Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder #3

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That would make sense if, during the trial at some point, it was made really iffy as to whether DM was responsible or involved. But as it turned out, I think 99.9% are in agreement that he is a monster, having planned this murder, carried it out in cold blood, and then trying his darnedest to escape punishment for himself. I said the same thing when I first heard about the civil suit, in that it brought new meaning to all of those stare-downs... but for me, that makes him even MORE psychotic.

Why should he be angry or surprised that the family of his murder victim are using every resource they can, to make him 'pay' and make him be responsible? Would he think for a moment that if the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn't be doing the same? It's not like someone did all of this TO him, and he was just the scapegoat/fall-guy. It's more like he's thinking, wow, you nervy biatch, how DARE you stoop to hitting my family's pocketbook and get the one-up on me! What a truly sick, sick individual he is. It really makes me wonder what it is that RB knows about DM and his past that makes him believe DM is a 'sick twisted prick'. I'll bet there is a wealth of interesting stories there!

Also, I have no idea how it works as to which city a civil suit gets filed in, but I wonder if the B family chose London since it is further removed from the crime city, and the accused's home-city, such that it might be it more unlikely to garner media attention when media saw the lawsuit? ie I know that reporters keep their eyes on what is filed with the courts in Hamilton, and they report on what is of interest... likely the same in Toronto. If media saw this lawsuit way back in May, half a year prior to the commencement of the trial, would they have bothered to report it? Could that possibly be why London was chosen? Would this also mean that any subsequent civil trial would actually have to be held in London as well?

I've also been suspect hidden secrets from DM's past. There must be a reason MB asked RB to "spend time" with DM. I too believe RB knows something more about DM's past, something horrible that's caused such deep hatred. I spoke to the lady beside me in the courtroom one day, she was there when RB testified. This woman said the hatred he had for him was unbelievable . I feel for that man.

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I've also been suspect hidden secrets from DM's past. There must be a reason MB asked RB to "spend time" with DM. I too believe RB knows something more about DM's past, something horrible that's caused such deep hatred. I spoke to the lady beside me in the courtroom one day, she was there when RB testified. This woman said the hatred he had for him was unbelievable . I feel for that man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, would love to know more about that whole thing, more about DM's childhood, his parents' marital breakup, RB's reasoning for taking care of DM, etc.

Not knowing RB, it's difficult to gauge his hatred... is it because RB is controlling and was never on the same wavelength as DM?.. is RB difficult to get along with? Does RB hate others as well? Or is there really something there, that is *that* severe to bring about those kind of emotions in RB toward DM? Sometimes personality differences are such that it makes simply getting along, and living and letting live, seems impossible between two people.. but meanwhile others who might know either one of those two people, might not feel the same way at all about them. Hopefully one of the reporters goes and gets the scoop and writes a book? I guess that's the best/most we can hope for?
Yes, would love to know more about that whole thing, more about DM's childhood, his parents' marital breakup, RB's reasoning for taking care of DM, etc.

Not knowing RB, it's difficult to gauge his hatred... is it because RB is controlling and was never on the same wavelength as DM?.. is RB difficult to get along with? Does RB hate others as well? Or is there really something there, that is *that* severe to bring about those kind of emotions in RB toward DM? Sometimes personality differences are such that it makes simply getting along, and living and letting live, seems impossible between two people.. but meanwhile others who might know either one of those two people, might not feel the same way at all about them. Hopefully one of the reporters goes and gets the scoop and writes a book? I guess that's the best/most we can hope for?

ABro's book is due out November 8, 2016, IIRC.
ABro's book is due out November 8, 2016, IIRC.

Yes. I'm hoping there will be one or more other books in time as well. With 2 more trials for DM on the horizon, I'm not convinced that the book due out on November 8th will be able to tell the whole story. jmo.
Yes. I'm hoping there will be one or more other books in time as well. With 2 more trials for DM on the horizon, I'm not convinced that the book due out on November 8th will be able to tell the whole story. jmo.

Agreed deugirtni. Perhaps there will be other books released when all is said and done...all trials pertaining to DM, MS and CN are complete.

Certain things we've already been privy to, such as the birthday bash fueled by drugs, at gramps' TO hangar, and the use of that hangar for soft *advertiser censored* photo shoots, not only used by DM but put out there, publicly announced for others to use also. Then the fact DM was "allowed?" to turn WM's Maple gate residence into a flop house where WM wouldn't even stock his own cupboards and fridge for his own personal consumption and the fact DM lived mainly with WM are things that make me SMH and wonder WTH, what kind of parenting went on or the lack thereof? Who controlled who? But then interestingly enough, ma and pa were there up close, side by side together and "beaming" for the news cameras/public when sonny boy made his big record breaking debut at age 14. Was this monster born or nurtured to be a monster?

IMO dear old dad ended up dead because he tightened the purse strings and put his foot down. IIRC wasn't it about a week or two prior to WM's alleged murder that DM started his on-line search for a Dodge Ram, diesel truck? DM couldn't go to dear old mom because he knew he had already milked that financial cow to the full extend. I believe AS hit the nail on the head early on when he said, “I thought he was just a spoilt little brat who had his way all his life and didn’t appreciate what his father was doing for him. He was an impediment to the hangar operation” MOO.
Yes, would love to know more about that whole thing, more about DM's childhood, his parents' marital breakup, RB's reasoning for taking care of DM, etc.

Not knowing RB, it's difficult to gauge his hatred... is it because RB is controlling and was never on the same wavelength as DM?.. is RB difficult to get along with? Does RB hate others as well? Or is there really something there, that is *that* severe to bring about those kind of emotions in RB toward DM? Sometimes personality differences are such that it makes simply getting along, and living and letting live, seems impossible between two people.. but meanwhile others who might know either one of those two people, might not feel the same way at all about them. Hopefully one of the reporters goes and gets the scoop and writes a book? I guess that's the best/most we can hope for?

We know two things about RB that would make any person angry.

1) DM involved RB by saying he was going into the Pet incinerator business. Knowing darn well it was to cover up the real purpose.

2) Through DM's interview with a paper, he was trying to get RB's 18 year old daughter to visit, and promised to take her on a trip. And I assume there is something in his kids relationship with DM that has RB livid.

Tim Bosma's family suing Dellen Millard, Mark Smich, for millions

Smich's response, by contrast, simply says that he is "unable to attend to this matter due to my current incarceration for criminal proceedings."

"I do not have the materials or resources to attend to a civil matter on my own while incarcerated," he wrote.
In a statement of defence dated Nov. 6, 2015, Millard claims that he is "not to blame," and that the family is being "re-victimized by a flawed police investigation."

"They are being wrongly incited to hate, and to blame me for their loss. However, I am not to blame," he wrote. "The allegations and accusations in their Statement of Claim are of course hurtful, and the huge sums of money sought mark vengefulness, but they are without foundation.

"I submit that this action should be dismissed. Despite this attack, I still feel the utmost empathy for the family. God bless the Bosmas."

ATTACK? HURTFUL? Lol, Sharlene has the right idea. If money hurts him then suing him for millions is the right idea. Hit him where it hurts. JMO
That would make sense if, during the trial at some point, it was made really iffy as to whether DM was responsible or involved. But as it turned out, I think 99.9% are in agreement that he is a monster, having planned this murder, carried it out in cold blood, and then trying his darnedest to escape punishment for himself. I said the same thing when I first heard about the civil suit, in that it brought new meaning to all of those stare-downs... but for me, that makes him even MORE psychotic.

Why should he be angry or surprised that the family of his murder victim are using every resource they can, to make him 'pay' and make him be responsible? Would he think for a moment that if the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn't be doing the same? It's not like someone did all of this TO him, and he was just the scapegoat/fall-guy. It's more like he's thinking, wow, you nervy biatch, how DARE you stoop to hitting my family's pocketbook and get the one-up on me! What a truly sick, sick individual he is. It really makes me wonder what it is that RB knows about DM and his past that makes him believe DM is a 'sick twisted prick'. I'll bet there is a wealth of interesting stories there!

Also, I have no idea how it works as to which city a civil suit gets filed in, but I wonder if the B family chose London since it is further removed from the crime city, and the accused's home-city, such that it might be it more unlikely to garner media attention when media saw the lawsuit? ie I know that reporters keep their eyes on what is filed with the courts in Hamilton, and they report on what is of interest... likely the same in Toronto. If media saw this lawsuit way back in May, half a year prior to the commencement of the trial, would they have bothered to report it? Could that possibly be why London was chosen? Would this also mean that any subsequent civil trial would actually have to be held in London as well?

The location of the court that a law suite is filed in is often picked by the filing lawyer.
They probably want the the closest to his office.
He would be most familiar with the closest and it would save time and money.
In a statement of defence dated Nov. 6, 2015, Millard claims that he is "not to blame," and that the family is being "re-victimized by a flawed police investigation."

"They are being wrongly incited to hate, and to blame me for their loss. However, I am not to blame," he wrote. "The allegations and accusations in their Statement of Claim are of course hurtful, and the huge sums of money sought mark vengefulness, but they are without foundation.

"I submit that this action should be dismissed. Despite this attack, I still feel the utmost empathy for the family. God bless the Bosmas."

ATTACK? HURTFUL? Lol, Sharlene has the right idea. If money hurts him then suing him for millions is the right idea. Hit him where it hurts. JMO

WOW! What planet is he living on where he doesn't believe he's responsible? His comments are laughable if the subject weren't so terribly sad.
We know two things about RB that would make any person angry.

1) DM involved RB by saying he was going into the Pet incinerator business. Knowing darn well it was to cover up the real purpose.

2) Through DM's interview with a paper, he was trying to get RB's 18 year old daughter to visit, and promised to take her on a trip. And I assume there is something in his kids relationship with DM that has RB livid.


Yes. I have a feeling there are a few more shovelfuls of dirt than just that, which is fuelling RB's hatred and disgust of his nephew. jmo.
Just curious here.... in regard to the civil suit... is it generally customary for victims to sue the culprit for millions, or only when the 'culprit' just so happens to also be wealthy? I think back to the OJ case, which I really don't know all that much about.. and I understood it as... OJ got off with the crime during his criminal trial, however the family proceeded with a civil suit, which they won. In this case.. the 'culprits' have been found criminally guilty.. and now they are still being sued civilly.. if the crime involved only MS and say, CN, and NOT DM, then would there still be the civil suit? If both culprits appeal their criminal convictions... just say that MS got off on the charges during his second trial (I know that is not going to happen)... and say the civil trial has already taken place by then.. and in that trial, he was found responsible.. but he is penniless.. would that mean that during his future life, his wages would be garnisheed forever to pay that debt? To make it not so full of emotion, please switch out the names to some other case and other perps.. just more interested in how the civil matter works.
Just curious here.... in regard to the civil suit... is it generally customary for victims to sue the culprit for millions, or only when the 'culprit' just so happens to also be wealthy? I think back to the OJ case, which I really don't know all that much about.. and I understood it as... OJ got off with the crime during his criminal trial, however the family proceeded with a civil suit, which they won. In this case.. the 'culprits' have been found criminally guilty.. and now they are still being sued civilly.. if the crime involved only MS and say, CN, and NOT DM, then would there still be the civil suit? If both culprits appeal their criminal convictions... just say that MS got off on the charges during his second trial (I know that is not going to happen)... and say the civil trial has already taken place by then.. and in that trial, he was found responsible.. but he is penniless.. would that mean that during his future life, his wages would be garnisheed forever to pay that debt? To make it not so full of emotion, please switch out the names to some other case and other perps.. just more interested in how the civil matter works.

The answer is yes.
Then the counter suites start.
Reminder: TOS does not allow sleuthing or discussing social media of family and friends.

Also, screenshots not allowed unless from MSM or LE.

Reminder: TOS does not allow sleuthing or discussing social media of family and friends.

Also, screenshots not allowed unless from MSM or LE.


My apologies, I misunderstood. My intention was to point out that CN still has an active Facebook account with high security (she's fair game, I'd assume). I regret mentioning the other names. Thanks for clarifying, sillybilly, it won't happen again. [emoji4]
Just curious here.... in regard to the civil suit... is it generally customary for victims to sue the culprit for millions, or only when the 'culprit' just so happens to also be wealthy? I think back to the OJ case, which I really don't know all that much about.. and I understood it as... OJ got off with the crime during his criminal trial, however the family proceeded with a civil suit, which they won. In this case.. the 'culprits' have been found criminally guilty.. and now they are still being sued civilly.. if the crime involved only MS and say, CN, and NOT DM, then would there still be the civil suit? If both culprits appeal their criminal convictions... just say that MS got off on the charges during his second trial (I know that is not going to happen)... and say the civil trial has already taken place by then.. and in that trial, he was found responsible.. but he is penniless.. would that mean that during his future life, his wages would be garnisheed forever to pay that debt? To make it not so full of emotion, please switch out the names to some other case and other perps.. just more interested in how the civil matter works.

This isn't a full answer to your inquiry but, hopefully helpful. I don't think it matters how much money the accused/defendants have, sighting from two articles:

Less is known about Smich's financial circumstances, but Chapman stresses again that it is not about going after he who has more cash.
"It's not about the Bosmas getting some pay day. It's about having that judgment. And whether (the funds) ever actualize or not is at the bottom of their priority list."

Neil Jones, a Hamilton lawyer who has worked on hundreds of criminal and civil trials, told CBC News that it's not uncommon to have a civil case alongside a criminal one.
Jones has no personal knowledge of the Bosma case, but said in general, a criminal conviction can come into play in a civil lawsuit, even though they are separate proceedings.
"The fact of a criminal conviction can be evidence in the civil case that the killing did happen," Jones said. But, he added, that doesn't mean that a criminal conviction will automatically turn into a win for the plaintiff.
Just curious here.... in regard to the civil suit... is it generally customary for victims to sue the culprit for millions, or only when the 'culprit' just so happens to also be wealthy? I think back to the OJ case, which I really don't know all that much about.. and I understood it as... OJ got off with the crime during his criminal trial, however the family proceeded with a civil suit, which they won. In this case.. the 'culprits' have been found criminally guilty.. and now they are still being sued civilly.. if the crime involved only MS and say, CN, and NOT DM, then would there still be the civil suit? If both culprits appeal their criminal convictions... just say that MS got off on the charges during his second trial (I know that is not going to happen)... and say the civil trial has already taken place by then.. and in that trial, he was found responsible.. but he is penniless.. would that mean that during his future life, his wages would be garnisheed forever to pay that debt? To make it not so full of emotion, please switch out the names to some other case and other perps.. just more interested in how the civil matter works.

I also found this which comments on the dollar amount of the suit, though, it's vague:

“You calculate what his income was, what it would have been for the rest of life, and what those earnings would have been at a certain interest rate, and you can calculate or quantify that type of money,” Neuberger said. “In addition to that, there’s the loss of this man being a father, being a husband, being a grandfather.”
My apologies, I misunderstood. My intention was to point out that CN still has an active Facebook account with high security (she's fair game, I'd assume). I regret mentioning the other names. Thanks for clarifying, sillybilly, it won't happen again. [emoji4]

Hi Velma. What is CN's facebook screen name? I think you are allowed to mention that. JMO and TIA
Hi Velma. What is CN's facebook screen name? I think you are allowed to mention that. JMO and TIA

It actually was listed as Christina Noudga. I couldn't search for her or click on her profile, but she comes up among the (large) friend list of someone else.
This isn't a full answer to your inquiry but, hopefully helpful. I don't think it matters how much money the accused/defendants have, sighting from two articles:

Less is known about Smich's financial circumstances, but Chapman stresses again that it is not about going after he who has more cash.
"It's not about the Bosmas getting some pay day. It's about having that judgment. And whether (the funds) ever actualize or not is at the bottom of their priority list."

Neil Jones, a Hamilton lawyer who has worked on hundreds of criminal and civil trials, told CBC News that it's not uncommon to have a civil case alongside a criminal one.
Jones has no personal knowledge of the Bosma case, but said in general, a criminal conviction can come into play in a civil lawsuit, even though they are separate proceedings.
"The fact of a criminal conviction can be evidence in the civil case that the killing did happen," Jones said. But, he added, that doesn't mean that a criminal conviction will automatically turn into a win for the plaintiff.

It's 'not about the money', but... it seems like civil cases where people get sued for millions after someone causes someone else's death, don't really happen all that often unless it is an insurance claim, like some horrific vehicular accident, where there could be an insurer that could pay out the claim.. we don't often hear about civil suits in murder cases, I'm assuming that is because there is no insurer, and often the perp doesn't have 'money'. Can't get blood from a rock. So to me, it seems like this lawsuit is happening *because* DM is wealthy, and the others were included too, just because it would look bad to only sue those with 'money'. Anyway, all very interesting.

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