Has there been clarification on whether the baby had a "respiratory illness" or "respiratory problems"? The msm reporting last week used the term "illness" for the most part, but now I'm reading more and more using "problems". It is an important distinction, if drugs (some of which were present at the home) are being considered as possibly being involved. I would associate "problems" with difficulties breathing.. Shallow, labored respirations, strider, periods of apnea. Those things are more likely to be associated with drug ingestion. "Illness" would mean an infection, bronchitis, generally something treatable and common. Though certainly if a respiratory illness is severe enough, it can cause respiratory problems, as listed above. In either case, I don't think she had a simple virus or infection with congestion.
When my 6 month old got his first upper respiratory infection and was stopped up, I didn't leave him in the room alone, he was so congested and miserable, but not having respiratory "problems" per say. I could fathom any reason to leave a sick baby alone.
Either she had an illness severe enough to cause breathing problems, which is dangerous, and was left alone, or she was medicated and had depressed respiratory function, which is the number one side effect of opioids and their derivatives, and was left alone.
Or the information released was just wonky and the baby had a cold/infection or the like but that really did not carry much weight in her removal
and she was removed for some other, more obvious neglect or abuse.
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