Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder #3

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes. I'm hoping there will be one or more other books in time as well. With 2 more trials for DM on the horizon, I'm not convinced that the book due out on November 8th will be able to tell the whole story. jmo.

I have preordered it but agree that it will likely be missing large parts of the overall story due to publication ban for the other 2 trials. That said, I am sure that it will be well researched and written.

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Just catching up on what has been going on with this case and I see that the Bosma family has done what many of us had hoped and filed a civil suit against DM and MS. As we discussed quite often before this case came to trial, that lawsuit is not about the money and everything to do with making sure that DM and the people who helped him both to commit and cover up murder(s) do not continue to reap the benefits of the family wealth, some of which appears to have been "moved around" in anticipation of this possibility. Especially considering one of the murder charges DM faces is for allegedly killing his father, the main source of the family wealth. It's just the right thing to do. I have no doubt that if any money is actually collected once the dust has settled and all the attorneys have been paid off, it will be put into the charity in Tim's name to help future victims.

I also hope that if they win this lawsuit, both MS and DM's prison "funds" are garnished a certain percentage for the rest of their lives, just to remind them both of why they're in there.

I have preordered it but agree that it will likely be missing large parts of the overall story due to publication ban for the other 2 trials. That said, I am sure that it will be well researched and written.

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I'm sure.
Hi all, hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Thought I would read up on old threads on Laura Babcock over the summer. It has been too hot (for me) to do much in my garden so it is a mess. Once it cools down, if that ever happens, I'll likely be working day and night (with the help of work lamps) to get it done.

My apologies if someone else has already posted this, but a new document has appeared:


Hi all, hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Thought I would read up on old threads on Laura Babcock over the summer. It has been too hot (for me) to do much in my garden so it is a mess. Once it cools down, if that ever happens, I'll likely be working day and night (with the help of work lamps) to get it done.

My apologies if someone else has already posted this, but a new document has appeared:


Very interesting, indeed! Thanks for posting that.

For anyone who doesn't want to wade through the document, the broad strokes are (please correct me if I'm wrong):

- Justice Goodman denied the Crown's application to cite forcible confinement leading to first degree murder because it couldn't be presumed that Tim was ever actually confined against his will

- MS's application for the jury to receive a warning about several witness' testimony being dangerous as they had lied several times under oath was also denied. These witnesses were CN, MM, BD, MH, AM and SS. Interesting that even MS's friends BD and MM were listed, not just DM's crowd.

For those who read it, did I miss anything pertinent?
Hi all, hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Thought I would read up on old threads on Laura Babcock over the summer. It has been too hot (for me) to do much in my garden so it is a mess. Once it cools down, if that ever happens, I'll likely be working day and night (with the help of work lamps) to get it done.

My apologies if someone else has already posted this, but a new document has appeared:


How ironic that MS would want a vetrovec warning for all the other witnesses, when it was his own testimony that would have most fit the definition for that warning. He was the one witness with the most reason not to be trusted to tell the truth, due to his motive to lie, his character, his criminal activities, and even his past dishonesty if we take into account his treatment of his customers and friends. Although that should have been obvious enough to the jury without the warning, lucky for him that he was the only one of the two to testify, and all the jury got was the advice regarding the limits of how his testimony could be applied against DM.


In Working Manual of Criminal Law (2009), the authors described the Vetrovec Warning as follows:

"A Vetrovec jury instruction is required for any witness who cannot be trusted to tell the truth under oath, due to his or her amoral character, criminal activities, past dishonesty or inconsistency, or motives to lie....

Justice Anthony Frederick Leitch was called to the bar in 1995. For the past two years, he has been an assistant Crown attorney in the Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office, where he also served as deputy Crown Attorney. Previously, he was the acting Crown Attorney in Orangeville and Simcoe and was an assistant Crown attorney in North Bay.

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Congrats to Mr. Leitch!

The high-profile Bosma trial prosecutor has been appointed a judge in the Ontario Court of Justice, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of the Attorney General.

Leitch's appointment will take effect Sept. 7, and he will preside in Hamilton.

Justice Anthony Frederick Leitch was called to the bar in 1995. For the past two years, he has been an assistant Crown attorney in the Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office, where he also served as deputy Crown Attorney. Previously, he was the acting Crown Attorney in Orangeville and Simcoe and was an assistant Crown attorney in North Bay.

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Congratulations to Mr. Leitch! [emoji4] If any of his colleagues or friends follows here on WS, please pass on our well-wishes!
Congratulations to Mr. Leitch! [emoji4] If any of his colleagues or friends follows here on WS, please pass on our well-wishes!

Wow, so now Tony Leitch is now a judge, and in Hamilton. That is great for him that he will remain in Hamilton (some of the others who were also just appointed seem to have less prestigious/large areas (Cornwall has pop less than 50K, and Cochrane has less than 20K, whereas Hamilton is over 500K). Just curious as to how it will work now with the other trials that may take place in Hamilton. Does that mean that other lawyers would act for the prosecution, and that he would also be precluded from sitting as the judge in any of those trials considering he was actively involved in their prosecutions?
Susan Clairmont's article about Justice Leitch:

Leitch's departure from the Crown's office means he won't prosecute Millard's girlfriend, Christina Noudga, when she goes on trial in November for accessory after the fact to murder. Leitch's examination of her during the Bosma trial was tense and dramatic: she was hostile and evasive, he was courteous and unrelenting.

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I believe tomorrow is DM's 31st birthday. Not offering any well wishes, just stating a fact.
Back a few months ago, someone on WS made reference to reading Anne Rule's book, The Stranger Beside Me.......the story of her personal experience with Ted Bundy. The poster's comment was that Bundy's behaviour was eerily similar to that of DM.
I just finished reading it, and if you have not, then I would recommend it.
The similarities are so uncanny that at one point it was confusing because I may have well been reading about DM himself.
Looking forward to being back at the site in November for the next stanza....
Currently just under 11 weeks to CN's trial, if it goes ahead on schedule.
I believe tomorrow is DM's 31st birthday. Not offering any well wishes, just stating a fact.

Wonder if someone will visit him and bring him a birthday cake with a file in it. ;) Boy oh boy he's got to be feeling pretty desperate these days knowing he will never be free again...unless he manages to escape. That would be very difficult to do living in SC. MOO.
Currently just under 11 weeks to CN's trial, if it goes ahead on schedule.

Surely she tried to make a plea deal with the Crown but was denied don't we think? Choosing a trial by judge...probably the only smart decision she's made in her adult life and at the urging and recommendation of her lawyer of course. ;) Can't wait to see what evidence the Crown has against her. I hope CN is enjoying her life and freedom right now because I think that's about to change with her trial. MOO.
Currently just under 11 weeks to CN's trial, if it goes ahead on schedule.

For some reason I felt compelled to check CNs Insta account today (I haven't done that before). Given the recent commentary on WS about her new lawyer or parents trying to do damage control, she certainly isn't stifled on social media.
Wonder if someone will visit him and bring him a birthday cake with a file in it. ;) Boy oh boy he's got to be feeling pretty desperate these days knowing he will never be free again...unless he manages to escape. That would be very difficult to do living in SC. MOO.

'he' probably doesn't know he will never be free again.. grandeur thoughts of winning his appeal trial probably keep him going for now...
Wonder if someone will visit him and bring him a birthday cake with a file in it. ;) Boy oh boy he's got to be feeling pretty desperate these days knowing he will never be free again...unless he manages to escape. That would be very difficult to do living in SC. MOO.

Is he currently in solitary? Do you know this for sure?
Is he currently in solitary? Do you know this for sure?

No I don't know if he's in segregation but I suspect he is by his choice. He was there prior to the trial and now that he's been found guilty of first degree murder of Tim, all the more reason why the weak, a panzy rich boy who can’t deal with hoodlums in PC and/or GP would chose segregation. MOO.

“The jail has offerred to let me out of segregation; considering I’m such a non troublesome prisoner. But where they offerred to send me was P.C. range. The child molester’s range.

“(There is an unwritten rule, in jail, that if you should find yourself unsupervised with a child molester, it is your duty to attack that molester and land a minimum, several, damaging blows; while killing said molester is considered something revered and admired by all in general pop).

“So do I take the jail up on its benevolent gesture? Of course not. But I’ve learned even being P.C. is a huge stigma to General pop. When I first came in the truly nice guard (Dave) took me aside and told me something about not signing P.C. transfer papers.

“I didn’t understand the jail politics then… The jail didn’t tell me where their offer was: the didler range. It’s not designated in title as such, but it is the truth of it’s function. Haha, ****ers in administration tried to trick me into alienating General pop (forever).

“So that is how it is that I am still in segregation. (Segregation is ‘the hole.’)

“In seg we’re locked in our cells twenty three hours a day, and completely seperated from physically interacting with eachother.

“The weak, the most dangerous, and the most annoying are the three cliques in seg. (We are allowed to request to move into an empty cell, out of the one we are in. With time, prisoners group up their cells, in accordance with the cliques.)”

Millard says a social worker checks in on him once a month and seems bewildered he doesn’t want to move into protective custody.

“I say I am one of the weak, a panzy rich boy like myself couldn’t deal with those hoodlums. They’d threaten me in exchange for money, and they’ve been yelling death threats! She accepts it….

“What has changed is my cell location; eight times that is. My cell is now at the center of the dangerous clique ; )

“Four months in the hole and making the most of it. I spend most of the day reading about law, language, and war strategy.

“I had the thought that maybe this is a good place from which to prepare for a trial. The motivation is right in my face every day. This is what life will be if I lose.

“I’ve always been able to extraordinary goals. Winning back my liberty… Wow, maybe it’s beyond me, on my own. Maybe, all the things I’ve achieved have been. I’ve always gotten help in one form or another.

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