Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder

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I would love to have been a fly on the wall when DM and MS were brought back down to their cells after being convicted.
Lisa H asked for an interview. He declined and said today is for the Bosma's and he didn't want to intrude on that. He would not be coming outside to speak. She then asked him to comment anyways. I guess reporters shouldn't ask questions when the lawyers have clearly said no comment and declined an interview.

Hey, I'm behind on the threads big time, but was able to go see the verdict today. Wow that was intense. I was beside Lisa H when she was talking to Dungey (there were a few other media trying to sweet talk him too) , I was eavesdropping pretty much lol.
My heart has always been broken for the Bosmas And how they feel is the most important right now, IMO , and I was very happy for them to get some visible relief today.

Hopefully no one will jump on me, but I have to brave and tell the truth, hopefully you guys will understand in ways 'regular' people not following with us won't - anyway, I found I'm having a hard time processing that MS got convicted of 1st degree murder. After following the case for the past 3 years, but following evidence closely, seeing him testify, I had real reasonable doubt.

Like many of you can I'm sure relate, I have spent an insane amount of time reading, thinking, dreaming and feeling about this case. I live near the Bosmas, husband is similar age, 2 small young ones, etc. I understand where people are coming from, I guess I just didn't have the reasonable doubt/wasn't convinced on MS

Anyway, I do hope they got it right, but I feel sad (regarding M1 for MS and his family, etc, there are no winners ) and hope it's ok to say it. It's such a senseless tragedy all around.

Ps Dellen Millard I felt much more confidant on for 1st degree..... And again, I'm very happy for the family to find even a tiny sense of peace with the verdicts today.
And guys, the look DM gave after the verdict to SB was really, really intense!! "true colours"
Hey, I'm behind on the threads big time, but was able to go see the verdict today. Wow that was intense. I was beside Lisa H when she was talking to Dungey (there were a few other media trying to sweet talk him too) , I was eavesdropping pretty much lol.
My heart has always been broken for the Bosmas And how they feel is the most important right now, IMO , and I was very happy for them to get some visible relief today.

Hopefully no one will jump on me, but I have to brave and tell the truth, hopefully you guys will understand in ways 'regular' people not following with us won't - anyway, I found I'm having a hard time processing that MS got convicted of 1st degree murder. After following the case for the past 3 years, but following evidence closely, seeing him testify, I had real reasonable doubt.

Like many of you can I'm sure relate, I have spent an insane amount of time reading, thinking, dreaming and feeling about this case. I live near the Bosmas, husband is similar age, 2 small young ones, etc. I understand where people are coming from, I guess I just didn't have the reasonable doubt/wasn't convinced on MS

Anyway, I do hope they got it right, but I feel sad (regarding M1 for MS and his family, etc, there are no winners ) and hope it's ok to say it. It's such a senseless tragedy all around.

Ps Dellen Millard I felt much more confidant on for 1st degree..... And again, I'm very happy for the family to find even a tiny sense of peace with the verdicts today.
And guys, the look DM gave after the verdict to SB was really, really intense!! "true colours"

Thanks as always...your reports on the courtroom are always appreciated. :)

Were you close enough to get a sense of what DM's look was trying to convey?
Thankfully no matter how much DM and MS's posse lied for them, both murders got nailed to the wall today. It is so not worth lying for someone else. Not only did they all make themselves look like lying, conniving fools, they didn't even help them evade being convicted.
"[FONT=&quot]Both are barred from owning weapons or communicating with the Bosma family and have been ordered to submit a DNA sample for the national databank."

Not fun for the Babcocks and all the witnesses.

Very true. Another trial I followed as closely as this one was Allen Tehrankari. He raped and murdered his SIL, Barbara Galway (who I had been very close to when we lived in Ottawa). The trial was underway, and he fired his lawyer and represented himself. It could not have possibly been more bizarre. His wife, Barb's sister was employed or volunteered at the prison where he was incarcerated for armed bank robbery. They were married and had a child during his incarceration. Barb and the rest of her family fought a deportation order so that he could remain in Canada following his release. It was horrifying. Barb was struggling with anxiety and left her marriage of more than 25 years a few months before. She was prescribed a relatively new medication and she behaved in ways that while shocking to her devoutly religious family are well known to be associated with this medication. Her family crucified her character on the stand. I knew and loved her. She was nothing like the person in heart or spirit that her family described. I had to think that Tehrankari had threatened them in some way, but I still to this day do not know how they were able to live with themselves.

As for Tehrankari, his version of events was so preposterous. I actually copied the daily news articles and believe I still have it. He was found guilty of M1, thankfully and submitted an application for appeal 15 days after the deadline and it was therefore rejected, again thankfully.
sharlene bosma's post conviction media scrum had me close to tears.[video][/video]

what a waste on so many levels...of course for Tim Bosma and those affected by him.
such a horrible and immoral crime in taking a life for a truck, a 'thing' that Dellen could have afforded multiple times over given his wealth.

and yes, tragic for Dellen (and Smich) too, on a larger 'spiritual' level:
Dellen was blessed with a wonderful fortune, an inheritance that many of us,
as we struggle thru life, would have loved to receive.
that he squandered it all and now has largely written his life off and done irreparable damage to his soul, is tragic, too.
I'm at a loss for what to do in the evenings from now until November but I look forward to meeting up again then. Thank you everyone. This has been a long, winding road with a great bunch of people. Sending strength to the jury, and the Bosmas who have been through so much. Thanks to all!
I disagree. I think CN really pi$$ed off the Crown and I think they are going to throw the book at her.

Is there really a publication ban on her trial ? I hope it gets lifted.
Absolutely she p***** off the Crown, and she p****** me off too (not that it matters). I hope they do throw the book at her and she gets 20 years.

But I'm not at all confident that this will happen (they will throw what they can at her, but they have to prove, not only that CN assisted DM in concealing evidence, but that she knew when she did so that he had killed someone, and that will be difficult to do. Furthermore, if they have evidence that she did know, and that she lied on the stand in this trial, she can be charged with perjury, which might have more consequences than AATF. I think her F *** O*** demeanour on the stand may have been deliberate provocation -- "just try to prove I'm lying!" She seemed quite confident they can not.

It's a tangled web. But it's going to be difficult to prove, from external sources, what CN knew about DM's homicidal behaviour in the days immediately after the crime, unless they have other sources, such as people who can swear they heard him telling her about it, or something similar.

Unfortunately a lot of people get away with evil things they do. At least the DM/ MS crime spree express has been stopped.

As for a publication ban on her trial - I don't recall one, AFAIK the bans are relative to anything that would prejudice the LB and WM cases, and unless some evidence involving CN overlaps those I don't think there's a ban. But I might not have noticed.
Sharlene's strength blows my mind!


Of course, now her focus, getting justice, is lifted. Now things get tough in a way that people may not appreciate.

Love and hugs to the Bosma family and friends. Stay strong.
I think I know how this played out for the jury in the past couple days. Yesterday the jury asked for clarification about Tim putting gas in the truck but it turned out that was never part of any testimony in this trial. Whichever juror wanted the clarification on that would have been the hold-out, and as soon as the jury realized that the hold-out juror's concerns were a result of that juror not paying attention, the hold-out juror would've meekly given up and gone along with the rest of the jurors...

In any case, I'm VERY pleased with the verdict, especially on MS <modsnip>.
i had earlier asked reporter susan clairmont about this, as many feel the crown might have a difficult time with their case against christine noudga.
however, she replied back saying the crown has a very strong case against her...we won't fully see their hand until the trial begins.

Absolutely she p***** off the Crown, and she p****** me off too (not that it matters). I hope they do throw the book at her and she gets 20 years.

But I'm not at all confident that this will happen (they will throw what they can at her, but they have to prove, not only that CN assisted DM in concealing evidence, but that she knew when she did so that he had killed someone, and that will be difficult to do. Furthermore, if they have evidence that she did know, and that she lied on the stand in this trial, she can be charged with perjury, which might have more consequences than AATF. I think her F *** O*** demeanour on the stand may have been deliberate provocation -- "just try to prove I'm lying!" She seemed quite confident they can not.

It's a tangled web. But it's going to be difficult to prove, from external sources, what CN knew about DM's homicidal behaviour in the days immediately after the crime, unless they have other sources, such as people who can swear they heard him telling her about it, or something similar.

Unfortunately a lot of people get away with evil things they do. At least the DM/ MS crime spree express has been stopped.

As for a publication ban on her trial - I don't recall one, AFAIK the bans are relative to anything that would prejudice the LB and WM cases, and unless some evidence involving CN overlaps those I don't think there's a ban. But I might not have noticed.
sharlene bosma's post conviction media scrum had me close to tears.[video][/video]

what a waste on so many levels...of course for Tim Bosma and those affected by him.
such a horrible and immoral crime in taking a life for a truck, a 'thing' that Dellen could have afforded multiple times over given his wealth.

and yes, tragic for Dellen (and Smich) too: Dellen was blessed with a wonderful
fortune, an inheritance that many of us, as we struggle thru life, would have loved to receive.
that he squandered it all and now has written his life off due to the murder he engaged in, is tragic, too.
irreparable damage to one's soul.

Good points, although I'm not so sure that Dellen was "blessed" with a family fortune. Yes, he was born into a wealthy family. But who knows what was going on behind the scenes. Who knows how much wealth was truly left. Who knows if there was emotional abuse in the family. Who knows how high the expectations were. There are many born-rich folks who have a terrible life in terms of self esteem and love.

This is certainly not an excuse for his behaviour! The guy is mind-blowingly disgusting. There is no excuse. But, we really don't truly know what caused him to turn out like he did. Was it simply a random function of being born like that? Was it partially influenced by his family dynamics? I don't think we will ever know. But, without additional real knowledge I'm not ready to say he was "lucky".
Finally home from work and caught up on all the news articles and tweets!! Pleasantly surprised by the M1 verdict for MS- was thinking he'd be found guilty of a lesser charge but thankful the jury got it right without knowing the extra tidbits of info released after they were in deliberations. Can't wait to hear guilty twice more for DM and again for MS.
I think I know how this played out for the jury in the past couple days. Yesterday the jury asked for clarification about Tim putting gas in the truck but it turned out that was never part of any testimony in this trial. Whichever juror wanted the clarification on that would have been the hold-out, and as soon as the jury realized that the hold-out juror's concerns were a result of that juror not paying attention, the hold-out juror would've meekly given up and gone along with the rest of the jurors...

In any case, I'm VERY pleased with the verdict, especially on MS <modsnip>


My guess would be both questions were attempting to find anything to possibly corroborate MS's story. The gas could have explained the extra appearances of the RAM on the video and MH in the pact discussion could have said something about dropping the gun on Smich, but neither was right.
Hey, I'm behind on the threads big time, but was able to go see the verdict today. Wow that was intense. I was beside Lisa H when she was talking to Dungey (there were a few other media trying to sweet talk him too) , I was eavesdropping pretty much lol.
My heart has always been broken for the Bosmas And how they feel is the most important right now, IMO , and I was very happy for them to get some visible relief today.

Hopefully no one will jump on me, but I have to brave and tell the truth, hopefully you guys will understand in ways 'regular' people not following with us won't - anyway, I found I'm having a hard time processing that MS got convicted of 1st degree murder. After following the case for the past 3 years, but following evidence closely, seeing him testify, I had real reasonable doubt.

Like many of you can I'm sure relate, I have spent an insane amount of time reading, thinking, dreaming and feeling about this case. I live near the Bosmas, husband is similar age, 2 small young ones, etc. I understand where people are coming from, I guess I just didn't have the reasonable doubt/wasn't convinced on MS

Anyway, I do hope they got it right, but I feel sad (regarding M1 for MS and his family, etc, there are no winners ) and hope it's ok to say it. It's such a senseless tragedy all around.

Ps Dellen Millard I felt much more confidant on for 1st degree..... And again, I'm very happy for the family to find even a tiny sense of peace with the verdicts today.
And guys, the look DM gave after the verdict to SB was really, really intense!! "true colours"

Do you think seeing MS testify and his earnest talking - effected you into thinking this guy couldn't of possibly done it?

Way past the point of debating since what's done is done, but I think in the end to find MS not guilty even after the additional facts - there must either be a) a lower standard of reasonable doubt than most, b) sympathy for MS after seeing a guy who seemed nice and composed on the stand, or c) giving DM way too much credit that he's a smart criminal who could actually come up with a plan to frame MS.
Hey, I'm behind on the threads big time, but was able to go see the verdict today. Wow that was intense. I was beside Lisa H when she was talking to Dungey (there were a few other media trying to sweet talk him too) , I was eavesdropping pretty much lol.
My heart has always been broken for the Bosmas And how they feel is the most important right now, IMO , and I was very happy for them to get some visible relief today.

Hopefully no one will jump on me, but I have to brave and tell the truth, hopefully you guys will understand in ways 'regular' people not following with us won't - anyway, I found I'm having a hard time processing that MS got convicted of 1st degree murder. After following the case for the past 3 years, but following evidence closely, seeing him testify, I had real reasonable doubt.

Like many of you can I'm sure relate, I have spent an insane amount of time reading, thinking, dreaming and feeling about this case. I live near the Bosmas, husband is similar age, 2 small young ones, etc. I understand where people are coming from, I guess I just didn't have the reasonable doubt/wasn't convinced on MS

Anyway, I do hope they got it right, but I feel sad (regarding M1 for MS and his family, etc, there are no winners ) and hope it's ok to say it. It's such a senseless tragedy all around.

Ps Dellen Millard I felt much more confidant on for 1st degree..... And again, I'm very happy for the family to find even a tiny sense of peace with the verdicts today.
And guys, the look DM gave after the verdict to SB was really, really intense!! "true colours"

I wouldn't feel too bad for murdering Murk. Its ok to feel sympathy for his family though. Lets face it, he was aware of the incinerator, gun and plans to steal a truck. Its not too much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that he knew about the plan to kill. If he wasn't he had plenty opportunity to bail from Dellen the rotten mellon and come clean. That is what innocent ppl do! although it was not evidence in this trial he was obviously aware of Laura Babcock since he is facing charges in her death, and he was likely aware of what happened to Wayne. I have no doubt that he is exactly where he should be.

Compared to Dellen there was less evidence to convict Mark, but tried alone, I still feel there was enough to convict him.
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