Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Originally Posted by dog.gone.cute
EXACTLY ! This is a BIG WIN for them
And I bet Jodi is sititing there SMIRKING and SINGING :
"You can mark my words, no jury will ever convict me."

They did convict her, though. If the creature and her defense team are celebrating, it's very short-sighted. Sort of like winning the lottery, then finding out everybody else won too, and you only get 32 cents.

She's not getting out of jail. She's going to prison, whether it be death row or life. Either of these are going to be horrible for her.

I'm very disappointed, but this is not the Pinellas 12. And it disturbs me to see the "they" when referring to how ashamed "they" should be, etc. It's clear that some, probably most, did want the death penalty, and they weren't willing to risk her getting paroled some day by going with life. They have no idea how the judge would rule in a "life verdict."

We also have no idea what went on in that jury room. Right now I'm counting the blessings that there was a guilty 1st degree conviction, and there was an extreme cruelty conviction. That's a good place to start on July 18th.

So I'll take a break from all this creature's nonsense, and I'll do all the things she can't do, like: go to the drive-in theatre and watch a movie with my family, go to church on Sunday and fellowship with my family and friends, take my son for ice cream one afternoon "just because we feel like it", have an ice cold beer on a hot summer day after spending the whole day working in the yard, relax in my porch rocker on a warm evening and listen to the crickets sing (and fight off the mosquitoes, lol), curl up in bed and read a book on a rainy afternoon while watching a scary movie, pull out a board game and have a rousing game of Monopoly AND let my 7 year old be banker - ha!, get on iTunes and buy music until I realize how much I've spent and have a mini-heart attack. The list is endless of all the things I can choose to do.

I pray the Alexander family takes this time to completely forget about the creature. I hope they relax and enjoy their lives, and remember all the good things about their brother and take joy in the family they still have with them.

This will all end eventually. It's not over today and that's sad, but this is not the end. And the creature didn't win.

Just MHOO.

P.S. I'm not bringing this over from the closed thread because I think my thoughts are so awesome, but I spent about 15 minutes composing this only to find out it's durn near the last one before the thread closed. :facepalm: I just want to post how I feel, and I hope one of the sleuthers here who are feeling really let down, or feeling like Jodi Arias won some great victory today, might find some comfort.
I thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We all need to regroup after this almost nearly six month ordeal. And while the decision regarding JA's sentence remains unresolved, nothing will change the first-degree murder conviction or the finding of especially cruel. I refuse to denigrate the jury for their failure to reach a verdict on the punishment. We don't know exactly what went on behind closed doors. We don't know the breakdown of votes over the course of deliberation. We don't know what kept the two sides apart. I really hope a muzzle is kept on JA for between now and the when she is finally sentenced. I loathe to think of her spewing her hateful lies and BS from the county jail at Estrella and potentially from the stand during the retrial of the penalty phase. Moreover, my heart breaks for the Alexander family that the matter has not been resolved AND also that they will have to endure a painful re-do of the penalty phase with a new jury. On the other hand, the State vs. Jodi Arias is not over. I know that some question whether the Judge will give her life without parole of life with possibility of parole after 25 years if the new jury doesn't sentence her to death. I fully believe that she will NEVER be free because of the first-degree premeditated conviction with the added finding that the murder was especially cruel.
I don't care if Jodi gets the DP or LWOP. The main thing is she will NEVER NEVER NEVER get out of prison and as long as she is not walking on the same soil I am, I'm perfectly happy.
Juan looked so disappointed .. can hardly imagine what he is thinking / feeling ..

I seem to remember reading Juan said after verdict he would give a statement so I wonder if he will give us one anyway?
The Arizona system (retry DP) has been ruled Constitutional by US Supreme Court

Thanks, but I was asking that if she is convicted of the DP under a new jury, will that set her up for a strong appeal to get off. Anybody know??
Joe Arpaio ‏@RealSheriffJoe 8m
Arias is returning to Estrella Jail and will remain closed custody. No more interviews for her. to be her!!! 23 hours a day on lockdown--and no limelight at all!! I hope some of you at least get comfort from that. She is a CONVICTED FELON!!
It will actually probably be more interesting to hear from the jurors AFTER they've had the chance to see what all they weren't shown. In re-listening to the jury being polled, I heard 3 of them whose voices did not sound as strong as the others when they said "yes". Most were "strong" when they said yes. (Best to just listen without any video attached, sometimes you can hear better that way.)

Re: Sheriff Joe What is up with this guy and his changing rules? One minute it's an open door policy and all about the convicted person's 1st Amendment Rights and the next minute it's no more interviews. Which is it, legally, I wonder?

Oh, and is he in an elected position?
Winning= another shot at death or life in prison... that's pathetic. Go on with your bad self, JA.

Someone asked why the sudden change in heart by the sheriff when he decided no more interviews for JA. I don't know about Maricopa County but in our county the sheriff is an elected post. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he got a lot of backlash from allowing those interviews.
I'm saddened for Travis' loved ones because now this nightmare continues on even longer. It must must seem unending and horrific for them.

But I do not see this as a huge win for jodi! I'm surprised that so many do. It's no win. I;m not tearful or upset about it all, except for what it does to Travis' family. A huge win would have been if they couldn't find jodi guilty of Murder 1 or could not find aggravators.

We are good guys. We are in a good position. And now Juan Martinez has a second chance at a new jury. Since all the facts and the law are on his side and none on jodi's, that's not a horrible thing.

Have we heard from any jurors yet? Do we know if the gag against them has been lifted?
It has been lifted. They were scheduled to give a presser but backed out for the time being. Hopefully we will here from them soon.
As hard as this non-verdict is to swallow, and as heartbroken as we are for the Alexander family, I want to point out something positive. Think about the impact Travis and his family have had on so many people, including us. The new penalty trial will give even more people a chance to know Travis and his family. Good things will come from this. Hold that thought.
I don't think that the difference between mental illness and BPD was explained enough. You have to admit that CKja's little show was nuts. The things she said, book club comes to mind. Someone could have thought she was mentally ill, almost child like.

Respectfully snipped and BBM by me.

I said in a post yesterday that this bothered me. I had a bad feeling about it. Only my belief is that Jodi has ASPD and not BPD. She is a very dangerous person.

My only satisfaction comes from replaying the deadlock verdict being read. Jodi's face crumples when she looks at the jury while they confirm their verdict. IMO, she cannot believe that those who voted for the DP didn't back down. She can't believe any one of them would see her dead.

My heart goes out to the Alexander family & friends and also those here on WS who have invested so much of their time and emotions in the case.
This unanimous CRAP must change! I think it should be something like 10 out of 12 votes prevent this EXACT thing from happening when ONE/TWO jurors purposely and knowingly from day one...are holding out.
I mean no offense- but does anyone think Dr Drew has had a cup of Jodi juice- he sure seems like he has been leaning towards her this week huh? Where did his Samantha go?
I agree with you. I'm not upset with the jurors. I do feel bad to his family.

But if you're a defense attorney. Defending this steaming pile of poop case and the hot mess Jodi and managed to convinced even ONE juror her life was worth saving... That's HUGE in that context. Willmont in sure is feeling like a great lawyer tonight.

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Wilmott can look at it that way if it makes her feel important. But I look at it another way. There were at least several stubborn jurors who would not compromise their feelings that she DESERVED DEATH, and thus they hung, as opposed to giving her a LIFE sentence. JMO
I'm saddened for Travis' loved ones because now this nightmare continues on even longer. It must must seem unending and horrific for them.

But I do not see this as a huge win for jodi! I'm surprised that so many do. It's no win. I;m not tearful or upset about it all, except for what it does to Travis' family. A huge win would have been if they couldn't find jodi guilty of Murder 1 or could not find aggravators.

We are good guys. We are in a good position. And now Juan Martinez has a second chance at a new jury. Since all the facts and the law are on his side and none on jodi's, that's not a horrible thing.

Have we heard from any jurors yet? Do we know if the gag against them has been lifted?

I believe NG said the gag order has been lifted, but none of the jurors have agreed to say anything to anyone. That will probably change with time. When the jury sees everything they weren't privy to, I wonder if the holdouts will feel they made a big mistake?
I'm proud of the jury for not caving to whoever wanted life.

Because they didn't cave, she may still get Death.

But only one more needle to dodge.

Since the second jury won't have seen all of her pathologically lying evilness for 18 days on the stand, they'll believe almost all of what she tells them.

When she hangs the next jury, she wins.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 22m

#jodiarias mom Sandy was here PHX. Says she got bad info from court. Says she wasn't told about jury decision. Why she wasn't there. #fox10
Troy Hayden Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 24m

Just got off the phone with #jodiarias mom Sandy. Says she was in town the whole time. Disappointed another jury has to be sat. #fox10

Honestly, I could absolutely care less what the mother thinks or feels, and am sick to the point of vomiting having to hear more excuses or lies from any Arias about why they didn't do the right or decent thing. STFU, all of them.
Nooooo! It's just more crap for her to trace and sell!

Soak a blank postcard in Cinnabon scent and write something mean:) in plain font.

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Ah but if the family win their wrongful death case (I assume they will) whatever she sells the $$ go to them.

I'm all for cinnabon scented postcards, strawberry frappes too

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
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