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I think Sheriff Joe is really pizzed right now. Those deputies should not have allowed this interview. Heads are going to roll. Reporter in her holding cell a the courthouse? :stormingmad:

Thank you. I just don't understand how this happens. Are reporters just waltzing around the holding cells waiting to talk to the newly convicted? I'm genuinely surprised that this is allowed to happen.
I love that HLN is showing this Fox interview! I wonder which psychologist told her about society having a need to persecute....
I really really hate Fox News now. I can't believe they're giving this thing airtime. What a slap In the face to the Alexander family.

It's newsworthy. Why blame FOX, especially if JM is allowed to use snippets to rebut whatever mitigation malarkey the DT comes up with? It's showing her to be an unrepentant, manipulating murderess. Keep those cameras rolling imo.
MyFox - Phoenix, AZ homepage

Info about Jodi Arias interview. Interview with Fox reporter was 45 minutes per the reporter.

Segments of the interview will be shown during various "News times." There will be more at 9 and 10 pm MST.

Part 1 and Part 2 of the interview are at this Link. You can play part 2 located below the main video box.
FOX - Phoeix, AZ 5/8/13 - Jodi Arias Exclusive Interview
Coughing up and choking on blood, in order to clear your airway, and gasping over and over for a breath, while being stabbed repeatedly in the head, in the upper back, down the spine, while this was happening, not to mention the shock your body would be going into, IMHO, would be suffering and this is only the tip of the iceburg, as far as the suffering TA was forced to endure at the cruel and vile hands of JA.

Just knowing your going to die, is suffering in itself! :banghead:

In his final closing, JM brought up that Travis could see Jodi stabbing him reflected in the mirror when he was standing at the sink. I had never considered that possibility and wish to my soul that I could get it out of my head. That's really all the jurors need to consider IMO.
People want to hug her, shake her hand, her sign an autograph?:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Everyone now knows that JM was right. JA loves the limelight. Minutes after being convicted of first-degree murder she's gotten make-up on and yacking away to the media.
Can't stand them either lol. I know any one of the networks would have been thrilled to get this "exclusive". I find it deplorable to give her an outlet for her venom.

All news networks are deplorable. She can't let it go. She has to keep her limelight as long as she can. I blame her for these interviews. Fox is doing their job, as deplorable as it may be.
I feel bad for her lawyers. Too bad for them drawing the short end of the stick and having to defend her. She will turn on them and try to ruin their career by claiming ineffective assistance, even though it is her who manipulates everything.

The more I see the interview, the more I see she is sick. It does not excuse what she did, and she should still pay, but she is one sick girl. We rarely see female sociopaths, but I think she is one...
OMG is this reporter asks "how did that make you feel," I won't know whether to scream or cackle!!!

What...people ant her autograph.....she is the definition of DELUSIONAL!!!!

Man NG keeps nearly lapsing it she's so pizzzzed.
So Jean C asked to talk to Jodi? Why does that not surprise me. She's been angling for that, or else an interview with Nurmi or Willmott, since January.
LMAO at the chiron tag for her interview: "Jodi Arias Breaks Silence After Verdict." Don't you actually have to shut up for five seconds and create a "silence" before you can "break" it?
"Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Br'er Rabbit. "Only please, Br'er Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

Jodi's favorite tool is manipulation. She is still maintaining her innocence ("there was no premeditation"). No one should ever take ANYTHING she says at face value.
Gauntlet is in the UK but we must continue adding things to the list of items that WE KNOW but the JURORS Do Not Know.....This is important because I believe there is a different set of rules when it comes to the penalty phase...

I have many more to add to that list but the one I thought of that I think is VERY important is that JA, once she bought that .9mm handgun, she hid it under the hood of the "rental car" and also had two knives in said rental car the day she "fled" her family. (She claimed that she just had some leftover kitchen utensils from her old boyfriends and was just going to "return" them. We now know how she does this).

Then, if not already included are:

The jurors heard about a "ring" that was taken by JA but they don't know that was an engagement ring meant for another woman other than JA.

The close-up photo of Travis and his father as seen in the "Amazing Grace" video wearing his little Spiderman underwear (Mrs G Morris has the close-up photo).

Let's show the jurors the full videos of the TV shows she did when she was still claiming that the Ninja's did it. She talked on and on about what a wonderful person Travis was and what a wonderful traveling companion he was - She even said how Travis was a traveling comedian because he always entertained and inspired.....
I've seen references to her interview with Greta on Fox. Is this a fact? I've not read all the threads yet, but Greta was in DC today for the Benghazi hearings. Anyone know?
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