VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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The thing is, people who cut themselves don't do it for a thrill, and they don't have an "affection" for it. These teens feel that their lives are totally out of their control, and to relieve their distress and take back some small measure of control over their bodies, they make cuts, most often on their arms.

Not everyone is an expert on mental illness -- I'm certainly not -- but there is information readily available to help sort the truth from fiction (which only snowballs each time it is said).

Likely a knife was used because it was the easiest weapon for two teens to purchase, conceal, and toss, not because NK was morbidly fascinated by stabbing or slashing another person.

JMO etc.

My apologies to all self-cutters. I should not have used the word "affection" to describe NK"s relationship and familiarity with cutting tools. It is true that self-harm does not necessarily translate to homicide, although, it can and has translated to suicide. In the planning, perhaps it WAS DE who suggested the method of killing.....we may not know that until trial. There is no real logic in this sad story. But it seems to me, that strangulation would have been the next choice if a gun were not available. No bloody mess to clean up. JMO
I think the nightstand pushed in front of the door was to lock out her family. She left late remember, and I think this was just a failsafe to gain her some extra time. She may have been in the habit of doing this when she wanted privacy. When I was younger I used to use my dresser in front of door too, my mom could open my bedroom doorknob with a bobbypin. If we argued or I was not in the mood, my dresser was my lock. I would move such a large heavy dresser full of clothing, I would sit and put my feet up on the base of it and push out. Then when moving it back, i would squeeze inbetween the other side and the wall, and again move it by pushing with my feet. It made it rather easy actually. I think since she was showing pictures for her date that night, that she left willing lured out after being groomed. IMHO
First post here. So please forgive me if I am breaking any rules of etiquette or otherwise! I find it hard to keep up with y'all as the posts come so quickly, but have been so saddened by this case. I hope you don't mind me hopping in here.

But I have a observation/question. I am very curious after looking at Nicole's IG account, and specifically the photo from late November where she posts a screenshot of the KIK notifications she's received on her phone. I believe her intent in posting that, due to her specific comments on the entry, was to show everyone how "mean" her then ex (?) love interest was to her. But, this same photo shows notifications for the other recent KIK conversations she had going at the time. And, as luck would have it, there is one from a "David A", whose avatar picture looks to be DE. It seems many of you have seen this.

So, my assumption was that the "David A" is the KIK user name for the person to whom she replied "Ig" or "lg". What is perplexing me about this, is that DE's name, according to his arrest warrant is "David Edmond Eisenhauer". I've seen MSM articles refer to him as just "David" or "David E."...but nothing that ever refers to him as "David A". I find it extremely odd that someone who is going to the trouble to create a user profile for themselves and going to use their real first name and picture, would use an incorrect middle or last name initial in doing so. So, I'm starting to wonder if someone else (NK?), who may have been mistaken about his middle name, maybe set up this profile without his knowledge as a little game of "catfish".

Of course, I'm assuming that indeed was the user name, as opposed to, say what Nicole had named that user in her KIK contacts. I do not have a 'KIK", and am wondering if any of you are more familiar with it than I am, and can clarify. Is "David A" the user name generated by the user, or a name assigned by Nicole?

Here's the arrest record again for reference:
:welcome5: tootired - great first post :)
Tootired....I can't and didn't read all the KIK stuff, but I recall it being said that Nicole talked of a David to other kids and the kids said they thought it was a David A, or that his last name sounded like it began with an "A". I think that they are probably the same person. JMO also..EIsenhauer the EI sounds like " aye "
Something that has been on my mind is why did NL barracade her bedroom door with a dresser? why not just lock the door?
Her mom checking in on her at night would draw suspicion right away. Was someone let into her room from the window and did that so she could not escape as she was kidnapped? Did she really leave willingly? Odd that no neighbors saw or heard anything. This is an apartment building correct? She lived on the first floor? Grandma, mom and 3 siblings lived together? 4 bedrooms? Do we have a blueprint of the apartment? 1st crime scene?

Most likely she didn't have a lock that locked her door from the inside. That's why she used the dresser. I don't think there is any indication she was kidnapped from the room.
I really do not care what kind of mental issues either of these 2 may have had in their lives, I do not care if NK had a concussion, I do not care what their personality types may be. They are evil, sadistic murderers who planned a murder and chose to carry out their evil plan on a little girl who had been through more hell on Earth than either of them in their privileged life.

I hope they never see freedom again. I hope that every mattress that NK sleeps on for the rest of her life is filled with mites such that her face blows up with allergens so that her eyes become mere slits, she has to breathe out of her mouth and that she suffers cramping everyday from prison gluten. May DE will find no where to run in his 6'x10' cell and may he always have a roommates with VDs and penchants for skinny white boys.

Well, that is just my opinion.
I really do not care what kind of mental issues either of these 2 may have had in their lives, I do not care if NK had a concussion, I do not care what their personality types may be. They are evil, sadistic murderers who planned a murder and chose to carry out their evil plan on a little girl who had been through more hell on Earth than either of them in their privileged life.

I hope they never see freedom again. I hope that every mattress that NK sleeps on for the rest of her life is filled with mites such that her face blows up with allergens so that her eyes become mere slits, she has to breathe out of her mouth and that she suffers cramping everyday from prison gluten. May DE will find no where to run in his 6'x10' cell and may he always have a roommates with VDs and penchants for skinny white boys.

Well, that is just my opinion.

C'mon, tell us what you REALLY think!
I don't think NL was going to expose any relationship, but what it sounds like is that she would talk about her online "boyfriends" to anyone who would listen. Maybe in the suspect's view it was "exposing" the relationship. Because any of the people NL talked to could have contacted authorities (and if any of these people were adults I can't help but wonder why they didn't).
I think its possible she put David A in because she though Eisenhour would be spelled with an A. Its possible his username was different or just David and then he told her his last name.
That, or he just altered his name a little bit. I used to do that all the time on the internet when I wanted to use my name, but not something so similar that it would be easy to google by a casual person. I went by Amy Lee for many years which is similar to my real name and then Evanescence came out and everyone thought I was pretending to be her when that was my fake name first :(

Anyway, I cannot make sense of this case. If it was JUST DE being involved, then it would make more sense to me. He could be a predator. I honestly believe child predators are broken in the brain. Not using that as an excuse, of course, but the psychology behind child predators makes sense to me even if its revolting.
But, that doesn't explain NK.
I am having a hard time believing that NK completely set up DE like some comments on here or other places say. Its just hard for me to believe that she framed him entirely and he is 100% innocent.
So, is this just like lightning striking and two dangerous people connected leading to poor NL's death? Its almost unbelievable, but I guess it has happened before. Its weird to me that they weren't even dating. Like, we have heard of murder couples before but just...murder friends? Just bizarre all around.
To clarify, I am not trying to imply I think DE is 100% innocent. It is just that my gut tells me that NK is really the mastermind, and the one behind all aspects of this case, from planning, to execution, to cleanup. It seems like the more I learn, the weirder this case (and she) becomes. NK is the one who seems to be doing most of the talking, so granted we are getting only that side and from the prosecutor's angle to boot. From what I gather, DE has said very little. But, I can see a scenario where he may have gotten himself roped in, and was in too deep before he knew it, and murder was not his idea. But, as far as NK goes, from the media articles from her bond hearing, we learn that she's evidently been talking pretty, maybe overly, freely about this; she's expressed being excited about participating in something so secret with DE; she has a medical history of mental illness; she has had trouble adjusting to college; has sought psychiatric treatment at college and is on medication; and has some um, childlike extracurriculars. (Princess club). And, we come to find that she's squirreled away Nicole's blanket (something pretty childlike in itself), along with the murder clean up supplies away in her room. All of that considered together strikes me as pretty darn strange and disturbing.

Like a couple of posters here, I have wondered if NK had some sort of crush or infatuation on DE that turned unhealthy. Let's face it. She's on out of state student going to a public university in another state. She's had mental health issues prior to college. All the other kids seem to know so many people (from their high schools, or hometowns) and have connections already. She's having trouble adjusting. No longer is she in the top 15% of her class. She's just a little fish in a big pond now. She's in a difficult major and finds herself struggling in a basic intro math class for all engineers. But then she meets DE. Not only is he from her neighboring town in MD so they have that in common, but he's good looking, a D1 athlete, and he's in her major, and willing to help her with her math. I could see that she might have been attracted to that. She starts to consider him her friend who she can rely on. He is someone who can help her out when she needs him, and he becomes her rock. She calls HIM when she needs a ride to the hospital. Possibly he was the only person she knew who had a car. But she still could have contacted her RA, or called 911.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think DE is any angel. He's involved in this. I just don't see him as the mastermind here. But at this point, the more that comes out about NK, but my gut just tells me she's behind the brunt of it. The motive is the big puzzler.

Just my opinion! As more detail becomes known, I may feel differently.
But why exactly is this good looking D1 athlete looking online to meet a 13 year old girl? Something ain't right with him, because why would a college student be looking to meet with a someone who is barely a teen (assuming allegations are correct)? And the victim looks like a child, so it's not like he could have reasonably believe she was older after meeting her.
Been trying to post a long, ramble. So instead I'm going to nutshell my theory.
Nutshell: NK is mastermind. NK has infatuation with DE and death. NK is mentally unstable. NK couldn't cope with parents expectations of her. She is a sociopath. Wanted to get caught. Is excited by the drama as well as the crime. Now she doesn't have to live up to daddies dream of her following in his footsteps. DE another nut all together. Ok I'm still rambling, but this young lady is just gnawing at me. So tragic that young Nicole landed in this web.

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But why exactly is this good looking D1 athlete looking online to meet a 13 year old girl? Something ain't right with him, because why would a college student be looking to meet with a someone who is barely a teen (assuming allegations are correct)? And the victim looks like a child, so it's not like he could have reasonably believe she was older after meeting her.

I don't think we know for sure that was actually him, and if it was, that it was his intent to specifically seek out a minor. So, let's assume for a second that it really was DE talking to Nicole. I'm not 100% convinced DE necessarily would have known Nicole was 13 when they started communicating. Given Nicole's vast SM presence, and what I can glean from her one unprotected IG account, I can see that she is yearning for acceptance and affection, especially from boys. It would not surprise me at all that she may have pretended to be older on at least some of her on line accounts in the quest for this, thinking that might make her seem more "popular" or "cool" to the kids who were bullying her. Some of the pictures I've seen of her do make her look quite young. But in others, she could easily pass for 18. And, even if Nicole didn't misrepresent her age, or it never came up, "DE" may have assumed she was 18 due to the nature of the SM apps she was using, or they may not have been connecting on the SM accounts where she had pictures where she looks young. She seemed to have a few various apps, and in at least the Instagram, had a couple of different profiles. I'm just not convinced yet that he was out trolling for minors. But, of course, it is definitely possible.

I think it is easy to get caught up in assuming he was because their relationship has been described in MSM at alternating times as being "sexual" and "inappropriate". However, IMO, just by virtue of Nicole's age, and his age, and whether he knew her age or not, if any part of the conversation turned flirty, it would rightly be defined as "inappropriate". And certainly if any part of a conversation involved the sexting of pictures, either by him or by her, it would be "sexual". I know some boys can be pigs. Some boys routinely ask for "nudes"...and some girls naively comply. There's been a handful of cases here in our area middle schools involving girls who have, even though those cases involved minors soliciting other minors.

And as far as why would a D1 athlete turn to on line relationships? I think there's a good number of college kids are in to Tinder, etc. (To be clear, I have no knowledge that Nicole was on Tinder, however some articles have said she was on teen dating sites, one is linked referenced below). It is part of the "hook up culture" in college these days. Plus, he may have been socially awkward. Plus, I would imagine that he was pretty busy with school and practice, etc. So, he may have found on line relationships suited him better, and were less intimidating. Went on line to find someone, not specifically a 13 year old.

I don't mean to make it sound that he's 100% innocent. I don't think he is. I just can't make the leap that DE was the one doing the soliciting, or that DE was targeting minors. Yet, anyway!

All just my opinion, except for the link.
Been trying to post a long, ramble. So instead I'm going to nutshell my theory.
Nutshell: NK is mastermind. NK has infatuation with DE and death. NK is mentally unstable. NK couldn't cope with parents expectations of her. She is a sociopath. Wanted to get caught. Is excited by the drama as well as the crime. Now she doesn't have to live up to daddies dream of her following in his footsteps. DE another nut all together. Ok I'm still rambling, but this young lady is just gnawing at me. So tragic that young Nicole landed in this web.

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I keep reading about the "obsession" that NK had towards DE. Can someone post some evidence regarding this? Did she post somewhere showing that she was obsessed with him?
'Just a guess on my part, but (I would assume the apartment was relatively small) it's possible the window and her bedroom door were not too far apart... the piece of furniture used possibly helped her climb up to window AND was large enough that it also "happened" to barricade the door.

That's got to be close quarters. They would have to be sharing rooms. The apartment complex not has 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units.
I think that they were both targeting minors, for their own twisted reasons...JMO
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