GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #6

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He got a slap on the wrist. I know people who knew him and hung out with him at the time and it was a big joke. Everyone in that circle were sweating because when that girl came forward, there were other girls there that night who were underage yet never said anything. He was the only one who was charged because the girl told someone. I remember being so heated about it because none of the other girls wanted to get anyone in trouble ; so nothing was said. From what I know, he did no time and was only put on probation with community service.

Hopefully, his past will catch up with him. If he gets new charges, he'll end up in jail for probation violation.
I just don't think BS has the luxury of deciding what crimes JE will be charged with, unfortunately. But, assuming that she does, do you think that the cops that found her, or the cops in VA, including her father, would NOT want her to undergo a GYN exam? She'd spent several days alone with a pedophile and, apparently, a violent, psychopathic one. Who can guess what he did or didn't do to that child? Other men? Foreign objects? Lacerations/tears? Sodomy? I don't even want to think about it! But, I'll bet the investigators and juvenile specialists thought about it. If we want her safe and healthy, how could that part of an exam be excluded?
I have to agree with your whole post!!!:clap::clap::clap:. I just can't believe the majority of posters on this thread can conclude the exact opposite.:banghead::banghead::banghead: I jumped into this case when it became local for me (SF area), and from what I've read, it appears to me he was seducing her mother-to get to her sexually all along. That's what predators (including Michael Jackson) do, they groom their victims.
From the records we can see the rape charges went way (felonies) and he took a deal on deliquency of minor (misdemeanor). No sex offender status. Not sure he even did time. I don't see any served.

This is in no way to defend this guy or find this ruling acceptable just MO on what probably happened.

The girl was probably drinking and went to the "party" willingly. Witness described her as flirtatious or that she came on to AM so it became a case of he said she consented and she said she didn't. LE couldn't determine/prove a rape occured and allowed him to enter into a plea of contributing to the delinquency of minor (providing her alcohol) and the lesser charges of penetration with an object (shutter to think what it could have been). Neither of these charges would warrant having to register as a sex offender.

i'm not sure why he wasn't charged with statutory rape. (He would have had to register) At 18 even if she consented she would have still been too young. In CA to "consent" to sleeping with someone 18 and over you have to be at least 17.5..... is it the same in VA?
Hopefully, his past will catch up with him. If he gets new charges, he'll end up in jail for probation violation.

He isn't on probation currently.
The complaint was several years ago.
He literally got a slap on the wrist, if you want to call it that.
He isn't on probation currently.
The complaint was several years ago.
He literally got a slap on the wrist, if you want to call it that.

Darn <- keeping it clean, cuz that's NOT what I was thinking.

That means it's gone, done, over. Although...if he gets charged with something, the judge may look at his previous history to see if it's relevent in court...and use that to decide sentencing.
Maybe their weird hepped up behavior was due to being high.
I know this is older in the threads, but I was reading the article regarding what the clerk said about BS and LE being "regulars" and not knowing that she was only 12.

1. Isn't the AM in pretty close proximity to TS and BS house?
2. How is it that they never saw BS come in with her mom?
3. Wouldn't TS or BS have been to the AM before JE even moved in?
4. How were JE and BS considered "regulars" but they never saw TS?
Originally Posted By duckingoff
OK people if your 12 yr old is saying things like "hey i'm single hit me up"; shut down their MS and FB accounts. Password protect the computer and don't pay for an internet plan on their cell phones. :furious:

Why on earth a 12 yr old had access to all that with her mom as her friend on all of it, is beyond me. Red flags all over the place. Yeah I know mom was still grieving, lonely, etc etc. But there are other adults she has on her friend list. Shame on them! OK off my soap box.


Despite the sad situation at hand, I have to agree with you. But I also think that there were other variables that MOST do not have to deal with and, IMO, played a large part in all of this unfolding...mainly the grief TS was still experiencing because of the death of her son.

Though I wholeheartedly agree with you about the fact that TS was obviously grief stricken/depression.. it also seems that she very much was in not a very good place emotionally/mentally/psychologically and more than likely not reaching out for help for that emotional/menatl/psychological state therefor IMO seemed to be stuck in certain aspects of the grieving process{and I in no way am attempting to put a particular or strict time frame that one needs to move through the grief process..I know that differs for us all}..but when we are responsible for another child that is still in our care it is still us, as a parents responsibility to do one of two things..either reach out for help{and not even for your personal gain but to ensure that remaining child is properly cared for IN ALL ASPECTS}by seeking counseling, doctor/psychiatrist/psychologists advice on how to best handle the remaining child's needs.. ~OR~ .. ENSURING the remaining child is, even if temporarily, having their needs met by another family member{i.e. the father, grandmother, aunt, etc}...It seems as though there is no shortage of blood relatives alone that were more than willing to step in and help once they saw that there was indeed a serious problem concerning JE..

I 100% wholeheartedly agree with duckingoff's post ^above^ about the MS and FB accts of BS and that if ANYTHING SIMILAR IN NATURE IS SEEN ON A 12 YR OLDS MS/FB ACCTS TO IMMEDIATELY SHUT THEM DOWN AND REMOVE ANY AND ALL INTERNET ACCESS FOR THIS 12 YR OLD..

I fortunately have a 12 yr old "son", that tho he has asked for a FB acct I at this time have said No..{and thankfully he is not interseted enough in it to continue to ask or try to get me to change my mind}.. My main reason for this is because at this time there are moments when he cannot be properly monitored and because each child at my son's school does have their own individual Mac laptop with FULL internet access{and yes am aware of blocks, cyber sitting, etc..but 12 yr olds these days I have already found thru some of his friends at school are VERY WELL AWARE AND HAVE THE KNOW-HOW OF HOW TO GET AROUND THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS THAT PARENTS TAKE TO PROTECT THEIR CHILD..

So, along with as close as possibly monitoring along with very frequent downloads of his computer usage{a process where we can see every keystroke along with every site even attempted to access}..For now I just do not feel comfortable with having such accts{and that is in no way judgemental towards those that do allow..they may very well be in a position where they can appropriately monitor to where they feel comfortable with allowing this time I feel we are not at that point}...

As far as just what we know about BS using MS/FB accts it IS EVIDENT that appropriate monitoring was not being done.. and way too much freedom and access was allowed this 12 yr old girl.. This was TS responsibility do so and as I said above if she was not at a place emotionally/psychologically that she could provide this dire of important parenting of BS then it was her responsibility to step out of being embarrassed that she could not provide such and do what was in BS very best interest..again, even if temporarily having those needs met for BS by another family member{i.e. dad, grandmother, aunt, etc}
I noticed that to. His (AM) last FB post is scarily similar to JE's LAST MS status and around the same date!

December 5 at 10:04am via Mobile Web

The two entries before that one sound like him and the girlfriend broke up, references her being a baby mama instead of some other label, and something about how he compares to the person replacing him. Seems like a dramatic weekend to say the least.
I know this is older in the threads, but I was reading the article regarding what the clerk said about BS and LE being "regulars" and not knowing that she was only 12.

1. Isn't the AM in pretty close proximity to TS and BS house?
2. How is it that they never saw BS come in with her mom?
3. Wouldn't TS or BS have been to the AM before JE even moved in?
4. How were JE and BS considered "regulars" but they never saw TS?

If TS just stopped for gas, maybe she just used her credit card and never went into the store. (I seldom go in the store when I buy 6 years, I've stopped in "On the Run" maybe twice, but buy gas there often).

If JE and BS were "regulars," she may have just ridden along when he bought his snuff/snuss/whatever it was.
is the am a liquor store? it looks like one...

eta: oh yeah now i remember that they did buy gas there too...
This is something that most people don't know... and it may explain why the rug was being used to hold the door open (if that were the case and they were planning on robbing the store), but some gas stations have a button that they can push that can lock the doors... I am sure the cashiers are told not to us it during a robbery because the last thing you want to do is keep them in the store... but a robber who knows about the button (previous employee or has worked in the business before) wouldn't take chances?

Working at gas stations really is one of the most dangerous jobs to work in. You come across people from all walks of life. I can tell you that I've had my share of scary moments when I worked at one (I was 21-years-old 5 foot and weighed 103 pounds). That's why I get so angry when people treat the cashiers like crap... they are constantly having to worry about everything that is going on around them and they don't control the gas prices as some people would like to believe.

I don't know if they had thought about robbing the store, but I wouldn't put it past them. Thank God they didn't. There are already too many victims in this case.
He gave only yes and no answers to questions from a judge. At one point, he chuckled with his public defender.

I don't think this guy has a clue what he is facing in Virginia.

From what I have seen on these documentaries. It won't be any laughing matter when he finally gets in "population" (Jail). Inmates and gangs have their own sort of justice and his kind is looked down on and preyed upon onsite.
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