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NG said last night that MJA had a screaming match with her lawyers after the verdict. Is this true or just more Nancy sensationalism?

I asked earlier and so far no response.....hopefully someone will answer
Jodi still spewing lies, has the chutzpa to still say she was an abused woman, that Travis was a pedophile - there is really little to like about this human being. The jury won't see the Troy interview but, with no remorse or apology to the Alexander family, I think they will be able to apply the death penalty.

It made me SICK in her cute little interview last night wen she said she couldn't look at Travis's family because it reminded her of her abuser. Puh-lease, you murderess betch!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the guy rest in peace, for the love of all that is holy!!!
...[*]What really happened with the excused jurors.

That's been pretty well answered, IMHO.
- One had medical issues
- One talked with other jurors about the case when not allowed
- One got picked up for DUI in that jurisdiction and talked about the case with the cop.

Normal course of business, that's why there were alternates.
"Dang it Jodi, stop kicking me!"

I feel sorry for her mother, whatever your child has done, it is still the baby you bore, the little one whos scraped knees you kissed and had such dreams for. Most moms hate the sin but still love the sinner. I hope the visit went well for her moms sake
Thank you!
Thanks not the entire video. I'd love to see it uncut .., the raw interview is 45 minutes long. That's what I want to see.

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The reporter said that they would work on getting the entire video out in the next few days. Right now this is all that's available as far as I know.
And she will be in there possibly for many,many years before execution. Look at Scott peterson....hasnt it been almost 10 years?

Yeah, and Jodi knows that. She wants LWOP so bad that she resorted to a pathetically transparent attempt at reverse psychology on national television -- hoping that Juan will play it for the jury I bet (only play an edited version if you must). Sorry, Jodi, but most of us know that you're terrified of death row and the torturous isolation it will bring to you.
If you notice, the defendant didn't even react to the verdict, until she heard others react in the courtroom. Just like a psychopath, not capable of feelings, depending on others for a cue on how to react.

BTW, you can see all 3 of the dismissed jurors at 4:00 in this video:

Juror #5 - Tricolor - next to the man in the black shirt.
Juror #8 - CEO - gray hair, next to the woman in the blue shirt, who is looking up.
Juror #11 - Poquito - orange shirt, behind CEO.

:doh: What a dumb reporter dude. At about 4:04 in this video while the camera is on Sam, he says "There is Tanisha, the sister-in-law of Travis". DUH! Report much? :banghead:
The reporter said last night KN and JW knew nothing about it.

If it was "in the works" as indicated by the reporter, my guess is the DT was initially on board if the verdict was favorable. However, once the M1 verdict came down I suspect they strongly (ie reports of loud voices coming from behind closed doors) advised her not to do the interview. But Jodi does what Jodi does.

Jodi knew she wouldn't be walking out of jail and believed she would at most serve out a manslaughter or even an M2 sentence. The interview was set-up so she could bs about how she was vindicated and she did what she had to do to save her life, blah blah blah.

One more thought. This reporter gets an exclusive interview and that's the best he's got?! Lame. So lame. I bet a 5-year-old could ask harder hitting questions
Hi all...does anyone think that she might be trying to go for a overturned conviction by doing this immediate interview and somehow showing that the jury saw it?
What's the deal with receiving mail on death row?

I want to be able to send her postcards from Cancun, ads from the iphone6 as soon as its released, coupons for cinnabons and a Starbucks gift card!


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I agree with another poster who said she'd just put those pretty pictures on the wall to enjoy. How about just sending a plain 3x5 index card with a brief write up of how you enjoyed your strawberry frappe, or cinnabon, or a walk in the sunshine, etc.

I am seriously considering doing this. :seeya:
??? what evidence do we know that was hidden by Mr. Martinez ?????

She's talking about the pedo letters that were not "hidden" but were rejected by the court because they were not originals and thus likely forgeries.
Haven't posted much since the verdict. Just so thrilled for the family. God Bless Martinez and Flores and I'm sure there are countless others behind them.

Could not believe JA's interview. I'm sure she thought it would be a victory lap!
No, no, no, unh-uh!

Having known a pathological lying narcissist up close and personal - you could waterboard JA and she will not say she is sorry and will never say it's her fault.
Ever. I interpreted her reaction to the verdict as pity on the jury for being too stupid to understand.

If you don't buy a narcissist's crap sandwich they just feel sorry for you and your lack of knowledge, insight and all your weakness.

Seen it a million times.

And, by the way, the one I know came from a perfectly normal family, with normal siblings and exhibited signs as a toddler. Yes, a toddler.
It made me SICK in her cute little interview last night wen she said she couldn't look at Travis's family because it reminder her of her abuser. Puh-lease, you murderess betch!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the guy rest in peace, for the love of all that is holy!!!

I know it. I just wanted to fly through the screen and slap the chit out of her.

Stupidly, I just went to the innocent site. I am amazed by the stupidity.
Schuby, if that's true, I bet Nurmi gets up for mitigating and says, "Awwwwww, yeah, just give her the death penalty", and sits down. :floorlaugh:

Originally Posted by Schuby View Post
The reporter said last night KN and JW knew nothing about it.
Good morning, frenns!

After a short period of a 'high' after the verdict was read, I suddenly got really sad and tired. My husband said it was probably emotional exhaustion after everything we've gone through these months.

I tried to get to bed early but I couldn't sleep. So, now I'm tired and crabby. Anyone else or am I just a freak? :sigh:

Not at all!

I kept replaying the verdict and then her awful interview in my head. I would be happy then disgusted. I wanted to get that interview out of my head. I wanted to feel at peace knowing she got what she deserved but I just couldn't get that out of my head. I was so frustrated. I feel like a shlub today because my sleep was so discombobulated. Ugh! Imagine how the jury feels!
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