Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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Ya know, when JVM mentioned last night that Jodi used her feminine 'wiles' to influence men on the jury I thought it was a crock of you-know-what. Now I'm thinking that maybe JVM is correct, and this foreman could not see beyond her face to the evil inside her. I think it's sickening.:stormingmad:

This man has already said publicly that he wants to visit her and spend time with her. Supposedly to ask her what really happened in the bathroom. Since she testified that she doesn't remember MOST of it, does he think she now does or doesn't he care that she must have lied on the stand?
He wants to go visit her.... Really? I think he's charmed.... No joke.
Didn't Jodi claim her sister got mixed up in drugs and got into trouble. Sounds like that would be a dead end for her hopes to ever be LE.

You are absolutely right.. I worked for the NYS DEPT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, right out of high school. We were trained by the Feds. I did fingerprints, you cannot have a speck on your background, and your relatives are also checked out, it's a very in depth background check. I am retired now. It's even stricter now.
Didn't Jodi claim her sister got mixed up in drugs and got into trouble. Sounds like that would be a dead end for her hopes to ever be LE.

Unless evidence says otherwise, jodi might have lied about her sister.
That told me that he just didn't get it. People like JA will never tell you what really happened. Does he really think he could just sit down and say "Now you can tell me the truth" and she will spill it? Does he really think he could ever get an honest answer out of her? He is acting like she is a normal person with a conscious who is capable of taking responsibility of her actions. Talking to her is a waste of time. There is no getting answers from her. Flores is about the best I have ever seen and he couldn't get the truth from her. He thinks he can?

When this was brought up I wanted to post something I have been thinking about for a long time.

I think that Jodi is the only one that knows what happened (of course) She is going to hold that little nugget of truth to herself and never tell anyone. I get the impression that adds to her better than anyone attitude. No one knows what happened. It is like her little treasure that she will never give up.
Immediately after hearing the jury foreperson say he thought CMJA was mentally and verbally abuse by TA I was so upset, but I've come to see that as almost a good thing. I don't think the DT will have nearly the opportunity they did with this jury to convince a new jury of JA's false accusations. I think a new jury will be able to see the few times TA called CMJA names in writing as something we could have all done/said in the same situation. I think a new jury will have the benefit of not being brainwashed for four plus months by the DT making it easier and hopefully a new jury won't apply comparative justice by thinking she isn't as bad as Jeffery Dahmer (who actually had a significant case for mitigation if you've ever read his whole story).

Yesterday I was crushed for the Alexander Family, today I see a new jury for the penalty phase as a good thing for them. It's one more opportunity to clear TA's name for all the doubters still out there (like the jury foreperson).
wow. um. wow. I think I have to walk away from this case altogether. the more that is coming out from this juror, the more my blood pressure rises.

its hard to walk away, but I should :banghead:

sounds like the only site he has visited is JAII....

This...this...and this.:ditto:...I was actually fine with the hung jury etc. until he started pontificating. Now I'm sliding slowly (back) off the reservation...
wow. um. wow. I think I have to walk away from this case altogether. the more that is coming out from this juror, the more my blood pressure rises.

its hard to walk away, but I should :banghead:

sounds like the only site he has visited is JAII....

im sorry, this probably wont be a popular opinion...
but that juror is absolutely delusional.....he needs to do some more googling and find out the truth....because he isn't speaking it now, that's for sure.

if anyone thinks Jodi is not a master manipulator, then this should do it for ya. she was able to woooo this guy and now he is making a fool of himself almost stumbling over himself to virtually hug her and pat her on the back.

im disgusted.

see. I should have walked away. lol
And I just saw some of his interview on Inside Edition and I wouldn't recommend anyone watching this that is already upset with his earlier remarks. He actually seems to feel sorry for CKJA. This has to be so incredibly painful for the Alexander family. As if what they are going through isn't bad enough, but to hear the jury foreman speaking about CKJA like he is really hard to stomach.

I' m sorry but one of the jurors who voted for the DP really should say something. I don't care if they agreed to let this man speak for them. If he keeps this up, it's only going to make the family's pain that much worse. i'd feel compelled to say something if I were one of them.
This is a point that has always baffled me. Jodi says she cant remember anthing past shooting Travis, and she says the shooting came first. Then she also confesses to butchering him, but with no memory of it!
Dont those statements conflict?
This "girl" ? WTF!!

He clearly fell for the DT's strategy of dressing her and having her style her hair like a virginal sophmore at a Catholic high school. She is not a "girl" she is a WOMAN a woman who brutally and without remorse murdered a wonderful man in the prime of his life. Unfortunately, the jury foreperson couldn't see the truth through the DT created fog.
Here's one factor that might come into play when a friend is going with a psychopathic obsessed stalker - their friends get used as proxy stalkers, or their tires might get slashed, etc., Whole neighborhoods can become involved if it's a predatory stalker. CMja was bugging them to try to rope her man. She also was hanging around the Freeman's house chumming up to them all. It's like an insidious infiltration.

Something is up with this guy

This guy is scaring me big time. I can see him being an appellate issue, perhaps saying that he watched coverage/read a newspaper etc. He sounds far too fishy to me. I don't trust this guy at all.
The jury foreman says he is giving interviews as he feels Jodi was "crucified in the court of public opinion"

Just a question. As offensive as this guy's attitude is, anyone think the decision to deadlock had everything to do with getting away from him?

He would set my teeth on edge and I'd be unwilling to come off DP for any reason, least of all bullying.

No disrespect towards the remaining jurors but this one guy would be very difficult to reason with given his recent public comments.
This is a point that has always baffled me. Jodi says she cant remember anthing past shooting Travis, and she says the shooting came first. Then she also confesses to butchering him, but with no memory of it!
Dont those statements conflict?
When this was brought up I wanted to post something I have been thinking about for a long time.

I think that Jodi is the only one that knows what happened (of course) She is going to hold that little nugget of truth to herself and never tell anyone. I get the impression that adds to her better than anyone attitude. No one knows what happened. It is like her little treasure that she will never give up.

Truth serum - that's what she needs, a good shot of it....
The comparison is startling. I didn't take notice of the time between the two interviews. Does anyone have the dates?

Yes and the weight loss was staggering. She was well on her way to cold but man she is subzero now.
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