Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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I am SOOOOO over HLN unless they change their programming 'stars'. NG and JVM and Jean Cassares are repulsive.

I agree with you. (...and Vinnie Politan) In fact, during the last couple of weeks, most of HLNs talking heads lost perspective where this case is concerned. Many of them have been acting like a lynch mob and have turned me off completely. Where has their professionalism gone?

I feel so bad for the Alexander family and wish the jury could have made a decision....any decision. So sad.
I am sure that this has been said before but I have to say it. My heart breaks for all of the Alexander family, but Stephen worries me the most. The look in his eyes and his facial expression was of an overwhelming sense of loss, anger and devastation so great that it has taken hold of his soul. I grieve for all of them but he has a special place in my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with the Alexander family and friends.

In addition, I am worried about the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder that the defense used as a mitigating factor. I think it will rear it's ugly head if there is a new penalty phase. I am afraid that jurors did and will see Jodi as an individual with mental problems that are so severe as to be a legitimate mitigating factor. A way out for Jodi. However, if the entire evaluations are entered into evidence, it may show the sociopathic traits Jodi has that can never be "rehabilitated." JM may need to distinguish much more between mentally ill in the eyes of the law and mental illness. I also think that JM should proactively say that the jurors DO NOT kill anyone - the sentence is a just consequence of JODI'S actions.

Excellent points. In the absence of knowing what caused the 4 jurors to reject the death penalty, we are all speculating right now. My speculation is also that they have concerns about her mental stability. How many times have we all uttered the words... what the h#ll is wrong with this girl... (and that is being polite so I don't get banned). Well, I have to imagine that they have had the same conversations about her.

If some of them feel that she is mentally not right, even though insanity was not her defense, I can see where people are conflicted about giving her death. IMO, Juan does need to address this if they indeed continue with another sentencing phase.
So just saw on twitter it's being reported it was split 8-4 in favor of death.

I bet you anything it was the men against the women and the women held out for life.
Ponytail had the options of being taking away from the court house like all the others did and have been doing. He chose not to and instead to walk right in front of all the media, down the street, pick up a bus pass and take the bus. I do not blame the media for speaking to him and honestly I felt JVM was decent to him. She apologized at almost every question in case he felt it was innapropriate and then asked it. She didn't push it and went onto another.

If this guy wanted to be left alone and just go home he could have done so with the rest but by doing what he has done the entire world now know what he looks like and probably where he lives since he could have easily been followed.

I'm not trying to take one side or the other, it's just silly to expect the world to ignore him when his choice was to show the world his face directly out of the court room and right past the media.

Well the rest of the jurors were also videotaped getting onto the bus, so don't judge juror #9 for walking.
I've just donated to the Alexander family fund. It's not much - I'm a stay at home mother of three on a shoestring budget - but I have to do something constructive for this family today of all days. I pledge to continue giving weekly until the penalty phase is decided. I look at it as little bits of light simply flying towards the family from all directions, in the form of prayers, well wishes, and donations, from so many good and kind people from all over the world.

me too. My family is donating in support of their future support.

A few days off and then I think we'll all return even more determined, steadfast and renewed with new ways to help the family in our own ways. This. Will. Build.IMO.

The way Travis and his family are embraced now differs so much from even 5 months ago- before everyone got to know so much more about the real Travis thanks to CMja's lengthy direct and Juan's brilliant crosses because it allowed more real info about Travis into the trial and out to us.

I think if CMja didn't drag it out and only spent a couple of victommy days on the stand and the entire tape didn't get in, the public wouldn't be so pro Travis now. Instead, we all see Travis as a good, normal guy and her as Stabby Einstein thanks to the dt. The jury didn't see what we saw. Boy , are they in for some surprises!

I keep thinking how lonely this familt must have been feeling the last 5 years , every hearing (pedo letters etc), every second of the torturer's manipulations. And for those 5 years, they didn't have the public with them as they do have now. How lonely they must have been.

At least this has changed.

The Alexander Family will enter the next phase with the love and support and steely embrace of hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe who care for Travis and them.

It is obvious that Travis was an amazing guy. His family is an amazing group of strong people who are inspiring and loved.

We will support them and see them through.

This is only a new battle and we've got this!
I wish a reporter would have gotten jodis handcuffs and prison garb on tape. We would have seen her reaction on the news. She did not want the camera on the lower part of her body. She did it to Travis.
I have to admit to the fact that although I want the creature to get the DP... I just had a feeling this jury would not give it to her. I kept hearing assurances , but I just did not feel it was going to be that easy.
But... I never, ever would have imagined that there would have been 4 against it... I always imagined it to be one or two hold outs.. I am kinda stunned here !
The next round will be harder for Jodi IMO because the verdict has been reached .. on mitigation they're going to have to try and get in the abuse allegations / the pedo bs / the BPD and keep out the interviews and stalking if they're going to win ..
I don't think Judge Stephens will have any trouble sentencing Jodi to LWOP if the decision came down to her. On the other hand, I share your sentiments about Jodi being unable/unwilling to go quietly to Perryville if offered the chance to forego a do-over on the penalty retrial.

CM said in an interview she would be a responsible citizen if giving a second chance. She also said she would be no threat as long as she was not being abused or threatened/then you would be safe from her.
She won't take a plea unless it is on her terms. That won't happen.
When the civil suit was first discussed, one of the lawyers (AZlawyer, iirc) explained that the statute of limitations on the civil suit (2 yrs) has long since run. I asked a trial lawyer I know, too, and he agreed. I also did a little research myself and discovered the some states have passed legislation tolling the SOL in homicide cases, but I don't think AZ is among them.

Doesn't the statute happen after that person is proved guilty? Since this was a criminal case, you could not have both trials going at the same time. I thought that with it being criminal that you could bring the wrongful death suit after the criminal conviction. I don't really know, but that's what happened in my family. The guy had a criminal trial and was convicted, a week later we filed a wrongful death lawsuit.
I agree with you. (...and Vinnie Politan) In fact, during the last couple of weeks, most of HLNs talking heads lost perspective where this case is concerned. Many of them have been acting like a lynch mob and have turned me off completely. Where has their professionalism gone?

I feel so bad for the Alexander family and wish the jury could have made a decision....any decision. So sad.

Especially so today. JVM acted like she was reporting on a hurricane or something.
Finally see the jurors. I don't see anyone looks like her mom.

I think this lady does
I feel like this sounds a bit crazy, but I know that the best place to go with this is to my WS family.

I would have never predicted me crying like I am tonight for the Alexander family. Don't get me wrong, I've had so much sympathy and compassion for them from the start. It's not just a tear or two, I can't stop the waterworks from coming on everytime I think of the way things have been left hanging for the family. Then hearing Mike Galanos on HLN After Dark say one of the female jurors looked at the family and mouthed "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", well that just did me in again and I'm sobbing. Seriously, I feel a bit crazy for the crying and am hoping my WS family help me plug the leak.

I can offer this thought to help. CMJA is in a worse position now than before this verdict. She could have been given Life, leaving it for the judge to decide if that means natural life, or life with parole, a huge uncertainty. As it is, we still have the possibility of Death on the table.

It is not bloodthirsty to want death, it is simply following the law without allowing your own prejudices to interfere. That's what these jurors promised to do and since they are not privy to any information that *I* and *you* don't have, we know there was NOT sufficient mitigation to overcome the premediated murder of an innocent person with extreme cruelty. There, I've said it--that's how I see it. I don't see a juror being free to bring their whole baggage along and throw it in the mix.

Those who stood firm for Death have pointed this trial in the right direction. Take heart, honey, three out of the last four second juries which were called for the penalty phase only chose death. These new jurors won't have 18 days of Jodi Arias prattling on and you know there aren't going to be any expert witnesses coming up with witless explanations which torch their careers.

Yes, we would have liked our justice now --especially to spare the pain for the Alexander family and the interruption for their lives. But it's going to be much shorter now and there won't be the choreographed interruptions that JA instigated with her migraines --this will go much faster.

It may even be surgical. This is proved. That is proved. All you have to look at, ladies and gentlemen, is this question, does the X compensate for the Y? Yes or No.

Oh, and by the way, the public needs to be protected, doncha know? Do we think Arias would offend again? Her lack of criminal record has been offered, so we offer this as evidence against that optimistic outlook: and they play the post verdict interviews where she doesn't say sorry, she says what she would do differently is drive to the Mesa Police Department, and he says she isn't dangerous ...if a person doesn't abuse her (or tell on her) or maybe call her names like that pedophile Travis did.

And then they show the actual gun and knives found hidden in her car as she was trying to leave town before getting arrested.

Don't cry--things will be all right.
cant wait until they see that and everything else shes said and done.:banghead:

They will regret not sentencing her to death when they see all her interviews and see the REAL JODI not the fake mousey librarian they saw in court.
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