MISTRIAL Vanderbilt Rape Trial - Brandon Vandenburg and Cory Batey

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WSMV-TV, Nashville ‏@WSMV · 3m3 minutes ago
Robinson arguing that Batey was the product of his environment, the culture of Vanderbilt's campus. #Vandytrial

Tony Gonzalez ‏@TGonzalez · 3m3 minutes ago  Nashville, TN
Robinson: "It’s the culture ... What does it have to do with that night or Cory Batey? Well, it has a lot to do with it." #vandytrial
If he says "culture" one more time I'm going to explode. Regardless of the college "culture", Tennessee rape law does apply to this case. This is the most insulting closing I've ever heard. Sorry for the multiple posts but this is totally absured. I've got to turn this off for awhile. Ugh!
Robinson is so bad at closing I feel sorry for him. Will tune out until Fletcher Long (VANDERBURG'S atty) comes up. Batey clearly got the short end of the stick in terms of defense
Seriously, this has to be one of the lamest closings I've ever heard. This guy sounds like a Frat buddy, trying to defend his pal. :doh:

Agree. Robinson is a miserable excuse for a criminal defense atty. Batey will be able to appeal on incompetent representation
Chris Conte ‏@chrisconte · 3m3 minutes ago
Defense: There is not dispute that (the victim) was blacked out @nc5 #vandytrial
geeeze, The victim doesn't remember, your client Mr. Batey, remembers everything! That's why he can't use the excuse he doesn't remember. He sure could shower, order something to eat, text, talk to his girlfriend, but He can't remember, he just saying what ever he was told to say. pfffffffffft
The lawyer talks about 'if onlys' blaming it on everyone else. If only these defendants had morals.
Robinson is so bad at closing I feel sorry for him. Will tune out until Fletcher Long (VANDERBURG'S atty) comes up. Batey clearly got the short end of the stick in terms of defense

I do want to listen to him, been interested to see his style for the upcoming whenever it happens Holly Bobo case, in which he is representing Jason Autry.

If I'm not mistaken, I think he also represented Perry March in the murder of his wife Janet ( which she has never been found ).
I do want to listen to him, been interested to see his style for the upcoming whenever it happens Holly Bobo case, in which he is representing Jason Autry.

If I'm not mistaken, I think he also represented Perry March in the murder of his wife Janet ( which she has never been found ).

Mr Jason should be looking for new representation right about now.
I do want to listen to him, been interested to see his style for the upcoming whenever it happens Holly Bobo case, in which he is representing Jason Autry.

If I'm not mistaken, I think he also represented Perry March in the murder of his wife Janet ( which she has never been found ).
OMG. I didn't know. Can't the public defender's office do better than this?
Perry March defense atty was william massey, not robinson
Hope the victim is not listening to this closing. She's endured enough without being subjected to this ludicrousness.
I got it, it's Boy George's fault. Him and his culture club.

Close! It was everyone but Batey's fault. Culture, alcohol, his friends, everyone except Batey!

I'm so sick of people not taking personal responsibility for their actions. :gavel: If the video and pictures did not exist, where would we be? Made up stories and lies.
Tony Gonzalez ‏@TGonzalez · 3m3 minutes ago  Nashville, TN
Robinson: Batey "was crazy drunk and he didn’t know what he was doing." #vandytrial

Perry March defense atty was william massey, not robinson

I was speaking of Fletcher Long, he represent's Jason Autry, and it was Perry March's father Arthur who had Fletcher Long as a lawyer. hahaha I knew it was one of them.
Have it on mute but see that he's still arguing. Your posts are getting me through this!
If I don't believe my lying eyes and what they saw on those tapes well then I must find him not guilty.

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