling friend/s what they had just done when she returned to her dorm...sounds to me like her meds need to be changed and/or adjusted if they haven't already begun the process.
Maybe they excused her behavior. Or, it is possible that the constraints of high school, living at home, and having her parents be hands on kept her in check. She was cutting, got help, and created a plan. She started seeing a counselor immediately upon entering school. Probably they were trying to deal with her issues and she is no longer under their direct supervision.

What if her home life was not very happy. She was a high achiever in high school, she attempted suicide, cutting, and this all happens right after winter break. Speculating that maybe her high achievement was because of unyielding pressure from her parents. She gets a taste of freedom while at school, goes back home for break and all the same parental pressure is back and it unravels her. She apparently has been screaming for help for years.

If she was my child, given her history, I would have been very concerned sending her away, out of state to college.
The WAPO just reported this (sorry if it has been brought before)

"Two law enforcement officials have said Eisenhauer had sexual contact with the 13-year-old girl after meeting her online and used their relationship to lure her out of her home"

JMO, I think his plan was to molest her and then she realized she was very active in SM, got NK to "join him in an secretive and exciting" killing and the two of them planned and executed NL.

I cannot phantom two young people doing something so macabre. They are barely adults.
Did they say one of the suspects showed LE to her body? I am presuming? Would she have been likely to have been ever found?? Not giving credit if they did, just wondering if they may have actually gotten away with this, if they kept their mouths shut...

NK told LE where to find iirc.
I truly don't believe there is anything normal about these two and they probably never have been normal. Maybe the parents looked away, enabled, or made excuses for abnormal behavior.

These two are very creepy individuals and they didn't just become that way right out the blue. This had to have been their psychological makeup for a long while. It wouldn't surprise me if both of them had fantasies for awhile about murdering someone who was defenseless who would be unable to stop them.

Definetly a possibility. In addition, there is a chance that as a duo, they magnified each others sociopathic / evil natures to the point where they were egging each other on. But I agree, this did not "come out of the blue".

Somebody else posted a link where DE is heard boasting about his claimed superior capabilites as an athelete and a student. Not suprisingly, he constantly uses "I". Narcissism and feelings of inherent superiority are some of the traits that sociopaths / evil people display.
Tim Keepers described their home as a “strong Christian family.” He and his wife have four kids, two dogs and drive a white minivan. He said Natalie Keepers had always been a good role model for his other children. She never drank alcohol or experimented with drugs. She never got in trouble at school and the only time teachers called home was when she did well on a class project.

Natalie Keepers' lawyers said she likes Swedish Fish candy and is a member of the “Disney Princess Club” – a detail that drew an audible laugh from Natalie Keepers in the courtroom.

Keepers fidgeted throughout the proceedings, rubbing her fingers along the edge of the defense table and rattling her handcuffs. She wiped tears from her eyes several times, as Nicole Lovell’s father, David Lovell, stared her down from across the courtroom.

During her testimony, Natalie Keepers said that she graduated high school in the top 15 percent of her class with a 3.29 GPA.

Who are these lawyers?!?!?
you think that might be why we see maybe a cut on her face? If it is a cut?

I've been thinking about that booking photo. The press seems to go into great detail about the appearance of the perps during their arraignments. How they are standing, what they are wearing, how the "appeared", how loudly or quietly they respond. I would think is she had a huge cut on her face, almost the full length of her cheek, the media would have mentioned it. That leads me to believe it was hair in the photo.
Tim Keepers described their home as a “strong Christian family.” He and his wife have four kids, two dogs and drive a white minivan. He said Natalie Keepers had always been a good role model for his other children. She never drank alcohol or experimented with drugs. She never got in trouble at school and the only time teachers called home was when she did well on a class project.

Natalie Keepers' lawyers said she likes Swedish Fish candy and is a member of the “Disney Princess Club” – a detail that drew an audible laugh from Natalie Keepers in the courtroom.

Keepers fidgeted throughout the proceedings, rubbing her fingers along the edge of the defense table and rattling her handcuffs. She wiped tears from her eyes several times, as Nicole Lovell’s father, David Lovell, stared her down from across the courtroom.

During her testimony, Natalie Keepers said that she graduated high school in the top 15 percent of her class with a 3.29 GPA.

Who are these lawyers?!?!?

Trying to make her look like a nice girl? Starting to build their defense, nice girl got caught up in evil plot, all DE's plans, not hers, etc? The fact that she laughed when her lawyer tried to rescue her makes me chuckle. Keep digging that hole, Natalie!
Jeeeez I wish this would have been streamed

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The WAPO just reported this (sorry if it has been brought before)

"Two law enforcement officials have said Eisenhauer had sexual contact with the 13-year-old girl after meeting her online and used their relationship to lure her out of her home"

JMO, I think his plan was to molest her and then she realized she was very active in SM, got NK to "join him in an secretive and exciting" killing and the two of them planned and executed NL.

I cannot phantom two young people doing something so macabre. They are barely adults.

I think it's come out in the news that DE had had an inappropriate relationship with Nicole and Nicole was threatening to tell. So DE and NK planned to kill her to keep her silent, and met at a fast food place to discuss the actual details.

DE's motive seems clear enough, if horrid, but NK's motive is still a complete mystery to me. Finding it exciting isn't a motive, it's a bizarre thing to say. Like Vanessa Coleman in the Christian/Newsom murders wrote in her journal what an exciting week it had been and she was looking forward to more adventures that year. Stone cold as a fish.
Many thanks to all who posted info and articles. Just going through these (many) articles and noticed this...

Pettitt says Keepers and David Eisenhauer, the other suspect, began to have conversations planning murder in early January. Keepers told police, "we sat down and bounced around ideas of how to kill Nicole." Pettitt says they then decided they should cut Lovell's throat.

So according to what NK told LE they began planning the murder in early January. When did DE first starting having contact with NL...think I read Nov 30th. My question is, did they both seek out some unfortunate victim together.....or did he find this vulnerable child & then discussed the idea with NK?

And where did they clean themselves up before going into Walmart to buy cleaning stuff? I'm sure they had blood all over them.
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