In the (poorly-written) article below it says "the owner of the trailer which is the father of suspect Brian Gore"...,0,1470360.story
Never heard of a trailer being able to have children.
In the (poorly-written) article below it says "the owner of the trailer which is the father of suspect Brian Gore"...,0,1470360.story
BBM part-thats what I am wondering as well. I can really only thing of one thing that could be worse that doing that to your child and that is the addition of sexual abuse. With all these talk of pictures, I pray thats not the case and there aren't photos of it...theres got to something else right? Anyone? Help get me out of this thought process please.:maddening:People that don't look l=kindly on couples having children out of wedlock generally also have a problem with co-habitting as well. Because it is unrealistic to expect that people live together and do not engage in that very activity that brings the children in the first place.
Thse two realities are not jibing for me.
I am bothered by what Brian thinks is "the worse(sic) of the stuff" out of the trailer.
In the (poorly-written) article below it says "the owner of the trailer which is the father of suspect Brian Gore"...,0,1470360.story
Ok what about this. What if the Dad agreed to help them get a loan for the trailer, but concerned about whether they would be able to keep up with the payments he made them promise not to get pregnant until the trailer was several years old and they had managed to stay current on the payments?
I don't usually post, but this case is really heartwrenching, I just found a link to WAVY inside the trailer, it has a write up and video.
I dont know why I expected to see a trashed home. All over. I wonder if the little boy would have suffered the same fate after a while.
Some screenshots from your link, Heartland. Clickable thumbnails for larger view:
Sunshine's room: (so sad)
And here, the hall, and you can see the new baby boys room painted with happy swinging monkeys on the walls. What a contrast!
It's ok to not be able to comprehend ANY reason that any human being would cage a 6 year old and watch her almost starve to death and sit in a room of her own waste.
I don't think there can possibly be something to blame this on other than utter depravity and lack of a conscience.
We were trying to come up with reasons why a couple would hide two pregnancies, then acknowlege the third. Not why they would cage Sunny. No one is trying to justify their treatment of Sunny, or of Golden Boy. Just trying to get some understanding of what happened.
We were trying to come up with reasons why a couple would hide two pregnancies, then acknowlege the third. Not why they would cage Sunny. No one is trying to justify their treatment of Sunny, or of Golden Boy. Just trying to get some understanding of what happened.