Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Okay, so the jury foreman says he believes that Arias was abused by TA. Great when she hears this she will never shut up about being a DV martyr.

Yep ... and now, because of this jury foreman, it unfortunately gives for some sort of validity to her BS ... :puke:

I can't wait for jury foreman and jurors to see that video where she felt "betrayed" by the jury for the 1st degree murder conviction ...

I can't wait for the jury foreman and jurors to learn that JA purchased a 9mm before she was arrested -- oh, and was "on the run" with knives in the car as well ...

Oh there's more ... y'all know the rest ...

Although it would be in my 'entertainment' interest to be able to watch some additional weeks of trial, I really think they should just work out a plea. I would say LWP with no appealing of the verdict. Both sides get something there.

Why LWP? She would serve at least 20 more years, maybe more. With no significant history of violence or criminal behavior in her past (before Travis, of course), there is no apparent reason to think she would be a danger to society at that point. The posters that say she is just a bad seed, an evil killer, and was probably headed out to kill someone else when she was arrested are basing that on very little, IMO. Until she met Travis, she was just a normal person with perhaps a mild personality disorder. Having some jealousy issues, having trouble breaking up and letting go, perhaps telling more lies than the average person--this is not the stuff of a psychopath. She was not a serial killer, or someone who tortures and kills a child for fun.

That said, I also wouldn't have had a big objection to a DP verdict, either.

Having trouble breaking up? That is the understatement of the century. I definitely see things in a completely different way.

Why shouldn't it be a slam dunk when she admitted to doing all of the things she did to him? Even if you take her excuse as absolute truth, it still doesn't absolve her. Self-Defense is just that, not killing someone over and over and then trying to run and hide.

She admitted to self defense. That's what she admitted to finally.

It's a complicated case. That's all I can say without writing a book.

I hope that the next few days allow everyone who has become emotionally invested in this trial a chance to reflect and gain perspective. Some jurors looked at Jodi's life and her relationship with Travis and couldn't sentence her to death. You and I may disagree with their assessment, but they sacrificed months of their lives to this case and earned the right to make that call.

To anyone who sees this as a victory for the defense, if that's true then it's the most hollow victory imaginable. JA was found guilty of premeditated murder and the jury determined that the killing was done in an especially cruel and depraved manner. Those findings are now facts in the eyes of the law, and if the sentencing is ultimate decided by a judge then that will be taken into account. The possibility of a sentence that allows for parole is vanishingly small. It bears remembering that JA's pathos filled appeal to the jury was true: all of the things that she talked about losing are truly gone from her life forever. This is not a small, compromise punishment. Her life will never be what you, I, or any normal person would choose to live.

The rebuttal to that is, of course, that Travis and the Alexander family lost so much more than freedom, and they lost it in an unimaginably horrific way. Sadly, nothing can change that, including seeing the killer sentenced to death. I know it's what they wanted, but sometimes what we want and what we need are two different things. I hate to think of them subjected to endless appeals that are part of the process when capital punishment is involved, and the zealots who will attach themselves to anyone who's be condemned to die would make a young woman like Jodi a celebrity. Activists don't care about fairness or the truth and they will gleefully join in a chorus of abuse claims. Imagine ALV with millions of dollars of financing and an international audience.

I've seen so much love and support come from this place and I hate seeing it perverted into sound and fury. I despise the killer as much as anyone, but for me the old adage "The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference" has come true. I haven't watched her interviews, I'm not interested in HLN's analysis of her, and I truly couldn't care less about her bizarre obsession with her appearance or her ability to copy other people's art works. I want the Alexander family to begin to heal and I simply don't think that the death penalty process will allow that to happen.

This isn't an idle wish from someone who hasn't lived through a traumatic loss. I can't compare my experience to the Alexanders losing a cherished family member, but an ex-girlfriend who was still a very close friend was murdered in an incredibly brutal fashion. Her name was Lisa Shivak. I think I was the last real friend of hers to see her alive. It was a chance meeting at a convenience store, and we made plans to have lunch and went our separate ways but later that night she was killed. I know what it's like to want someone executed, but I also know that it wouldn't have changed anything except to keep my thoughts focused on the murder instead of the LIFE.

I would never presume to tell anyone here or the Alexander family how to feel, but I can't help but feel like there's a gap developing between what is being discussed and what is really important. Our lives are fragile, and tragic events shatter them like glass. We have the choice to sit and stare at the broken shards and try to remember what they looked like before, or we can melt them down and make something new. Out of the searing pain of grief, a new life can be molded. It will never be the same as the one we had before, but it can be beautiful and it can have a purpose, and its shape can be inspired by the precious individual we've lost. This isn't about whether killer is executed, it's about whether the Alexanders get to live.

The defenses goal going in was only to spare her life. They reached it. In their line of work LWOP is a huge victory!

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What bothers me about LWOP is that after quite a (g0od) few years, if the CM behaves, she can work her way down to medium security. And in 25 years she gets to repetition the State. I realise that's not to say the State's response would be any different.
Ultimately, this, the trial is only temporary, even if it stretched out for another year. There is NO WAY, absoultely NO WAY that anyone in my family would back down to LWOP. Absolutely none. There would be no question.

Once they move forward with a new jury, they will get the DP they so desire and will know in their hearts that they will outlive her, even if death takes 20 years. Then looking forward to the call that he last appeal failed and watching the catheter inserted and poison flow her veins.

The ultimate punishment. Served.

I can understand your opinion and more importantly respect it. The Alexander family may well believe the same, I can honor that as well.

I on the otherhand refuse to allow anyone to control my life, my thoughts, or my world. I tend to say done and never put a question mark where God has put a period.
This is so succinct. You described his demeanor precisely. Did you notice how he responded to one question? "That's a very good question, Elizabeth...." Elizabeth? You're on a first name basis now? That speaks volumes.

And for those of you who are accusing some of being emotional, this isn't emotional, this is pure logic.

ITA! It got to me how he referred to the jury as *his* jurors and the first name basis with the interviewer was telling of someone who thinks he is "above" everyone else..hmm sound familiar? I think he had pity for Jodi because maybe he see's some of his own personality there. Jmo and moo and all that stuff. Let us hope the next jury uses plain ole common sense and follows the law. If that is done she will get the DP, I am sure of it!
I would like to see them make a deal and just agree to her having LWOP, but I don't think the killer would agree to that anymore. I bet she would hold out for LWP now.

I may be wrong but what I was told was there would be no need for a deal. The State would just drop the Death option and it would automatically go to the judge to impose the sentence of either LWOP or LWP. I honestly do NOT think any sane judge would even think about giving her LWP. Although I had some complaints about Judge Stephens during the trial, she is no Larry Seidlin and I am sure she would impose a LWOP sentence.
I know my opinion isn't popular, but I think the best outcome for the family -gods bless them- is to agree to a LWOP plea/no interviews. Let her be away away away and quiet.

Heal, honor your lost and beloved brother by living the best life you can, adhere to your faith, be loving to each other and know that your God loves you. Always and unconditionally.

Peace and coffee y'all.

I respect your opinion and understand where you're coming from.

But I think it would be hard to let go the fact that with LWOP, she will be allowed some sort of "life" in prison. She will be able to interact with others and have many more freedoms than she would if she was on DR.

So I think that's maybe where people have a hard time letting go of the DP option and just "letting her be." In some way, she sort of wins, ya know?
Yep ... and now, because of this jury foreman, it unfortunately gives for some sort of validity to her BS ... :puke:

I can't wait for jury foreman and jurors to see that video where she felt "betrayed" by the jury for the 1st degree murder conviction ...

I can't wait for the jury foreman and jurors to learn that JA purchased a 9mm before she was arrested -- oh, and was "on the run" with knives in the car as well ...

Oh there's more ... y'all know the rest ...


I don't know why that should matter to him, but even if it did, he was not allowed to see that evidence.

That's not his fault. That's our legal system.

For some reason, that video made me realize how mad I am at them.

I take back most of what I said before.

Maybe this will help. Think of that list we made (that is somewhere) of all the things this jury does not know about Jodi. And how "duped" they will feel when they find out.
sorry if this was already asked and I'm sure it was but so much has been posted after what occurred.....

Can JM introduce all the post trial interviews that CMJA did? Because we know that (along with other things) the jury certainly didn't see how she immediately ran for the camera after she was convicted then hustled to do her makeup and hair for the four interviews after the second mini trial.

Her true self came out in those interviews; once a psychopath always a psychopath (I wish Dr. D would have diagnosed her with what she seems to really be - I'm not a professional but she really is class ASPD (psychopath) and even Dr. Drew indicated that she has psychopathic tendencies with BPD)

If this penalty phase is a mini trial again (bless this family in having to endure this again) aren't those interviews able to be introduced? It says A LOT that after she bounced around claiming all the things she would because she is such a woman of virtue she then goes and demands makeup and diva's herself out - it was not only creepy but it was blatantly disrespectful and obviously there was NO sense of remorse or humility.

Can JM also include other items that didn't seem to be shown to the jury. Let's face it, we know there are things the prosecution and defense didn't present because they did not favor their case but there seems to be a lot that JM can shove at this new jury.
She admitted to self defense. That's what she admitted to finally.

It's a complicated case. That's all I can say without writing a book.


I disagree. It's not a complicated case at all. The jury didn't find it complicated either. She planned to kill him and did. What's complicated?

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At this point, I think the best thing is for them to work out a deal of LWP with no appeals. Both sides get a concession there.

Why? Because she would serve 20 more years at a minimum, and wouldn't be any real danger to society at that point, IMO. Before Travis, she was a normal law-abiding citizen with perhaps a minor personality disorder. Being jealous, snooping, and perhaps lying a bit more than the average person are not really all that horrible. She was not a serial killer, or someone who snatched and killed a child for fun. Something just went really wrong in her after she got involved with Travis .

That said, I wouldn't have had a big problem with a DP verdict, either
There are no other texts/evidence where Travis was verbally abusive to JA. I distinctly remember Dr. DeMarte testifying to this, she told the jury that there was no record of any abusive verbal or physical other than that one text and the claims of the lying convicted murderer, au contraire, she also said that Travis was kind and loving toward her all along except for that one text.

Sad isn't it. A few words on a text message and Travis is an abuser. Jodi on the other hand, well you know the rest. moo
I see a ridiculous conclusion made based on nothing but a mans physical appearance....and scant knowledge of the case.

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And don't forget the direct rip from a now deceased thread that said "ALV doesn't lie."

My personal favorite was the self-professed title of "a jury's worst nightmare." An agenda as transparent as saran wrap at that point and incredibly easy to dismantle if we cared enough. :)

Glaring- although not shocking- insensitivity immediately after a verdict tells you the story.
I also agree that trying to get her to plea to LWOP and dropping appeals is the best direction since there really is no guarantee she'll get the DP. But ultimately it should be the family's decision and if they want to continue on, so be it.
Yes they did. Be grateful.

It wasn't a slam dunk murder one case, IMO.

:seeya: This was the most "slam dunk murder one case" I have ever seen ...

What trial were you watching the past 4 months, because it definitely was NOT this one ?

I may be wrong but what I was told was there would be no need for a deal. The State would just drop the Death option and it would automatically go to the judge to impose the sentence of either LWOP or LWP. I honestly do NOT think any sane judge would even think about giving her LWP. Although I had some complaints about Judge Stephens during the trial, she is no Larry Seidlin and I am sure she would impose a LWOP sentence.

I agree. I'm 100% sure Judge S will impose a LWOP sentance.
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