Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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I believe the murderer never referenced the prison but rather the location - Perryville is the prison, she referenced Goodyear which is a town near the prison. Apparently no one, not even the mitigation lady, bothered to tell her she was dellusional in thinking she could do the things she listed. Was it made up for the jury, of course it was. It is also dellusional to think that she would actually volunteer to serve others, she serves no one but herself.

As much as I dislike the DT, I think they probably have tried to tell her what Perryville will be like. They probably try to prepare her. However, we have all seen how JA takes in the same facts we do and then transfers them to "JodiLand" where it all is as she wants it to be. She won't believe what it's like until she is actually there. Then, BOOM, reality check for Miss Delusional.

PS I also think the DT would allow her to paint her rosy picture of service and giving even if they knew it wouldn't be that way. It sounds good to the jury and she can't be accused of lying because she would claim she didn't know because she hasn't been there (YET!).
The Jury foreman has been on tv. He looks like a very smart man to me.

I'm sure he could pass any test without a problem.

The verdict had nothing to do with tests, common sense, or misunderstanding the law.

This case should have been plead out from day one at murder two.

It was never a DP case.

But this Jury gave us murder one. We should count our lucky stars.


Here is what I will tell you...this is not the only trial in the world and this is not the only jury in the world. My post is clearly talking about generalizations.

I was NOT referring to the Arias Foreman but you have run with your own thoughts interjecting me into them. Disgraceful imo. I kindly ask that you refrain from using my posts in this way, thanks.
I did not get to see the foreman speak and do not believe I want to now. I would like to know of the split of the 4 for life were they all 4 men? I thought that is what Vinnie said but I wanted to clarify? Is this known?
i have a question. why DID travis go on that rant?

Because the self serving passive agressive psychopath B was invading his space, hacking his email, myspace, facebook, stealing from him, slashing his tires and I believe she was blackmailing him.

I have a question. Why did she travel 1000 miles to Travis' home?
Pssst don't tell the rest of the world that or Dr Hare...or the FBI

It's very real ... Well studied...and very very real

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I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying there isn't a medically defined category for the disorder.
The real elephant in the room that has probably been mentioned on other threads that I can't keep up with (I can't even keep up with this one!) is why did the MMPI and/or MCMI not detect the level of her psychopathy/sociopathy? Why do the BPD traits obscure the even more dangerous traits? Or, was the clone of Einstein (more like the clone of Randall Flagg for Stephen King fans) really able to throw off the tests by being all over the place? She's off the scales in narcissism (and I know a narcissist) and she's far more sociopathic than a diagnosed ASPD that I know. I know that the MCMI came up with Personality Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified and that DR. Samuels completely swept it under the carpet, but why wasn't Dr. DeMarte able to diagnose beyond the BPD? What is up with the test results?

I guess it doesn't really matter, but it just emphasizes that we are all but helpless in a world full of these subhumans when batteries of diagnostic testing doesn't fully identify them and $2MM doesn't take them completely out of society.

dr. de marte started to say something else, as i recall, there was an objection, and she didn't continue after that.

anyone else remember that? i DO think she had more to say and it wasn't allowed. at that time, the DT was having a cow that BPD had even been brought up and argued vigorously against it. only at the end did they decide maybe that was a good argument for sparing her life.

i guess that incongruity didn't bother the jury, but it bothered me. they had gone all in with DV and PTSD and suddenly, they're touting de marte, the state's witness----the inexperienced one!!!
Psycohopathy/sociopathy isn't a true medical diagnosis. It's a lay men's term for extreme narcissistic or border line personality disorders.

I just heard an attorney on Discovery ID state, "There is crazy sick, and there is crazy mean."

IMO CMja is crazy mean, and the DT tried to pass her off as crazy sick.
The Jury foreman has been on tv. He looks like a very smart man to me.

I'm sure he could pass any test without a problem.

The verdict had nothing to do with tests, common sense, or misunderstanding the law.

This case should have been plead out from day one at murder two.

It was never a DP case.

But this Jury gave us murder one. We should count our lucky stars.


RBBM: I totally disagree ...

If this case does not qualify for a DP case, then what does ?


- 29 stab wounds

- Slit throat from ear-to-ear

- Gunshot to the head

- Shoved in the shower stall and left to rot for days

Yep ... at a minimum, this murderer deserves the Death Penalty for what she did to Travis ...
Anyone watching JVM? I usually like her okay but I totally think she is tweeking, lol. She was interviewing the bearded man on the courtroom steps and as he was talking, she has her mike in his face and she looked like she was talking to herself quietly. Meanwhile, he is yapping away and she is making some strange movements of her mouth.

Tell me I am not the only one that noticed that.
I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying there isn't a medically defined category for the disorder.

Only here in the USA.

IMO because the DSM has become the BILLING BIBLE of the insurance industry.... And there is ZERO money in the untreatable.

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I know.

But do you see me complaining?

I'm not complaining because I believe in the wisdom of our Jury system.

I didn't sit there and watch this trial all day for four months.

And, when I did watch it, I had access to popcorn.


Well, viewing a brutal murder, the grieving fsmily, and 4 months of victim-trashing as entertainment best appreciated with popcorn is certaintly a novel perspective. You don't live in Phoenix, I hope?
Evening lovely Sleuthers. It looks like it's that time to remember we don't have to reply to all people's posts if you know what I mean. Some people come on here and post very controversial views. God, well invented an ignore function for that reason if someone is bothering you. You can access it by pressing



Aaah, that's much better. Thank you, gauntlet and thank you . My fingers were getting really flat from me sitting on them.
The jury forman NEVER blamed Travis. He said he beleived there was emotional abuse but never said it was Travis' fault he was murdered. They voted for 1st degree murder and that it was cruel. I don't know what interview you guys are watching but half the stuff I have read was never said by him.

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I agree. When I first read a couple things about his interview, I was like, "well, good lord.... what did he say?" Then I watched it and was relieved.
Well, viewing a brutal murder, the grieving fsmily, and 4 months of victim-trashing as entertainment best appreciated with popcorn is certaintly a novel perspective. You don't live in Phoenix, I hope?

Frightening huh?

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A case that proved premeditation.


I suggest you go to your local court and watch a few murder trials and then compare those to this trial. Murder cases are not like tv crime shows. This case is a slam dunk murder one case with an overwhelming amount of evidence to prove pre-meditation and the jury verdict backs that up.
John Couey

After thinking about the DP and Jodi .... And much soul searching. I don't believe I could sentence her to die.

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Why not? Just curious.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the "age" thing, but IMO that has nothing to do with a person's technology awareness or abilities. Some 70/80 year olds are every bit as proficient as the younger generation. Totally depends on the individual. All JMO.

You're not misunderstanding anything. I was expressing my opinion, not making statements of fact.

I forgot to add "JMO."
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