VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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I agree that this is where NK came in. Based on what we currently know, I think that aside from the obvious fact that you have to be seriously evil to do what these monsters are accused of doing, a reasonable theory at this point is that DE vented to NK about Nicole (either a made up version that she wouldn't leave him alone, or told her the truth that she's 13 and he's worried about being exposed and charged with a sex crime) and asked her advice. NK brought up the idea of murder and over a short period of time convinced him it was the only way to stop Nicole from further contacting him or from exposing their relationship.

I think that DE and NK are both despicable and both fully responsible for Nicole's murder. I do think they both had different motives though. I think DE's motive was to cover up his inappropriate relationship with Nicole and he felt justified in doing so because he is evil and NK probably egged him on with more insane justifications as to why murder was the only choice. I think NK's motive was more of a thrill kill. Thrill killers often feel inadequate deep down and have a very strong need to feel powerful. Planning this murder probably made her feel really important because she was part of this plan with DE, and powerful because she now had the power to choose to end an innocent young girls life in the most violent, in humane way possible. In her own words, she was "excited to be part of something so secretive and special." Excitement is part of thrill killing. She kept the minion blanket so she could relive the murder and fantasize about it which is one reason why many killers keep a "trophy" from their victim. All jmo and subject to change

I am just reading the details about this case so I don't know a lot about it. I did hear on the news about it briefly. Just wanted to say that I agree with the above post and what I found interesting is this reminded me so much of the Heather Elvis case.

Even though 2 adults are accused of murdering Heather the similarities are striking to me as far as potential motivation and immaturity in the responsible people. The 2 adults in Heathers case are so immature that they acted like jealous children and in a weird way it is similar to this case although slightly different reasons.

Both cases had 1 male with 2 females around.
In this case I think NK may have felt that if she helped get rid of Nicole then DE would end up with NK and have him all to herself. In some kind of twisted "see all I have done for you so you owe me now" relationship.

I guess what struck me the most about the similarity is the total immaturity in the parties that did the killing. In Heathers case, they acted like jealous high schoolers.
Both cases are really twisted.
I've never been a parent in this situation and hope to never be a grandparent in this situation, but I have to say that I'm sure that knowing what NL's parents know now they would probably do things differently. Unfortunately there are no do overs in life. You live, you learn, you make your mistakes and hopefully no one is harmed. These parents didn't set out to harm their child, or let harm come to her. I'm sure she was and is loved and treasured. NL went through a lot in her short life and I'm sure that decisions were made that were based on all things throughout her life, not just what we know after the fact. My heart goes out to NL's parents and family.

I had a sibling pass away from cancer and his kids were running wild. When we'd try to talk to him about the consequences and the what if's of not enforcing the rules strong and hard, he would break down and say that it wasn't what he wanted their last memory of him to be.
I'm sure that the parents, even though they weren't the ones sick, felt some of these same things with NL.

Shame on DE and NK for taking her from all those that loved her and would have loved her. Life is hard, and they just made it harder for NL's loved ones.
May justice be swift!


Sorry to hear about your sibling. I think you maybe right that Nicoles guardians may have not wanted to discipline her as much as they would normally due to her illness. Thats a real possibility. Its probably hard to discipline a child like that with a serious medical condition.
IMO, it's pretty clear that DE was the mastermind of NL's kidnapping and murder. He had been trolling online and meeting with NL before NK came into the picture. Publicly available information shows he was communicating with her online during December and their "relationship" probably began earlier than that. According to LE, NK didn't come into the picture until January.

Any man who is trolling for "relationships" online with young teens at sites like Kik is not normal. He didn't meet her by chance through mutual acquaintances or at the local fast food joint. He stalked her online in a forum known for people exchanging sexually explicit photos and chats with young girls. He groomed and seduced her, talking her into climbing out of her window to meet him on more than one occasion.

The same can be said for a young man who arranges secret meetings with young teens. If he thought he was pursuing a "normal" relationship with NL, DE would have attempted to meet her mother and visited her at home. Instead, his "wooing" of NL was done in secret, using an alias. He was engaged in a power/abuse dynamic with NL - using his age to attract and control her. He didn't mention this relationship to anyone else until it was time to gain an accomplice for his crime. He didn't reveal his real name or other personal information to NL. Not normal.

According to the research, any significantly older male who engages in sexual activity with a child/underaged person is considered a child molester.

Because DE escalated his aberrant behavior to sexual violence, he was likely building up to such activity. Before meeting NL, he likely had contacted other girls there or at similar forums. He may have engaged in other activities as his behavior escalated from viewing *advertiser censored* or engaging in voyeurism to more focused fantasies and contacting young girls online. He may have had an active fantasy life, compatible with his behavior as a loner, introverted, someone who didn't date girls his own age very much. He was away from home for the first time and ready to move to the next level. His problem probably began when NL began talking about him to others. His fear of being caught pushed him to began planning to get rid of Nicole and his lack of experience caused him to make the mistake of including someone else (NK) in his plan. Obviously, it was his interactions with Nicole in December that made him begin to think of getting rid of her and that was well before he talked to NK about her. He wouldn't have bothered confiding in NK about his situation if he didn't need her to help him carry out his plan. He hadn't known NK that long and wouldn't have confided in her just to get advice. This guy was very controlled, he already had an idea of what he wanted to do, he just needed an accomplice to help pull it off and possibly, to blame.
Does everybody think this was a first time offense for DE or have there been previous cases where he didn't move on to murder?

I think it is a first (and last)..Unless people come out of the woodwork to tell horror stories about him, I think that he was sexually repressed and was looking for a vulnerable girl and found one and ta-da! realized how much trouble he could be in, and was dumb enough to think he could fix the problem by killing the girl. I think NK offered up the solution and was the director of the event. JMO Til we hear something different.
NK probably thinks she is very special and smarter than everyone else but, being a young adult, she had no idea what LE was doing or where they were going with their questioning or how her answers would affect her disposition in this crime. Oh well, too bad.

DE may have had some prior dealings with LE and knew to keep his mouth shut.

I do not for one second think that this is the first horrible thing either of them have done. Evil doesn't just pop up out of nowhere.
I've never been a parent in this situation and hope to never be a grandparent in this situation, but I have to say that I'm sure that knowing what NL's parents know now they would probably do things differently. Unfortunately there are no do overs in life. You live, you learn, you make your mistakes and hopefully no one is harmed. These parents didn't set out to harm their child, or let harm come to her. I'm sure she was and is loved and treasured. NL went through a lot in her short life and I'm sure that decisions were made that were based on all things throughout her life, not just what we know after the fact. My heart goes out to NL's parents and family.

I had a sibling pass away from cancer and his kids were running wild. When we'd try to talk to him about the consequences and the what if's of not enforcing the rules strong and hard, he would break down and say that it wasn't what he wanted their last memory of him to be.
I'm sure that the parents, even though they weren't the ones sick, felt some of these same things with NL.

Shame on DE and NK for taking her from all those that loved her and would have loved her. Life is hard, and they just made it harder for NL's loved ones.
May justice be swift!


i think you are right on. My 4.5 year old daughter came home from her bio-dad's 1st visit in a month, with A BROKEN LEG. (And he did not take her in for it, WE did). My poor sweet daughter in pain with a pink cast from her little toes to her knee breaks my heart, even more so because she has autism (so she is unable to tell us how she got her owie :( ). Since the broken leg, we have been much more lax parents than usual as far as enforcing rules (i.e. Allowing lunch to be ice cream, new toys as bribes to get her out of bed etc.)--nothing that could harm her, but still. I can see how Nicole's mom probably felt. Her poor daughter suffered from
medical issues for the majority of her short life, & on top of that she was bullied. I can see Nicole crying to mom that if she didn't her her phone back to be able to communicate with the few friends she did have, she might lose them, too. Maybe that's why she wanted it back, probably more likely because SM, but let's face it, as kasey musgraves sings 'we've all lost & we've all lied, most of us have cheated, the rest of us have tried..' It would not be unbelievable for Nicole to give mom a less than truthful excuse for needing the phone back that won mom's sympathy & resulted in getting the phone back. Mom might have even made Nicole promise that whatever behavior got the phone taken away to begin with was NOT going to continue when she got it back. Unfortunately, promises are easy to break. I don't think we really know the circumstances surrounding the phone being taken away--why exactly & if there was other discipline/what kind--or the circumstances surrounding it being given back, so I feel like it is not fair to judge/blame her parents for, essentially, not protecting her by giving it back, as some are seeming to do. Maybe they gave it back & thought they had blocked certain URLs and apps, but Nicole found away around that. When I was in high school 10+ years ago, the school had YouTube, Facebook & MySpace blocked, but it only took us a matter of days to find an alternate URL to enter that then allowed you to get to any of the blocked sites without notifying admin. Also possibly relevant, if Nicole wanted to access SM badly enough, she didn't NEED her phone to do it. They could've kept the phone away & she still would have found a way, IMO, to access her SM (home computer, computer/phones at friends/relatives/neighbors houses, computers at school/libraries etc.). It is so awful what happened to Nicole, but I feel that she was young & overly trusting & we don't know her parents situations, but it seems they both loved her very much, so I am going to keep my anger focused toward blaming the only 2 (as of right now) I feel are responsible--nk & de.

IMO, it's pretty clear that DE was the mastermind of NL's kidnapping and murder. He had been trolling online and meeting with NL before NK came into the picture. Publicly available information shows he was communicating with her online during December and their "relationship" probably began earlier than that. According to LE, NK didn't come into the picture until January.

Any man who is trolling for "relationships" online with young teens at sites like Kik is not normal. He didn't meet her by chance through mutual acquaintances or at the local fast food joint. He stalked her online in a forum known for people exchanging sexually explicit photos and chats with young girls. He groomed and seduced her, talking her into climbing out of her window to meet him on more than one occasion.

Really fantastic post. I agree with everything you said. I only quoted the first part for the sake of brevity, but the whole post is really wonderful. While I am very interested in NK and what could have led her to this point, I very much think that this was DE's show and NK got swept up in it.
Thank you. That was very helpful. The only crime show I've watched is Making a Murderer. I definitely need to brush up on my rights. Hopefully you can keep posting more tips when it pertains to the case.

The DA files charges pertaining to the information at hand by the police. But they will negotiate before filing certain charges if you have key information, minimal involvement and a lawyer that can delegate a possible deal for certain charges if the client cooperates. But there is usually a clause that if the client is not totally forth coming; Then additional charges will be filled as well.

So some people with knowledge and minimal involvement that have key incriminating information on the main conspirator; Should not talk to the police without a lawyer present that is willing to negotiate with the DA beforehand to avoid certain charges or leniency of certain filing charges. Jmo for now.
Really fantastic post. I agree with everything you said. I only quoted the first part for the sake of brevity, but the whole post is really wonderful. While I am very interested in NK and what could have led her to this point, I very much think that this was DE's show and NK got swept up in it.

I agree.

I am really interested in finding out what was in it for NK.

Was it solely for the thrill of it for her OR was she trying to help do him a favor to win him over or something crazy like that.

Its so bizarre this case and so terribly sad.
Looking into DE's background, its reported that, while growing up in Yakima, WA, he spent 9 yrs attending Riverside Christian School, a small school.

According to their web site, the small school teaches students from pre-school thru high school age, with what looks like all classes in one building

The school's web site mentions it teaches older students to mentor younger ones. It's likely the conservative religious curriculum for older students included instruction regarding sexual abstinence until marriage. So it could have been an environment that encouraged DE's sexual interest in girls much younger than himself as well as repression of sexual urges. He also likely had a restricted social life, spending most of his time with others at his school and church.

After his sophomore year there, DE's father was transferred to Maryland. It must have been a culture shock for him to attend a much larger secular school where students came from different backgrounds and where ideas about pre-marital sex were different. Finding himself socially awkward, DE apparently handled it by immersing himself in his studies and sports. The transition 2 yrs later to VT was probably another social culture shock.

NK came from a similar background. Per her father's testimony in court, she was raised in a very Christian family. When she had problems with self-harm (cutting) in high school, she saw a Christian counselor who allegedly taught her stress reduction techniques

When it came time for DE to choose an accomplice for Nicole's murder, he may have trusted the emotionally troubled NK because she also came from a similar strict Christian background. Perhaps he thought she could sympathize with his situation being involved with a very young, "sinful" girl. As someone mentioned in a previous post, it's possible DE had also groomed NK, making her emotionally dependent on him, luring her with the prospect that she might have a romantic relationship with him. Both were emotionally repressed people who internalized their conflicts - she through self-harm, he through living out his sexual fantasies by trolling young girls online.

Nichole's family is off limits! No more bashing them. If it continues, you may find yourself without posting privileges.

Also, lets please stay on topic. This thread is for Nichole.

Thank you.
BettyP great post!
snipped from her post
When it came time for DE to choose an accomplice for Nicole's murder, he may have trusted the emotionally troubled NK because she also came from a similar strict Christian background. Perhaps he thought she could sympathize with his situation being involved with a very young, sinful girl. As someone mentioned in a previous post, it's possible DE had also groomed NK, making her emotionally dependent on him, luring her with the prospect that she might have a romantic relationship with him. Both were emotionally repressed people who internalized their conflicts - she through self-harm, he through living out his sexual fantasies by trolling young girls online.
BettyP great post!

Thanks. I think I've been hanging out at WS too long, reading too much about profiling murderers and sexual deviants. I've learned quite a bit from some of the experts here.

ETA: I also realized today that DE reminds me of a guy I went to high school with. Smart scholar and all around athlete, Dudley Do-Right, very tightly wound. Ended up being a closet sadist and murdered his wife. A guy with a lot of repressed anger, sexual frustration, and strong sense of entitlement and superiority over others.
I want more info on this case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forgive me. I just had to get that out.

Looking into DE's background, its reported that, while growing up in Yakima, WA, he spent 9 yrs attending Riverside Christian School, a small school.

:thinking: Oh, how I would love to hear what his classmates from Riverside Christian School have to say about him.
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