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Gee.... I hope it wasn't something I said.....:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I posted this in the lawyer thread but Im posting here also if by chance one of you know..I wanted to ask if evidence too prejudicial before can now be presented and does the jury have to be unanimous in their rulings for the next phases ?

I am not certain about the prejudicial nature of the evidence, but I know the jury has to be unanimous. If they cannot all agree, they bring in a new jury, just to view the aggravating evidence. It sounds illogical, but I heard about it this morning from some lawyer on television, possibly JC, JJ, or BK.
Oh, I don't think so. And I'm sure they did their best to talk her out of it. However, they have a narcissist for a client, and there is no reasoning with her. She is desperately attempting to control a situation that is clearly beyond her control -- and that any reasonable person without her personality disorders would recognize as such. Pathetic.
I am so looking forward to reading those unsealed court records when the time comes.
Ok HLN showed grandma walking .. manipulation big time. She's not 'frail'.

I didn't see it but I just can't go there.

Jodi murdered Travis. Her gramma did not. Nor did her mom. Or dad.

Maybe they didn't behave "appropriately" but until my child savagely murders someone and is on trial for her life, I will withhold any judgement on the killer's family or how one ought to behave.

Just MOO. :)
where's Steely and The Farm and Rose and Softail and Smellysquirrel and Lil Buddy and KCL? and who is Mikee D plz??
I said it before, and I'll say it again. I cannot believe the State of Arizona would allow a convicted murderer talk to the media after their conviction (must be part of their law where they protect defendants?).

Anyway, there is no way in he!! that JA wants death. Even when SHE GETS IT, she will not be where Travis is.
I've been hearing some rumours that he had something big on her involving PPL and something to do with the Mormon community.
I am working to get more information. Just rumours.
I do think she used the sex tape as a blackmail either in buying his silence in whatever he had on her.

Ps. The grandmother is walking just fine from the jail into the parking lot! Nobody near her helping her! I thought she could hardly stand in court being wheeled in?

Yeah and ol grany was keeping up with those walking fast. By the way did granny she any emotion during verdict reading? Did mom or aunt! I was too busy watching the Alexander family.
For Jodi. A quote from Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens):

"If they would rather die,'' said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."
I want Jodi to get the death penalty because, IIRC, people on the Row live in solitude; is that correct?

I want Arias to get the Death Penalty because it extends her time burning in hell. :devil::devil::devil:
Beth just said JA talked to one member of the press 20 minutes after the verdict (NOT IN THE PRESENCE OF HER ATTORNEYS) about her case.

I bet her attorneys could throttle her

We can only hope. For the first time, I will say poor Nurmi.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you defend one.
On HLN -
Who is this Judge Larry Seidlin and why isn't he retired? grrr

He just said that Juan Martinez is a senior prosecutor and is only given slam dunk cases that he can win. Now Martinez has to acutally earn his state pay and work at convincing the jury of DP. (as accurately as I can remember, JA's interview scrambled my brain)

D'oh! I would have liked to see this Judge prosecute this case...what a -------- he would have lost.

I love Juan!!

Judge Larry Seidlen is that goofball showboating judge who was involved in the Anna Nicole Smith/baby/Larry Birkhead/H. Stern mess of a trial.

He actually was crying on the stand (televised of course) begging those people to get their act together for the baby's sake (which was sound advice) ... But Judge Larry was in it for the face time on TV.
I think he tried to get some Judge Judy type show after that ... Didn't last long. Seems judge Larry gets dragged out if his closet a couple times a year for more TV exposure for himself. I see HLN had him on tonight.
Yo Larry ... Your 15 minutes are up!
I can't wait to hear from the jurors, what they believe happened!
I almost never watch HLN (unless it's Nancy on her best behaviour) but today is a special day. Don't like the screaming matches though.
The website is vile -- crawling with human garbage. They say awful things about Travis. Even Jodi herself is more restrained. And they still think Jodi has a chance at being set free.

She has a chance to be free, free from everyone when they lower her casket in the ground. She is one sick wacko. Thank God she is locked up for good. :seeya:
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