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JA is NOT going to kill herself. Remember she tried once and it HURT too much. :mad::mad::mad:

Poor thing, cuts really sting. :banghead:
I read she is on suicide watch due to statements she made in her interview last night.
No pencils, no notebooks. Nothing.............
Btw our morning team Andrea went to my High School & Rick (real life Ron Burgandy) lives down the street from me LOL

She was trying to flirt with our Yummy Troy Darn her!!!
I just think it's hilarious that she informed us she doesn't though she's at her leisure to run down to the corner store for a pack of Marlboros anytime she wants but chooses not to....for her health. LOL!

That comment rates right up there with when Juan asked her why she was grinding all on Ryan Burns..."I was single". Jeeze!
I hope at some point we will hear something from or about MM. I still don't get how he just vanished from this case.
Wouldn't it have been weird if she had done that? Said "I'm sorry for all the pain I caused" .....

It would have. Like many have said, she can't admit blame. In the after verdict interview, she even said that a lot of people were hurting because of what she did/her actions (something like that). She was implying people were hurting because she exposed Travis' bad behaviors (which of course was nothing but filthy lies!). She wasn't talking about murdering him. She is pleased with herself and should get to spend a lot of time with just herself for the rest of her life.
Holy Cannoli I just saw a real F'n TEAR on her cheek..

Oh wait it was for herself.. about her.. Nevermind! ;)
Just a comment-- we all have no way of knowing what Grandma Arias' health issues may be. She is clearly elderly. She may be a "cardiac cripple" or have respiratory disease that prevents her from exerting herself over long walks. She may have joint issues, or other balance, coordination, or stamina issues. There is simply no way to know just by looking at her and making a value judgement. I hear people all the time making judgements about whether or not they think a customer "needs" the handicap sticker, when they have no obvious orthopedic impairment, and it is upsetting. Many people have debilitating illnesses that limit their ability to get around. My mother suffers from multiple sclerosis, and for years, was subjected to thoughtless comments and snickers from some bystanders thinking she was drunk because she could not walk without staggering. Now she uses a wheelchair and a walker, and is perceived as elderly and ill, not publicly drunk. (Bystanders are much kinder to her now.)

I have no problem at all with Grandma Arias using a wc full time, or part time, as she needs it. We have to remember how incredibly stressful this whole situation is for an elderly person, whose husband is so ill he could not make the trip. Just look at it this way-- the wc preserved her strength and safety from falling enough that she could be there at the trial to support her daughters and granddaughter. I am totally okay with that. I hope no one implies anything beyond the fact that clearly Grandma Arias felt she needed the wc, and not that she had some hidden sympathy agenda.

Well said.
Well, I guess we know what Jodi's mom's line will be during mitigation - they just reported that she told CNN reporter coming out of jail that "my daughter needs to live because she would be of help to the other inmates." So now we know what one "mitigating factor" will be.
I do feel bad for the Arias family, especially for the dad who was completely trashed during the trial through no action of his own. However, Jodi needs to be held responsible for what she did. it was JODI HERSELF WHO CAUSED ALL OF THIS. If her mom is in pain, which she surely is, IT IS NO ONE"S FAULT BUT JODI HERSELF. Jodi though her own actions (or inaction in this case) could have stopped the misery of the Alexander family, her own family, and the loss of a life. If I was a juror, I'm sorry, I would not take the sympathy for her family as a mitigating factor. JODI COULD HAVE PREVENTED all of this, but she didn't, and the simple fact now is that she needs to be held responsible.
Jodi Ann is playing it all out, obstinate, strong willed, wild.

Similar to how she played Travis, imo. Going to have the last word, can't/won't stop. Saying she wants to be put to death, right. Same crooked way she said she didn't care that Travis was seeing other women, and going to Cancun with some other woman.
shame jodi hasn't learned to keep her mouth shut,those interviews she done while in jail didn't exactly help her first time around :facepalm:
In her Fox interview Arias is still lying & saying no premeditation, and still lying & saying Travis abused her & lying about JM.

I hope he does play it for the jurors.
I can't believe that either Nurmi or Willmott will be able to keep her off the stand. Jodi "wears the pants" in that dysfunctional family, and she is in love with the sound of her voice. Hate to think how long she'll be up there.
Is she going to sit up there and ask to be put to death ?
I just realized a reason why she had prison pants on yesterday...she probably p***ed herself while waiting for the verdict to be announced.

Maybe that's why she didn't stand during the verdict????

There is no way they put her on the stand. It was a huge flop the first time around.

Schuby - I fully expect to see the murderer on the stand again. Her lawyers cannot stop her from doing so and there is little doubt in my mind she wants to be on that stand - she has to have the last word and she has to have things her way. I do not believe we are done with her courtroom antics. In her mind, she does not see her first performance as a flop - she trashed Travis at every opportunity, she is not done with him or his family. There is too much hate and anger inside her to pass up this opportunity. I'd say steel yourself now, this witch isn't done yapping.
I read she is on suicide watch due to statements she made in her interview last night.
No pencils, no notebooks. Nothing.............

Back when she was on the stand she said suscide watch =striped naked and tossed in a padded cell.

I so hope that true. Doubt it though

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Good luck to them TRYING to keep her off!

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We know that's not gonna happen. The only one with a chance of convincing her would be DeLaRosa but I don't see that happening either.

I don't think Nurmi even cares at this point.
Holy Cannoli I just saw a real F'n TEAR on her cheek..

Oh wait it was for herself.. about her.. Nevermind! ;)

Yeah, I saw that. Amazing isn't it, we watched her cry and cry and cry on the stand and never saw one of those wet streaks down a single cheek until yesterday.
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