Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Can you imagine how much that juror would have just wished he'd grabbed a cabcharge?
8-4? Wow, I thought maybe there would only be one holdout. What's the problem? She's guilty of first degree premeditated murder - she meets the aggravating circumstance - they weight of the mitigating factors is zilch - apply the LAW and giver her the DP. You are not killing her - you are applying the law to a set of facts. The state does the rest. If you don't like it, take it up with your state legislature but don't muck up the judicial process.

I think the jurors who were holding out will be shocked to see what we've all been privy to.

Couldn't agree more. It has me thinking that the hold outs are not able to render a DP verdict based on personal beliefs rather than the law as it is to be applied.
While I certainly don't agree with it, I understand that it's her job to do terrible things like this. For one, if he would have turned around and started talking we would ALL be glued to the television. It's kind of like all these reporters glorifying Jodi and sitting for in for interviews. I know lots of us didn't agree, but we tuned right in to listen. It's a double edged sword. I feel badly for this guy, but it's what she is paid to do. JMO. If reporters sat back and waited for people to walk up to them it would most likely not happen. I see what your saying, but I see the other side too. It's not just HLN, it's all media.

It is not her job to be harrassing and overbearing and overly aggressive. Others do their jobs without acting like her. She chooses to be like this.
The jury got it right, IMHO! Remember this is the same jury that found CMja guilty of first degree premeditated murder of Travis Alexander. This jury did not take their duties lightly, they applied the law and the facts and came to the conclusions they did. Instructions given them were followed. They deliberated, they gave it all they had after 5 months of giving up their lives. Just because they didn't all come to the conclusion we hoped for, they did as instructed.

There is an old adage that says "To know a man, walk a mile in his shoes". None of us know the personal lives of these 12 jurors, what their life experiences have been, and no amount of speculation on our part can tell us what was in their hearts and minds. I think all 12 wanted to do what they thought was right and just, while still following the law as it applied to them. I say kudos to them for doing a job many others would not wish to fall in their laps.

Many are critisizing the jury for not all at least agreeing on a life sentence so it could all be over. Keep in mind, if CMja got life, there would be no appeal process down the road to give her the alternative. At least now the state and Travis' family have a second kick at the can, and death is still a good possibility. My hat goes off to all the members on the jury, and my prayers go out to the Alexander family. This is not about us, this is about justice for Travis. Justice delayed is better than justice denied. The jurors all have my respect, and always will.
So if it goes on, I'm sure the Defense is going to ask for a change of venue etc. because of the media coverage. But it was okay for JA to go on her little press tour, and take it to the next level. I'm so tired of JA having control and I'm sure the Alexander's are too. From her controlling when court was held with her headaches, to when she was going to do her little presentation, I'm over it. DONE.
They have a right to be on's their right. All you have to do is change the channel if you don't like it.

Wonder how one knows or has a cause to remove a tv channel unless they watch? I can think of tons of causes over removing a tv channel that might make a bigger impact...idk
8-4? Wow, I thought maybe there would only be one holdout. What's the problem? She's guilty of first degree premeditated murder - she meets the aggravating circumstance - they weight of the mitigating factors is zilch - apply the LAW and giver her the DP. You are not killing her - you are applying the law to a set of facts. The state does the rest. If you don't like it, take it up with your state legislature but don't muck up the judicial process.

I think the jurors who were holding out will be shocked to see what we've all been privy to.

I think they underestimated the difficultly of sentencing another human being to death.

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Where katiedid? What part of the country?

ETA- Just saw Sacramento. Have you heard anymore?

It's considered a big one but I've seen bigger but it's been so long. I moved back here from seattle area 11 years ago and this is the first since I've moved back.
A whole lot of the time HLN disgusts me also and I mentioned in my post that JVM's behaviour was disgusting...but til things cool down a bit I think if a juror doesn't want to be asked about the case they should lie low for a's just human nature to be asked about it. Not that it should be done in any way shape of form like JVM did.

It wasnt just JVM. There were a ton of reporters doing the exact same thing and trying to interview the guy. I can see why JVM had to try and get the scoop since it is her job to do so, especially when a ton of other people were trying to snag the interview.

I dont like it either, but it is what it is. Same stuff the celebrities have to deal with in LA.
IMO, she will be miserable with life...I don't feel JSS will give her parole....I just wish she was in solitary if she doesn't get death.

Trust me, you have no idea how many lifers wish they could snag the DP instead because of the perks on DR. Astonishing. It is a dangerous jungle in general pop among the lifers. Of course, this is my experience working at a male prison. It may be different among female prisoners.
IMO, she will be miserable with life...I don't feel JSS will give her parole....I just wish she was in solitary if she doesn't get death.

After hearing Jss voice crack I kinda thought she wouldn't give her parole.
Not sure why we'd want to figure out which jurors voted for life instead of DP. Can't imagine anything good would come of that. Could even be some crazies out there who would harass them if their identities and breakdown of votes become known.
I would've swung- color me obnoxious. Love yer IMV avi :) Imma 5 yr patron!

Lol .. we had a case here once and we all joined IMVU en masse .. I felt sorry for the regular peeps getting overrun by websleuthers on the hunt for clues LOL!!
I don't post often. I am so sick about this. Total fail. Very proud of the 8 jurors, so disappointed in the other 4. Disgusted. Absolutely disgusted. I feel so bad for Travis and his family. Wrong on so many levels.
As much as I am revolted by that creature, HLN did a bit of artful editing.

The real question was something like "before you dropped the camera, what were you talking about ..." and she basically said it was mindless chit chat.

And that makes even less sense that, according to her, the atmosphere was calm and they were almost domestic in their interactions when she dropped the camera and he turned into a raging wet Hulk.

I thought she testified that he called her an idiot, said a five year old could hold a camera better than she could, and "Fu**g kill you *****! Then he lunged. So he had to die.


I think this is where the earthquake was. Not that small.

M 5.7 Earthquake, 11km WNW of Greenville, California

22 minutes agoLocation: 2 miles (2 km) NNE of Canyondam, CA; ... Show more

I'm,listening to the news there aren't reports of alot of damage! Just furniture moving! Refrigerators shaking. But movement enough to be considered a big one.
Thank you for sending me the link! I forwarded to my daughter in seattle!
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