Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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may 23, 2013 - the day that justice died

No the day that Casey Anthony was set free justice died. At least Jodi is still sitting in jail tonight. Casey is still free to kill again.
:shakehead: Have not been able to post all night (already sick and this 'non-verdict' made it worse)...just heard VP say that it was 8 for death 4 for life...unfreakingbelieveable!!! I am so very sorry to Travis, his beautiful family, friends and all who sought the DP. I was never really a pro DP person unless it was for an extremely heinous crime and in my opinion this case was! I would really just like to thank all of you for your helpful posts that have taught, inspired, and gave me hope when it was most needed!

My wish is for all of us to find peace in our own lives, continue to help those who need us most (my passion is volunteering @ a no-kill animal shelter) even if all you have to offer is a smile, it is a kind gesture and may help someone more then you will ever know. Please be kind to one another in honor of Travis. Learing of this man, this incredible young man whom I will never have the opportunity to meet has touched my soul with such a wide array of emotions... I believe many of you understand my feelings which are indescribable!

May you all get some well deserved rest. Thank you Tricia, mods and members for providing such a special place for us come together! A place where we are safe, where we may learn, provide support and open our minds and our hearts!

Goodnight WS, you are appreciated, respected and loved! :grouphug::eek:fftobed::blowkiss:
A message to you, from juror 17:

Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can't even begin to imagine what Travis's family is feeling! Although today's outcome wasn't what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis's family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!!
Is "she" on lockdown for 23 hours until July?

Yes, but sheriff joe said still in estrella jail....why isn't she being put in max security prison?? Her conviction on M1 has already been give...I don't undertsand this.
I am disappointed and feel so badly for the family of Travis.

Having said that

ja came into this trial thinking she was going to walk or get M2, she got M1 premeditated with extreme cruelty, facing Life or Death. ja did not win IMO at all. Her attorney's did not win either.

That IMO is a win for TA's family, Mr M, and Det Flores.

The 8-4 split will give both sides something to think about, especially ja. Her BS did not fly with all 12 and 8 wanted her to die.

At this point I hope the family can find some peace in this juror's finding and in time realize they did all they could, a part of justice was served, perhaps a plea for LWOP, NO APPEALS, will be accepted by both sides and it can come to an end.

I say this because I hate to see the family have to go through anymore with ja. It has to end, they need to heal, Steven especially is in dire need of help IMO. They are all suffering terribly but him especially.

all I gotta say about what happened today. I am truly sick to my stomach over all of this.

I posted this in March:

I don't know much, but this I do know Travis Alexander is more in death than jodie arias was or will ever be in life.

He is surrounded by love and affection from family, friends and strangers. She can't take that away.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

God Bless the Alexander family, I know they are truly hurting tonight.
I agree with you. I've never been in the Alexander's situation nor do I ever want to be, however, what if there is a hung jury again? (Like you mentioned 8/4 split this time.)

Would like JA to go away - locked up for life never to be remembered again.

The scariest part is with the "life" sentence the Judge decides if it is with or without parole.

Was so hoping this Jury would have gotten justice for Travis, and helped to end their nightmare. And as you said, JA would be gone away, forever.
Something just slammed me in the head. I was off on another site trying to order a comforter set and boom....

If you listen to the reading of the "verdict" it sounds like the foreman put the information in the wrong paper all together. The first time they were dead locked they informed the Judge properly on the proper piece of paper. This time what the court thought was a question turned into a Verdict but the woman reading it stumbled all over herself, like the paperwork was not meant to be read like that.

I think the Jury decided they were done with this, in a rush or maybe just exhaustion, put the dead lock in the verdict paper instead of the paper to inform the judge that once again they are dead locked. That is why everything is weird. We were told it was a question, then it turned into a verdict, it was chaos, then the Verdict was read like a child had scribbled in what should not be there.

I don't know maybe I am mumbling, don't mind me. It just didn't sound right all around.
I think you are wishful thinking. The jurors were polled afterwards. They couldn't agree. They were done.
And this... is the reason I believe she was crying...she knows this to be true JMO

I think she was crying because she believed the jurors would peek at her interviews and be so charmed by her they would give the lightest sentence possible. She was shocked that they were hung. I mean, how on Earth could they not adore her, even feel a bit guilted by her "betrayed by the jury" comment? (after they saw how perdy she wuz with her makeup on):twocents:
Excellent points. In the absence of knowing what caused the 4 jurors to reject the death penalty, we are all speculating right now. My speculation is also that they have concerns about her mental stability. How many times have we all uttered the words... what the h#ll is wrong with this girl... (and that is being polite so I don't get banned). Well, I have to imagine that they have had the same conversations about her.

If some of them feel that she is mentally not right, even though insanity was not her defense, I can see where people are conflicted about giving her death. IMO, Juan does need to address this if they indeed continue with another sentencing phase.


Completely agree that some jurors could have been troubled by Jodi's mental health issues--those that were diagnosed and brought out in court (BPD and Samuels' unspecified PD)and those that weren't. Those on the side of life didn't give Jodi a pass on the mental health issues when it came to rendering the first-degree murder conviction or the finding of especially cruel, however it's possible they couldn't get past the notion that whatever is wrong with her contributed to her actions. One or more could have also believed that she suffered abuse at some point in her life--I'm not saying they believed that Travis abused her--perhaps they felt there was some abuse and neglect on the part of her parents that also contributed to her actions. The fact that Jodi had no one--no family, no friends, no one at all--stand up for her during mitigation may have consciously or unconsciously impacted them. We won't know what really happened in the jury room until one or more of them speaks out. I'm interested to see if the jury was split along gender lines (not convinced it was) and what the sticking points were for those in the minority.
Two words for the retrial, if there is one.


I know the sheriff said no more interviews but it wouldn't hurt to make it official.
jurior 17 released statement on the state page...alternate
They convicted her of 1st degree murder, she didn't control any of them. :banghead:

Remember, sammie...These SAME jurors agreed that this devil woman did indeed murder Travis Alexander in a most horrible way.
A message to you, from juror 17:

Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can't even begin to imagine what Travis's family is feeling! Although today's outcome wasn't what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis's family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!!

WOW! And thank you NCgramma for posting this!!! This is uplifting to us all I'm sure. And can you all please post whatever juror comments/interviews you find, because I am not on Facebook or Twitter, I would really appreciate it!

I want to send Juror 17 a message back - thank you for what you did!! She said through all of it even when she wasn't chosen for the deliberation. She must be upset, I heard she was one of the ones crying when the verdict was read.
For someone who said death is eternal freedom, she sure had a sigh of relief.
Jody, you still have 50/50 chance of death. I would deal if I were her, LWOP and a muzzle on press.
If the breakdown is 8/4 death, Juan might want to deal too although I don't want them to.
Juan won't, I'm sure of it!
You know what .. I think once a jury agrees on aggravation that the only choices left should be LWOP or DP .. I don't get why it's the same options for sentencing if the crime meets the aggravators or not .. that just doesn't seem right.
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