GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #7

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Go to this link and select 'Roanoke City Circuit' from the drop-down menu, click "Begin" then search for the last name "McElvy".

At that link, I could only find those cases that were earlier referenced in this or previous thread that date back to the end of 2002. Those were horrifying I might add.

In my post to which you responded, I was interested in AMc's recent criminal behavior that would have caused, IIRC, the numerous interactions with LE in the last couple of months as referenced in the search warrant. And therefore, a possible reason to pressure AMc into cooperating with LE.
I got married in VA almost 3 years ago, no ID needed, just SS cards or maybe it was our births cert? But not an ID my hubby had lost his at the time, so I called ahead before we went to get our marriage linecse.
Has anyone found/read answers to any of the following questions?:

1. Which cars did TS’ neighbors report seeing at her house on Fri eve?
2. Where was AMc’s purple car abandoned? [sam24 mentioned it being found in an empty parking lot – address?]
3. Where in the house was TS’ body found? COD?
4. On 12/3, an attempt was made to withdrawal money from "a Salem bank" at appox time JE/BS left Walmart (9:35pm). Which bank? (and address?) Was that the JE ATM mug shot we saw?
5. What amount of cash/goods/drugs/actions were exchanged for the SUV/electronics?
6. How long have JE and AMc known each other? How did they meet?
7. What’s the drive time from AMc’s home (Garden City Blvd) to AM at about 9pm on a Friday?
8. JE’s history. How long in Roanoke/Salem area? Previous address?
I think the Iphone access was just to the myspace pages? Are Iphone users able to see the private FB pages?

You may be right, maybe someone that had access can chime in to clarify.
Can someone with an IPHONE please check Brittany's myspace and see if she has logged in since she arrived home?
Has anyone found/read answers to any of the following questions?:

1. Which cars did TS’ neighbors report seeing at her house on Fri eve?
2. Where was AMc’s purple car abandoned? [sam24 mentioned it being found in an empty parking lot – address?]
3. Where in the house was TS’ body found? COD?
4. On 12/3, an attempt was made to withdrawal money from "a Salem bank" at appox time JE/BS left Walmart (9:35pm). Which bank? (and address?) Was that the JE ATM mug shot we saw?
5. What amount of cash/goods/drugs/actions were exchanged for the SUV/electronics?
6. How long have JE and AMc known each other? How did they meet?
7. What’s the drive time from AMc’s home (Garden City Blvd) to AM at about 9pm on a Friday?
8. JE’s history. How long in Roanoke/Salem area? Previous address?

The only one I can take a stab at answering is No. 7, drive time.

You could go on the interstate and probably do in around 25 minutes if traffic is not bad. Or if you went through town it could take up to 35-40 minutes Loads of stoplights and turns and sooooo many different routes that could be taken. This is all considered if I was the driver because people think I don't drive fast enough!!
They seem to relate the "disturbing things" to Brittany having "already" changed her name to Easley on FB... Of course, I'm just speculating and trying to read between the lines. Willing to be wrong - and hope I am.

Are you thinking the fake ID came into play with your speculation? TIA
Can someone with an IPHONE please check Brittany's myspace and see if she has logged in since she arrived home?

I'm on her MS page now and showing her last post 2:17am Dec 2
Just some random thoughts...

Reading through all of TS's MS pages, it doesn't seem to me that she was very happy with JE for very long at all...just a few (comparatively) loving comments re: JE. At best, things seem very tumultuous from the start. There's also an odd entry on Oct. 5, something to the effect that 'my kid sold me out! but why not? she gets the best of both worlds'. Then a frowning emoticon. Mood isn't so good either. This man must have been a master manipulator if he stayed even 2 wks, let alone 2 months.

Fake ID's are very easy to obtain. They're all over the web. The very good ones are so close to the real thing, it's scary. Of course, the better they are, the more they cost but, even so, a kid with a parent's credit card could get one easily. Some of them have the billing caveat, "Your credit card bill will show ___ as the vendor" and the ___ has nothing to do with fake ID's. In cities with some size, there's usually someone who makes and sells them out of his/her house. Fees vary. Sometimes a cute girl gets one through, uh...well, barter (so to speak). Areas with substantial illegal communities almost always have them available.

LOTS of kids here have them and they know which clerk knows which kid in which convenience stores so that they don't get caught. Sometimes I get carded buying cigarettes and I'm in my late 50's. A clerk gets popped selling to someone underage and for the next few weeks, everyone gets carded for everything. The kids also use them to get into R-rated movies (kids are supposed to be accompanied by a parent or guardian to see R movies). Some theaters actually check ages for R-movies.

My very first reaction to hearing (from a friend in VA) that this had happened was that they were not headed to NC or FL...that they were headed for Las but nice hotels and tons of people 24/7. You do need one ID to get married in LV. I so hope that JE and BS did not get married. OMG. Of course, it wouldn't be legal but still...

I have a paid subscription to Publicdata,com. I can't post links to AMc's offenses listed there...they would require sign in to view. It's not up-to-date and doesn't include lots of things but it still comes in handy now and then. It doesn't include the charges AMc has listed on the Va Courts page but it does include some later charges, none of which is serious except the 'felony elude' charge that was nol prossed. The charges on PD include such things as fishing without a license, dog running at large, dog with no rabies shots, suspended driver's license, etc. It would be interesting to know just what charges the LE was referring to in order to get the search warrant. JE has a charge of 'threatening phone call' in NC, apparently to a wife or ex-wife.

If I had seen my mother killed, I would be hysterical and I mean crazy hysterical. The amount of drugs it would take to calm me down probably would have been the same amount it would take to knock me out. I'm beginning to believe that JE (or whomever) either didn't actually kill TS on the spot (she died due to the injuries sometime later) or he had BS convinced that her mom was only injured and would be OK eventually...after they'd skipped town. BS might have been somewhat drugged in the video clips...tranquilized to keep her calm following her mother's beating.

Withdrawal from meth, even after just a single dose, is followed by exhaustion, depression and lethargy. The longer you stay tweaked out, the more extreme the let-down. If JE stayed tweaked during the drive and even a bit tweaked after they got to SF, his come-down in jail could have easily warranted a stay in the psych unit.

There's a chick named F on FB who, along w/ her husband, is a FB friend w/ AMc. She's thoroughly p*ssed with him on Dec. 4 for choosing to do something with his friends the night before, apparently something sort of spur-of-the-moment.

Sorry for rambling...this whole thing just troubles me (as it does you all too).
MHO... I think TS was killed sometime in the later afternoon or early evening (since wasn't there a FB post by her around 1:30). I do believe she was deceased by the time the trip to WM took place.

Kind of some controlled frantic activity - WM trip, ATM, Apple Market, loading up items from the house, packing for the cross country trip. All of these things took time. We know at what times some of these things took place - but the removal of the items from the house to the SUV - sounds like this was done either before the WM trip or sometime after that but before the Apple Market stop. Same with the packing of personal items for the get away. And then again, we don't actually know when JSE and BS left the area. They may not have left town until sometime later.

I would expect that the RCPD could narrow down the time if there was a parking ticket issued when they parked the neon in the parking lot at (near) the SF Airport. Usually those tickets are day and time dated. So would believe that this could help narrow down the time to when they left Salem.

I don't know why, but I don't believe that AM knew outright about the murder of TS. I'm thinking that maybe JSE was hoping that his actions would set up AM to be complicit in the actions of that day and that JSE could deflect some (if not all) of the murder onto AM.

All JSE had to tell AM was that he and "his girl" were having money problems...and with the holidays coming and all they needed money for presents/bills, etc. I would think it possible that at some point (earlier) that AM expressed and interest in JSE's vehicle.

Like the others, if AM was involved with TS's murder (or even had any inkling about it), he would have been dumber than a box of rocks to 1) leave his vehicle somewhere; 2) to have JSE's SUV at his home; 3) to have been driving around in that SUV. I just don't believe that AM had any reason to not believe this was a legitimate transaction.

Yeah...AM has a bad past, but that doesn't mean he knowingly helped in any direct way with TS's murder, nor does it mean he was ever in TS's home.

What I don't understand if JM was in the vehicle with AM when they went to make this transaction, then why didn't one of them drive the vehicle they came in back to their home? Why was this "purple car" left behind? Wasn't it stated that both the purple car and the SUV were filled up with gas? I think that is what is perplexing me - fill up the purple car and leave it? Something about that doesn't make sense to me.

Unless JSE and AM were supposedly trading vehicles and then for some reason decided not to use the "purple car" - maybe because of the color?

I'm rambling...I'll quit...

Hi MBLover
... I think you're more than likely correct in that the original plan was to take the "purple" car of AMs on the high-tailing it outta town trip.. therefor the reason BOTH vehicles were gassed up at AppleMarket.. I think that was part of the deal JE's SUV traded for the purple car, plus AM buying alot of the "items" from TS home.. I believe thats also why there seems to be a discrepancy as far as JE already being outta money by the 10th when he was arrested{because he didn't neccessarily get the large amount of money that most assume was gotten from AM for the purchase of the SUV}.. Because the purple car was also part of the payment to JE..

I believe that was the original plan was to take the purple car as the "get-away car" but upon rethinking the situation that just as u stated most likely JE realized this would be an easily spotted vehicle therefor not so wise to use as the get-away car when you're attempting to hide while on the run..

I too believe that TS was killed late afternoon or evening of the 3rd.. most likely BEFORE the Wal-Mart trip{i.e. they already had TS credit card in their possession along with approx.40mins AFTER the Wal-Mart vid you have JE&BS on vid at Apple Market where they made the vehicle exchange and more than likely when they sold the "stolen items" of TS to AM as well}..this leads me to believe that with such a small window of time btwn W-mart and A-Market that I'd find it unlikely that TS was murdered during that very small amt of time..So, IMO she was murdered BEFORE the W-Mart trip{which I also agree that most likely AM was NOT involved, nor evven had knowledge of TS murder}..and thats for the obvious reasons you stated as well..{i.e. keeping and driving the SUv and keeping the stolen goods from a murdered woman's home}...Nope, I don't believe AM or JM had ANY KNOWLEDGE OF TS MURDER..

So, I believe that after they made the deal with AM at A-Market and got rid of the SUV{and Stolen goods}that it was at this point that JE rethought his plan of taking purple car..thus it was left behind and TS silver Dodge Neon was taken instead{for obvious reason of it "blending in better"} as well as IMO I see that Neon probably being in better condition than the purple car..So, the Neon would be much more reliable for this really long cross country road trip{cuz think about it the last thing JE would want was this "purple" car breaking down on the side of a highway somewhere btwn Salem, Virginia and SF, California}..
I'm on her MS page now and showing her last post 2:17am Dec 2

Good. The last place she needs to be right now is online. I hope her father realizes that and keeps her far away from a computer for awhile. But she is a young teenager and we all know she will be back on the internet world in just a matter of time.
Originally Posted by Pollywog
You have to show a picture ID in Florida, or we did in 2004 and proof of divorce if recently divorced

You're 100% correct, pollywog..It remains the same..I just married in Florida 8weeks ago and bride/groom both required to show picture, valid ID and if either were divorced within the last 6mos. must have in hand a certified copy of divorce papers{just adding neither of us had the divorced within 6mo that we were marrying in Florida while residing in another we made 100% certain of all rules, requirements, etc}
Name change is what little girls do when they have a crush - before computers we would write our names in a notebook and change our last name to the boys. Same thing here except on a computer for the world to see. It could just be the imaginings of a child.


That's very true, but grouped with the mind of this obvious SO, who knows how he twisted it to her with all the ILY, etc. We don't what knowledge she had of sex...period...he may have told her big whoppers in many "aspects" .....just use your imagination!
Are you thinking the fake ID came into play with your speculation? TIA

Not really. I don't find the marriage thing to be that disturbing because it would be ruled invalid (if it's even true), IMHO. I'm more worried about other things that we've all worried about all along - grooming, etc. :(

(I think the online name change was just a 12-yr-old girl "trying it on"...)

ETA: Let me rephrase what I mean: I don't really buy the marriage thing and don't think it happened. But if it's true, there are bigger issues that concern me more than an illegal (and therefore invalid) marriage. Make sense?
I think they took Tinas car because Jeff knew she was dead.. otherwise when Tina awoke from getting beat she could just call in her car missing to the police along with telling that Jeff took her 12 year old?? So I think Jeff knew the lady was dead and he meant for it to be that way. Otherwise why take her Car?? she would of knew who took it and called it in.. this is so confusing.. but he is a very dumb man and I'm glad.
Withdrawal from meth, even after just a single dose, is followed by exhaustion, depression and lethargy. The longer you stay tweaked out, the more extreme the let-down. If JE stayed tweaked during the drive and even a bit tweaked after they got to SF, his come-down in jail could have easily warranted a stay in the psych unit.

There's a chick named Fokas on FB who, along w/ her husband, is a FB friend w/ AMc. She's thoroughly p*ssed with him on Dec. 4 for choosing to do something with his friends the night before, apparently something sort of spur-of-the-moment. Has the name Fokas come up yet?

Sorry for rambling...this whole thing just troubles me (as it does you all too).

General meth question: Could a person drive cross country in just a few days tweaked on meth?

Haven't seen reference to the person you named but have seen reference to a women, last name starts with F(5 letters), first T(5 letters) [not sure if I can put her name here yet - she was referenced in the search warrant].
Yep if you have a good supply of the "good" stuff, made with anhydrous ammonia it will keep you up for days until your body literally shuts down passes out etc and you do get aches and such when coming down.
General meth question: Could a person drive cross country in just a few days tweaked on meth?

Haven't seen reference to the person you named but have seen reference to a women, last name starts with F(5 letters), first T(5 letters) [not sure if I can put her name here yet - she was referenced in the search warrant].

yes. You can stay awake up to almost 72 hours before passing out and meth users are drawn to drinking energy drinks and junk food that gives them more energy.
scary thought. I am surprised the got there safely.

BTW: I have never taken meth but knew some people who did and became addicted unfortunately.
They act very manic and hyper doing repetitive patterns or OBC type of disorder develops.
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