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I just watched the whole video of Jodi after the conviction.
Originally Posted by polleypockets View Post

This thing is unbelievable and still even after being found guilty of first degree murder is still trying one last time to trash Travis.
She is beyond evil and is trying to get people, including the jury to believe she would rather get death than spend the rest of her life in prison.
I really hope she does get the death penalty as this piece of garbage should be the poster girl for death penalties.
It is really sad she is still trying to trash MR Alexander and the only way it will stop is for her to die.
The world can go on without her and her death would not be any lose to society.
There is absolutely no remorse or any human qualities in her what so ever.
I hope the jury can follow through and give her what she deserves.
Another question is WHO ALLOWS THAT??

Jodi does. DT does not control her. Anyone being represented has the choice to disregard the advice of their attorneys. Thats what she has done in the past and what she will continue to do. Unless she is under a specific court order she, along anyone else in her situation, does not have to Do as her lawyer says. Smarter criminals do....but she isn't one of them.

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I just have to say JA's interview with Fox 10 makes my skin crawl. When I look at her and listen to her, I know I am watching and hearing pure evil. The things she said in that interview were horrific to TA's memory, TA's family, and JM. To me, she wanted to pick up the knife one more time and give a final thrust to TA, TA's family, and the prosecutor. She makes me ..... I just haven't found the right word yet.
JA said she wants DP, I heard her say it twice. I think she should get what she wants.

BBM, just this once ;)

''If lust and hate is the candy
If blood and love tastes so sweet
Then we give 'em what they want''


i don't take the word of most reporters these days. especially when this guy got the 'get' of the year with this interview. i said i'm reserving judgment until i see how this goes, and that's what i'm doing.
it's just hard for me to believe they were unaware there was a reporter, along with lights and cameras, etc. waiting back in that room for an interview. they are trying to keep her from getting the DP and here she is asking for it, and i KNOW it's not what SHE wants. so it's possible the 'reverse psychology' wasn't just her decision.
don't want to argue with you, schuby. and i'm not saying i'm right. i'm saying i think it's possible.

The reporter was on On The Record last night and Greta asked him how he got the interview. He said he met JA in Jan, and the agreement they made was that he wouldn't air a video he had of her and she would do it. I woul like to see that unaired video!
I just watched the whole video of Jodi after the conviction.
Originally Posted by polleypockets View Post

This thing is unbelievable and still even after being found guilty of first degree murder is still trying one last time to trash Travis.
She is beyond evil and is trying to get people, including the jury to believe she would rather get death than spend the rest of her life in prison.
I really hope she does get the death penalty as this piece of garbage should be the poster girl for death penalties.
It is really sad she is still trying to trash MR Alexander and the only way it will stop is for her to die.
The world can go on without her and her death would not be any lose to society.
There is absolutely no remorse or any human qualities in her what so ever.
I hope the jury can follow through and give her what she deserves.

Link not working.
I think you are being too nice. Grandma walked fine out if that jail all by her self and even walked off the curb by herself and no one, not one person even looked at her like oh, we need to help grandma, yet she had to be wheeled in that courtroom??

No, I'm sorry, this really burns me.

If grandma had ANY problems...people would have been concerned and walking/helping her. She was on her own. Also, saw her "giving the figure" photo....AND chomping gum in court just like Cindy Anthony. No respect.
I don't believe her DT wanted her to do this interview. After watching last night on Fox the interviewer said that the DT were no where to be found and that Jodi had set this up before the courts decision. Jodi wanted this and the DT had no control. What I don't understand is why the court allowed it after her being a convicted felon. Aren't her rights suppose to be taken away?

Convicted felons give interviews all the time if the prison permits it or court permits it. Franklin Delano Floyd, Bundy, Gacy are just a few who have.

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The poster is talking about Willmot's reaction. She gave an evil eye to the jury.

Somehow I missed that.

This verdict is going to make this weekend kind of bittersweet. I am going to spend it at my mom's. I know no family is perfect and ours sure is not, but I am so blessed with the one I have. And I know they will be really missing Travis.

As for JA - tthhhhpppptt - I will be taking lots of pictures -and outside in the sunshine. Neeener Neeeener.
Sleuth, I loved it! I found it on Youtube and did my pentobarbital drip dance to it (similar to a rain dance but more about Much wine had been had by this :rockon::rockon::rockon:

:floorlaugh: Much wine is always a good accompaniment to AC/DC. The next day can be unpleasant, though.
Last night on Greta the TH kept asking 'where was the defense after the verdict?' Apparently Nurmi and Wilma left. I'm sure that's what all the shouting was, they were insisting she NOT do the Fox interview and she had a tantrum.

I feel a bit bad for Nurmi getting stuck with her, trying to get out of it and not able. I strongly suspect he DID NOT want this defense. Probably wanted Sudden Quarrel or equiv.

Wilma just got lost in all Jodi's manipulation. Maybe Jodi and Wilma will actually have matching outfits today, just for old time sake.

Wonder if it will be black and white horizontal stripes all around at the defense table today?

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One thing this demon will NOT get on death row is orthodontia to help remove the fangs she's developed since committing this crime. Top and bottom teeth. FANGS. She's chameleoned herself right in to the demon she really is. She even looks like a monster now.
Here's a merge of all the interviews. The lighting is odd so JA's hair looks streaked

Arias shows in this interview that she does not know how to be human.

Travis Alexander was not a hypocrite - for her Arias to say that Travis Alexander was a hypocrite because he was a sinner shows that Arias does not understand Christianity.

It shows that Arias does not grasp the faith that she is supposed to be a part of - I do not believe that she ever read The Book of Mormon or The Bible.

I wish that the person that interviewed her would have said, "how was Travis Alexander a hypocrite." Arias, I assume, would have answered, "well, he was a member of The Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints - despite this Travis Alexander had sex outside of marriage - this is what makes him a hypocrite."

Then I wish the interviewer would have said, "you were baptized in the LDS church - you were having premarital sex - you committed a gruesome murder - how is Travis Alexander a hypocrite and you are not - again, during the trial we heard how you read The Book of Mormon - went to church meetings."

For some reason - Arias, IMO, think that Christians are not sinners - and the Christians that are sinners are so ashamed and scared of being "torn" apart by their church - that if anyone can "record" a Christians sins the owner of the recorder "owns" the other person.

I do not know where Arias gets this idea - all of the Christian Churches know that every human being is a sinner. Same for the Jewish Faith.

Being a Christian does not mean that you are not going to sin - it means that you do not want to sin - your conscience is guided by your morals - sinning makes you feel guilty - sinning makes you want to ask for forgiveness - the people around you are supposed to love you, care about you, want the best for you - with your best interest in mind the people around you will help you to restore yourself.

I do not understand why Arias concentrates so much on Travis Alexander's religion. I did not hear Mary Winkler bring up religion so much - and she was a pastored wife (that shot and killed her pastor husband).

Arias behaves as though the Christian Faith is an anomaly.

Why does Arias believe that Travis Alexander having sex outside of marriage is some out of the ordinary, shocking event - Arias behaves as though Travis Alexander having sex outside of marriage is more shocking, more grotesque, more horrifying than the fact that she stabbed Travis Alexander 29 times, slit his throat, and shot him in the head.

How does Arias justify her statements / her thoughts to herself - she has to know that slaughtering Travis Alexander is sick behavior. She has to know that even if a person believed she was in fear for her life - that stabbing Travis Alexander 29 times, slicing his throat from ear to ear, shooting him in the head, dragging his body, stuffing his body in the shower, cleaning up the crime scene, driving 10 hours to meet up with another 'boyfriend,' is not a reasonable response for being afraid for her life. Between stabs 1 and 10 - there would have had to be a time where Arias could have fled to safety and called 911.

Some of her statements in this interview, IMO, are products of Arias being "coached" during her trial.

I think that someone needs to share with Arias the story of The Fig Tree - so that she can at least start using hypocrite correctly.

Arias is the true hypocrite - she makes herself look as though she has something to contribute - she makes herself look like a "Fig Tree." Arias presents herself as though she has "fruit" - however when her true self is revealed she is fake, phony and a lie - just like when the "fig leaf is pulled back to reveal that the Fig Tree is fake, phony, and a lie because it has no fruit.
I am just waking for the day so forgive me if others have posted this. Jodi's full interview to The local Fox station yesterday is on YouTube. If you didn't hate her before, you will now.

She is a pathetic. She trashed JM of course. She hasn't done anything wrong except to shed light as to Travis being an evil man and a hypocrite. Jodi, Jodi, Jodi, you are so evil! We may as well get used to expecting that this is how she intends to live the remainder of her days. Seeking the limelight, blaming everyone else for her actions. Even now. She still desires to hurt Travis's family. She said because of the trial going forward, Travis will be memorialized as a pedophile and an abuser.

Uh, no Jodi. The jury's decision and the court of public opinion does not believe you. You however will be remembered as the *advertiser censored* who slaughtered an innocent human being, a good man. And in time Jodi, you will be forgotten.

For any of you who may have been expecting to see a contrite Jodi, someone begging for forgiveness, you will be utterly disappointed and angered. This is who she really is.

I hope every juror and anyone defending her will get to see this video in court.

Okay. End of rant. I can breathe now. And catch up.

Thank you jury for convicting this evil woman!!
Has anyone seen Nurmi? I was curious to see his reaction. I caught Jw's evil eye, but I havn't seen him.
@chriswnews: #JodiArias pros Juan Martinez "A hot commodity", @roselawgroup intends to make job offer after trial #Phoenix

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According to the link, Jodi contacted the media from her jail cell on Sunday.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said in an email to ABC15 that Arias contacted KSAZ from her jail cell Sunday.
Arias said she would honor a promise she previously made to speak on camera if she was convicted of first degree murder, according to MCSO.
Due to some of the statements she made in the interview, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said she will be placed on suicide protocol.
No other media interviews will take place until she is released from suicide protocol, MCSO said.

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