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How weird no one captured nurmis expression.
Thanks for posting this.

I clicked the link and watched - but did not see Nurmi. What am I doing wrong? It was satisfying to hear "Guilty" again.

Travis Alexander's family and loved ones needed the "Guilty" verdict, IMO, to give them (a chance of) hope to move forward after the slaughtering of Travis Alexander done by Arias.

Arias has caused harm to so many people - Travis Alexander's siblings' spouses, friends, family from spouse side - all would have to be broken hearted, angry, in a perpetual state of turmoil.

For people like myself - I never knew Travis Alexander when he was alive. During this trial, I feel as though I have come to know him. I feel as though Travis Alexander was a wonderful person - a human person like each and every one of us that makes mistakes. Travis Alexander was not a deviant - Travis Alexander is not an embarrassment to the LDS Church, Travis Alexander was a true Christian, a person that desired to "follow" Jesus Christ so much that every person that knew (including Arias) him knew of his enthusiasm, and, joy that he received from his church.

Arias - not having any concept what "faith" means - IMO, took Travis Alexander's love and joy he received from the LDS Church, his relationship with Jesus / God that gave Travis Alexander's spirit truth, meaning, compassion, and a desire to be the best - to do the the best - he could - and, used it against him.

Arias did not, and, does understand that Travis Alexander "sins" are not bargaining chips - they are not anything that she can hold over him - they are not anything that she can use against the people that love Travis Alexander. We all sin - we all fall short of God's glory. Arias, IMO, thought that she would be able to get people to dislike Travis Alexander because he had sex with her outside of marriage - Arias thought that she could get people to be "grossed" out by Travis Alexander when she recorded (and possibly manipulated) that audio recording.

Arias - IMO - truly believes that because she knew of / had "proof" of Travis Alexander's sins that she "owned" him. That Travis Alexander would be "tossed" out like garbage by his church, friends, family, society.

No one thinks less of Travis Alexander because he had premarital sex. Arias believed that she controlled the opinion of others because Travis Alexander "sinned." It shows how Arias does not understand human emotion.

In the letter Arias wrote the The State in Decemeber 2010 - it appears as though she wrongly believed that she had control over the LDS church. Arias names the church and implies that a trial would cause the LDS church and it's members horrible consequences.

From that letter - I see how disturbed, and, non human Arias is. Arias was supposed to be part of the church - she was supposed to be studying the Bible, the Book of Mormon. Arias claims that she did this things - but I do not believe her from her "tone" in this letter.

Travis Alexander lived his life with true love in his heart, with compassion, with faith, morals, and decency. Travis Alexander was in the process of "perfecting" himself - he wanted to give great wonderful things to this world - Travis Alexander wanted to make this world a better place. There is no sin in that - and Arias cannot turn Travis Alexander into something that he was not (no matter what she thinks in her deluded mind - a mind that is void any concept of Christianity).

I apologize this is so long - I only intended to write about the video of Nurmi during the verdict. I am very pleased with this jury, Det. Flores, Juan Martinez - they gave Travis Alexander justice, and, his family & friends the chance to live life the way Travis Alexander would want: with joy, love, and in peace - always wanting to give hope to this world by helping people, "lifting" people up, and learning how to be better in every step with their "walk" with Jesus Christ.
On Greta the TH said the verdict of Premeditation with Felony was because 7 jury members believe Jodi stole Travis' gun. Is this correct? They actually believe Travis had a gun and Jodi flew up the shelves without disturbing anything and grabbed a gun?

There were multiple ways to arrive at felony murder conclusion. That's probably what took them as long as they did to deliberate.

We don't know what the 7 people thought, but my gut says since they all believe it was premeditated, they don't think she "stole Travis' (non-existent) gun."
JM asked the jury to find her guilty of both. theory being either she stole the 'gun' or once she started the attack, she was no longer in his home with his permission. in any case, those jurors gave JM what he asked for.

i think the fact none found her guilty of JUST that, and ALL found her guilty of premed is very telling. rock solid jury!!

Thank you for clarifying that.

I truly believe the interview was her way of having the last word if she thought she might not get a chance to speak again.

Who she thinks she is convincing I don't know as the majority of us KNOW she is a liar.
Well, her offenses were minor, like hiding acne lotion. Reportedly, she sings fellow inmates to sleep at night and shares her excess commissary stash. She got her GED, learned sign language, and has probably pretended to care about others there.

She hides pens in hair conditioner & other places--and pens can be fashioned into weapons. She also had a physical fight with her former cell mate. Not minor offenses.
Here's a fun fact:

Since 1937, the average Arizona Death Row inmate has spent 12 years on death row.

32+12= 44 years old for Jodi

But that's not true of women though, since the last one was executed in the 1930s. There were 3 women on death row in 2008, and there may only be 2 now that Debra Milke's conviction was overturned. For women at least, death row in AZ imo serves as a holding pen for women like JA who need to be isolated from others.
I meant to say this last night but I was caught up in the moment and then KCL and Tricia on the web show. And I have my granddaughter, who thinks she lives here...

Give an interview right after being found guilty of murder?


Another question is WHO ALLOWS THAT??
She hides pens in hair conditioner & other places--and pens can be fashioned into weapons. She also had a physical fight with her former cell mate. Not minor offenses.

The recurring theme is that the rules don't apply to her. She just keeps violating them.
Well, her offenses were minor, like hiding acne lotion. Reportedly, she sings fellow inmates to sleep at night and shares her excess commissary stash. She got her GED, learned sign language, and has probably pretended to care about others there.

Good thing the convict learned sign language. Now when she is locked up in a single cell she can ask herself a question out loud and answer it using sign language and fantasize she has a friend!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I wonder if there's a "model prisoner" card JA can play at mitigation, since she's burnt the remorse card and stomped on its ashes?

they can't :lol: it's on record that jodi has not bee a model prisoner :floorlaugh:
BBM. thanks for the laugh!! this is actually probably true!!

and granny used a prop. she'll use it again in court. they may put oxygen on her before it's over. maybe an IV.

i put nothing past them.

Well we did see ALV's remarkable demonstration of how well she can read minds... no doubt in my mind she is mumbling and boiling frogs because the men ruled, or so she believes.
She hides pens in hair conditioner & other places--and pens can be fashioned into weapons. She also had a physical fight with her former cell mate. Not minor offenses.

I think the cell mate admitted the fight was her fault and JA was defending herself. Agree about the pens being a danger though.
I meant to say this last night but I was caught up in the moment and then KCL and Tricia on the web show. And I have my granddaughter, who thinks she lives here...

Give an interview right after being found guilty of murder?


Jodi Arias, that's who. WTF!!! I'm sure that her legal team told her not to do it as it would hurt the rest of their case, but Jodi probably figures now that her DT didn't get her out of this mess, so she was going to flip them the bird and do it anyway.

Jodi will probably insist on taking the stand during the aggravation/mitigation phase of the trial despite their pleadings that she not do it. If that's the case, I wonder if they could tell the Court that Jodi is doing this against their advice? During her interview last night, she insulted the jurors by saying that she doesn't know how the found premeditation, and she got in a dig at Travis' family. I suspect that she will do the same thing if she testifies again. She has no remorse and will likely never apologize for what she's done. :banghead: :furious:

Jodi is wicked and has been snared by her own devices. She got what she deserved. :moo:
Here's another fun fact:

Each cell at the Lumley Unit is 12 feet by 7 feet, 2 inches, a total of 86.4 square feet.

Dear Jodi:
Enjoy your cage, you animal!
I wonder if there's a "model prisoner" card JA can play at mitigation, since she's burnt the remorse card and stomped on its ashes?

You mean because her jail fights were 'self defense'? Oh..and she gives snacks to 'indigent girls' who are 'less fortunate'? Buying supporters only works as long as you have funds, and as fast as her family left town, I doubt they'll be sending her monthly cash.

Watching the JA bunch leaving the courthouse last night, the only one I really feel bad for is her father. He seemed to be the only reasonable one, MOO. Grandma, mom, aunt..are where JA got her manipulation ability.

Can't wait to see DT want to put her jail friends on the stand on her behalf.:facepalm:
No--the other way to get felony murder was illustrated by Juan:

"I'm a nice guy, but when you start stabbing me, I revoke my consent for you to be in my home!"

This means that she was not an invited guest once she started stabbing Travis--stabbing him was the felony and being in his house uninvited made it 1st Degree Felony Murder.

To me this is definitely felony murder. I read a few legal opinions that said there was no felony murder but remaining on someone's property AFTER the owner revokes the invitation IS by it's legal definition Breaking and Entering, which IS a felony.

It seems to be sticking because in Common Law breaking and entering may not be a felony...BUT the AZ legislature has passed law specifically overriding a good portion of Common Law on the books.

Although just a novice I think it was brilliant of JM!!! :drumroll:
I just CANNOT wait to see all the sealed stuff from the trial! Specifically, I want to see what happened with ALV! :great:
Good thing the convict learned sign language. Now when she is locked up in a single cell she can ask herself a question out loud and answer it using sign language and fantasize she has a friend!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

OMG - the pictures I am seeing of that conversation :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Excellent !
All male and female inmates on Death Row are classified as maximum custody. All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances, two books and writing materials, which can be purchased from the inmate commissary. Health care is provided at the Health Unit; medication is passed out at the cell front. Clergy contacts are provided at the cell.

:seeya: Thanks for posting this ! This is what Jodi DESERVES, IMO !

She will try to be the Queen Bee in general population just like she is trying to be the Queen Bee in Estrella ...


:great: What a Happy Day for Travis and his Family and Friends !!!
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