Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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OMG this is my last post for the day then I'm leaving. I can't handle all this anger directed at the juror(s). Everyone is entitled to their opinions but it's getting ridiculous in here.

SHE WAS FOUND GUILTY!!! Why is everyone acting like the jury failed???

He did believe she committed the murder FGS - he voted for Murder 1.

Have a nice holiday weekend everyone. :seeya:


Just for the record, I'm not angry with any of the jurors, just confused as to why they gave up after only 13 hours of deliberation. And I'm heartbroken for the Alexander family that they didn't get the case resolution they need and deserve. They've already been through so much... :(
PHOENIX — The jury foreman in Jodi Arias' trial says the panel just couldn't decide whether the killing of her boyfriend was enough to merit a death a sentence.

William Zervakos tells The Associated Press jurors struggled with what they called a flawed system, explaining Arias wasn't "Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson." They thought it was unfair that 12 average Americans who aren't lawyers had to make such a crucial decision.

The 69-year-old said Friday the entire panel believed the slaying was no doubt brutal. But he says they had to take into account Arias' lack of a criminal history or any previous violent behavior.

Then they shouldn't have agreed to be on the jury! If it's so unfair that they had to decide! Speak up! Admit you cannot impose the matter what! :stormingmad:
The reason I "know" this is because of what my son told me about the culture of prison life--how a person gains power, how they get their own cell, the place of gangs in prison life, etc.

I believe she will be kept in protective custody just like a sex offender is--and for the same reason. She has a power position now which she thinks will carry over and protect her in prison. She doesn't understand the difference between prison and jail. Because she is highly adaptive and manipulative, she has fashioned a niche for herself as the victim rather than the perpetrator and you see she believes her present aggression is justified "if she is abused." Her status as folk hero of the jail population who are fawning over her WILL NOT MEAN SQUAT IN PRISON.

Especially in an Arizona maximum prison. It's not that the system will punish her extraordinarily, it's just that even if she gets released into general pop after three years, the women in prison will not respond the same to her persona of "Hi, I'm Jodi. I am famous, better than you, and I can help you better yourself."

More likely she will get nine shallow stabs in the back to remind her of her place at the bottom of the pecking order.

Or you could be right and she goes into general pop and wins a singing contest, teaches classes on how to crush cans when you have a broken finger, teaches the Spanish inmates how to speak English and elevates and edifies those with "lower thoughts" by teaching them to read books that she suggests. She gets to sell and wear her Survivor T-shirt under her prison stripes and SHeriff Arpaio says "Hey, it's her first amendment right of free expression" and the other perpetrators of hideous crimes are perfectly fine with her branding of herself as a victim while they are treated as the perpetrators they are.

Sorry, I think it's more likely she will end up with a perp tattoo on her forehead than this last scenario. But that's just MOO

I'm feeling all kinds of emotions today. Thank You for your great posts. I also thank you for a new fantasy I'm going to soothe myself with.

BBM Is it mean of me to wish for that big inked forever tattoo on her forehead saying *advertiser censored* or three holed wonder? Something permanet to mar her looks would be the worst punishment for her.

:wink: I'll just wish it, but not actually pray for it. :blushing:
I agree with you Frayed, but when I read this guy's interview....
many negative feelings re. Bill Z. are bursting forth from me.
To whoever posted that they wish the universe would just let Tanisha get at Jodi, I couldn't agree more. If looks could kill, Jodi would have died several times each day court was held.

Tanisha is also one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Way prettier than Jodi. And she seems to have a really devoted, loving husband.
Okay, I take back what I said yesterday about being okay with this whole jury.

I'm very much NOT okay with this supposed foreman. He should have recused himself the MINUTE he walked into that courtroom if he felt that "this little girl couldn't have done this".

How many mounds of evidence does it take? How many lies does the killer have to tell? There were two Jodi Arias' - one before and one after?! Well yeah, there was one who had stalked and slashed and had not been caught, and then there was one who stalked and slaughtered and then got caught.

This is beyond a betrayal of justice. He let his personal feelings and his "need to know why" get in the way of the facts.

He should be ashamed.

Right, but that's you. Being DP qualified doesn't mean they share your enthusiasm, it just means that they COULD vote DP.

The jurors didn't lie to anyone or betray anyone. They followed instructions and did their jobs, voting without allowing hatred or sorrow to sway their votes.

Jodi's not going anywhere, she will never be free. This is not that big of a deal! I think those jurors did a bang up job assuring that JA will never get out!


It is not a big deal to YOU. It is to me, and if it were MY brother, It would be the biggest deal of my life. No plea, no mercy. Then she wins.

I don't care if she would die in prison. I also don't believe that is a sure case as there have been numerous cases on here were someone got LWOP, then Government changes and whoever signs on down the road can alter a LWOP sentence.

Not worth the chance. And I do not believe the Alexander family will crumble from weakness now, at this stage of the game. Their chances are good for death. Reassignment is good for the pros. Albeit frustrating for those that want justice NOW!
What's not fair? That it's going to be brutally difficult or that the state has to even go down that road as a result of the jurors being unable to come to a unanimous verdict?


Now the penalty phase will have to be done all over again with another jury. Bill Zevakos says finding another impartial jury will be almost impossible.

“I just think it's going to be brutally difficult and quite frankly i don't think it's fair.”

Fair??? Fair??? Really, Bill? What would be fair according to Bill?
Too many, he needs to shut his pie hole and educate himself on what all he didn't get to hear. Bet he won't be trash talking the public then!

I refrained from making judgements until he did that....and it just went downhill from there!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He does not strike as the sort of person with a fully developed pie-hole-shutting
skill set.
PHOENIX — The jury foreman in Jodi Arias' trial says the panel just couldn't decide whether the killing of her boyfriend was enough to merit a death a sentence.

William Zervakos tells The Associated Press jurors struggled with what they called a flawed system, explaining Arias wasn't "Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson." They thought it was unfair that 12 average Americans who aren't lawyers had to make such a crucial decision.

The 69-year-old said Friday the entire panel believed the slaying was no doubt brutal. But he says they had to take into account Arias' lack of a criminal history or any previous violent behavior.

You've got to be kidding. They thought it was UNFAIR to make a life or DP decision?? Then why the hell did any of those who thought that make it through voir dire? Being DP qualified means the ability to do just that.
I am taking what the jury foreman said about the verbal abuse with a grain of salt. It was his opinion.The main problem I see is that if Jodi was unattractive, or a girl from the
hood, or a person of color, or a male They would have come back with death. People have trouble putting a “girl” with a side pony and wispy bangs to eventual death.She
acted frail and coy. they fell for it. They lost their perspective during the mitigation phase.

And that's my problem with the DP. Well, one of them anyway. It's not administered based upon the crime, it's based upon who committed the crime.
You could be right, but the obsessive journaling doesn't strike me as so much sociopathic as narcissistic and deeply immature, like someone stuck in their early teens.

I understand where you're coming from, especially knowing what we know about Jodi... but fact is, Travis kept a journal too; and Mormons are even actually *asked* to do it.

I never kept a diary, even as a kid; but I suppose it could be nice or helpful for some people.

(I'd be creeped out to read my innermost emotional ramblings years later -- not to mention someone else getting a hold of them... and you can be sure that someone would :blushing:)
I don't recall in the jury instructions where it mentioned to compare the defendant to the likes of Jeffrey Dahmar and Charles Manson. :sigh:

I can see a little bit of both in her, and she resembles Ted Bundy quite a bit.
Another clip I hadn't seen. So is he saying they all expressed their individual opinions but did not try to influence one another? Isn't that the point of deliberations? Isn't there a difference between influence and coerce? What's the point of a foreman if they just express their feelings and sign the verdict form?

I knew it!!!! I said on the last thread that he was all about feelings, not logic. Will not listen to it because my heart can't take it. But, geeeez Louise. I'm heartsick all over again.
Thank you for your insight.. I did have to look up a few things you referred to in your post.. I know that you indicated BBM above that you have no sympathy but reading that made me think of this song by John Prine Sam Stone.. it was a sad 'cost of war' we had a cousin come back addicted.. they found him murdered rolled up in a carpet behind his Dad's store. I know O/T but I wanted to comment on fact many service men did come back in same state. Of course your Ex is accountable for his actions & decisions etc...

>snipped by me<
EXACTLY!!!! I have GREAT sympathy for our service men/women who fall into addiction, and Viet Nam was a turning point, albeit decades late, when veterans pushed to have programs for vets to deal with PTSD and drug addiction. For many, it won't work, too little, too late. But for those coming back from Afghanistan, and Iraq, the programs are in place (but those even have waits that in some places have exceeded a year). Could go on at length as my BF was a counselor for an online PTSD site for vets 12 years ago.
But I do know exactly where you're coming from!
I remember watching this woman a couple years ago in an interview on the show Lockup I believe (she has lost a lot of weight btw) but even then..those eyes..she is complete evil but unlike JA she is brutally honest about her crime. She tortured a man for three days and then killed him. She says that she thinks she should have gotten the DP. As horrible as she is at least she is honest! But to this day I have never listened to a murderer talk that gave me the chills like this one..well, JA too has that effect - listening to her made me nauseous. So much evil in people like this but at least this one KNOWS that she is evil and is honest about it. I hope JA pisses her off in jail..I would love to see her demolish JA!

Those eyes are empty. And she made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


I missed something crucial. Pivotal. VITAL.

Miss Simpson is in Perryville??? Where the Drama Queen is headed? REALLY? I thought we were making hypothetical encounters with the two of them.

Jesus God.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up again.

CMja is already dead.
Apologies if this has been posted but Jeff Gold mentioned today about the possible (probable?) impact of hearing those VIS (which clearly were crushing to the jury according to foreman) but then WAITING 4 or 5 days and hearing Jodi and then Wilmott's close last. So the impact of the Alexander's was undeniably reduced.

and who caused that delay? and many of us saw what they were doing when it happened too.
I agree with you Frayed, but when I read this guy's interview....
many negative feelings re. Bill Z. are bursting forth from me.

That's where I am .. but it's all good, because JSS interviews the jurors I believe to see how this occurred .. then after that they move to a new jury, and another chance for a unanimous jury verdict, so it's not like all is lost, the system is still working :)
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