Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Travis was a good guy... He trusted even those who didn't deserve to be trusted. She was stashing evidence away like Monica Lewinsky held onto that blue Gap dress. Somewhere in the back of her mind she always knew things weren't going to end well. He never saw this coming.

These people are parasites and are coming from nothing. They like material things and the thought of a future. Who wouldn't right? But when you add in the personality problem, mental stuff, whatever you want to call it you have a potential for disaster.
I only wish someone would write a book about it so my brother inlaw would read it. He is married to a JA type person and the family worries constantly what she will do next.

GMA interview with jury foreman. I'm shocked at what I heard. They actually bought into her claims??? ALV must have been better than we all thought.

I'm gob smacked totally and completely. From this interview it appears that some on the jury thought on some level that Travis has his murder coming to him even though it wasn't an excuse. And from his comments the foreman was one of the holdouts for life.

Unbelievable some in the jury bought Jodi's claim that she was abused. I'm totally floored.

Now I want Juan to go after her again. This time she won't be able to drag in all the crap she did during the guilt phase. She won't be allowed to muddy the waters with pedo *****.

I'm disappointed that the jury could see that ONE conversation (and after Jodi had stalked and did lord knows what to him) does not equate abuse. They could see what was really going on between these two and they were scammed.
At the 4:13 mark in this video of the verdict reading Arias seems to get distracted by something and her demeanor changed. She nudges JW and mouths something. Anyone else notice that? I'm curious what that was all about.

I heard one of TA's friends the other night on Dr. D that he thought the pictures of her (CMJA) as a little girl probably affected the jurors. I think it was probably the vulgar xxxx rated photos that did it myself. Ughh!
Good Morning Team Travis

As I awoke this morning one of my favorite sayings popped into my mind...'It ain't over to the fat lady sings' and she has not sung!! Yesterday was a shock, a disappointment, heartbreaking, not only to the Alexander Family, but to the Websleuth Family. But it's not over. ja sits in a concrete cell 23 hours a day...just a taste of what lies ahead for her. It's a set back but it is not a defeat. ja won nothing.

I left last night because I was upset, with the non verdict and with some of the things I saw being posted. I tried to catch up this morning and gave up lest my anger rear it's ugly head again. I saw so much that saddened me. Some people are saying it's because the jury had too many old people on the jury. Really? Are you kidding me? I saw the jury foreman on GMA this morning. It was obvious to me from his statement, the jury was indeed deadlocked from the beginning. IMO, there were 4 people who were not going to vote for the DP EVER. That is sad. But it is what it is. Like the Alexander Family we have to regroup and stand fast...and we will, just as they will. If she gets a plea for LWOP, natural life....and if that's what the State and the Family agree to, it's fine with me. As long as she never gets out. Her life is OVER..she will never kiss a boyfriend, or hold a baby, or go out to dinner or a show with friends. She will never marry, or have a child. She took these things from TRAVIS and also from herself.

We were all upset with the decision or lack of a real decision. So we voiced our frustrations as well as our disappointments. Yeah, some of us were pretty rough on this jury. But I see some members here were really UGLY to other posters. We have great MODS here who are extremely fair and have a great understanding of human nature. I am personally offended when some members start chastising other posters. Who gives you the right? Leave it to our MODS please.

For those that continually post how disgusted they are with HLN....just don't watch it. What's the big problem...just don't watch. I saw a lot of people knocking JVM for chasing down juror #9.... why not knock all the other reporters who were there as well? Juror #9 chose to walk right by all the media to a rail station. Did he think no one would notice? DUH!! JVM seems to be a whipping boy (girl)...give it a rest already!! I would love to see some other's have her passion. She is loud and abrasive at times...but no one has to watch her. Why have we become so critical and ugly?

We are amazing, passionate people. We are a family.

I hope everyone has a good holiday weekend and remember while we are with family and friends, ja is sitting in that cell all by herself.

We will keep supporting Travis' Family, no doubt about that. Let's support each other as well. Even when we disagree, let's do it without demeaning other members of 'our family.'

And a huge THANK YOU to our Websleuth Owners and MODS.
That isn't what I meant and it isn't what I wrote.

My point was the cruelty aspect underlined the appropriateness of the DP. The possibility, no matter how small, of CMJA being released is what should have clicked and made the DP the only logical option.

Which is why the 8 who held out for death didn't come down to life.
It might have only been the foreman that thought TA abused JA "mentally and emotionally" and the other 3 had other reasons for voting no dp. He made it clear that the discussion was rancorous in the jury room at the last. I think the foreman went on tv asap because he anticipates other jurors will be saying some unflattering things about him soon, and he wanted to speak first.

so was he one of the 4 who voted for life? did he say that?
She sounded choked up to me, too. I would even go so far as to concede fighting back tears. Would be perfectly acceptable if she had been oh say a spectator. But if she couldn't hold back her emotions, a few terse words until she could compose herself would have been more appropriate.

She was emotionally exhausted as well but we count on the judge to be no nonsense, impartial and composed. Again, JMO.

... and human. Throughout this trial there have been times that I believe she was very angry, frustrated, irritated at things that were said/done. She has been able to keep herself in check. She has handled herself professionally. From what others in the courtroom have said, there were jurors openly crying. She has seen how much work they have put into this over the past 5 months. She has seen them show up every day and often be left "cooling their heels" for hours while motions, etc were addressed. She KNOWS what they have put into this and could see how torn up the jury was over this deadlock. I am sure JSS was affected by the pain the jurors were feeling. I don't think the "glitch" when she was speaking was unprofessional - it was human.
(if we want judges who NEVER feel emotion in the courtroom then we would need people like JA to be the judges. God help us all then!)
i'm curious what the process is in terms of disclosure for being DP Qualified. do they tell you "this is a murder DP trial" or do they give you more detail. b/c that could be a terrorism murder versus a domestic murder. i think that just because you COULD support the DP doesn't mean you will. so i don't see deception necessarily in getting on the jury.

it's also possible that some jurors see her being mentally ill.

honestly, the most refreshing thing would have been if her plea at penalty would have been: "i don't really know what is wrong with me, i know what i did was wrong, but that i'd probably do it again in the same situation....if you spare my life...i'll be a guinea pig for every psychiatrist on earth to understand what is wrong with me" which would also fulfill her need to be the focus of attention.
Do we have a concise list of things that the jurors didn't get to see that they should not miss now that they are free to read and watch? There is SO MUCH CMJA stuff online, and a lot of it is a big waste of time. Now that they are able to tend to their own lives, they may not wish to sift through 283450293847520938457 opinions. Lets put together a tidy one-stop list of really important things.

Add or remove as you see fit.

1. Raw video footage of CMJA's parents talking to Detective Flores
2. Headstand, hair flip, nosing around in garbage can in interview room
3. Fox10 interview 20 minutes after guilty verdict
4. Recent media blitz tour interviews (especially GMA and Fox10)
5. l
After the jury found this murder to be "especially cruel", I don't think there's any chance JA will ever be paroled.

Also, Beth Karas reported yesterday that because she's been convicted of 1st Degree Murder, the first 3 years she is in prison she will basically live the life of a death row inmate. 23 hours a day in her cell. After that she will be evaluated on her behavior and the officials will decide if she can go down a level and have more privileges. I take great pleasure in knowing she will live a pretty s***** life for a few years.

And it may be longer than a few years of isolation. She will probably regularly act out, because attention getting behavior is what she does best. That's ok, the prison staff will be more than happy to keep her on limited or no privileges.
I think cjka will need many years to finally "get" that she has to tow the line and behave in prison.
Foreman said he could not believe A YOUNG WOMAN.had done this...................REALLY???
wont say what i really feel on here my opinions of him an the rest are not allowed.

when a young attractive woman is on trial for heinous murder, the elephant in the room is that she is a young attractive woman and prosecutors don't deal with it up front. It is there and it will remain there. it was the same with CA and that prosecutor did not deal with it either. There is a case in California where a woman killed her husband (and left roses on the bed); she was a very pretty blond; in that trial the prosecutor came right out and brought it head on to the jury- something like this woman is beautiful but don't be fooled by her beauty- something like that-- to pretend that is not an issue is just foolish. It is very difficult for anybody to look at a young pretty woman and imagine the brutality she can inflict. If this was a man he would have gotten death. The state is fortunate to have gotten murder 1( after listening to the foreman i cringed)
That isn't what I meant and it isn't what I wrote.

My point was the cruelty aspect underlined the appropriateness of the DP. The possibility, no matter how small, of CMJA being released is what should have clicked and made the DP the only logical option.

Along with the great job Juan did adding up the aggravators and dismissing the mitigators.
AZ lawyer in the legal thread said she could testify about her 'abuse' in this next go-round.

the thing is, we WILL find out in the coming days why this jury hung, and why 4 of them couldn't vote for the DP. that will tell both sides a lot about what they need to do better next time.

it's almost like this was a mock jury! 'here's our case. what did you think?'

i'm pretty stunned that the foreman says he believes TA was 'abusive.' i'd like to know what he means by that. because i find that very disturbing. there was NO evidence whatsoever of physical abuse, and only ONE angry text exchange. so where's this abuse???

I wonder if there were texts other than the May 26th that could be considered verbally abusive. I remember I kept listening for JM to say explicitly that the May 26th text was the only time Travis had ever written anything like that to her, but he never said that. He put the text in context that she had done something horrible, and that Travis had finally reached his breaking point, but he didn't make it clear the text was absolutely singular, if it was.

Who knows if that would have made any difference, though. I can't fathom the thinking process that thinks its a mitigating factor that T said some mean things to her, whatever the circumstances were why he did.
Foreman said he could not believe A YOUNG WOMAN.had done this...................REALLY???
wont say what i really feel on here my opinions of him an the rest are not allowed.

When I first saw the crime pictures I thought the same thing. It was beyond comprehension how a young girl could do this. What in the heck was I looking at? She must of had an accomplice, had to be that. No one in their right mind could do this.
But JA is not in her right mind.
She is now understood to not have all her oars in the water.
AZ lawyer in the legal thread said she could testify about her 'abuse' in this next go-round.

the thing is, we WILL find out in the coming days why this jury hung, and why 4 of them couldn't vote for the DP. that will tell both sides a lot about what they need to do better next time.

it's almost like this was a mock jury! 'here's our case. what did you think?'

i'm pretty stunned that the foreman says he believes TA was 'abusive.' i'd like to know what he means by that. because i find that very disturbing. there was NO evidence whatsoever of physical abuse, and only ONE angry text exchange. so where's this abuse???

If you watch the video he says VERBALLY abusive. He does not say he thinks Travis was physically abusive. I think it is important to point that out that distinction.
this really bothered me. chris's email was mischaracterized and he was never allowed to explain it. i would love to know why the hughes weren't able to testify and the DT was able to cherry pick from their email exchange to paint TA as a bad guy who abused his GF's. why didn't they testify????

An even better question, why did Skye Hughes write her dang email? She couldn't mind her own business? I think putting them on the stand was too risky.

As in the CA case, I think there was a lot of information the prosecutor didn't give the jury. Only he knows if it was his choice or that of JSS. If it was the prosecution choice to keep it short, shame on them. If it was JSS, poor judgment on her part. Either way, looks like the jury was split over the DP. I am just a bit disappointed in the foreman. One thing is for sure, Jodi Arias is NEVER going home.
I thank the jurors for the murder one verdict but it's in poor taste to talk about Travis having been emotionally abusive to JA on the very day that they announced a hung jury. Think of Travis' family....(They probably don't even watch the news but still it's not appropriate)
Personal opinion: I would respectfully venture the hypothesis that the majority of Borderline persons are born that way, although I totally agree that having parents that ran hot and cold would not help a BP's emotional state, that's for sure!

Would love to hear any other opinions on that, and certainly don't mean any offense to those with BP. :twocents:

My daughter has BPD. From the time she was a baby there was no eye contact. As much as I tried to cuddle with her..Nothing. I did nurse her for 3 years but after she ate she wanted no part of me. You can never please her. If I tell her she left my car on empty she gives me a dissertation on how I once left her car on 1/4 full. If I tell her she forgot to load the dishwasher she tells me I have always been a terrible housekeeper. If I have done anything wrong it is giving in to her or coddled her out of fear. But I truly believe she was born that way.
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